Tales from the City of Opal

Game Master Patrick Curtin

This is my homebrew world Arcaia. This particular setting is the free city of Opal, a lush equatorial city set on the edge of an immense jungle rife with undead , ancient civilizations, and dinosaurs.

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Bribes always welcome

Looks like everyone is moving right along with their characters!

I will take a more in depth perusal of the different characters, but from what I just scanned it is all good. Shiny, that vestige is fine. You might want to change the fluff to an Old One's mirror for the vestige origin, since this is a homebrew world and the Golarion bits aren't here. Would give an interesting tie-in should we end up going in the eldritch horror direction.

I will work on getting the game cobbled together. I had expected to launch it around (American) Thanksgiving, that's Nov. 27th for those who wont be eating turkey & stuffing (poor sods). I might pull the timetable up a bit since you all have been right on top of the character creation.

I want to ask you all a few basic questions re: your characters. The answers will help me steer the game in a fun direction.

1. What does the character want to accomplish? What are their goals? Money, Power, Fame, Justice? Is there a wrong to be righted, a foe to humiliate, a gem to steal?

2. Does your character have any friends/family/acquaintences? I am not talking 'rich Uncle Willy who loans me thousands of gold pieces.' Any brothers/sisters? Do you have a drinking buddy? Childhood crush? Bookie?

3. What economic level do you see your character at? The choices are:

Opaline nobility: A rather large group, with more status then actual wealth sometimes, but still on the top of the social heap.

Opaline mercantile class: A mixed lot, families that don't trace their ancestry to the Vellasian Exodus, but have done well in Opal. Snubbed by the older families as nouveau riche these families weild the most economic power in Opal, if not the highest status.

Opaline bourgeoisie: The 'middle class' of Opal. Mostly natives, with a sprinkling of 'washashores': folk who have settled in Opal. Workaday folks just making a living. Most servants to the higher orders are given this class title as a courtesy, even if many originate from the Flotsam.

Flotsam: The lower classes. Whores, pimps, theives, drunkards, dockworkers, common sailors. Mostly concentrated in the Driftwood District, near the harbor. Although not high in economic might or social standing, these folks know how to hide and survive in the mean streets. They also look out for their own against any others.

Another fluff bit:

Opaline natives are all about panache and style. They are also taught at an early age how to handle weapons. Plantation owners in particular face common threats of dinosaur, undead and spider incursions. To this end, many social orders form association clubs known as Sword Circles where members can spar and hone their combat (or arcane) skills. In typical Opaline fashion, what Sword Circle you belong to says a lot about who you are in society. Most Sword Circle members proudly advertise their membership with a brooch or pendant that features the heraldic mark of their club. There are intra club fueds and rivalries, but members can also depend on having assistance from other members in a pinch (as long as they don't make themselves too tedious by always asking).

If anyone wants to make a Sword Circle for their character I would be happy to look it over. Basically just need a name and its focus (swords/magic/warhammers/etc.) and what socio-economic level you imagine it would fall into. If you feel artistic a heraldic mark would be cool as well.

Friking site just ate my updated profile, now I am annoyed!

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4

"Hey, have an ale while you wait friend."

The enormous half-orc hands you a mug of ale and raises his gem encrusted mug in salute.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

All DMs are evil (Ten Foot Twin Eater):
After reading your background of growing up on a Plantation, I feel it could work in nicely with mine, as Joleesa's father owns a Plantation. Maybe the Morvais Plantation was where Sister Roselyn took refuge and growing up Joleesa was nice to you and you became friends or something?

Think it over and let me know and I'll adjust my Background to take this in.

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4
flash_cxxi wrote:

All DMs are evil (Ten Foot Twin Eater):

After reading your background of growing up on a Plantation, I feel it could work in nicely with mine, as Joleesa's father owns a Plantation. Maybe the Morvais Plantation was where Sister Roselyn took refuge and growing up Joleesa was nice to you and you became friends or something?

Think it over and let me know and I'll adjust my Background to take this in.

I have to hold my hands up and admit I kind of re-wrote the plantation part after reading your profile to make that an option.

It sounds like a great idea, although with our impressive height and unusual looks we are going to look like a travelling circus :-)

Shall we assume, we were friends growing up, you being like a big sister to the very young giant, but unable to make our friendship common knowledge because of the class division. You left the plantation when Ten Foot was 10, so we could have only just met up and got reacquainted in the last year or even meet at the start of the adventure when Ten-Foot recognises you and you realise that this is the the not so little boy all grown up.

Male Human Sorcerer 5

I updated my background slightly. Now, for the questions.

1. Goal 1: Become wealthy independently from his parents

Goal 2: Get proof of his parents worship of Xipe Totec
Goal 3:Expose them for the crazed cultists they are.

2. One Eyed Isaac: A sailor he befriended during his brief attempt to be a sailor. He's your standard crusty old sailor.

3.The Marshalsea family is certainly within the mercantile class, although Tobias has been trying to work out a more middle-class lifestyle after leaving the house.

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4

1. What does the character want to accomplish? What are their goals? Money, Power, Fame, Justice? Is there a wrong to be righted, a foe to humiliate, a gem to steal?

A. Directly, Ten Foot is a hedonist and his only real aims are to right any wrongs while being loyal to his friends. He has a strong dislike of prejudice or racism.
Indirectly, there is the whole mystery of his mother, Who was she? Where did she come from? How did she become impregnated with a monster like him? Ten Foot will not be pursuing this angle, but it doesn't mean you can't have it pursue him or even have it weave its way into another characters plot. I am easy either way.

2. Does your character have any friends/family/acquaintences? I am not talking 'rich Uncle Willy who loans me thousands of gold pieces.' Any brothers/sisters? Do you have a drinking buddy? Childhood crush? Bookie?

a). Sister Roselyn is an elderly woman now, living on the plantation, a priestess of limited power and a midwife, she saved him as a foundling and brought him up as her son. There is little that Ten Foot would not do for his mum. She has been left deliberately vague for you to ignore or use.
b) Various merchants, Ten Foot has worked with a lot of merchants in the last few years and will probably have their respect as a good body guard. Despite his lax attitude to laws, he follows a personal code of never letting down an employer or friend.
c) Flash and myself are currently thinking of knowing each other.
d) He will also be a popular figure in many of the local taverns and gambling halls.
e) I am also a fan of religions having a say over the actions of their priests, so if you want to have the local high priest start getting on my back, feel free to.

3. What economic level do you see your character at?

That is a difficult one, Ten Foot was brought up as a plantation worker, which puts him firmly in the Flotsom, but he is now an acting priest and as a travelling sell sword has amassed a small fortune which puts him some where close to Opaline bourgeoisie. He will start investing his money into businesses and property, so I hope to have him rise through the ranks.

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5

@#$%@$@#$ first post eaten ...

OK, Sanvoros's background is up. Sorry for the delay.

Nathan - since both Izkrael and Sanvoros are members of the Order of the Feathered Serpent, I'm guessing they probably know each other. Perhaps Izkrael is one of Sanvoros' few friends, or at least they have worked together in the past. What do you think?

DM -
Answers to the questions:

1. Sanvoros' primary goal is nothing less than the complete eradication of undead in the area. He despises them and what they do to the living. His only desire for gold is enough to survive and further his martial and magical skills. He desires magic only for the additional power it gives him over his foes. And he doesn't care one wit if he ever gets any recognition or fame for it.

2. Izkrael is likely a friend or compatriot (see above), and Sanvoros considers all members of the Order to be his brothers. Other than that, however, he has no one.

3. Best classification would be bourgoisie. He's not poor or destitute, but he doesn't care much about significant wealth, either.

Female Human

1. Goals 1&2: to get filthy stinking rich and have as much fun as possible while doing it, irregardless of the consequences to herself or others.

2. Everyone's acquaintance, no one's friend. No one trusts her that much.

3. Born into wealthy nobility, voluntarily left for the lower classes out of boredom.

Background is half-finished, stats are updated.

Male Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Wizard (transmuter) 5

Addition/modification to question 2:
Though Sanvoros doesn't have many friends, and no real family (perhaps a few cousins in the area, as his father did have a sister), there is one 'friend' - the mysterious someone or something that kept him alive and sheltered from undead after his parents were slaughtered. Sanvoros believes it was an actual couatl (after all, his spellcasting abilities were more fully developed afterwards), but it just as easily could have been a drawing ... or perhaps a tattoo?

Liberty's Edge

Traits chosen:

- Dirty Fighter (+1 damage to flanked opponents)
- Charming (+1 to Bluff and Diplomacy)

Male Elf Paladin/Ranger 4/1

Izkrael's main goals are to find out if Xenaphia still lives or is undead, and to save her our put her to rest (for the latter). Next to that, he seeks the destruction of undead, especially intelligent ones who seem to direct the lesser versions.

Sanvoros is the one person he regards as a friend, and they occasionally hunt the damned together. He knows other members of the Order, but most of the ones who originally saved him or trained him are dead or retired. Although many members of the Order probably joined due to undead taking loved ones from them, something about Sanvoros' situation struck a chord in his soul and reminds Izkrael of his own reason for joining.
He has a soft spot for the forgotten and abanoned, and often donates coin he gathers or makes in his travels to orphanages, though ho does not usually visit the children there, not wanting to associate them with the pall of death that he sees as surrounding himself.

Definately bourgeoisie. He lives comfortably, but not extravegantly when in cities or towns, though he usually tries to stay on the hunt.

Bribes always welcome

Great job folks, what I have been able to peruse looks great.

Evil DM: Love the concept. There is a group of humanoid pirates called the Sea Wolves who are known to haunt the waters around Opal. Perhaps Twin Eater is a castoff bast*rd of one of them? Only time will tell.

Flash: Great backstory. Red hair is indeed rare in Opal (as is pale skin, the tropical sun sees to that). From your backstory, your family would fall into the titled mercantile class, with your mother a scion of the original nobility.

Davi: Tobias is good for a start. Very Lovecraftian backstory, love it.

Bryan: Excellent backstory as well. There are sightings in the jungle of the rare and elusive Couatl, they are considered heralds of Quetzalcouatl, thus very good luck to see.

Nathan: Another good backstory. The undead are always 'recruiting', and there are incidents like yours all too often.

Shiny: Vilya is a perfect Opaline noble scion. Jaded, bored, impetuous, and a love of danger. The Driftwood District taverns and brothels are packed with the bored younger children of Opaline society. Did Vilya change her appearance when she disappeared? She will be spotted if not. Does she wish to stay 'dead'?

Scranford: Egan's story is good. The Uplands Rangers are always a welcome sight, even if the city-based nobility treats them like uncouth hired muscle. Smart plantation owners treat them well.

Flash: Was your mate going to join in?

A quick note on Opaline culture:

There are various class distinctions in Opal, but not as stark in some plantation societies you could name. Every worker in the fields is armed, there are just too many monsters to be otherwise. There is no slavery, because slaves would rebel if they had the weaponry to do so.

Think of the social system closer to a frontier aristocracy, with well-armed and trained farmers led by noble-blood leaders. The city nobles are a bit softer than their plantation cousins, but they usually don't have plantations, or if they do they don't manage or live on them.

Opal is a dangerous place for anyone to live, and there are few people who don't know the business end of a sword. Proficiency in arms is a mark of distinction among Opalines, much like proficiency in dancing or clothing style. Most Opalines would rather walk naked down the street than be seen without a weapon.

I'm loving all this back story to Opal, this city area could be dropped into any world as an island.

I can feel some theft of your intellectual property coming along, a big "YOINK" to all you have posted so far.

As a European, I find south American cultures very difficult to imagine in normal circumstances, you are painting a vivid picture of it all, so well that even a dullard like me can imagine swaggering down the street in high fashion with a rapier on my hip and a sword circle medallion around my neck.

Female Human
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Shiny: Vilya is a perfect Opaline noble scion. Jaded, bored, impetuous, and a love of danger. The Driftwood District taverns and brothels are packed with the bored younger children of Opaline society. Did Vilya change her appearance when she disappeared? She will be spotted if not. Does she wish to stay 'dead'?

She keeps her vestige bound all the time, and will not bind any other, which effectively disguises her appearance. Also, it's been ten years since she faked her own death, so she probably looks somewhat different. She is perfectly comfortable staying 'dead.'

Male Half-elf Ranger / 6 (Falconer)

Goals - Aid and offer guidance to all creatures and beings traveling in the great Jungle, or along the river. Egan is not naive enough to think that the encroachment of civilization can be stopped, but he hopes to preserve the beauty of the Jungle as Opal expands its boundaries. In addition he strives to make sure that everyone, especially children, have a wonderful experience in the Jungle on one of his many guided tours, either on foot or by riverboat. That they walk away after one of his tours wanting to preserve the wilderness as much as Egan does. Thirdly, he wants to make sure that when he guides a hunt, that the creatures he pursues are not endangered or otherwise valuable, ie... no nursing mothers, underpopulation etc. He understands that as the Jungle shrinks the animal populations must as well, so selected hunting is not against his principals.

Friends and Family:
1. Previously mentioned Father
2. Truskie Sallow - Herbalist in Opal that sometimes buys from Egan.
3. Nimin Rose - Florist in Opal that sends Egan contracts for flowers.
4. Walger Trunk - Boat owner that Egan contracts to pilot boat for river tours.
5. Falderth - Druid in the Jungle who constantly tries to foil Egan's hunts and badger his customers. He doesn't think the wilderness should allow humanity, and is nasty enough to use violence and other means to prevent it.

Economic Status - Flotsam, but by choice. Doesn't have much need for coin, as the Jungle provides what he needs. When he does need money he contracts a tour, or gathers rare herbs, spices, and flowers to sell to his contacts in Opal.

Male Half Orc - Half Human- Half Something Else (I know that is 3 halves, but he is a big chap) Cleric Level 4

^^^^Tree Hugger^^^^


Male Half-elf Ranger / 6 (Falconer)

: ). You don't have to buy them dinner, and presents for a hug...

Male Human Sorcerer 5
Dungeon Monkey wrote:
Davi: Tobias is good for a start. Very Lovecraftian backstory, love it.

Thanks! So, anyway, any ideas for improving him? Any plot holes I missed? Ideas for lovable acquaitences? Let's face it, my creativity's basically shot about any more for his background.

Bribes always welcome

Moving right along, everything seems good to go!

Shiny: Thanks for the Vilya explanation. We'll run with that.

Scranford: I like the NPCs. I always like to incorporate some ideas from the players to involve the characters. Since you are kinda going for a medieval Sierra Club feel, you might want to think about the Sliss'pok decendant lizardfolk that live in the Mazatilian jungle. They are truly 'stewards of the land', and they might be an interesting angle for NPC interaction. They do not live in permananent settlements, but they are master alchemists and they breed specialized dinosaurs for companions/mounts/watchcreatures. They have a mount called a 'Leaper' that is a modified raptorian dinosaur tamed for riding. Specialized for jungle movement (horses don't do very well in the deep jungle).

Davi: I can hook in a lot of plot stuff to your backstory, no problems. Give me a seed and I'll grow you a tree :)

Evil DM: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If you want to yoink, feel free. I have been doodling this world on paper for about a year now, I just wish I was better at crunch I would make a whole slew of PrCs and monsters. Unfortunately at this point I am still sucktacular with the rules. Storytelling is my strong suit.

I will post up a little more as we go into the weekend.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Sorry for my absence. Been really busy and only managed a post here and there, not enough time to devote to answering your questions. I'll get to them over the weekend.
The Sword Circles are definately something that Joleesa would be interested in. I'm thinking that she will be a member in one that is opposed to her Father's Sword Circle. Do you want me to create both Circles, or will you create Dravid's and I'll create Joleesa's?
Also, regarding her Lizardfolk link: do you wan to create the tribe (or tribes) that she is friendly with?

One question I can answer: I rang my friend today and he has decided not to play. He thinks he won't have the time since he's just gotten a new job. So you can open up that spot to someone else if you want, or just leave it dead.
Really sorry to muck you around.

All DMs are evil:
I'll also update Joleesa's Background to take into account Ten's & Joleesa's shared history.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Dungeon Monkey wrote:
I have been doodling this world on paper for about a year now, I just wish I was better at crunch I would make a whole slew of PrCs and monsters. Unfortunately at this point I am still sucktacular with the rules. Stroytelling is my strong suit.

Yeah I started to create my own world years ago. I got as far as drawing the map of the one Mega-Continent and assigning portions to different cultures. I created one God and his followers.

That was as far as I got. This was back during the height of 2e. I probably still have the stuff around as I still have all my old 2e stuff (I am a notorious hoarder, of which my wife is not overly impressed about).

It's something I've thought about going back to, the God (Shale, God of Shadows) especially. I like him. =) Unfortunately I am like you. A bit light on the rules and all about the story.

Bribes always welcome

Flash: I see your father's Sword Circle as one that is open to the movers and shakers of the mercantile class, the ones granted nobility, but not in the rarified upper social strata. I would imagine they concentrate on rapiers, in an attempt to outdo the blue bloods at their own game (since rapiers are a favorite weapon among the Opaline high nobility). Perhaps a heraldic mark of the giant bat, a common winged hunter in the plantation area. It would signify rapid quick death with an allegiance to the riverine plantation culture (where the giant bat is common). More than likely this Sword Circle would have its own clubhouse in Opal, a rich 'gentlemans' type of establishment. Butlers serving port in the library, discussions of shipping news and tobacco prices on the veranda, rapier duels in the courtyard, the usual.

Yours I would imagine would be something of the rebellious nature, but I will let you work on it. :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Dungeon Monkey wrote:

I want to ask you all a few basic questions re: your characters. The answers will help me steer the game in a fun direction.

1. What does the character want to accomplish? What are their goals? Money, Power, Fame, Justice? Is there a wrong to be righted, a foe to humiliate, a gem to steal?


Have fun.
Make enough money to get by comfortably but not too flashy.
Find ways to annoy Dravid (her father) indirectly.

Dungeon Monkey wrote:
2. Does your character have any friends/family/acquaintences? I am not talking 'rich Uncle Willy who loans me thousands of gold pieces.' Any brothers/sisters? Do you have a drinking buddy? Childhood crush? Bookie?


Father: Dravid Morvais
Mother: Jalia Morvais
Brother: Callum Morvais (he is two years older than her)
Doesn’t have much to do with her family anymore. Still keeps in touch with her mother when she can and sees her father occasionally when he comes to Opal proper for business. She rarely sees her brother. They never got on well as children and their relationship has remained cordial but distant ever since Joleesa left the Plantation where Callum works overseeing the day to day operations.

Ten Foot Twin Eater
Friends with Ten (what she calls him) when they were growing up. Treated him like a little brother. Lost touch with him after she left the Plantation, but has recently become reacquainted with him.

Tribe of the Sun
Tribe of the Clawed Leaper
Contacts with a few local Lizardfolk Tribes. She occasionally does some trading with them and helps them against undead incursions.

Sword Circle
The Circle of the Raptor.
She was drawn to this Circle for two reasons.
1) It was made up of other disenfranchised scions of the nobility and Merchant Classes looking to annoy their parents by not following in their footsteps.
2) Because of the association with the Raptor. She is friends with the Tribe of the Clawed Leaper and having the two Contacts click so nicely worked for her.

Dungeon Monkey wrote:
3. What economic level do you see your character at?


Opaline Nobility.
Opaline Mercantile Class.
Opaline Bourgeoisie.

She has ties and associations with all three of these groups.
She hails from the Mercantile Class, but with minor Noble status. Since leaving her father's Plantation however, she has had to make it on her own (even though she lives for free in her Familiy's Opal City Manor). Therefore she has taken on jobs which would place her ino the Bourgeoisie Class were she to come from a different Bacground.

Bribes always welcome

Just a bit of fluff for y'all. Just having some fun.

Mazatil Calendar:
The Arcaian Year is 367 1/12 days long. The Zapatec civilization created the calendar based on the calculations of the Quetzalcouatl priest Mictanlatl (Heart of Flowers). It is based on the earlier Xoltec Calendar, which was abandoned because of its ties to human sacrifice and necromancy.

Rather than a 30-day month standard, the year is broken up into 28 13-day ‘cycles’. The cycles are grouped into 2 sections of 14 cycles each. The ‘wet’ cycles are named for animals and fall during the winter rainy season. The ‘dry’ cycles are named for gems and fall during the summer dry season. Zapatecs are often called by their birthday as a common name, with their birthname kept secret as a ward against evil magic. Thus a Zapatec can be called Seven Fox or Twelve Onyx in daily conversation.

Wet Cycles:
1. Fox
2. Bat
3. Gecko
4. Spider
5. Eagle
6. Horse
7. Bear
8. Rabbit
9. Leopard
10. Jaguar
11. Tiger
12. Turtle
13. Deer
14. Bison

Dry Cycles:
1. Jade
2. Ruby
3. Turquoise
4. Diamond
5. Emerald
6. Onyx
7. Sapphire
8. Obsidian
9. Amethyst
10. Pearl
11. Topaz
12. Opal
13. Moonstone
14. Garnet

The remaining four days are marked on the solstices and the equinoxes. They are the Days of the Couatl, and any children born on these days are known as One Couatl and considered very lucky. These children often enter the priesthood.

Every twelve years there is a leap day. This is the Day of the Skull, prophesised to be the day the Zapatec Civilization will fall. Any child born on this day is considered cursed, and known as One Skull. These children rarely live long happy lives.

Dark Archive

male human

Like the others, I'm loving this fluff. Makes everything feel more "real" to me. And I've always felt that the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations hold just huge amounts of potential for adventuring. Keep it coming! (and like All DMs are Evil, I also feel a "yoink" coming on...)

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4

OK Joleesa is totally finished (unless there's anything you want me to add Pat).
Added in Associates (Ten, Lizardfolk & Sword Circle) and did some general tidy up.
I am itchin' to go! =D

If that spot is open..... :) I am just saying :)

Female Human

Vilya's background is finally finished.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Larcifer wrote:
If that spot is open..... :) I am just saying :)

As soon as I said it I expected to see you post within like 30 seconds. I'm surprised it's taken you this long! ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Vilya the Taker wrote:
Vilya's background is finally finished.

Interesting. There might be some fireworks in this party with all the different personalities. Izkrael is gonna have his work cut out for him trying to keep this Chaotic/Neutral/Good party in line. =)

Liberty's Edge

flash_cxxi wrote:
Vilya the Taker wrote:
Vilya's background is finally finished.
Interesting. There might be some fireworks in this party with all the different personalities. Izkrael is gonna have his work cut out for him trying to keep this Chaotic/Neutral/Good party in line. =)

Vilya's gonna give him hell. Well, more like Limbo, but still.

In all fairness, I am on vacation :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Larcifer wrote:
In all fairness, I am on vacation :)

There is no vacationing from Paizo!!! ;)-

EDIT:Well unless there is absolutely no Net access where you are vacationing. I am gonna be jonesin' pretty hard come DEC/JAN when I go Camping for a week!!!

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4

Hey Tobias... if you're in need of a Sword Circle then I've got one you might be interested in. See my ASSOCIATES.

Bribes always welcome
Larcifer wrote:
If that spot is open..... :) I am just saying :)

**YAWN** good (early by my reckoning) morning!

So I guess you really want in eh Larcifer? It is actually quite flattering. Sure, the spot is open, roll up a character.

Everyone seems to be on track. I am too damn fuzzy at this moment to check on everything, but I will go through it later once the caffeine hits my skull ... 330 am on a Sunday morning, I must be mad.

Anyway, another piece of Opal fluff:

The Feathered Snake Dervishes:

A sect of Quetzalcouatl, the Feathered Snake Dervishes devote themselves to achieving union with their god by frenzied dancing and ritualized singing chants. They are a common sight on any Zapatec city's streets, but they are especially attracted to Opal. Through their connection to their deity they channel positive necromantic power, effectively 'stacking' their turning abilities while lost in dance. At sunset they can usually be found singing and dancing near Opal's walls, using their energy to imbue the wards set in the stones with power, hindering the passage of undead into the city. Often wounded or sick people will attend these sunset rituals in hopes of getting a bit of beneficial necromantic energy.

A Feathered Snake Dervish is identifiable by their dress, a rainbow robe of multicolored cloth designed to swirl about them as they whirl. Their elders wear capes of bird and dinosaur feathers. They are mostly clerics, but some elders become mystic theurges, speciallizing in creating undead wards. They abhor violence, claiming that it hinders their power, but they will attack undead with their spells (they have no combat weapon training and carry only sacred daggers called Tonochas).

Yay Me!!! K I am out of town, I will be heading home tonight so i will have the character submitted either tonight or monday :)

Male Human Sorcerer 5
Joleesa Morvais wrote:
Hey Tobias... if you're in need of a Sword Circle then I've got one you might be interested in. See my ASSOCIATES.

Hmm. Looks good. I'm going to have to take you up on that offer.

Also, good work with all this fluff, Patrick.

Liberty's Edge

S~*@! I AM A F#*~ING MORON! I used the PHB rogue instead of the Pathfinder rogue!

Liberty's Edge

OK, fixed.

Huetztoc Acampa Tepeticpac or he who was cast down from on the mountain top

Ok so I am gonna make a Bard 1/ Sorcerer 2 with the abberation blood line

Long an orphan, his family decended from the mountains, he hails from a poor district, he is a struggling artist plauged by nightmares of tenticled horrors. He does not know what they mean but the cities he visits in his dreams are cyclopean in nature and he feels as if he has been there first hand.

1. What does the character want to accomplish? What are their goals? Money, Power, Fame, Justice? Is there a wrong to be righted, a foe to humiliate, a gem to steal?
End the nightmares, become a famous artist, seek an honest living, discover his heritage.

2. Does your character have any friends/family/acquaintences? I am not talking 'rich Uncle Willy who loans me thousands of gold pieces.' Any brothers/sisters? Do you have a drinking buddy? Childhood crush? Bookie?
A fellow artist an older gentleman who has taken him under his wing, they spend hours discussing paintings and poetry he crafts. A groupie who is an almost stalker who loves his artwork. Is in love with a prostitute from the Driftwood District

3. What economic level do you see your character at? The choices are:
Flotsam: The lower classes. Whores, pimps, theives, drunkards, dockworkers, common sailors. Mostly concentrated in the Driftwood District, near the harbor. Although not high in economic might or social standing, these folks know how to hide and survive in the mean streets. They also look out for their own against any others.
his art is greatly underappreciated, but it is only a matter of time until someone with a taste for his art discovers his talents.

Stats and such to follow. Hey Patrick there is a feat called Aberation Bane Magic from the Lords of Madness book I am looking at it with interest what do you think.....

Bribes always welcome

Larcifer welcome aboard! I'll check that feat out today. Like the background so far, looks like we have a large contingent of Lovecraft fans in the mix, I have a feeling that I will be putting in a bunch of Old Ones stuff in this game.

I am starting to feel like we are all pretty much jelled for a start date this week. Due to the upcoming holiday I might have a bit of extra time depending on how things break. Seems to be a good time to start our Opal adventure!

Edit: If he is going to be a Zapatec native, you might want to come up with a common name for him (as discussed in the calendar fluff above. Just pick a number between one and thirteen then choose the cycle he was born in and smoosh the two together .. Number-cycle. i.e. Six Eagle or Nine Ruby.


You can see that Eastern Mazatil has an extensive chain of islands off its coast. Plenty of seagoing adventure should you wish to move the game in that direction.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I am sooooooooooooo keen to start this game!!!

I am visiting this Thread and Z-Day every time I sit down at the computer atm!


All in good time. Wouldn't want this game to become a flash in the pan <rimshot>

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Patrick Curtin wrote:
All in good time. Wouldn't want this game to become a flash in the pan <rimshot>

Did I just get burned!!! Oh I think I did... ;)

Bribes always welcome

LOL ;)

Anyway, I don't have a bunch of time this morning, but rest assured today while ensconced at my eerily silent phone workstation today I will be dreaming up a fun intro scenario. I always like input, so I will give you all the chance to tell me what interests you.

Some choices:

1. Indiana Jones/Lara Croft: There's unexplored ruins in them thar jungles! Shall we try and plunder them?

2. Cap'n Jack Sparrow: ARRR! trade and adventure awaits ye on the high seas!

3. The Mummy: Ancient secrets stir and dread necromantic liches plot their revenge on the living. Who will stop their evil?

4. Under da sea: Life's always better, where it is wetter, take it from me! Lots of aquatic races to adventure with.

5. I have seen the enemy and they is us: Opal itself is a welter of politics, knife brawls, theivery and sin. Dive right in!

6. Jurassic Park: There are a lot of folks willing to pay big piles of gold for dino eggs. Do you dare the deep canopy of the Banyan Jungle to obtain them? Watch out for the Monkey Kobolds!

Just a couple ideas, any have traction?

Female Human Rogue/Swashbuckler 1/4
Dungeon Monkey wrote:

Some choices:

6. Jurassic Park: There are a lot of folks willing to pay big piles of gold for dino eggs. Do you dare the deep canopy of the Banyan Jungle to obtain them? Watch out for the Monkey Kobolds!

1. Indiana Jones/Lara Croft: There's unexplored ruins in them thar jungles! Shall we try and plunder them?

3. The Mummy: Ancient secrets stir and dread necromantic liches plot their revenge on the living. Who will stop their evil?

2. Cap'n Jack Sparrow: ARRR! trade and adventure awaits ye on the high seas!

4. Under da sea: Life's always better, where it is wetter, take it from me! Lots of aquatic races to adventure with.

5. I have seen the enemy and they is us: Opal itself is a welter of politics, knife brawls, theivery and sin. Dive right in!

They all sound good. I have put them in order of my preference.

The only thing I am worried about is whether or not #6 would conflict with my Lizardfolk friendship? Do they hunt Dinos, or do they see them all as sacred animals/beloved pets?

Heh, what are my chances of getting myself a Leaper Mount for any trips into the jungle?

Bribes always welcome

Like anything the devils in the details. The Sliss'pok aren't one entity, there are dozens of tribes, some friendlier than others. Some think humans should stay out of the jungle entirely.

As for a Leaper, feel free to get one as a mount. You can't use horses in the jungle (at lesat not if you want them to survive). Anyone able to work up a basic stat block for them? Nothing fancy, but I am really crappy at that.

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