Brimorak Attack!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

Illustration by Tyler Walpole

As first illustrated in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Book of the Damned—Volume 2: Lords of Chaos the brimorak looked terrifying, but seeing them alone without any perspective it's easy to forget that these fiery demons stand about waist-high to a human. However, in this cover illustration by Wayne Reynolds it doesn't look like the brimoraks are letting their short stature get in their way of taking on the iconics.

In this volume of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, "Sword of Valor," Neil Spicer brings you the second adventure in the campaign. In this adventure, the PCs are commanded to lead an army north into the Worldwound to retake the lost city of Drezen and reclaim the magical Sword of Valor. If the PCs are successful in their siege and they defeat the citadel's protectors, perhaps they can recover one of the crusade's greatest artifacts and turn the tide of battle.

Also, it's been mentioned before that each volume's Pathfinder Bestiary contains stats for a different demon lord, and this month's Abyssal ruler is none other than Shax, weighing in at CR 28. (My response after seeing Shax's illustration come in was, "Knives, knives, knives, knives, knives, knives, knives!") Don't worry, the PCs won't have to face him in the adventure. The same can't be said of other demon lords featured in the future.

Adam Daigle

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Tyler Walpole Wayne Reynolds
Scarab Sages

I believe your post has a typo. The book I think you're trying to reference in the first paragraph should probably ready "Pathfinder Campaign Setting Book of the Damned Volume 2: Lords of Chaos".

Volume 1 was "Princes of Darkness" and was about devils.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Those guys need a mini, they rate higher on the badass scale then their stature, and as such always feel bigger then they are.

Seelah: "I'm in your castle, killing your minions!"

That demon lord must have something to do with Stymphalidies/Stymphalian Birds from Bestiary 3.

They are probably its minions and its pets.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Totally awesome!

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Seoni is casting Prestidigitation on Alain's hair to make sure it stays clean and perfect

Why'd she do that git any favors? Nah, she's using that spell to put LICE in his hair so he'll have to shave his head to get rid of the itching. ;)

Paizo Employee Managing Creative Director (Starfinder)


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Oh Shax, one day you'll be redeemed and you can be the ballerina you've always wanted to be.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Shax: "This my dear Tengu is how you murder people."

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Anorak wrote:
Shax: "This my dear Tengu is how you murder people."

"Hey Shax, Imma let yo finish, but I think Pazuzu had the best murder of all time!"

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Lord Shax presents the Abyssal version of "Swan Lake".

So it seems that Merisiel doesn’t actually carry all the daggers. Just most of them — and Shax has all the rest.

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Paizo Employee Developer

Tarrintino wrote:

I believe your post has a typo. The book I think you're trying to reference in the first paragraph should probably ready "Pathfinder Campaign Setting Book of the Damned Volume 2: Lords of Chaos".

Volume 1 was "Princes of Darkness" and was about devils.


I'll see if I can get that fixed. Thanks!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Great art. Now I just hope we get a Brimorak mini in one of the next sets. A mini of Shax would be awesome too if it looks anything like that art.

Aw, aren't you just the most adorable demon lord I've ever seen? Yes you are... wait, what are you doing with those knives... No Shax! NOOOOOOOOO!

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Merisiel still has more knives/daggers than Shax does.

Yes, I counted.

You didn't pat Shax's tummy fast enough, Tinkergoth.

Shadow Lodge

Is it just me or do the brimorak look like infernal goblins?

Dylos wrote:
Is it just me or do the brimorak look like infernal goblins?

They are more like Infernal Satyr's, just look them up in the: Pathfinder Campaign Setting Book of the Damned Volume 1: Lords of Chaos

Alleran wrote:

Merisiel still has more knives/daggers than Shax does.

Yes, I counted.

Damn right!

Sovereign Court

New computer wallpaper!

Dark Archive

Merisiel looks even better in that black leather than she does in the red leather, and that's saying something, 'cause she looked pretty fine in the red leather...

She just needs to snag that gunslingers hat. I think Merisiel would rock that thing.

I'm kinda confused--Shax is supposed to have a dove's head. Ah, whatever.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Detect Magic wrote:
I'm kinda confused--Shax is supposed to have a dove's head. Ah, whatever.

In the Book of Fiends by Green Ronin, yes, Shax had a dove's head.

I kept that in Lords of Chaos... but honestly? I shouldn't have. Because that incarnation of Shax's appearance isn't technically open content.

And so when I was expanding on Shax for this volume, I decided to err on the side of caution and adjust his look a little, and chose a stork's head because that's from real-world mythology.

Interesting. I didn't know Shax was inspired by real world demonology--granted, the resemblance pretty much ceases with his name. Then again, that's how most of 'em are (Asmodeus =/= lustful).

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The Lesser Key of Solomon and the Dictionnaire Infernal are basically two of the most profoundly awesome books ever put together.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

A large majority of the demon lords are drawn from real world mythology... same goes for ALL the powerful outsider demigods.

Demon lords with ties to real-world mythology include: Abraxas, Aldinach, Areshkagal, Baphomet, Dagon, Flauros, Haagenti, Kostchtchie, Mestama, Nocticula, Nurgal, Orcus, Pazuzu, Shax, and Socothbenoth.

Josh Frost invented Urxehl.

Erik Mona invented Deskari.

Wes Schneider invented Gogunta.

Gary Gygax invented Jubilex (although he spelled it differently).

I made up pretty much all the rest, and massaged the others above to give them unique Pathfinder spins.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have concluded that Jacobs, Mona & Schneider are really a diabolical demonic daemon law firm that focuses on taking all my money.

Demonology is pretty interesting.

If there really is a Hell, and these demons really do exist, it would seem I've totally been duped by the demon Astaroth. He's supposedly the demon of laziness and rational philosophy whose power is strongest during the month of August.

Well, admittedly, I'm too damned lazy for my own good, and as an atheist, no philosophy save a "rational" one makes any sense to me. Oh, and I was born during August.

If I wasn't such a rationalist, I'd probably be freaked out by the similarities. The blind cannot see, aye?

James Jacobs wrote:
Detect Magic wrote:
I'm kinda confused--Shax is supposed to have a dove's head. Ah, whatever.

In the Book of Fiends by Green Ronin, yes, Shax had a dove's head.

I kept that in Lords of Chaos... but honestly? I shouldn't have. Because that incarnation of Shax's appearance isn't technically open content.

And so when I was expanding on Shax for this volume, I decided to err on the side of caution and adjust his look a little, and chose a stork's head because that's from real-world mythology.

So THAT's why you guys made Haagenti into the demon lord of alchemy. His Goetic counterpart turns different metals into gold and water into wine.

Hey, is there ever going to be any additional lore/expansion/art/stats for the Infernal Dukes? Princes of Darkness has domains and favored weapons for twenty-eight of them (Furcas, Ruzel, Zepar, Uruskriel).

Personally, I can understand what role they play in Hell's hierarchy, but why would anyone worship something that low on the food chain? You'd think that any devil-cultist worth his salt would follow Asmodeus, or if not him, one of the eight archdevils.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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A lot of the archdevils and infernal dukes have similar links to real-world mythology. We might someday do more with them... devils are pretty much Wes's thing, so you'll want to talk to him about perhaps writing more on the subject.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:

Demon lords with ties to real-world mythology include: Abraxas, Aldinach, Areshkagal, Baphomet, Dagon, Flauros, Haagenti, Kostchtchie, Mestama, Nocticula, Nurgal, Orcus, Pazuzu, Shax, and Socothbenoth.

I always get thrown off a bit by Nocticula actually having real world roots. Everyone else, I already knew about or can easily see, but I always assumed Nocticula was completely made up on account of the supervillain-sounding name.

The world is weird. :)

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