
Gobo Horde's page

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That said, the one way you could force it’s removal is if you dominated someone and then specifically ordered him to expend his focus.
…Which would be weird thing to order, after going through all the effort of enslaving his mind in the first place…

BosPaeGan wrote:
However, another declares that the character looses it from additional methods, namely; Being Dominated, Taking a Critical Hit, Taking Damage Exceeding 1/2 Character HPs, Failing Concentration Check Due To Failed Concentration While Manifesting

First off, what is being described here is the “Rule of Cool”, which often includes things that make thematic or logical sense, but aren’t in the rules anywhere. If you guys want to come up with rules like that then by all means, have fun!

That said, there is absolutely no “rules as written” that suggest Psionic Focus has interactions like the ones you/he describes, or anything like them. :/

Instead, I think this is a thematic/interpretation thing here. Instead of considering Psionic Focus as some sort of “concentration” (hence why the argument that it could be disrupted like concentration can), you’d be better off if you considered it a one-use, unlimited duration spell effect. Kind of like casting a contingency effect on yourself?
Basically, you spend the action to “cast” and store a dormant effect in your mind. It lasts indefinitely and just sort of sits there. (If you removed your need to sleep, you could activate it once and it could stay charged for weeks…) Then, at some later time, you decide you need it and “activate” it, which uses it and expends it.
It doesn’t actually require a concentration check to keep using (neither does Contingency). As long as you don’t fall asleep, it’s just kinda there. :/

Hi. I’m creating a new SoP character and I just want to confirm something regarding Concentration checks, specifically regarding Combat Casting.
Do SoP Casting require Concentration checks if you cast while within someones threatened reach in battle? I’m going to be a Whitesmith who casts Enhance Equipment in the middle of a fight. Do I need the Combat Casting Feat?
The Drawbacks I have in my Casting Tradition doesn’t seem to say anything (I have Draining Casting, Painful Magic and Magical Signs).
Thanks. :)

Just dotting some interest on this one as well, so I can find it again later.
I’m going to have some fun brainstorming ideas, I rarely get to play a character but character creation can be a lot of fun in itself. :)
Plus I have time to design!

Hey all :)
Looks like I may be a little late to this party so I may not have the time required to finish a submission but I figured that I would at least dot and roll.


Set 1
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 6 = 11
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6) + 6 = 14
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5) + 6 = 16
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 = 13
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 = 12

Set 2
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 2) + 6 = 14
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 3) + 6 = 15
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5) + 6 = 16
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 = 10
#1: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13

Set 1: 16,15,14,13,12,11
Set 2: 16,15,14,13,11,10

Lol. Wow. Those two rolls are almost identical XD
And in sequence!!

Well, I have 2 ideas that I am mulling over in my head. The first one is kinda like a merchant or general “fixer” with lots of connections. He wouldn’t be nearly as good in combat but he would have loads of fun little tricks and unusual options that could make interacting with the world interesting.
He would be a Charlatan Rogue, so he would have the Rumormonger Talent, which could be a lot of fun in this senario. :)
I was also looking at things like Black Market Connections or Calculated Bribe or Friends in low Places or Cannon of Coin to give him some interesting options and really help mechanical support to his character.

The second idea would be a human Monk of some sort, but less about being a Monk and more along the lines of being a Human Specimen. he would have a lot of raw ability (being the Monk class after all. Mmmm gravy) but I would be building him a lot more for cool capability, rather than combat ability. Things like running really fast, jumping high and being a street brawler. He would basically be a young, headstrong teen always ready to jump the gun and show off :)
I would intend to make a fair bit of use of Ki, so I would have to figure that out.

welp. There's my dot >:)
Now to see if I can get the thing bult... <_<

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would imagine as some form of a series of floating magical platforms all linked up and gliding through the air.
An uber, souped up version of the Floating Disk spell (Permanencied) cast by a high level Wizard could quite conceivably be feasable.
It would create a great “Force Train” hurtling through the air feel :)
It would also make jumping from 1 section to another a good deal more intimidating! ^-^

A few more ideas;
The train does not simply “roll” along the ground like some lame, mundane peasants cart. No. This one gets from place to place by riding atop a continuous Tsunami or World Wave that crashes straight through all in it’s path.
It’s a bit slow, but a very potent symbol of significance! (And destruction...)

Multiple castings of Wooden Phalanx to create a column of wooden sentinels to carry the train upon their shoulders.

I’ll see what other spells I can think up to create interesting effects.
Any limitations? Piazo, SoP, 3pp? They can help to narrow down my scope :) (I know I could do something amazing with SoP! It would accommodate this nicely.)

The Sceptre of Ages wrote:
@Gobo What is the scale that the whitesmith enhancements grow at as you level?

Oops. Forgot this part.

Base Enhancement is +1, +1 per 5lvl.
Duration is Concentration, or 1 min/lvl for 1SP.

Greater Enhancement Talent increases that by +1.
Deep Enhancement Talent lasts 10 min/lvl.

Whitesmith grants free Concentration as long as the item remains on your person.
Whitesmith gains a bonus +1 at lvl 3, and an additional +1 every 4 levels after that.
Whitesmith can spend up to +1 on Special Abilities (Keen, ect), and +1 more per 5 levels.

At Level 1, he grants a +2 Enhancement.
Lvl 3: +3.
Lvl 5: +4.
Lvl 7: +5.
Lvl 10: +6.
Lvl 11: +7.
Lvl 15: +9.
Lvl 19: +10.
Lvl 20: +11.

Keep in mind tho, this only works on equipment, and you can only grant the Whitesmith bonus if you are physically holding the item, so not at range. Non-eqipment uses of Enhancement use the regular 1, +1 per 5 levels as a Low Caster (so half speed at that!). You also have to give up your Bound and Summoned Equpment Class Features to get this, and thats about 3/4 of your Class (not to mention that many of the really cool abilities are tied to the Bound Equipment ability T-T)
It has a lot of little and really annoying limitations that you have to work around >:(

You are basically giving up 3 arms and a leg just to have the uberist of uber gear!
You are now known as That Guy With The Really Cool Sword, and you hope the Sword is worthy enough to carry your worthess hide! X,D

The Sceptre of Ages wrote:

@Gobo Why would you want to destroy my game like that? I don't know if i can allow that character from your description. What is the scale that the whitesmith enhancements grow at as you level?

I don't! :p That's just the Big Shiny that's always dangling in front of my eyes T^T

Trying to get that build working seems to be an ultimate, yet ultimately unattainable desire of mine. Cept the thing is broken as all heck! :///
I didn't even get into the other broken cheese. If you really wanted to, you can do things like infinitely refreshing temp hp, or saving unused SP each day for later use, spammable free-action casting, indefinite actionless (so stacking) Concentration with all Sphere abilities, and utter disregard for WBL, Action Economy, hp, daily resources and GM sanity. :/
Seriously, if someone wanted to recreate Pun Pun in Pathfinder, it would be built on the Whitesmith's back...

It's just that whenever a recruitment pops up where it's possible to build him, I can't seem to help but induldge in the fantasy of actually trying to build him, even if I immediately remember why I never do. I always have that belief that I could control myself and abstain from the worst of the abuse if I did! ;)
Don't worry! He won't be making an appearance here!!

The Superman Monk is very different then the cursed abomination above.
The way I would have it set up naturally avoids most of the pitfalls and broken cheese that comes from the Whitesmith, the 2 biggest culprits being Animated Objects and carrying a lot of Enhanced equipment at once.
Firstly, I am never going to dip into Animating anything, it's just alien to the character ideal. So that's a massive chunk of cheese removed.
Second, I AM a Monk. So that means no armor, and it also means I may often fight with my fists, so I would still need regular casting and concentration/SP to use them. At that point I am simply a self-buffing brawler.
I doubt I will have much of any equipment Enhanced at any one time, especially if I discard a weapon after using it! :p
So that removes most of the chance for abuse. What's left is mostly an action efficient method of self-buffing that is not weapon-reliant and that has some versatility while filling in some of the holes in the Monk.

Last thing to note: This concept focuses heavily on versatility, but that comes at the cost of specialization. He also peaks early (arguably as early as lvl 3), but does not scale very well. He is good at a lot of things but those things often plateu, and often hard. Skills for instance, yes he can make many skill checks, but the bonuses don't increase when he levels up unless he actually puts ranks in the skill.
I envision him starting off all high and mighty and full of bluster, but then things slowly start to get more and more difficult as time goes on, and it get's harder and harder to just coast by on his natural charm. All the while he watches the tremendous growth of his "Lesser" peers overtake him. XD
Should be fun!

Opps, last, last thing: Wealth. This character is arguably the exact opposite to the above abomination. It's not so much that he breaks WBL, it's more akin to him eschewing it. He would be very similar to an Oath of Poverty Monk but with less harsh restrictions. Honestly he is very likely to fickle away his money, give away portions of his belongings, or simply toss it. He packs light and relies on his own natural talent.
He's a free spirit unhindered :)

Na, it was mostly me being pretty tired and wanting to get something down before I slept and forgot ;)
However, neither of these guys actually care about WBL. :,(

Freeflowing Wanderer:
The basic idea of the first character is to go for a Human Ki Mystic Monk with the Quick Learner Trait and the Improvisation (and Improved) line of Feats.
The build really kicks in at Level 3 but the core of it grants you a whole slew of bonuses and abilities for all sorts of things.
After a quick practice swing, you only take a -1 penalty with non-proficient weapons, so you can basically wield anything. :/
The Improvisation Feats grant you a flat +4 to all untrained Skill checks and you gain access to all "Trained Only" Skills, so have fun attempting All The Skills!!!
At lvl 3 you get access to your Ki Pool and with that a flat +2 to all Knowledge Skills.
Then, after all that, you can spend 1 Ki for a +4 bonus to any Skill check.
You could also take the Tool Optimizer Feat and then you wouldn't even require any tools to do any of All The Things!
It doesn't gel well with Improvisation, however :,(

You run faster, get bonus AC, you can do All The Skills!, and even those other, unmentioned Skills, you can punch things if you feel like it or just simply pick up whatever random weapon is laying around and start swinging. (depending on availability, you couuuld take Two-Handed Thrower Feat or Catch off Guard for a ridiculous level of versatility :p) Once finished, just toss the weapon down a well or something, who cares? it was just a rusty iron shortsword...
Heck, by level 5 you can even leap buildings so just do whatever the heck you feel like, the world's your oyster. -__-

Despite the fun sounding versatility, the main struggle with the build is that picking up a mook weapon... usually deals underwhelming damage :(
You simply don't have any static bonuses to your weapons, and mooks rarely carry Magic weapons in bulk supply (besides, half the fun is picking up random, discarded junk and just going to town with it XD).
But Gestalt can really solve that issue, SoP especially. :)
SoP has the Enhancement Sphere, which means I can turn ANY weapon I pick up into a magical, +2 weapon!

I would aim to take the Call to Hand Telekinesis Talent and the Enhancing Telekinesis Feat to basically scoop up a discarded weapon from the ground and instantly Enhance it, ready for my next attack.
It should be rather efficient, albit fairly feat intensive :,(
The thematic is quite cool, however!

Spheres also has the Whitesmith Armorist Archetype, which grants you the ability to enhance equipment indefinitely without a Spell Point expenditure as long as it's on your person, so the scoop-and-enhance trick wouldn't even cost any SP nor take up actions concentrating >:)
Plus it gives you stronger Enhancements and access to weapon special abilities as you level...
Alternatively I could go for a supporting Incanter build, more SP, more Talents, better CL.

Additionally, SoP has the Triage Feat, which lets me spend Ki for pretty decent healing utility.

That's all I got time for right now, I can go into more depth for the second character later but his general concept is to go for a Whitesmith Armorist Gestalted with a Eldritch Godling. The Eldritch Godling would take the Wrath Spells Major Ascendancy.
The Whitesmith grants access to some pretty potent Enhancements that last indefinitely as long as he holds them, and by level 3 he can add a +3 Enhancement bonus to his weapon, shield and suit of armor that doesn't expire, by this point he has already blown the poor WBL chart to bits :,( (That is 45k gp worth of free, bonus gold in those 3 items alone. O.O At level THREE... -__-)
Eldritch Godling just breaks it further...
Enhance Equipment qualifies for Wrath Spells, which means that once a day you can turn any Enhance Equipment into a permanent Curse effect. Now you can slowly start cursing your teammates equipment and handing it back to them.
NOW your entire team can slowly start to benefit from horrendously over-enchanted equipment and the WBL guide is an ancient, long-forgotten myth. ^_-
For each day that passes, the party power creeps a bit higher with permanently sharpened equipment.
And if Mythic is used, and I get my hands on the Tier 3 Ultimate Versatility Universal Ability? Reality breaks... O.O

After that, I just start loading as many Curse effects into him as I utterly can. You can't have any of those uber swords landing in a mortals hands without SOME unfortunate side-effects!!! >:D
Take care, take caution. The steel from Ornn's legendary blades are mighty indeed! Yet often the unforeseen cost begets regret whence the conqueror returns from conquest, only to detest a now-unneeded power unpartable...
For the first story that I made this for, he was level 10. At one point I had granted a small troop of 10 solders with a Mithril +5 Keen Longsword each, and grafted it directly into one of their hands (using Morphic Weapon Talent). I made this a Wrath Spell.
They were like Level 5-6 tops. A +5 Keen Mithril weapon was beyond legendary for them, and they slaughtered a bloody streak in their conquest. They were powerful...
But the problem came after they won the battle. The blades never reverted, they stayed grafted to their arm, and proved impossible to dispel.
So they went home. Sadly they found out that trying to live daily lives and do simple tasks (like laying with your wife, or getting changed) proved to be sliiiightly more difficult with a 4ft mythically sharp blade instead of a right hand...
The legend grows... >:)

Hia Old Stick! This looks interesting and fun :)
I just might attempt to throw down an unfortunate soul for the masses to laugh at :3
However, it's midnight here, so keeping this brief right now.
The first character could best be described as Superman, capable of doing basically anything. He can fight effectively with basically any weapon he wanders across [ooc](or steals). He is also quite capable in just about any situation as he is just naturally good at everything...
As such, he tends to pack lightly (often tines not even carrying a weapon. His enemies tend to carry one for him) and adapt quickly.

The other idea is the complete opposite. He is a mini suns worth of magical concentration that is painful to the eyes.
He is a weapons collector and constantly in search for the hidden worth in any weapon, no matfer how rusty and broken, all have potential for greatness.
The only problem is that basically everything he touches is horrendously cursed...
Once he finds a weapon he likes, he can turn it into a seriously potent weapon.

My first guy basically fights with any scavenged weapon he finds, and discards it shortly afterwards.
Are npc weapons something you would normally track?

Also, my second guy just breaks the WBL guidlines into weeping husks of impotent tears. Thoughts?

Sounds interesting :)
My initial idea is to create someone from a world of no Magic. He gets ripped from a purely mundane world and thrust into this world that is just jam packed with magic and other supernatural entities that just blows his mind.
And he no like it!

So I was thinking of creating a Human Barbarian with the Superstition Rage Power (at level 2), the Superstitious Regional Trait, and the Superstitious Drawback. (Notice a theme?)

I would try and jack his Saves up really high and play a really skittish, jumpy guy who distrusts anything magical (and often outright denies its existence if not directly confronted with it).
Which should make for some pretty comical interactions in-game and give me many hooks to play with :p

Further Development:
Here's my revised plan! >:D

Bit o Crunch:

A Dwarf Barbarian (Wild Rager archetype) 1
Dwarf is really just a stout, stubborn Human on his world.
Dwarfs get +2 Con, +2 Will (+1 to Fort and Will Saves)
Hardy Race ability (+2 to Saves vs Spells and SLA's)
Rage grants +4 Str and Con, +2 Will Saves (+2 to Fort and Will Saves)
Uncontrolled Rage represents his paranoia towards anything magical and his panicky attempts to "Get it away from me!"
Steel Soul Feat (+2 to Saves vs Spells and SLA's)
Superstitious Drawback (Must save vs all Spells 50% of the time)
Unlearned Drawback (Cannot attempt untrained Knowledge checks. Aka I have no clue what the heck that thing in front of me is... Taken just cuz)
Superstitious Regional Trait (+1 to Saves vs Arcane Spells)
0 ranks in Spellcraft, UMD or monster identifying Knowledge Skills.
At level 2, Superstition Rage Power (+2 to Saves vs Spells and SLA's)
At level 2, Wild Fighting represents his growing paranoia

Then the idea would be that I got sucked into this world that is just brimming with all of this unknown (and scarry!) power. A world apart from his homeworld completely devoid of anything beyond mundane indeed! The transition has been unsettling in the extreme and he struggles to find footing in such an alien environment so he wanders around while very distrustful of any magic and incapable of explaining why that squiggly thing just appeared from thin air over there...
He better chop at it with his axe. Just to be sure... >_>

However an unexpected consequence born from living in a world devoid of magic is that magic and his body just doesn't mesh well... Something he considers a prideful boon!!

These experiences thus far have left him in a near-constant state of paranoia, one that has not been too kind on his nerves, and sometimes he just kinda... Snaps.
And when he does snap, it is often a paranoid frenzy of "Get the Magikz away from meee!!" where he lashes out at any perceived magic within reach until his paranoia is exhausted. (Wild Rager's Uncontrolled Rage, and later Rage Conversion)

He should be an interesting little bundle of nerves to play as :) and he does have some of his own unique flaws for me to work around. He would have really high Saves, which would be awesome... He will be resilient to enemy casters, but he would also have to save vs ally Spells, such as healing. That might be difficult.
His Rage can also be difficult to control sometimes, or even get out of hand forcing him to attack allies. However, his high Will Save may influence that... (to what degree I do not yet know).
He also does not have Power Attack, his 1 Feat going to Steel Soul, so he may not be dealing much damage (aside from the raw Strength of being a Barbarian).
Lastly the xenophobic nature of his may create it's own roleplaying opportunities. ^_^

Question for Warriorking9001: Would it be alright if I tacked on the "Constant Spell-Like Divination" Trait from the Race Builder onto the Dwarf? It Costs 3RP and it grants me Detect Magic as a Constant SLA.

Constant Spell-Like Divination (3RP):
Prerequisites: None.

Benefit: Members of this race can use one of the following spells (choose one) as a constant spell-like ability (the caster level is equal to the user’s character level):

detect magic, detect poison, detect secret doors, detect undead

I think it would be hilariously funny if the magically-paranoid conspiracy theorist guy is the guy who sees Magic Everywhere O.O
I would be willing to swap out some of the Dwarf's usual abilities to get it, if needed :) except Hardy

John Woodford wrote:
Elemental Forge GM wrote:
2. No Wizarding Tom doesn't have to provide the same level of detail every time but surely something is going on in the fight, yes? He should provide at least two sentences, which isn't asking a lot, imo.
2. Have you thought about how you're going to enforce that?

Why do you have to enforce flavour text?

Well this looks pretty interesting :)
I could not really commit to a long term game but a short(ish) campaign should be just fine!
I don't yet know what I would build but a first thought is some sort of master weaponsmith who covets the aquisition of those Elemental Mastery skills.
Or possibly some sort of weapons generalist? Someone who is capable of wielding whatever weapon he may happen on? (And also very likely a weapons kleptomaniac... >_>)

Side note, at this point anything I attempt to build will probably be stepping on the toes of something already built, so sorry in advance :/

Anyways! Time to start brainstorming! >:D

Quick dot and stats.


4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 2) - 2 = 14
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 4) - 3 = 13
4d6 - 1 - 1 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 1) - 1 - 1 = 7 +2d6 + 7 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5) + 7 - 3 = 12
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 3) - 1 = 9 +1d6 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 9 - 2 = 12
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 2) - 2 = 17
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 4) - 2 = 11

Pretty crummy set of stats XD
It looks like I will have to build some sort of Min-Maxed character with those stats...

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Actually, just thought to take this a bit further...
Firstly, Tool Optimizer (just found) removes improvisation penalties as long as you have 1 rank in the skill. Such as heal, for instance. Go nuts... (no! Don't use nuts to "Cure" people. That is cruel and unusual...)
The Healers Hands feat even reduces this to a Full-Round action, which is much less tortuous to the patient then a full hour...
Might be good to add in the Battlefield Surgeon Trait to get a bit of extra mileage out of it.
Now you can go swinging a hammer, 2-by-4, or whatever snake-oil junk you cooked up and go out into the world curing it of all its afflictions!!

Plus, nothing says you can't use this on yourself! Confused? Here, have this hammer. These problems tend to solve themselves... >:3

But whatever you do, please don't quit your day job :,(
Those poor orphans can't handle it anymore -__-

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So I think I just found a new favorite :3
In the Spheres of Power system they have added some extra feats. One of those feats, called the Treat Injury feat makes your Heal skill more powerful by letting you remove conditions while spending a Spell Point.

Treat Injury:
Treat Injury wrote:
Whenever you treat deadly wounds, you may spend a spell point to remove any one condition (not including ability damage, ability drain, death, or energy drain) from the creature treated, even if it is a condition you can not normally restore.

So far so good, so I decided to check out the Conditions page. See whats up.

O.O! oh...
There is a loooot of conditions on that...
This one so far has been a favorite! ^_^
Don't worry!!! Squee the Gobblin is very good Doktor! I is going CURE you of yours invisibility with this rusty knife! PERFECTLY safe!!! Hey, don't Panic, I cures that too!!!!

Idiot using Heal with improvised tools? Check. :p

By far this is not the most broken thing in SoP but it did give me a good laugh :)
Any other cringe-worthy malpractices you can think of inflicting with this lovely ability? "Curing" a ghost of their Incorporeality with a scalpel sounds like a hoot!

Oops. Rolls:

Set 1:

5d6 - 4 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 4, 3) - 4 = 10
5d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 1, 4) - 2 = 11
5d6 - 2 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 1, 2) - 2 = 9
5d6 - 6 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 2, 6) - 6 = 16
5d6 - 4 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 4, 2) - 4 = 11
5d6 - 6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 6, 6) - 6 = 16
16,16,11,11,10,9 (20pb Min/Max horror)

Set 2
5d6 - 8 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 4, 5) - 8 = 15
5d6 - 3 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 4, 2) - 3 = 10
5d6 - 5 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 5, 3) - 5 = 16
5d6 - 5 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 4, 2) - 5 = 12
5d6 - 6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 5, 3) - 6 = 15
5d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 1, 6) - 2 = 13
16,15,15,13,12,10 (29pb with high average stats)

Set 3:


5d6 - 5 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 4, 5) - 5 = 17
5d6 - 3 ⇒ (2, 1, 5, 2, 2) - 3 = 9
5d6 - 2 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 1, 6) - 2 = 8
5d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 4, 2) - 4 = 14
5d6 - 3 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 2, 5) - 3 = 10
5d6 - 5 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 3, 5) - 5 = 12
17,14,12,10,9,8 (17pb laughable junk!)

So, my 3rd set had 4 of the numbers total up to -1 pb.... Probably not going with that one!!!
Going with set 2 gives me a rather high but even spread of stats:
16, 15, 15, 13, 12, 10

Looks interesting, I dunno if I will have enought time to actually play such a time-consuming monstrosity but I might attempt to build something for funzies.
@Storyteller Shadow, do you remember the Submissions character I built for a few of your games a while back? This may be a good game to bring it back to life :P
What do you think?

Quick dot for a Halfling Barbarian or Human Alchemist.
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 6) - 1 = 14
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 5) - 1 = 13
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 5, 5, 3) - 3 = 14
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 1) - 1 = 8
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 4) - 4 = 17
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 4) - 3 = 11
A fairly min-max set. Hmmm...

Hia :)
I have an interesting idea for this that doesn't usually fit anywhere else.
The idea is kinda contradictory, he is a Halfling Barbarian with a glave.
He is a short little guy with a big Napoleon complex so he trained himself to become as strong as he possibly can be and fights with the biggest weapons he can feasably swing, all to prove to everyone else that he is not a tiny little weakling.
However, he is still pretty small, and those weapons are not light nor compact :/ Often when he swings those weapons around, they swing him right back! As such he often fights with an overtly wide and exaggerated form that is somewhat akin to a lopsided tornado :/ And his dizzying stride as he stumbles around is no better!

Basically, he is a Halfling Barbarian with the Titan Mauler archetype, high Strength, low Dex, the Cleave feat, and a good Acrobatics skill, and using a 2-handed reach weapon.
Since Cleave is only a standard action, he will intend to stay mobile with Acrobatics as he makes wide swings. He will probably also have a pretty lackluster To Hit as he will get a lot of negatives stacking against him, but the basic idea is to eventually wield a medium sized glave at level 4, pick up Lunge and maybe some movement boosting options.

That and at some point I would love to throw an angry little Halfling with a massive weapon right into a giants face >:D

Thomas 'Bellmanok' Riverdancer wrote:
btw, there's a trade that makes acrobatics wis-based if you wanted @gobo :)

Yup. That one is called Wisdom in the Flesh, and it would probably be about equal, mechanically speaking. ;)

It just erks me that super strong Hulk types can't jump worth squat. One of those tiny immersion-breaking annoyances in a world where dragons exist and humans can bench-press houses. ^_^
A pet peeve, nothing more!

Above deserved its own post, so new post. >_>

My main idea for my character is to create a Human Monk, an enthusiastic and hopeful youth. I still have a lot of specifics to think through but the basic concept is to create a very versatile and mobile character. If the character can reasonably do whatever I need it to, then I get to get creative with how I approach things and he can follow through! (or attempt to...)
Wealth: 1d6 ⇒ 20. Lolz. A poor youth...

Quick Question for the GM: In 3.5 the Jump skill was a Str based skill. During the conversion to Pathfinder, it got rolled together with the Tumble and Ballance skills into the current Dex-based Acrobatics skill. So now, you use your Dex mod to jump.
Normally that's fine, but I always struggled with the imagery of Daredevil leaping 15 feet while the Hulk trips over his own, oversized feet :/
Would it be alright if I used my Str mod for Jump checks (and only Jump checks) instead of Dex? How about if I used up a Trait for it?


Time Zone:
Mountain Time Zone

Number of current PbP campaigns:
Zero at the moment :( I have not been able to get past the Recruitment phase for quite a while now.

Knowledge of this module?
Nada... Never heard of it before, so I have a bit of research to do :)
But I am very proficient and knowledgeable with Pathfinder mechanics and rules, and a great bookkeeper! :D

Cool! I might actually have a shot of joining into this game as a late entry for the second table :)

Sadly my knowledge of the Dragon's Demand module is non-existent, so I will do what I can to try and incorporate myself into the setting, but it might be shallow :(

As for parties that cover, or fail to cover all different roles, my experience has been two-fold. Firstly, weakness is exciting! It sucks to not be good at something, but often I have found that the moments where you fail hilariously are the most memorable moments :)
People don't remember the trap that you spotted, and walked around unharmed as you continued on your journey. But they DO remember the one that no one saw, the one that the bard walked into, the one that the Rogue "thought" he had disabled, the one that the Bard walked into A SECOND TIME, the one that the Barbarian bodilly held down while the party scampered past and the one that the Cleric mumbled under his breath about "incompetent idiots" while he grudgingly did his thing...
I also remember another game with a party purely made up of paranoid Gunslingers :)
They quickly adopted a hedgehog formation with guns always in hand and tons of paranoid perception checks. Their main tactic was "Hail of Gunfire with EXTREME prejudice" at whatever twitched in their general direction XD

Secondly, and this is a big one, this is not a Video Game. We have a GM and can trust him...
One of the jobs of the GM's is to make this fun and enjoyable for the party :)
If we have zero trapspotting ability, then I would expect the occasional trap to keep us on our toes, but not that there might be a trap in every doorway and on every barstool. If the party has ZERO healing abilities, then the GM might slow down the pace of in-game events to allow for natural rest. If the party has a collective +3 Sense Motive among the entire party, then I would expect us to get duped out of loot and sent on lots of bunny trails. But then the GM would do things in the background to balance things out elsewhere, such as an extra treasure chest somewhere or interesting side plots about accidently working under the Big Bad or something :)

Basically, weakness is entertaining. This is not a video game. The GM can adjust accordingly. Have fun with mistakes. :)

GM Mowque wrote:

Sorry for the delays, folks. The vagaries of the New York Public Transit System.

Recruitment is Closed and I will now review the applicants.

Ahh dang. :(

I got so busy over this last weekend that I ran out of time to get my submission up and going for this campaign :,(
Thats a realll pity as I was reallly looking forward to one of these games! ^_^
Best of Luck!!

Quick Questions:
1) In the Wild Wild West, how common are guns?
2) How does ABP work/interact with a Summoner and its Eidolon?
3) Skill Unlocks?

It's a Dot past Midnight so this will be short and concise. -_-

In the Wild Wild West, how common are guns?
2) How does ABP work/interact with a Summoner and its Eidolon?
3) Skill Unlocks?

Character concept in a nutshell:
Human/Half-Elf USummoner with the Twinned archetype. Two Sherrifs! >:D or rather the Sheriff is in 2 different places at once.
Uses Teamwork feats when together, otherwise they can coordinate movements and plans from a distance.
Gun availability may simplify combat, depending.
Quite likely to not be particularly good in combat, despite best efforts :(
But should be effective in social situations.
That said, we won't have sky high numbers so I will be relying more on roleplay than dice rolling :S see how that goes...
Polices the town with a mix of subterfuge, rewarding informants, fear, mistrust and basically being a manipulative b****** that plays on the loyalty and emotions of the townspeople. (Possibly. Still figuring that one out)
2 sheriffs should allow for some hilarious hijinks and moments.
Especially since 1 of them is basically immortal and can be killed over and over again >:)
And you can Summon/Unsummon the Eidolon repeatedly.

Buuuttt... The Summoner himself is basically useless :( I will have to try hard to make him good at something.

Alternate Origins question:
I had an idea, I probably won't use it tho.
1) Taldor officials send someone to be a Sheriff in Wheldrake, 2) said person gets waylaid mid journey and dies, 3) we were connected to said person (but didn't kill him) and took his papers, badge and belongings when he died, 4) we impersonate him and continue to Wheldrake, 5) we become the sheriff in his place, pretending to govern it as Taldors representive, 6) we actually do a proper, effective job at it.
Again, doubt I will use it, but what do you think?

This is just a really quick, post Midnight post. I will do a propper one tomorrow. -_-

Edit. My "short and concise" is still anything but... I can't help but jam pack my posts! ^_^

2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM TPK wrote:
Every landlord gains a +3 to all mental stats due to age, but gains none of the negatives associated with old age...

No one is going to comment on this? No? Ok :(

Heh. This reminds me of World of Darkness :)
I had a looot of fun playing that in a home game before. ^_^
That said, I haven't read through this system before so I will have to spend some time digesting that.

I did have a basic idea that I will probably persue.
I am thinking of a wasteland survivor type of character. He emerged from one of the "Danger Zones" that are full of radioactive waste and fallout, turns out he has been living there for years. At first they figured he was some sort of mutant or genetic anomaly but nope, turns out he is a Gifted. And a near-invulnerable one at that.

With a twist. ;)
I was thinking of puting that '8' into his Con and then giving him the "Excellence of the Word" universal Gift in his Con as well.
Basically, as a "normal" human, he is actually quite frail and vulnerable, but as soon as he turns on his Gift he becomes extremely resilient, almost invulnerable (and cocky! Comes with pain immunity! ^_^). Indeed, he has managed to survive out in the wastes by simply staying powered up. All the time.
But he can't do that anymore, rather now he has to stay as a vulnerable human, and go about in a dangerous world without the protection he knows he can call upon with but a snap of his fingers. And such a prospect is NOT comforting for him!

So mostly I am looking at Words and Gifts that make me durable or invulnerable. Building a tank. Beyond that, I have not yet figured out :)
Earth, Endurance or Health. Maybe Might or Sword if I want to look at ofensive ability. Unarmed Strikes possibly?
I really like the Endurance: Body of Iron Will >:) Strong armor, immunity to the environment and to radiation is right up my alley >:D

Will continue reading...

GMDQ wrote:
Gobo Horde wrote:
GMDQ wrote:
Gobo Horde wrote:

You know, when I first saw this, I had thought it had said Goblin's Skull and Shackles and was keenly intrigued! Alas it was not to be :)
Sadly, given how utterly I loathe Golarion goblins, that would not be a thing I ever ran.

Uh oh...

Puts on disguise
Nope. Definitely not a horde of Goblins. Nope. >_>
Move along! Nothing to see here. @-@
I can see clearly from your avatar image that you are skull-head gobbos which are obviously entirely different. :)

Skulls and Shackles ;)

And no. Don't ask what the handcuffs are for. >:(

GMDQ wrote:
Gobo Horde wrote:

You know, when I first saw this, I had thought it had said Goblin's Skull and Shackles and was keenly intrigued! Alas it was not to be :)
Sadly, given how utterly I loathe Golarion goblins, that would not be a thing I ever ran.

Uh oh...

Puts on disguise
Nope. Definitely not a horde of Goblins. Nope. >_>
Move along! Nothing to see here. @-@

You know, when I first saw this, I had thought it had said Goblin's Skull and Shackles and was keenly intrigued! Alas it was not to be :)
But I am still interested in seeing what I can come up with to apply for this campaign, so colour me interested ^_^

However, creating a character that is both tanky and divine may be hard for me (I just simply have rarely played divine characters and don't really know what to do with them. >_>)
But I can aim to build a tanky character :) I will have to hope that I can breathe enough life into him to make up for that shortcoming.

My Idea:
SO! My initial idea (which may change over time) is to create a Human Monk and give him a defensive focused archetype. Then give him a lot of skills, abilities and feats that would be useful for manning a ship. So things like High Jump, good Ref saves, a wide berth of skills, good Wis and associated skills, ect.
The Qinggong archetype can also give me some flexibility on what I can use my Ki points on, so I will probably also spend some extra resources on Ki.

A quick peek at the character:
He hated the sea. He was a land lubber that loved stable ground and cursed any sailors as "foolish idiots" and set his resolve to never set foot on a ship. Some time passes and much to his dismay, he is forced to take a voyage on a ship, and for an extended journey. He spent the first week cursing his sea sickness with every breath he had.
But that too faded with time and he found himself getting used to the rocking motions of the sea, and for the first time on that wretched journey he looked up. What he saw was an infinite expanse of water reflecting a blazingly intense sunset of orange and yellow hues.
He was bewitched.
Having come to understand one facet of beauty on the sea, he resolved to discover more, and so he set himself to task to be useful on the ship, learning the ropes. Having always possessed a strong and athletic body he took to it like a natural, and so he sailed with that crew for many years.
Alas, many years but not forever. The ship and crew ran afoul with another ship and "did not sail away" from the encounter, the surviving crew stranded at port with no ship. Forced back onto land, he came to the painful realization that he had come full circle. The land held no life, it held no beauty. He was captive to the sea, and he would never be free of it again. He knew then and there that he would die on the sea, he would live in its beautiful embrace. And he would be willing to do almost anything to return...
From then on was a bright and blazing career under the sun, always smiling and gazing yonder at the horizon. He offered up his hardened skills as a deckhand to any captain that would have him, sometimes for honest, upright men, sometimes for other sorts, but always smiling towards the sunset. (He even got press ganged once. He laughed, it was like early Christmas!)
Lately he has been having a real rotten go of trying to find a decent crew that's NOT composed entirely of suicidal swabbies and after a rumor of some sort of "Floatin Fortress" out at Ghoral-Rey being constructed, he was curious. "A Floatin Fortress? Ya mean like a galleon? Well. Should be fine as long as it floats. Might wanna check it out..."
and with that, he caught the first ship out of port available, and straight as an arrow towards Warvil's Folly.

Initial Character Traits: (well, ideas at this point anyways.)

  • Human Monk
  • Defensive build, designed for durability
  • I am basically building a vehicle with me as the pilot. I want it capable of doing a variety of things well, the more it can do the more role play options I have available
  • Will attempt to add any party support where I can
  • Accomplished and seasoned sailor
  • Should have many skills and a pretty wide array of skills
  • LN alignment with good leanings. (GM willing I might go True Neutral)
  • Always smiling. Always staring out at the horizon
  • He lives his life wholeheartedly as only a man immersed in his passion every day could
  • Willing to do more disreputable work if that's whats required to stay above deck
  • Will probably create songs based on previous gameplay, as a way of preserving history through oral storytelling
  • Very empathetic and hard working. Often willing to go to significant lengths to help out other crewmembers
  • Sometimes quiet and reflective, however he definitely has a grandiose streak and may showboat such as by jumping up to the top of the mast from the deck
  • Also punches crewmen. Repeatedly.
  • Holds the belief in the need to be able to defend yourself, even if weaponless, and so he holds regular friendly brawling duels between the crewmembers for training.
  • He pulls his punches in these training sessions (nonlethal, minimum damage) as he is usually a lot stronger then the other crewmembers, otherwise does his best to teach them
  • Is always lending a hand, looking out for others or raising their spirits
  • Quick witted, clever and adaptable (hopefully?), he can react to whatever may come
As I think of others and flesh out the character more, I will expand this :)

He is basically a big, grizzled veteran sailor who is very fit, always smiling, always helping out, he is empathetic, expressive and totally captivated by the sea.
He has found his passion in life and has the privilege of engaging in it every. single. day. And he will continue to do so until the sea claims him for his final rest.
I would get to have fun playing him ^_^ :)

Ummm. Question from the unlearned... There is the Storm-Lashed feat which is basically awesomesauce for a game like this, but I am unsure if "The Inner Sea World Guide" is the same thing as the "Pirates of the Inner Sea"?
It would be a really cool feat to incorporate into a salty sea sailor, but I am unsure if it is allowed. If not, I can easily chose something else :) (such as the Sea Legs feat I just found.

Moar Questions:
We get 2 traits. Can we take a Drawback for a 3rd? Drawbacks are fun :)
Starting Equipment: It is not a need, far from it, but would you be willing to consider a Ring of Sustenance? The ring isn't particularly useful to me but it would really emphasise my characters drive and work ethic if he routinely gets up earlier then the other sailors and routinely works later into the night :) also its kinda hard to envision a sailor sleeping for a full 8 hours every night >_>

Hia Wolf :)
Its been a while, I hope you are doing well ^_^

It would always be fun to try and get into another game of yours, I have such fond memories of the Boarderlands game.
However, I am going to be pretty busy tomorrow and Thursday so I really don't know if I will be able to get something together that quickly. So if I am not too late consider this a tenitave dot, if I finish in time, great! If not, oh well, have fun with it :)

Default concept is a Summoner with the Twinned archetype. His Eidolon is his long dead Twin brother who has come back to guide and look after his hopeless younger brother.
The Eidolon can easily be made to be a front liner, and he benefits from any Teamwork feats I might have, so there is fun to be had with that. The Summoner himself can supply some amount of Arcane Magic and buffs.

5d6 - 3 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 3, 5, 4) - 3 - 3 = 14
5d6 - 2 - 3 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 5, 6) - 2 - 3 = 17
5d6 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (6, 4, 1, 6, 4) - 1 - 4 = 16
5d6 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 4, 4) - 1 - 2 = 14
5d6 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 4, 6, 2) - 2 - 2 = 14
5d6 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 2, 3) - 2 - 2 = 11
5d6 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 4, 2) - 1 - 2 = 9

17,16,14,14,14,11 39pb
All in all, a very useable set of rolls :/

Hia! I don't really think I have the time to commit to this but it does look very intruging :)
The Z-axis problem.
I do have a quick fix for the Z-axis problem if you are intrested :)
The idea is not to use a true Z-axis but to use a sort of sideways "Y" instead. You have the flat ground; " __ " which meets the side of the mountain going up; " / " you then have another plane which goes into the mountain at a perpendicular angle (or other degree of slope) from the "entry point" of the mountain " \". The further the settlement goes into the mountain, the deeper it gets.
Basically your flat map splits at a certain point into 2 maps; the mountain surface and "underground." The underground map goes downwards at an angle giving the illusion of depth while still being plottable on a map. From that you can still have localized hexes with a 3d element, like a mineshaft or cavern to add variance but its probably better to keep them small and localized :)

It should simplify fortress building a lot if you decide to use it.

So my old character went with a Cavalier build with the Standard Bearer and Strategist archetypes and took the Practiced Tactician feat with Ally shield to do just that. I also gave him Saving Shield for a bit more Bodyguardness.
Additional options you could take might be the Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard, In Harms Way chain of feats as well. Even if you just stop at Bodyguard you can take the Helpful trait to grant +4 AC bonuses with your AoOs. Nothing to scoff at, especially when combined with Ally Shield above.
The Suicidal trait is also excelent for what you are hoping for. Fits thematically too.
Elsewise magic enhancements can be beneficial, the Benevolent enchant with Aid Anothers comes to mind.
Then there is the Ring of Tactical Precision in which you can imbue with a teamwork feat then give to someone. It does have a 1 person per ring limit tho, but anyone can do this trick!
As for something a little different, the Mobile Bulwark line of feats greatly improve your usage of a tower shield and Mobile Fortress even lets allies take advantage of the cover you provide. Its a different form of tank but it can still be very effective.

If you are willing to use 3pp then you may have some more options. Using the SoP ruleset gives you some usage of Teamwork feats with the War sphere, such as the Tactical Totem. Also check out the Squadron Commander feat and/or Squadron Elite drawback for some ideas of how to go about it a different way.
In a different vein, the Tactical Animation feat grants all your Animated Objects a teamwork feat.

Lastly, I built a different type of character that I might as well plug here :) He was a USummoner with the Twinned archetype. This archetype grants your Eidolon all your teamwork feats and makes for a great minion to freely abuse or even kill as he simply revives the next day. Perfect fodder for Betrayal feats >:D

You got his intent backwards there Wicky. He wants to BE the BSF.

Betrayal Feats wrote:
"...Characters with class abilities granting allies access to teamwork feats (such as cavaliers or inquisitors) can select these teamwork feats normally, but allies who are granted these feats can use the feats only as initiators, not as abettors. An inquisitor could not grant an ally the Ally Shield feat and then use the ally as a shield, for example, but he could allow that ally to use him as a shield.*"

Edit: However, that does seem to be a rather clever use of that feat if you, yourself are the BSF >:D

So you can do this, a Cavalier could grant an ally the Saving Shield feat, allowing it to use the Cavalier as a shield but the Cavalier could not force the ally to act as his shield.

I actually used this exact concept earlier so I have a few insights :)
Will share them in the next post as I have time, I am kinda rushed atm :/

Found the Easy Button :p
Turns out that there is a Human exclusive Druid archetype called the Feral Child :p well that was Easy.
If I pair that up with the Wild Whisperer archetype and take the Wilding feat then I should have a basic chassis to build my character :)
He will be pretty grand at making Wild Empathy checks and becoming friends with animals but since this is probably going to be a mostly urban campaign I do doubt I will get much use out of it. Perfectly fine by me tho :) Its main purpose is to shape his background and personality, but who knows, I might be able to get creative with it ^_^

The make-or-break point of this character however, will be whether I can figure out how well he will be able to interact with normal, civilized society. If, for example, I look and act like a raving lunatic and act uncontrolably then it might really limit my ability to play parts of the campaign or prevent me from joining everyone else in doing something :p not what I want.
Instead I will have to anticipate and think out some of these things beforehand (so I can actually PLAY in the campaign :p)
Some thoughts:
*Language. At minimum I need to be able to speak Common. It's ok if I am unable read or write, and I may only use simpler words and sentances with a heavy accent, but I need to be able to communicate.
*Appearance. I invision him looking quite wild with long, unkempt hair, wearing rags or hides, dirt smeared all over and things like bits of branches and leaves sticking out of odd spots. Thing is most of those are transient or impermenant. You could brush his hair (not that he would ever let you cut it!), or give him a bath, heck you could even stick him in a 3-piece suit and after having done so, he would look like a regular human, albet with long black hair and a stooped posture. The thing is it wouldn't stay that way. As he neglects to maintain his appearance, the more it drifts back towards his old, wild self.
Some things such as his eyes however, always retain their feral tint. You can dress up the wild man in fancy clothes, but the Wild within him is never far below the surface...
That and I am probably going to need to know a good tailor :/
*Time in civilization. The idea of having zero knowledge about anything going on or how anything works may seem fun on paper, but previous experience has taught me that it can get real annoying real fast when your character has no clue how to use basic concepts.
For this character, it is assumed that he has been captured/within society long enough to have figured out a few things. How to speak common, for example. Also guards are bad, you run from them. How to use basic amenities. The concept/value of money. ect.
Other things, like knowing not to growl at the noblemans son or not using an inside voice in a sanctuary, might not be known to him. These could be played out for comedic effect. :) but some of those basic things are just assumed.

I'll address any more that I can think of later :)

So, Stats: 16,15,15,14,12,7 or a 4 if I want it :/
HP Max first lvl, roll after (rr 1s)
Background Skills, +1 freebie. +2 feats (1 non-combat). 3 traits. Free archetype. (for ease of reference)

Asking this again:

Gobo Horde wrote:
What do you want our starting state to be? In prison? Recently escaped? Never sent to prison? Part of some outside group?

Still thinking of some sort of Wild Child but still mulling over how to go about it...

Hey, this sounds familiar... I think I remember posting something up in the original thread. Heck I kinda remember it being a grapple machine :/ (mayhaps the cause of those last few lines?)
Do you want me to use the old set of rolls or do a new set here?
Anyway, first idea that I have been cooking up for a while is a pair of twins (USummoner and his Eidolon with the Twinned archetype). The older brother died a while back protecting the younger, only to reappear later, and continuing to guide and protect him. Scratch that. You already have a Human Summoner :/
Maybe something based around the Wilding feat? I always really liked the wild boy with an animal soul trope and it would be easy to see how such an uncivilized boy could end up on the wrong side of the law and wind up in Brandlescar ;)

What do you want our starting state to be? In prison? Recently escaped? Never sent to prison? Part of some outside group?

Dice rolls, just in case:

4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 3, 3, 2) - 2 = 11
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 4) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 1) - 1 = 4
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 6, 5, 3) - 3 = 15
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 3) - 1 = 7
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 6) - 3 = 15
4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 4) - 3 = 14
Welp. With that 4 I could really play up that boarderline-braindead Wild Child if I wanted...
Otherwise it is a middling 18pb, I guess its usable :)

Dotting for preliminary intrest for right now. Admitidly I have never read nor heard of Birthright before so I have some homework to do, and I may answer some of my own questions by reading the material.

2 immediate ideas that spring to mind (both from prior recruitments, both human) are a Charlatan Rogue and a Twinned Summoner.
The Rogue is a Grand Merchant with truely boundless ambitions. He gets lots of fun abilities that let him interact with the world like bribes, the Black Market Connections talent and the Rumormonger talent, as well as a boatload of skills.

The Summoner basically gets a twin that allows him to get into all sorts of hijinks, and it would very much fit his personality if he were to eventually become a king or something only to leave his body double on the throne while he goes out exploring the world (and shirking his duties :p).

I have another idea, do you think it would fit the campaign?
What about a Warrior King of some sort? A very strong martial character with a big glaive and some Cleave feats? Make him a good mook killer as he carves out his kingdom using sheer brute strength.

A quick question: we start out at level 1, but are expected to be great heroes. Are we going to be leveling up really quickly?

4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 5) - 1 = 12
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 5) - 2 = 11
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 6) - 1 = 14
4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 4) - 4 = 14
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 2) - 2 = 11
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 4) - 1 = 9

12pb. Yuk :p
Well he won't be the mook killer, he will be the mook -_-
Can I request a re-roll?

I would be interested as well! I think Goblin Overlords would be hilarious to bumble around with and make grandiose orders ;)
Might I suggest implementing a homebrew feat along the lines of:

Goblin (wannabe) Chief!
Some goblins are just better then other goblins when it comes to yelling at goblins, telling them what to do or otherwise pretending to know what they are doing.
Benefit: Increase your Charisma score by +2.

That would allow someone the ability to buy off the Cha penalty if they wanted to play a goblin with a "leader" role or take the Leadership feat or otherwise play a Cha focused class.

With a name like mine, why I should be all but guaranteed to get in!!
But, well... There is a slight chance of failure. Sabotage. Sabotage is good!
Hey! Mdt, come here... squeak!
Ignore that. That was just the sounds of the Internet Goblins stealing the imahjunations from Mdt's hopes and dreams... >->

Phase One:

Short and sweet version
Who are you? Hi! My name is Cameron :)
I am currently unemployed but I am self-teaching myself programming in my spare time, which I seem to have lots of.
Where are you located? Cowtown, Alberta. The place with the igloos. Mountain Standard time.
What's an interesting fact about yourself? I have a cat. This cat loves the heck out of me, for some reason (and I am loving it!!! Its a new thing for me...) However, this cat has a destructive streak a mile wide and is constantly trashing my room :/
How experienced are you with Pathfinder? Very experienced. I know Loooots of things about this game. For example, Vulnerable to Eggs is a thing. Water Elementals deal 1/2 damage underwater and Fire Elementals can get heat stroke. One day I was an idiot and built This Guy, a lvl 20 Gestalt Rhino Rider. His first (and only) attack took 56 lines to write out. Fifty-Six. And I was supposed to attack 4 more people!
How about 3pp? I also know a lot about different 3pp material such as SoP, Psioncs, Path of War and most of the additional rules in the Gamemasters tab.
Additionally, I absorb new rules like a sponge and can easily learn whatever is required :)
However, Pathfinder is the only "chassis" that I play using. My joy is in figuring out how to make my crazy ideas work within the confines of Pathfinder, rather then just any other game out there.
What's your ideal roleplay/rollplay balance? Honestly, its leans quite heavily towards the role-playing side. I know I can create clever combinations, however they simply don't create staying power. I get invested in characters that I can empathize with, and if I get invested in them then I am a lot more likely to enjoy/stick with them.
How do you handle inter-party conflict? Avoid it whenever I can. Text is not a great medium to convey emotion or intent (without a smiley face :/) and "humor" is in the ears of the listener, not the speaker. Its too easy for light-hearted jabs to turn into personal attacks. Instead, I'll just play pranks on myself! Or do stupid things to get people to laugh :) If I am the only victim then there is no victim.
How familiar are you with the PbP format? Very familiar. I could probably make these posts sing...
What's your preferred posting frequency? "Aim for 2, hit 1." I view the boards multiple times per day, but I usually only end up posting once, maybe twice.
What do you do if things appear to be slowing down or fall silent? Well, I usually try to create options for myself when I create the character (the Eidolon Twins will ALWAYS have something for them to get into, for example) so that I can usually do SOMETHING in a slow spot. That said, I also try pretty hard not to hog the spotlight, so that may mean keeping silent sometimes. Its a hard act to balance. :/
Failing that, I will often try to write a leading post, which might give another person a hook to chime in on. Personally, I hate writing sentence closers and will almost always try to write my posts in a way that allows someone else to continue from. Rarely will I write a hard stop on a topic.
Better then Mr. "Hmm. 1: I Power Attack. 2: I Intimidate. 3: I leave it to the noisy Bard." kind of character ^_^
Is there anything else you'd like me to know? Well, I do take medication :( They are mood stabilizers, and sometimes they stabilize a little TOO well (aka flatlined), which can affect my posting. Will do my best to keep it well handled however!

You said that you normally don't post novels, and I agree with you, I normally keep it to a few paragraphs as is necessary. However, I decided to go in-depth with this one, I actually have the time to! So here is the long-winded version. Its purely extra, the above should suffice :)

Phase One: the Novel

Hi! My name is Cameron! I am a bit over 20 years... and a bit, and a bit, and a bit more... and living in the middle of Cowtown, Alberta. For those of you who don't know where that is, its the place where people live in igloos up North of the States. I think that's Mountain time :/
I am currently unemployed and have been for quite some time due to illness, on the positive side that does mean I have a lot of free time on my hands, and I have often used a lot of that time on Pathfinder :3 Additionally, I am self-teaching myself how to program, as it seems to be something I can do and I seem rather good at picking it up! ^_^
One day being able to design and program a game spawned from the depths of my imagination and call it my own is a goal of mine :)
An interesting fact about me? Hmmm. Well my landlord has this cat named Benny and for whatever reason this cat has stuck with me like glue :/ Its friggen awesome! He sleeps with me at nights, takes naps with me, sits on my lap while I program, howls at my door at 6AM each morning and just... Likes me :/ I have never had a cat that likes me like that before and it warms my heart every night :,)
That and he is Bound and Determined to destroy everything he can in my room... Everything...

As for my experience with Pathfinder, well simply, I am very experienced. I have a mind that is good at storing all sorts of random facts and rules and then taking these random bits of knowledge and combining them together in clever ways :/
Its just pretty natural for me and I have had quite a few years of practice doing so :/
So initially I was naturally a very strong Min-Maxer and enjoyed doing that for quite a few years. I could create powerful things, so I did. Over time however, I slowly came to realize that "big numbers" or contrived combinations had a strong initial excitement, but that quickly faded. It was something else that acted as the glue for a character or campaign. I also came to realize that mechanically "strong" characters often relied on that mechanical strength to support them in other areas of the game like a crutch, and often created an inferiority complex about that often fragile and all too important strength.
Now, as time progresses I have searched for a different, more engaging way to play, and that has often stuck me pretty squarely in the role-player camp. I like using my very good knowledge expertise to create as many different engagement opportunities as I can, rather then just purely powerful but binary options.
As for 3pp, there are a good few different systems that I know, and know well. SoP, Psionics, Path of War, and a most of the additional rules in the Other Rules in the Gamemastering tab. That and a whole slew of Homebrew rules :/
Also, anything that I may not know about, I am a quick study and can usually pick it up extremely fast >:D
As for inter-party conflict, I usually avoid it as hard as I can, which can be a lost opportunity sometimes as I have an inner jokester just waiting to play pranks on someone :p
The way I view it, Piazo Pathfinder is not an easy medium to convey emotions or intent (without ham-fisting a smiley face into it :/), and its too easy to mix up a personal attack with a light-hearted jab. Additionally, humor is in the ears of the listener, not the speaker. Many people don't understand that while *I* find something funny, that does not guarantee that someone else will as well.
My solution? Play a character like the Goblin Twins I was talking about and just prank the crap out of myself >:D
At least that's the safer thing to do :) And I would rather do the safer approach to a game then risk ruining someone else's fun, even if I lose out on some chances to be clever >_>

How familiar am I? Well I am pretty sure I could make these forums sing if I wanted. Or trot out a tap-dance :/
I have figured out many neat little tricks that I can do beyond the basic and more well known ones.
Preferred posting frequency is "aim twice, hit once". I check the boards a couple times a day but I can usually only get a good 1 post in, sometimes 2.
My preferred posting length is always above a 1-2 liner, I like to add some amount of depth to my posts and always try to create leading posts (posts that invite another character to add something, vs a conversation closer that ends a topic) if I am able to. That said, I don't usually write novels (this one here being the exception :p).
As part of how I often try to design my characters, I try to give them at least a variety of different options so that I am more likely to have something to do, rather then just "1: Power Attack. 2: Intimidate. 3: Let yappy-yap Bard do it." That way, when things are slow I actually have the ability to poke and prod a bit.
I can drive things forwards from time to time :)

As for myself, well I do take medication. It's mood-altering medication for a mood disorder and it has cost me some games in the past :(
It's hard to stay motivated and driven for a game when your motivation suddenly gets cut off :(
That said, I keep trying and constantly push back and engage with people however I do have off periods from time to time :(
Will do my best to keep caught up and on top of it tho!

Well that's Part One for now!!! I will get to Part 2 tomorrow.
And if you are a little lucky, I might be able to whip up a Submissions project of mine that you might quite enjoy ;)

Edit: Did someone say 52pb? I'll just leave this shameless 80pb laying here... (man, that was a while ago!)

Hia! This looks like an amazing idea blooming and I am glad I managed to catch onto it at the BEGINNING of the recruitment, rather then in the last 1-2 days, as has been my trend lately... >_>

Its my beddyby-time right now, however, so I will have to write up everything in the morn when I wake up ^_^

That said, a few concepts that I have been messing with recently actually involved a few goblins and might be fun to explore in this :D


The first one was a Goblin USummoner with the Twinned Summoner archetype. Basically he has a twin that does everything he can to keep his idiot younger brother alive and they make use of Betrayal Feats like Ally Shield and Reckless Moves to protect one of them while tossing the other underneath the bus >:/
Best part is? Who cares if the older twin dies? He can just be called again the next day! Abuse him, beat him, cut him in half or burn him. OR cut him in half AND burn him >:D
He makes perfect scapegoat fodder \^-^/

Second one was if Spheres of Power were used then to make use of the Alteration Sphere and the Transformation feat to make a really messed up and mutated gobbo :,(
He REALLY dipped his finger in the Mutagen jar!
Alternatively, it could also be made using an Aberrant Aegis if Psionics are allowed.

Last one, Goblins have some neat abilities like the Over-Sized Ears Alternate Racial Trait and the Big Ears trait that can make them freakishly good at perception and so I have always wanted to create some sort of super perceptive, Wis based Gobbo since forever XD Edit: I has a brain fart. Also had an idea for a blind martial artist from before... so... combine.... them? BLIND GOBLIN FACEPUNCHER!!! XD

I know that you said you were not looking for character ideas yet, but I am too tired to write out a sufficient response to your questions but I really wanted to get something down now, as soon as I could :)
That and by jotting those down now, I don't have to worry about forgetting about them later XD

DM Variel wrote:
Sorry Gobo but acrobatics uncludes the jump rules so I will be sticking to the normal rules.

Sounds good :)

If I go that route, I should have a large enough modifier anyways, so not being able to include the Rage bonus is fine :)

Edit: Question at the top for visibility.
A am a very strong Barbarian. I think it might be fun to jump around all over the place like a raving lunatic. BUT Acrobatics is a Dex skill :/
I always thought it was a weird change from 3.0 when Jump got rolled into Acrobatics and became a Dex skill, especially considering the Hulk uses his super strength to leap all over the place.
Would you be willing to let me use Str on Jump checks instead of Dex? Maybe by making it into a trait? (I mean, everyone else is flying by this level.)


Initially I was trying to create a submission for a pair of twins, a USummoner with the Twinned Summoner archetype, and who were designed to support each other and cover each others weaknesses. (The Eidolon was the long dead older twin of the character, and very devoted to protecting him and leading him)
But I was having a hard time making him fit into the campaign, and was having to wedge him in rather forcefully. That and he was just really complex :p

Changed my mind.
Instead I am working on creating a more feral character, (deciding on) a Barbarian or Hunter who would probably be an Ulfen from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, or one of the Kellids from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Wild natured and wild in appearance, he would have been captured by Baba and thrown into a room in her hut (at least I think that should suffice to get me in the story), probably after an ill-advised fight broke out.

Mechanics wise, he will basically be a wild looking guy who fights with primitive methods.
He will have the Wilding and Fast Empathy feats, giving him a deep connection with any animals we may come across. (If there are none, that's fine ^_^ I just want him to be an animalistic animal lover.)

Now, if I make him a Barbarian, I would have 2 combat styles I to choose from :/ Either he will fight with claws (either Beast Totem or Aspect of the Beast), giving him a more animalistic feel, or I could turn him into a switch-hitter using the Two-Handed Thrower feat, a Belt of Mighty Hurling and a two-handed weapon with the Called enchantment.
The second option would let me use Str for melee and ranged attacks, and always apply 1-1/2 Str on them. The Called enchant would let me retrieve the weapon as a swift, so I can actually throw the darn thing... That said I will probably be limited to 1 att/round, so maybe include Vital Strike?
It gives me some more versatility and I can do some entertaining things with the Called Enchant :)
Maybe make it a Greataxe or longspear or something...

Aside from a primitive Barbarian who loves animals, I also intend to make him very cold resistant and effective at survival and such.
But mostly, he should be simple :) Simple to figure out, simpleish to create and simple to play. That will let me focus more on other things like his roleplaying and any hijinks he might get up to rather then having to make long spoilers with complex mechanics all meshing together :p
However, I am still working on what he could do outside of combat and how to make him more interesting and memorable :)
Who is he like, how does he act? If he comes across modern technology what will he think? How will he interact with others in the group? Things like that ;)

But that's the jist of my Character Dot ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Hall wrote:
Grapple wrote:
If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space

This was probably obvious to all of you, but I'd somehow managed to overlook that line for 15 years (assuming 3.X had it, too, anyway). I went to check on my options for snagging flying creatures and found that nifty little bit; in addition to being able to reach things 30+ feet away, I can apparently magically move them a standard movement speed instantly.

I find this really friggin' cool.

I had a goblin Feral Gnasher with lunge who could do this. Reach and Grab is very powerful, he could grab somone on the other side of cover, then whip them over his shoulder, plant them in open ground and pin them there for the party archer to turn into a pin cushion. (You get to chose the square they get placed in :p)

It also makes Reposition weep tears of irrelevancy :,(

That said, Pathfinder Grapple rules have many oddities and weird interactions.
(Another "fun" one is the Hamatula Strike feat can be used with a freaking bow and arrow. Shoot them from 100ft away with your bow and non-magically teleport their necks into the space firmly between your fingers :/
Or take a Throwing AoMF. Now you can throw out a fist, grab someone, then reel them in :p


As for me, this looks interesting :)
No idea yet who I would create, I don't often get chances to create such high level characters, so I got some brainstorming to do. That said, there have been a fair few mid/high level recruitments lately @-@

I also don't know the Reign of Winter lore very well so that will have to be a hurdle I have to overcome :/

Grats! :)

The Chess wrote:
Also, keep in mind you have to be in combat to use style feats. It takes a swift to enter the style, for example.

Hmm. Ya. That would have to be addressed :(

I knew that I couldn't have it just permanently on, but I was under the impression that I could swiftly activate it if I felt the need to, such as while talking to the palace offical or the hostile guard and I want to heighten my awareness as much as possible, or if I want to find something or point to something then I would display my uncanny awareness. (or if I just want to be funny and poke fun at someone :3)
But I would only use it for short bursts of time, and I would still have to spend the swift action at the begining of combat.

(As anecdotal evidence for allowing this, some of the other styles seem to support out of combat usage, like Owl Style, which grants bonuses to stealth. How do you stealth after you start combat? Or Monkey Moves which gives you bonuses to climb checks, but only if someone is attacking you?)

That said, what it really boils down to is the GM. What are your thoughts on this? How will you rule it?

As for the Blind Oracle... Hes not blind :(
Despite its name, he can see perfectly clear, hes just nearsighted XD

Hia! I am a bit late to the party but I would love to jump in anyways! ^_^

I have 2 ideas I am currently looking at (neither is gestalt yet) that I am probably going to have to pick between and focus to get him done in time.

I will probably default to this character if I can't make the other one work, he is a Human URogue with the Charlatan archetype. There are a fair few options that I will be able to take within the first few levels at grant me a lot of fun ways to interact with the political world around me :)
The character himself will be a merchant who gets caught up in the politics that are happening around him and then has to do what he can to survive and thrive. However, he is a firm believer in perusing opportunities and that the right mindset is the difference between success and getting your head chopped off, or worse, poverty.
"Rich people see opportunities. Poor people see obstacles.
Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.
Rich people focus on rewards. Poor people focus on the risks."

He will be aggressively pursuing wealth and one of his goals is to set up his own shop or trade post or something, as he is a merchant.

I do have a question for him tho. I plan on taking the Black Market Connections Talent at lvl 2 as another way for me to interact with the world :) Despite the conotations, he is not evil but rather he tries to create oppertunities of wealth across many different venues to increase his profits.
The question is, is there a Black Market or shady underground criminal hub in Changdo? Any info on it?

Idea the Second:
There is a chain of feats that I have found that look to be lots of fun to try and build into a game :)

The Style feats all have the line in them that allows you to ignore the "x ranks in Perception" requirement. So I don't have to actually BE level 5, 10 or 15 to use the feats, which is really nice. Additionally, Blinded Blade is a Style feat, so a Master of Many Styles Monk or an Unarmed Fighter could take it at level 1 as their bonus feat, and then grab as many feats within the chain as they can/want :p

So what I would like to do is create a blind character :)
I think it would be really cool to create someone blind who has exceptional hearing and spacial awareness despite not being able to see, and can move waaaayyy too gracefully and easily for someone who "shouldn't" be able to see. Additionally, I intend to give him really high Perception and Sense Motive skills, along with a decent-to-good Wisdom, the more to emphasis how his blindness only serves to heighten his awareness of the world around him and his ability to read people.
I would also use the Monk/Fighter class to emulate the Blind Swordsman/Martial Artist trope. (and I think it would be freaking hilarious if the blind guy was the resident party Trap-Detector... >_>)

As for how many feats I would initially take? I am not sure yet, and the concept is basically taking a self-imposed penalty and then using a ton of resources to overcome it :/ (its probably not the most optimal...) So a lot of my resources will be somewhat diluted, so no one-trick Combat Monster :)
But I really like the idea of a blind swordsman who is more in tune and aware of the world around him then any of those other guys who "have eyes but they do not see."

As for his other class, I would look (heh) to pair it with a Wisdom based class if I can, and preferably something more socially focused, as I don't want to JUST be a flat, blind swordsman. Also, I should look through the Path of War material as there is probably something interesting in there :)

So what do you think? Can you envision a blind character and that I could make it work?

Me: There! Look over there, do you see it?
Ally: How do you see anything? Your blind.
Me: Then you better go over there and tell me what color it is!

Me walks over to another ally and whispers: You know, I worry about our friend over there... He doesn't seem to watch where hes going. Doesn't he have eyes? Hes going to run into something or hurt himself one of these days!
Second Ally: And you arn't?
Me: Of course not! I watch what I am doing!

First Ally from across the hallway: Its blue! ... What?

Ya, one of the characters ideas I had was also flightless. Kinda.
An idea I am thinking on is a Psion (with the Nomad Dicipline) and prestiging into the Elocator Prestige class and take the Fast Step feat.
He can teleport at will as a move action and is just kinda unaffected by gravity :/
So he ports all over the place and even into the middle of the air without actually flying :)
Would probably also turn him into a flanking Bad-Touch caster. Or maybe ranged combat? A teleporting sniper?
Another idea was to take the Telepath Dicipline and focus a lot on the telepathy aspect of your setting that I had read about near the begining of the original recruitment thread about the messenger services. He would be one of those responsible for transmitting somewhat sensitive information discretely and untracably. The main problem is that *I* have to know the information to be able to transmit it ;)
In this case the messenger IS the liability, and that could be a good hook for why I got recruited by the the Intelligence Services and maybe why I am using them as protection against someone else <_<
Telepaths get 400ft carte blanche telepathy, and can cast 80min long Mind Links as a few different means of filling the role (and other, more insidious powers such as Read Minds and Memory Modification >:D).
I will probably make him very strong-willed (high Will saves), maybe silent? Communicates only with telepathy?, either that or he will be very secretive about his mind powers.
He would also be a collector of knowledge and secrets, desiring to know all sorts of dark secrets (preferably without anyone else knowing that he know them >_>

Could I get some more information on the different messenger services available and who supplies them?
I figure it might be an interesting aspect of your world that might not be all that developed and it might be interesting to explore more of it ;)

Spoilers ;)

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