Ultimate Cantrips

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Illustration by Craig J Spearing

It didn't take long for many of you to notice that there were no 0-level spells in Ultimate Magic. We made finding this omission easy when we inadvertently left some 0-level spell names in the section containing sample spellbooks. While future printings of the book will fix this problem by deleting the mention of those 0-level spells, until then, we thought you might like to see the developed 0-level spells that didn't make it in the book.

The following spells are different from your standard cantrips. They are rare cantrips. Spellcasters that gain access to all 0-level spells at 1st level do not gain access to rare cantrips. A spellcaster gains access to rare cantrips only by uncovering their secrets in some other way. Some are guarded by jealous mages, while others are lost in missing libraries or molder on forgotten scrolls.

These cantrips are not legal in Pathfinder Society play. Note that penumbra was changed into the higher-level spell protective penumbra. The cantrip version is similar, but does not replace its higher-level counterpart.

School evocation (air); Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a miniature fan)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or object
Duration 1 hour (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
You create a light wind that blows against the target, from a direction of your choice. The breeze grants the subject a +2 bonus on saves against very hot conditions, severe heat, breath weapons, and saves against cloud vapors and gases (such as cloudkill, stinking cloud, and inhaled poisons). This spell does not function without air or underwater.
You can only have one breeze active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled.

School conjuration (creation) [water]; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or object of size Large or smaller
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Reflex negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
A sudden downpour soaks the target creature or object. The rain follows the subject up to the range of the spell, soaking the target with water. If the target is on fire, the flames are automatically extinguished. Fires smaller than campfires (such as lanterns and torches) are automatically extinguished by this spell.

School transmutation [electricity]; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect spark of electricity
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance Yes
You cause a spark of electricity to strike the target with a successful ranged touch attack. The spell deals 1d3 points of electricity damage.

School evocation [darkness]; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a bit of soot)
Range touch
Target creature or object touched
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
This spell keeps the creature or object touched slightly in shadow. The target of this spell does not suffer any penalties or blindness caused by bright light, such as those from light sensitivity or light blindness.
You can have only one penumbra spell active at any one time. If you cast this spell while another casting is still in effect, the previous casting is dispelled.

School transmutation [earth]; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pinch of dirt)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 minute (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
This spell strengthens the subject's connection to the ground below, bolstering its defense against combat maneuvers. It gains a +2 insight bonus to its CMD to resist being moved or tripped and a +2 competence bonus on all Acrobatics checks made to balance or remain standing on earth, sand, stone, or a similar rocky substance.

School evocation [force]; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect 6 inch diameter container of force Duration concentration
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
You will a small vessel of force into existence. As a move action, you can direct the container up to 15 feet per round in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between you and the container ever exceeds the spell's range. You can dip the container to pick up or drop a liquid as a move action. The vessel holds up to 1 pint of liquid or small objects, weighing up to 5 pounds. You can also gather up a pint of liquid or small objects spread cross a surface with 1 minute of careful concentration.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Very Cool. Thanks!

Awesome! Thanks for listening to us and posting this! :)

Dark Archive

Woot ! Thanks Jason !

Awesome! Thanks for putting this up! I assume that its free for the peoples to throw up on d20pfsrd.com right? There is no mention of how this content is licensed, but I also am not that familiar with the general Paizo licencing.


Dark Archive

Thanks! Can we hope for magus favored class bonuses, too?

Thanks for getting these out. Now to switch my Ray of Frost for jolt for my Air Elemental (with DM approval of course).

Wonderfull, they had the stones to just say no to the wizard, and every other arcane caster.

IIRC that was their reason for not publishing masses of level 0 spells, so the sorcerers and all the other classes with spells known, would not feel left out.


Just dotting this for future reference.

Sovereign Court

Awww, I had Jolt pegged as an evocation spell.

Morgen wrote:
Awww, I had Jolt pegged as an evocation spell.

It absolutely should be.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

We all know that Breeze is the best of the bunch. Now you can always have windswept epic hair for any intense emotional scene or daring heroics.

Grand Lodge

These would have been a lot of fun. Too bad they didn't make the book.

Very cool. Thank you, sir!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Very nice. Thank you.

Breeze and Drench are the ones which inspire me the most.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Sweet! Thank you for posting these!

Will we be seeing a blog about the non-cantrip spells that got lost in the book too? I'm still pretty curious about what choose fate does, so I hope they don't just get errata'd out.

Eleric made a list over on the errata thread:


Comet (5th)- pg 124 Insights of Farseeing
Pierce reality (5th)" "
Lightning field (6th) pg 125 Grand Fathers legacy
Transfer Intelligence (5th) " "
Hungry are the dead (1st) " "
Reinforcing Bands (2nd) pg-125 Guardian Grimiore
Choose Fate (9th)- pg 126 Library of the dancer of skins
Rainbow helix (4th)-pg 127 Library of the dancer of skins
Fantastic reach (2nd)- " "
Metabolize (2nd)- " "
Thunderclap (6th)- pg 127 Mastery of word and thought
hush (1st)- " "

Some of them obviously just got renamed (reinforcing bands = cushioning bands, hush = forced quiet), but that still leaves several pretty cool sounding spells.

The Concordance RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Pretty powerful 0-level spells, IMO. Drench for example. Auto putting out fires of large size of smaller? (or rather one could arugue one way or another -- looking back at it it can be interpreted different ways).

In any case, thanks for sharing....

Very nice :)

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Does this mean we can expect a Bonus Ultimate Magic like the Bonus Bestiary PDF with 0-level spells, prestige classes & magical items?

Oh please!!!
Oh please!!!
Oh please!!!

Now how about some orisons for those of us who like divine magic? These are great, so I hope there are a few more 0 level spells left unmentioned :)

Anyone else see a Penumbra and Hide in Plain Sight combo action?

thebluecanary wrote:
Anyone else see a Penumbra and Hide in Plain Sight combo action?

I'd say not, since the spell is evocation, so it isn't really "there". At least in the sense that a conjuration spell would be. But that's getting into all sorts of philosophical debates about what "evocation" really means, so...

Robert Jordan wrote:
We all know that Breeze is the best of the bunch. Now you can always have windswept epic hair for any intense emotional scene or daring heroics.

For me, it's more for the conditional modifiers.

Things like breezes that make your hair and coat wave isn't even a cantrip in my book. It's a by-product of magic. The higher your caster level, the more you can modify yourself in little (or not so little) ways: Hair that waves in the breeze, perfect skin, ringing voices, weird eyes, the works.

Cheapy wrote:
thebluecanary wrote:
Anyone else see a Penumbra and Hide in Plain Sight combo action?
I'd say not, since the spell is evocation, so it isn't really "there". At least in the sense that a conjuration spell would be. But that's getting into all sorts of philosophical debates about what "evocation" really means, so...

Evocation is really there. Illusion is the pretend stuff. Evocation is completely magical and involves energy. Usually in a short sharp burst, but it can have sustained effects.

Light is an evocation spell and it really makes you able to see things.

Dark Archive

scoop can be rather powerful with a handy near by lava supply...

ulgulanoth wrote:
scoop can be rather powerful with a handy near by lava supply...

5 lbs of lava would give someone a really bad day.

Grand Lodge

Scoop is making me think of Fantasia.

I'm surprised it's only sorcerer/wizard. Several of these make thematic sense for both druids (drench, breeze, jolt) and witches (drench, penumbra).

Penumbra and breeze sound really fun. Jolt feels a little standard, but whatever. Happy to see that these made the blog cut.

A bonus Ultimate Magic book would, indeed, be awesome. I'd love to see the spells like "Hungry are the Dead" and "Comet" utilized.

-The Beast

Breeze sounds really fun.

My arcane casters would always be walking around with their cape fluttering, even though there is no wind.

Any chance we might see these cantrips smushed into a future release? Like ... maybe ... Ultimate Combat?!

*dodges tomatoes and covers ears against an onslaught of boos and hisses*

What? I'm sure there are going to be SOME spells in Ultimate Combat!

Thank you.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Continuous use breeze effect: 1,000 gp (spell level 1/2 x caster level 1st x 2,000 gp).

Create as a magical clasp that makes any cloak you wear constantly billow.

Liberty's Edge

Epic Meepo wrote:

Continuous use breeze effect: 1,000 gp (spell level 1/2 x caster level 1st x 2,000 gp).

Create as a magical clasp that makes any cloak you wear constantly billow.

But...But...there's no mechanical effect! POOR DESIGN!! [/sarcasm]

Awesome, awesome. I love the Paizo blogs for these little extra things, and I'm glad you let us see them. Great incentives for low level campaigns too.

Shadow Lodge

So, am I the only one who when I read breeze thought of it blowing up, you know, as cast by the pervert wizard targeting the buxom barmaid? :) For that matter, drench could be used similarly, impromptu wet shirt contest... So many character ideas out of this one book, I think my brain might explode!

Liberty's Edge

*casts Scoop and eats everyone's cereal*

Dark Archive

Golden-Esque wrote:

Any chance we might see these cantrips smushed into a future release? Like ... maybe ... Ultimate Combat?!

*dodges tomatoes and covers ears against an onslaught of boos and hisses*

What? I'm sure there are going to be SOME spells in Ultimate Combat!

No really. Can we can get a Bonus Ultimate Magic like the Bonus Bestiary PDF with 0-level spells, prestige classes & magical items?

Or just the 0-level spells, divine spells too and magical items?

Or just all of the 0 level cantrips & orisons?

Oh please!!!
Oh please!!!
Oh please!!!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Jeremiziah wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:

Continuous use breeze effect: 1,000 gp (spell level 1/2 x caster level 1st x 2,000 gp).

Create as a magical clasp that makes any cloak you wear constantly billow.

But...But...there's no mechanical effect! POOR DESIGN!! [/sarcasm]

More seriously, that item would also give you a +2 on saves versus heat, severe heat, breath weapons, cloud vapors, and gases. If you're off to fight a dragon, the +2 bonus on saves against breath weapons is reason enough to acquire a clasp of billowing.

The Exchange

All of these are now available on d20pfsrd.com.

They are also added to/merged with the sorcerer/wizard cantrips list.

As with all unofficial content, you should confirm with your GM to see if they are allowed in his/her campaign. Personally I like many of these a great deal and think they add a good amount of flavor.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The somatic component of Jolt should be shuffling your feet across a carpeted room.

So now the question becomes, with Ultimate Combat looming about 8 or 9 weeks away - how many of those weeks can be Ultimate Combat previews? ^_^

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
d20pfsrd.com wrote:

All of these are now available on d20pfsrd.com.

They are also added to/merged with the sorcerer/wizard cantrips list.

As with all unofficial content, you should confirm with your GM to see if they are allowed in his/her campaign. Personally I like many of these a great deal and think they add a good amount of flavor.

They should be kept separate from the core list. They're not meant to be awarded as the catchall grab bag at first level but found as treasure.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Thanks a bunch for posting these! I understood why they got cut, but I was still sad to see them go.

For folks incorporating them into your home game: the assignment was for sorcerer/wizards in this case, so that's why the lack of other classes. Several of them definitely do work for other classes. Go ahead and get creative ;)

Thanks for posting them.

The Exchange

LazarX wrote:
They should be kept separate from the core list. They're not meant to be awarded as the catchall grab bag at first level but found as treasure.

The page where they are located clearly has the text indicating these are not official material, as does the table, via the "Blog" indicator in the "Source" column.

Breeze reminds me of the kind of cantrip that my players love to create for their characters. (Constant air conditioning? Yes!) My favorite cantrip we developed is filth ward - literally just keeps your clothes from ever being soiled (developed by a rather snotty noble... whose character was first introduced gleaming spotless as he waded through the sewers.)

Jeremiziah wrote:
Epic Meepo wrote:

Continuous use breeze effect: 1,000 gp (spell level 1/2 x caster level 1st x 2,000 gp).

Create as a magical clasp that makes any cloak you wear constantly billow.

But...But...there's no mechanical effect! POOR DESIGN!! [/sarcasm]

+2 discressiorny GM bonus for looking badass. :P

A hair pin or thin head band to have comstnalty flowing hair would also be permissible.

Annotated to my PDF copy, I'm going to get spoiled by technology.

Souphin wrote:
Does this mean we can expect a Bonus Ultimate Magic like the Bonus Bestiary PDF with 0-level spells, prestige classes & magical items?

Actually, that's not a bad idea. The Bonus Bestiary is one my favorite little things that Paizo has done. A Bonus Ultimate Magic would be great!

Regardless, thanks for posting the cantrips! We really wanted these! :)

Morgen wrote:
Awww, I had Jolt pegged as an evocation spell.

That's got to be a mistake...

I mean, common... transmutation?

it seams a little odd how these are only wiz/sorc spells, particularly ones like jolt which seams to be a dead wringer for a magus spell. Was also hoping for a melee touch cantrip.

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