A Rare Farewell

Friday, October 2, 2015

It's Friday, which means it's time for your (mostly) regularly scheduled preview of upcoming figures from the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted fantasy gaming figures. Up this week are three early looks at digital sculpts for November's The Rusty Dragon Inn set. I should add here that while these are digital sculpts, I've actually seen and approved all of the paint masters for this set, and they look phenomenal. Because so many of our figures include stamped-on additional details (called "tampos" in the lingo of the business), I don't tend to photograph paint masters, even when I really want to. Once we begin to receive early production samples, we'll shoot several of them and show them off here. But for now, we're still looking at digitals.

I've showed off a lot of the set's common and uncommon figures so far, so this week, in celebration of something special (which I'll get to below), I want to pull back the curtain on some of the set's rare figures. Our partners at WizKids always pack an amazing amount of paint and sculpt details into the rare figures, and this set is no exception. Some of my absolute favorites from the set are found at this rarity.

And so, as my favorite television scientist might say: "Awaaaaaaay we go!"

Here we have the imposing Allevrah, Elf General, looking splendid in her green dragon skin armor. A few months back, as I was working on Pathfinder Battles set lists, my boss and Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens came by and said "Mona, put some more elves in the line. We need more elves!" I decided to fulfill that request in the form of a few figures from The Lost Coast, but I think Allevrah here is the coolest of the bunch. She was, in a slightly different form (NO SPOILERS) a major NPC in the Second Darkness Adventure Path, but I think she works just as well as a major NPC ally or even a player character. There's no denying that she looks ready to kick some serious ass. Allevrah, Elf General is a Medium, rare figure.

Up next is the Goblin Vulture Pilot, from page 109 of the Pathfinder RPG Monster Codex hardcover. I love the way WizKids' sculptors perfectly captured this guy's facial expression, and I can't wait to have him (literally) dive bomb my player characters. This figure looks incredible in hand, and I'm delighted to get more mounted figures into the line. Let me know if there are other mounted monsters and characters you'd like to see, and I'll try to sneak them in somewhere! The Goblin Vulture Pilot is a Medium figure at the rare rarity. (Ok, the goblin himself is Small, but the vulture is Medium and on a Medium base.)

Last up today is one of The Rusty Dragon Inn's stranger visitors, a multi-dimensional merchant of arcane wares known as Zilvazaraat. The towering planar peddler first appeared in Pathfinder Adventure Path #70: The Frozen Stars, and he was originally slated to appear as a miniature in the Reign of Winter set. That set (and a few others at the same time) lost about 10 figures when we went from 55-figure sets to 45-figure sets, and Zilvazaraat here has been waiting for his time to strike ever since. I figured, hey, you never know who might stop by The Rusty Dragon Inn for a bit of drink and some back corner business, so he sauntered his way back into our lives. I think it's fair to say that this creature has never been made before in prepainted plastic. He's a little bit off-kilter, but he's got a gorgeous sculpt and I hope you like him. Given that he appears anywhere to buy, sell, and trade magic items, your players will probably love him. Zilvazaraat is a Large, rare figure.

With the previews behind us, I'd like to reveal some sad news to Pathfinder Battles fans. Although I tend to get a fair amount of credit for the line in public forums based on the regular appearance of this blog, the truth is that making these sets as amazing as they can be is a team effort. Over the last few years, I've been honored to include in that team Paizo's Licensing Coordinator, Mike Kenway. Mike has been an absolute workhorse behind the scenes of Pathfinder Battles, tracking down art, managing the approvals chain with WizKids, and making sure that I don't fall too behind on planning set lists and other Pathfinder Battles business.

We've got Mike to thank for the awesome Bone Golem from Dungeons Deep, and numerous other figures he's championed over the years. A significant part of the line's quality and success can be attributed directly to Mike's keen eye for detail and excellent work ethic.

Unfortunately (at least for us!), Mike has accepted a job with another company, who understands how good he is at this type of thing, and what an asset he is to licensing coordination. Mike's last day in the Paizo office is next Thursday, October 8th, and I wanted to be sure to take this opportunity here in the Friday Publisher Preview to thank Mike for his tireless efforts on behalf of Pathfinder Battles fans. The line would not be what it is today without his hard work, and we will miss him dearly.

That said, time (and minis production) waits for no man, and the show must go on. We're currently looking for Mike's replacement to join the Paizo staff as Licensing Coordinator. Since a major part of the job involves helping me manage the Paizo side of Pathfinder Battles, I thought I'd put a link to the job opening here in the blog, in case some of you miniatures stalwarts might consider a change in career.

I could definitely use the help!

I'm off to New York Comic Con next week, and will try to drop a preview from the road. There's still so much awesome stuff in The Rusty Dragon Inn set that I can hardly believe it!

Until next time, I remain...

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

Love the elf, love the mercane. I doubt the goblin is going to see a lot of use at my table, but if I ever need exactly that mini, boy will it be cool to have it!

Erik Mona wrote:
I thought I'd put a link to the job opening here in the blog, in case some of you miniatures stalwarts might consider a change in career.

Get behind me, Satan! (Besides, I doubt you're looking for a crusty old grognard in that role ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hey, I was thinking the same thing! Man would that be my dream job - sadly I have family in Aus, and I'm pretty sure they won't be moving.

Sad to hear Mike is leaving, clearly his input will be missed.

I love all three of these, but I'm a little sad that two of them are rares. Not that I think that's the wrong rarity for them, just doesn't suit my needs (isn't it all about me anyway?)

Allevrah is one of the best looking elves to date. I truly hope that detail comes through in the final production mini because it is phenomenal!

Goblin vulture pilot! Hell yes, needed him to be in plastic from the day that artwork appeared. I'm gonna need me a few for that terrifying goblin vulture squad. Oh, and is there any possibility of a vulture all by itself? Getting a giant vulture that fits into the medium or even large size category (and looks good) is surprisingly hard. I know I'll need a few because my players will fear that vulture far more than the goblin on top (you'd think they'd know better by now).

Hmmm, Mercane hey. I can see many ways to use it and he does have a very creepy face. Metallic finish on the clothing?

I was sure I was over goblins, but I want that one. :)

Thanks for all your work, Mike. I'm a relatively recent convert to fiction, comics and audio dramas and I never realised that I probably owe a lot of that broadening of interests to you. Good luck in the new job!

Oh yeah, let me add my thanks to Mike as well! I don't think I knew of your role before, but you've done great work for Paizo. Good luck in whatever's next!

Here I thought I had all the goblins I needed. I am proven wrong again. I have to agree that I'm going to want more than Rare will yield me, but I go overboard with everything goblin!

I've been waiting for a Mercane forever. I'm very excited to see this guy. I think I actually prefer the Pathfinder slant on him better than the D&D version. He will definitely get some table time.

I'm really looking forward to all three pieces.

I'm sorry to hear about Mike's departure, I really like the way the PFB line has been going. Hopefully Paizo will find someone that can fill his shoes.

Silver Crusade

When Lisa stopped by did she also say, "Don't be biased on my account, don't save all the cool sculpts for female mini's. Make more awesome male ones proportional to our player base..."? Just curious if she said anything like that at all.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Really excited for Allevrah. (It would be cool to see the, uh, other one at some point too.)

I wish I had slightly better qualifications... but I lack the preferred (or any) experience, I'd probably need supervision until I knew what I was doing, and relocating would probably break me. :(

Cleanthes wrote:
Oh yeah, let me add my thanks to Mike as well! I don't think I knew of your role before, but you've done great work for Paizo. Good luck in whatever's next!

Yes, good luck to Mike!

Dark Archive

I love the Allevrah mini even if i wish her other form would be included but it is the best female elf mini so far and i am excited.
Even if i think the Goblin Vulture Rider looks fun i don't think we need more goblins and it will not be very useful. A medium vulture mini would have been better. No more goblins please - we got 25 now 26 different ones - enough is too much!
While the Mercane is nice it is pretty special but it being a leftover from Reign of Winter it is an understandable inclusion.
All in all with so far 16 Townfolk/NPC even my limit for one set is reached.
We have so far seen 9 minis from the NPC CODEX and 11 from the MONSTER CODEX and i expect a few kobolds more.
Only 7 creatures are from the Bestiary and 2 from Bestiary 2.
In the future i hope for only one group of focus creature per set maximum two. And all these NPC Codex minis are getting on my nerves too i bought the Iconic Heroes Sets for Character Classes.
It is ok for one set but not another one.
Mike i wish you all the best you will be missed.

Lastly i want to know when The Rusty Dragon Inn set will be released.
It won't be in november as planned and december looks shaky too.
I have to plan my budget and i want to buy the Monster Menagerie set from D&D in February too.
Paizos no information politics on this subject is the wrong approach.
Eric you should have already adressed this in the blog even this it is not your fault. But nobody even mentioning this is not good. Please mention this in the next preview.

it's a bit of a shame the vultures wings are so small compared to the art in the book

Body mass wide the vulture looks hardly bigger than the goblin.

I love this group of minis. This is a great set. When I started my subscription with the last set released I thought I'd probably turn the subscription off and not order the set after it (this one). Now that I've had a chance to see all the previews and see all of the useful and fun minis coming up, there's no way I'm missing out this set.

I enjoy PFB goblins and like the great diversity. It's fun to have a low level race have so much to choose from, so many that can serve different roles, and especially such great minis that will help narrate the story of adventures and campaigns, which is the heart of using minis to me.

The dragon scale armor on the elf looks pretty sweet.

The NPC Zilvazaraat looks like quite a character, too. Fun!

Young Boromir wrote:
I enjoy PFB goblins and like the great diversity. It's fun to have a low level race have so much to choose from, so many that can serve different roles, and especially such great minis that will help narrate the story of adventures and campaigns, which is the heart of using minis to me.

I'll definetely find a spot for this goblin in my campaign, but the screwed size is a shame.

The eidolon of Dungeuons Deep doesn't fit in a standard foam slot, it's so big, and this vulture looks like the upper end of small.

The elf is a must have for me,
the other one looks great, but I can't quite relate to it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Erik, it seems like it has been quite awhile since this question was last asked, and with the release date for this set coming in perhaps 2 months, now seemed like a good time to ask:

Do you still anticipate that the new and improved Feiya and King Irovetti minis will be available with the release of the Rusty Dragon Inn set?

If yes:

1) I believe the original plan was to include each of these miniatures within a case of Rusty Dragon Inn. I just wanted to confirm if this was still the plan? (Those boosters/bricks are all packed into their cases pretty tight, so I am unsure how this will be done unless these are extra minis that are placed into a booster -- or perhaps they will be included with the case promo?)

2) For those that don't order any cases, is there anyway they can purchases these minis? (Will Paizo be getting a specific stock of them or will you only be getting them the same way everyone else is?)

3) Do you know if WizKids will be making these available in their replacement program? (I realize you probably won't have the answer for this one. Since these minis are from old sets, their typical method of replacement would be to replace the mailed in miniature with a miniature with a similar rarity from the most recent set. I am hoping that they would convey to the staff who handle replacements, to replace Feiya and King Irovetti with the new ones.)

4) Does Paizo plan to offer their own replacement option for these 2 minis?

Grand Lodge

Wow, these look cool. Can't wait to add them to my collection.

Dark Archive

Promo repainted of goblin please.
Dwarf riding boar/bear
Undead mounts i.e. Zombie horse or skeletal whatever.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Erik, it seems like it has been quite awhile since this question was last asked, and with the release date for this set coming in perhaps 2 months, now seemed like a good time to ask:

Do you still anticipate that the new and improved Feiya and King Irovetti minis will be available with the release of the Rusty Dragon Inn set?

Yeah. My Irovetti isn't terrible - I have other minis from other sets I'd rather see replaced first.

(My Nazhena is worse than my Feiya - is her neck supposed to be bright red and half-detached, as though mid-decapitation? I've thought about buying a replacement, but not if it's going to be just as bad...)

I've seen the preview of the Iconic Heroes Feiya, and I'd much rather use a superior-painted version of the original sculpt/pose. Really looking forward to getting one. ^_^

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Edenwaith wrote:
When Lisa stopped by did she also say, "Don't be biased on my account, don't save all the cool sculpts for female mini's. Make more awesome male ones proportional to our player base..."? Just curious if she said anything like that at all.

You know, she actually _has_ said something very much like that before!

I put the Forest Shadow in The Lost Coast specifically to add a sweet male elf archer based on that comment.

Justice Ironbriar is also technically a male elf. We'll do more male elves as time goes by.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Do you still anticipate that the new and improved Feiya and King Irovetti minis will be available with the release of the Rusty Dragon Inn set?

Yes. WizKids has confirmed that the replacement minis will be in this set, one each per case.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

1) I believe the original plan was to include each of these miniatures within a case of Rusty Dragon Inn. I just wanted to confirm if this was still the plan? (Those boosters/bricks are all packed into their cases pretty tight, so I am unsure how this will be done unless these are extra minis that are placed into a booster -- or perhaps they will be included with the case promo?)

This is still the plan. I am not certain if these are purely "bonus" minis, or if they will swap out an uncommon similar to what is done with the dungeon dressing. I will try to confirm that soon.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

2) For those that don't order any cases, is there anyway they can purchases these minis? (Will Paizo be getting a specific stock of them or will you only be getting them the same way everyone else is?)

Paizo will have a VERY small number of singles of these guys for sale, equivalent to what we do for rares by breaking cases and selling singles that way. I'll get into this more in future blogs, but we intend to carry FAR, FAR FEWER singles of this set than we have of previous sets, so if you're a singles buyer, I strongly suggest shopping very early, or you're going to have to get your singles somewhere else.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

3) Do you know if WizKids will be making these available in their replacement program? (I realize you probably won't have the answer for this one. Since these minis are from old sets, their typical method of replacement would be to replace the mailed in miniature with a miniature with a similar rarity from the most recent set. I am hoping that they would convey to the staff who handle replacements, to replace Feiya and King Irovetti with the new ones.)

I do not know this, but I will ask.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

4) Does Paizo plan to offer their own replacement option for these 2 minis?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Do you still anticipate that the new and improved Feiya and King Irovetti minis will be available with the release of the Rusty Dragon Inn set?
Yes. WizKids has confirmed that the replacement minis will be in this set, one each per case.

Is that one mini per case (i.e., with my subscription case, I'll get either an Irovetti or a Feiya) or one pair of replacement minis per case (with my case, I should get both)?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for the replies Erik.

While we are on the subject of buying singles, do you know when (if) the elusive Fire Beetle and Duergar Soldier may be available in the Paizo store?

I am still completely amazed that a picture of these has not turned up, and eBay seems to be devoid of them.

On a side note, if anyone out there has these 2 minis, could you please take a picture of them and send them to me so that I can update the PathfinderMinis gallery. My e-mail address is at the bottom of the page at http://www.pathfinderminis.com

Silver Crusade Contributor

Joana wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Do you still anticipate that the new and improved Feiya and King Irovetti minis will be available with the release of the Rusty Dragon Inn set?
Yes. WizKids has confirmed that the replacement minis will be in this set, one each per case.
Is that one mini per case (i.e., with my subscription case, I'll get either an Irovetti or a Feiya) or one pair of replacement minis per case (with my case, I should get both)?

I hope it's both - I can barely afford one case, let alone two.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Thank you for the replies Erik.

While we are on the subject of buying singles, do you know when (if) the elusive Fire Beetle and Duergar Soldier may be available in the Paizo store?

I am still completely amazed that a picture of these has not turned up, and eBay seems to be devoid of them.

On a side note, if anyone out there has these 2 minis, could you please take a picture of them and send them to me so that I can update the PathfinderMinis gallery. My e-mail address is at the bottom of the page at http://www.pathfinderminis.com

I'm really worried about the Gen Con promos as well - my VL told me that they were completely Gen Con-exclusive. I'm hoping she was just unaware of Paizo's sales of previous promos. :/

Shadow Lodge

Wake me when you make a kitsune miniature.

Like, even one.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Thank you for the replies Erik.

While we are on the subject of buying singles, do you know when (if) the elusive Fire Beetle and Duergar Soldier may be available in the Paizo store?

We put our promo minis on sale _after_ the con season and _before_ the holiday shopping season.

Since the "con season" officially ended yesterday with the close of New York Comic Con, we're officially on the clock for this, so I'd expect it relatively soon. Certainly by the middle of November.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Jewelfox wrote:

Wake me when you make a kitsune miniature.

Like, even one.

You can sleep a little bit longer, as there are no kitsune in the next two (and maybe three) sets.

I know a lot of people would want one, though, so it's on the short list and I do plan to get to it sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, with only two sets a year, "sooner rather than later" can still be a fair ways off.

Erik Mona wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Thank you for the replies Erik.

While we are on the subject of buying singles, do you know when (if) the elusive Fire Beetle and Duergar Soldier may be available in the Paizo store?

We put our promo minis on sale _after_ the con season and _before_ the holiday shopping season.

Since the "con season" officially ended yesterday with the close of New York Comic Con, we're officially on the clock for this, so I'd expect it relatively soon. Certainly by the middle of November.

Great, thanks for the update!

I managed to track down some photos courtesy of some loyal Pathfinder Society members. I wish I would have thought of posting in that forum sooner :)


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