The Darkest Corners

Game Master Nidoran Duran

Monster-hunting campaign using Korvosa as the background for urban fantasy.

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Male Half-Elf Vampire Hunter 2 / Detective 1 [HP 10/14 | AC 14 t10 ff14 | F3 R2 W10 | Percep +16 Init +5 (+8 one time) | Bard Spells (1) 2/2 Inquisitor Spells (1) 3/4

I'm back home now.


In was thinking Laznist going on the ready as we open doors pre-combat might be annoying. For the record I'm happy to have it as a special effect and have him roll init if combat starts. Not sure there even are actions outside of combat.

Female Human Inquisitor 3 | HP 22/26 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | Perc +9 | Init +4 (Careful Teamwork, Shield of Faith)

Back on track following a lovely Easter weekend with the family. I apologize for my extended absence but this sort of thing will happen very rarely. Looking forward to more pbp adventure now!


while not his best spell, Laznist dopes have access to color spray. Can we see the miners? Might it be possible for Laznist to duck ahead and target a bunch of them?

You can see the miners.


Hey all, not dead but I did have some RL stuff come up unexpectedly over the past couple of days so I apologize for my absence. Feel free to bot me if combat/story needs to be moved along, otherwise I'll work on getting caught up later tonight!


I should explain my reasoning.
If they're malnourished they are probably hungry. Offering food might get some friends, has a good chance of distracting them and might let us find out more about what they are and what motivates them.

Male Half-Elf Vampire Hunter 2 / Detective 1 [HP 10/14 | AC 14 t10 ff14 | F3 R2 W10 | Percep +16 Init +5 (+8 one time) | Bard Spells (1) 2/2 Inquisitor Spells (1) 3/4

It seems sensible to me Laznist. It's really unclear how much these miners are acting under their own will at this point.

Male (5'8", 130 lbs) Samsaran Alchemist 3 [HP 23/24 |AC: 18, T: 13, FF: 15 | Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +3 | Perception +11, Init +8 | Dex Mutagen, Careful Teamwork]

Okay, I just discovered that I have an extra slot for an extract during the day... I've prepared 4, I receive 3+2...

So I'm going to start preparing my last extract. It will take me a minute.

I prepare... Detect Undead.

Male Half-Elf Vampire Hunter 2 / Detective 1 [HP 10/14 | AC 14 t10 ff14 | F3 R2 W10 | Percep +16 Init +5 (+8 one time) | Bard Spells (1) 2/2 Inquisitor Spells (1) 3/4

I'll be unable to access the boards from first thing tomorrow morning until at least midday Wednesday (Mountain Time).

Uh, bad news, guys. Some personal stuff has gone down, I've been kicked out, and right now it looks like I'll be spending the next few weeks living on my friend's couch until either things get settled at home, or I can figure out something a little more permanent. While I do have computer access, time is a little more restricted and honestly I'm not in the best of places mentally, and so I have to drop all of my games that aren't run out of APs, because quite frankly I'm in no condition to be writing anything. APs are fairly simple enough to translate that I can still do them, but anything more is just beyond me right now.

Sorry about cutting this off (again), but I'm just not able to keep going with this. You've been great, hope you all find other, better games soon. If anyone wants to take over from here, you're welcome to, otherwise maybe once I have a better handle on things I could run Carrion Crown for you guys or something.

Female Construct (Human Clockwork Automation) Bard (Archivist) 3 | Hp 20/23 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 13 | CMD 16 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4| Per +9 | Init +2 | Active: Careful Teamwork (bonuses not typed out)

No worries : )

It has been a really fun game - and while it is a shame that it halts once more - you better sort out those difficulties. Life is hard sometimes, but I wish you the best of luck and skill in fixing the situation!

I have a few other pbp games I play in - so I'm probably going to be around if you want to give this another shot at another time (third time is the charm, after all!).

Good luck everyone, and happy days : )

With a bit of luck, we may meet again //Ophelia/Lessah

Male (5'8", 130 lbs) Samsaran Alchemist 3 [HP 23/24 |AC: 18, T: 13, FF: 15 | Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +3 | Perception +11, Init +8 | Dex Mutagen, Careful Teamwork]

Thanks for everything, Spooky, and get things sorted out. I wish you the best.


This has been a great game Spooky, and I'm sorry that you won't be able to run it and especially sorry that it is because your real life is going badly.

I hope things get better soon, whether I see you back here or not.

If the game is something you think you might pick up again one day I should still be around and would be happy to be part of it.

If this game is definitively ending, is there any chance of finding out what was going here with the cultists and the disappearances and everything? Seemed intriguing.

@Shang, Ophelia, Walther - it's been a privilege playing the thug in our smarts heavy game :)

@Tieszla, Navia - we've not played together long, but I'll miss you guys too.

Yeah, I think this is it.

The cultists were going to be a recurring thing; you were going to find the Vulnadaemon wearing Dara's skin and put it down, but the cult was going to be a menace intermittently, leading up to this big thing with a Mothman (introduced at the end of this case) and them revering it as an agent of Zyphus even though it's a force beyond that. Sadly all this has put a pretty heavy cramp in getting to any of that.

Female Human Inquisitor 3 | HP 22/26 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | Perc +9 | Init +4 (Careful Teamwork, Shield of Faith)

Hope things improve for you IRL Spooky. I've quite enjoyed this game and appreciate the opportunity to rub shoulders with such great players. Thanks for having me. I will keep my eyes out for your future games once things settle down for you again. Best of luck until then.


Thanks Spooky, sounds like it would have been good.


Hate to hear that things have gone south for you Spooky, but I had a great time with what little chance I had to play. I hope things pick up for you; I'll keep an eye out for other games you guys run/are in :)

Male Half-Elf Vampire Hunter 2 / Detective 1 [HP 10/14 | AC 14 t10 ff14 | F3 R2 W10 | Percep +16 Init +5 (+8 one time) | Bard Spells (1) 2/2 Inquisitor Spells (1) 3/4

Thanks for a good game Spooky


Apologies to anyone who saw this and hoped that Spooky had come back.

All right.... I loved this game so much I'm thinking of doing something similar. Likely to be a bit more Simon R Green-ish, hopefully a bit more Noir, and emphasising the Automata storyline a little. Possibly alternate-golarion.

If I did do it, then the people in this game (including Spooky, if he resurfaces) would have an invite. Probably characters (with a bit of tweaking) would still work.

Anyone interested? Should I start a thread to discuss it?

Female Construct (Human Clockwork Automation) Bard (Archivist) 3 | Hp 20/23 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 13 | CMD 16 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4| Per +9 | Init +2 | Active: Careful Teamwork (bonuses not typed out)

Why yes, I would certainly be interested!


Eeeexcellent. That's one.

Male (5'8", 130 lbs) Samsaran Alchemist 3 [HP 23/24 |AC: 18, T: 13, FF: 15 | Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +3 | Perception +11, Init +8 | Dex Mutagen, Careful Teamwork]

Yes, let's do this!


Two... hahaha!

Female Human Inquisitor 3 | HP 22/26 | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5 | Perc +9 | Init +4 (Careful Teamwork, Shield of Faith)

I'm up for something like that too.

Female Construct (Human Clockwork Automation) Bard (Archivist) 3 | Hp 20/23 | AC 15, Touch 12, FF 13 | CMD 16 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4| Per +9 | Init +2 | Active: Careful Teamwork (bonuses not typed out)

3 =)

You better put that thread up now, Laznist ^^


have a look at this then.
I'm going to talk about what I'm thinking and the game etc.
There would need to be some rebuilding background wise I think, but I'm hopeful this is relatively minor.

Would like to discuss some issues first.
Feel free to add feedback.


As tempting as this sounds, I think I'll have to pass, just because I've recently had some personal issues that took me away from posting on my active games. The issues are more-or-less resolved, but I don't think it would be a good idea for me to add any other games to my plate unless some more of them end up ending for some reason. That being said, I hope everyone else has a great time and I'll definitely have to follow the game's progress when it gets going :)


Sorry to hear that Navia, thanks for being responsible and I hope your personal issues resolve favourably.

If you want to check in on us sometimes and make suggestions, I'm very happy to hear them :)

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