Why vote for the lesser Evil?

Off-Topic Discussions

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why waste your vote?

I endorse this candidate!

As do I, yeeessss.

Me three!

Ah I see mass eggings in the future. A new potential brood.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I want to be his sex scandal.

Oh, yay! June, you're back from Mars!

The Martians told me this thread had all-you-can-eat cheese. I think they were trying to get rid of me.

June Cleaver wrote:
I want to be his sex scandal.

Cthulhu recoils in horror.

Did you know that "Cthulhu" is recognized by spell-check? IT MUST BE A SIGN!

I will Smite you all.

He runs every election but never wins. I think he needs to be more vocal about the issues.

Some Random Dude wrote:
He runs every election but never wins. I think he needs to be more vocal about the issues.

Well, I'm just not sure his core message of "Vote for me and you will be devoured last." is resonating with the voters.

It's also not clear that they understand his campaign slogan: "wgah-nagl ftaghn"

I just here for the free drink and food at the snack bar. Damn recession put a kink in my crusade and my wallet.

Some Random Dude wrote:
He runs every election but never wins. I think he needs to be more vocal about the issues.

The stars weren't right. Yet.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Some Random Dude wrote:
He runs every election but never wins. I think he needs to be more vocal about the issues.

Actually, think about it. With some of the folks who have been considered for nomination and some of the folks who have won elections over the years since Cthulhu started running, Cthulhu has clearly won already. More and more voters are clearly insane. ;)

I definitely feel that you should save your votes for the greater evil.

I'll see you in 2016.

Rev 3:16

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