Dragons of Golarion

Monday, December 3, 2007

So in Pathfinder #4, we finally get around to talking about dragons in our world. We knew going in that this volume's adventure would feature Pathfinder's first official dragon fight (immortalized by Wayne Reynolds in the alternate cover to Pathfinder #1), but we didn't want to stop there. Dragons are the name of the game, and we needed to make sure that ours were distinct enough so that they looked different, but at the same point they had to look like dragons. That meant horns, sharp teeth, long necks, wings, the works. And further, we needed to know about their history, gods, society, clans and bloodlines, physiology and psychology, language, variants, and more.

Fortunately, Mike McArtor is not only exuberant when it comes to dragons, but he's also a great writer (and should it come to it, I know where he lives if his promised words end up being late). They weren't, and in Pathfinder #4 you'll be treated to "Dragons of Golarion: The Myth and the Flame," an article that covers the basics of the dragons of our world.

Oh, and it's got head shots of all ten classic dragons; the five chromatics and the five metallics. Wes will only let me show you two of those ten, so I guess I'll go for the two big guys: gold and red. Check out their majesty!

James Jacobs
Editor-in-Chief, Pathfinder

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Dragons Monsters

The artwork in this blog entry is by Andrew Hou.

Sovereign Court

Ah, someone is spamming up his post count...

What's the definition of cyber-stalking again?

Sovereign Court

I have one of those... it's taig.

Callous Jack wrote:
Ah, someone is spamming up his post count...

There is a post count tracker at the Paizo boards? Where can I find it? Do I get any sorts of level ups or new editing abilities?

(I'm spamming all these old blog posts as I identify the artists who drew the artwork for the pieces for my personal use, and for Paizo so they will have an easier time updating the blogs to credit the artists. James Jacobs has indicated in another thread that it is something that would be nice to do once they have the time. One day.

Sovereign Court

Caedwyr wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Ah, someone is spamming up his post count...

There is a post count tracker at the Paizo boards? Where can I find it? Do I get any sorts of level ups or new editing abilities?

(I'm spamming all these old blog posts as I identify the artists who drew the artwork for the pieces for my personal use, and for Paizo so they will have an easier time updating the blogs to credit the artists. James Jacobs has indicated in another thread that it is something that would be nice to do once they have the time. One day.

Hrm, makes sense.

And click on your name to get to your profile, currently you're at 468 posts including aliases.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Caedwyr wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Ah, someone is spamming up his post count...

There is a post count tracker at the Paizo boards? Where can I find it? Do I get any sorts of level ups or new editing abilities?

Ask Heathy.


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