Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Golem's Got It

Friday, June 8, 2012

I've spent the week in New York City at Book Expo America, chatting with booksellers and distributors about Paizo's exciting upcoming products. I was very pleased to receive an early print sample of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path Anniversary Edition hardcover to bring to the conference, and it was fun to watch everyone's mouths fall agape as they took in the gorgeous book. I don't think it's much of an exaggeration to claim that Rise of the Runelords is one of the most beautiful RPG books ever produced, and I'm so pleased with our team at Paizo and all of our freelance writers and illustrators for putting out such a great celebration of 5 years of Pathfinder and 10 years of Paizo Publishing. It really is a sight to behold.

A great campaign needs great miniatures, of course, and in this regard our partners at WizKids keep hitting it out of the park. I've been sharing early looks at the Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords 65-figure set for months, and as we draw closer to the set's August release, I'm amazed that there are still so many cool miniatures left to reveal.

This week's miniature is the Stone Golem, a critical encounter as the campaign builds up to its climax.

This Large, rare figure packs a heavy punch. He's got his fists raised to pummel your player characters into the ground. The great thing about golems is that they can look like just about anything their creator wants. That's quite a handy bonus when it comes to miniatures, in that a unique-looking golem can easy double as another type of creature as needed. In this case, we pulled the crowned skull face directly from the creature's illustration, which has the helpful side-effect of making this guy a great substitution for any kind of undead behemoth you might need.

Speaking of undead behemoths, after a full week of day-to-night meetings at the Book Expo, I am TIRED and am looking forward to getting some shut-eye on the long flight to Seattle.

I'll have another Pathfinder Battles preview next Friday, so keep your eyes on this space!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles
Liberty's Edge

My players just defeated this guy in our last session. He was a lot of fun, and they kept wondering what was in his head!

Silver Crusade

With each passing week's preview, I keep asking myself ...why isn't it August yet? It seemed so long away

And suddenly I realize the genuis of an August release date... It gives us more time to save money

Scarab Sages

lordredraven wrote:

With each passing week's preview, I keep asking myself ...why isn't it August yet? It seemed so long away

And suddenly I realize the genuis of an August release date... It gives us more time to save money

Yeah, I was wondering why it was so long, but they want you to have some more money after buying all of the first set.

Sovereign Court

That looks fantastic.

I hope it's only going to be two full sets a year, so I can afford to buy them all.

Not as impressed with this one as others. The design looks good, but it doesn’t look like it’s made out of stone. It appears to be more like a flesh, or a clay, golem.

I don’t know, maybe it will look more like stone in person. But in the current picture, it doesn’t.


Hobbun wrote:

Not as impressed with this one as others. The design looks good, but it doesn’t look like it’s made out of stone. It appears to be more like a flesh, or a clay, golem.

I don’t know, maybe it will look more like stone in person. But in the current picture, it doesn’t.

I agree I think thats a first for us on the minis threads, Hobbun

I gotta agree with hobbun. It reminds me a lot of the DDM clay golem.

It's still good to have. It's gonna make an awesome giant hulk-like bodak....

Silver Crusade

Wow! Wizkids and Paizo have quickly mastered this whole prepainted mini game.

Now I just have get this rob a bank game mastered and we are golden!

Liberty's Edge

Not every stone is grey in color. This looks pretty damned good, especially the layering of the colrs.

As a mini, I like it. It's awesome and scary, and the crown is interesting.

As a stone golem, I do not like it. It does not look anything like a stone golem to me.

I understand that a lot of people have been waiting on minis like this because of beloved APs and such, but I would much prefer less setting oriented minis in favor of the 'generic' bestiary types. Then again, I may just be a little sore about this one in particular because stone golems are one of my favorite monsters and this one doesn't fit the bill for me.

Cest la vie.

Excited to say I just ordered my case with Rune Giant today. Ive had the anniversary edition ordered for what seems like a year. Round it all out with the face cards, pawns, and item cards with the paperminis in reserve. Just gotta track down five of the old dice sets and Im set. I can't wait to run this campaign.

Very Stylized, but I like it. Meshes right with the artwork of the AP, and even though there's already a Stone Golem mini out there, that one is a lot trickier to acquire than a Storm Giant mini and is thus appreciated. This mini could be used for a number of other APs, like Legacy of Fire or any future AP featuring Osirion or other phaeronic socities. Can't wait to see it up close..

Lantern Lodge

lordredraven wrote:

With each passing week's preview, I keep asking myself ...why isn't it August yet? It seemed so long away

And suddenly I realize the genuis of an August release date... It gives us more time to save money

Maybe, but there have also been plenty of opportunities to spend it too (Slumbering Tsar, Kickstarter, moths now flying out of my wallet).

Hobbun wrote:
The design looks good, but it doesn’t look like it’s made out of stone. It appears to be more like a flesh, or a clay, golem

Which makes it even more versatile. Now it can substitute for a flesh, clay or stone golem, monstrous undead, or even an enlarged naked PC?

Covers eyes >_< ... okay ... maybe not the last one.

Grand Lodge

Hobbun wrote:

I don’t know, maybe it will look more like stone in person. But in the current picture, it doesn’t.

I thought the same at first glance. Then I zoomed in on it on my pad. If the shading is as good on the production pieces, it will have the appearance of pink granite. This is very nice actually from the typical gray or off white.



The creator of the Golem is responsible for shaping the vessel that will house it as part of the enchantment process. And while statues of humanoids seem a natural choice of pattern, this guy is just as suitable. He comes off as more of a hulking brute. The stoney crown is an excellent touch, warning those that encounter him that this is one rock they might think twice about tangling with. And I can't help but feel that regardless of my intent, if I were creating a Stone Golem it would turn out more like this than a work of art that would be suitable for a museum... :)

It's probably a cropping artifact, but the back view is missing the crown of the head. So either cropped wrong, or the head is removable. It would be cool if the head was removable. :) Especially if it came with 2-3 heads, kind of like the giant's weapon in the first set.


mdt wrote:
It's probably a cropping artifact, but the back view is missing the crown of the head. So either cropped wrong, or the head is removable. It would be cool if the head was removable. :) Especially if it came with 2-3 heads, kind of like the giant's weapon in the first set.

I'm pretty sure this is directly from the RotRL art.... the Art index wiki page says this art is in Fortress of the Stone Giants, page 43 *opens up PDF* yup the golem in question has a flat head

*edit* I see what your saying, I'm going to guess that it was taken at a different angle, so that the shoulder blocks the head from being visible. I think Erik already confirmed that there are no removable parts in this set

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Hobbun wrote:

Not as impressed with this one as others. The design looks good, but it doesn’t look like it’s made out of stone. It appears to be more like a flesh, or a clay, golem.

I don’t know, maybe it will look more like stone in person. But in the current picture, it doesn’t.

I agree I think thats a first for us on the minis threads, Hobbun


Sorry for my late response.

There have been a couple other rare times I wasn’t real happy with the minis, but overall, I have loved the quality of the minis Paizo/WizKids have released.

I really do hope it looks more like stone when I get it in front of me, but I am not seeing it right now. I don’t think it’s so much because it’s not gray, stone can be different colors. But if it actually had the texture of stone, then it would be more believable. Very much like the Karzoug, ‘that’ does look like stone. However, right now it just looks a little too smooth.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
mdt wrote:
It's probably a cropping artifact, but the back view is missing the crown of the head. So either cropped wrong, or the head is removable. It would be cool if the head was removable. :) Especially if it came with 2-3 heads, kind of like the giant's weapon in the first set.

I'm pretty sure this is directly from the RotRL art.... the Art index wiki page says this art is in Fortress of the Stone Giants, page 43 *opens up PDF* yup the golem in question has a flat head

*edit* I see what your saying, I'm going to guess that it was taken at a different angle, so that the shoulder blocks the head from being visible. I think Erik already confirmed that there are no removable parts in this set

It's the angle.

In person, this guy looks to me very much like it has been sculpted out of stone.

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