GM Ariarh's The Dragon's Demand (Inactive)

Game Master Ariarh Kane

Current Date: Starday, 2nd day of Gozran, 4700 AR

Current Map

Map of Belhaim

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Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
Riley enters Rhia's room as the food is being delivered. He is carrying a wooden straight back chair. He flips it around as he sits and rests his crossed forearms on the back of the chair. He waits for the others to gather before speaking. He feels refreshed from the bath and the fresh change of clothes.

Connor comes in as well and nods at Riley.

He carries a mug with mead in it as he comes in and then swings out a small chair by the fireplace and drops into it comfortably.

He stretches his long legs out before him as he sits in the room and regards his companions. He is wearing a loose woolen trousers tucked in to his boots and a long woolen tunic that hangs down over his chest and is belted at his waist.

His armor and traveling clothes are being laundered but his pack, weapons and gear lay on the floor next to him.

”Well, we have accomplished much. Now it is time to decide what we shall do next, it seems, and if we are to continue together?” he says, glancing around the room.

”On that course I cannot speak for anyone, but it seems reasonable to say that surely we may at least stay together until the baroness has paid us for our services. But until that time, what shall we do with the plunder that we have already found?”

He glances at the fire in the room for a moment and pauses to take a swig of his drink.

”I think the first, best thing we can do is to convert the coin we have into something easier to cart around.”

He turns to Rhia.

"You mentioned you wished to go to a temple."

"Perhaps we could journey to those places together, as long as they are not too far from each other - and assuming there is a moneychanger in the town other than the baroness herself..."

"Once we convert the coins we can divide them with greater ease and then decide what to do with what we have found next," he adds, looking around.

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8
Connor son of Coerl wrote:
”Besides, I know full well the consequences of going against your will,” he says, recalling her actions with him in the ruins, then offers her a wink to show he is merely joking.

The oracle eyed him suspiciously for a moment, unsure if he resented her previous actions, but was happily informed by his wink that they were, in fact, quite alright.

Connor son of Coerl wrote:
”In my lands such mischief did not occur often. If a man attempted such mischief with a woman, she would correct him with blood,” he says slowly.

She grinned at this, seeing the sense in it, but also well aware that the many women of Oppara would shriek rather than stab. "Be that as it may, the women here are not always fighters and may do more shrieking and crying than stabbing or slicing."

Talia Orem wrote:
"Nay, Mistress Rhialtyra, for I have much preparation for supper tonight. Delfi can readily manage the tour for she is well versed in every aspect of Belhaim." The woman smiled at the other and went to the kitchen to ready the bath water.

"A shame," Rhialtyra nodded. "I will look forward to supper, then, for the hospitality you've provided has far exceeded any expectations I might have had."

Talia Orem wrote:
"You may leave your dirty garments and armour with me. The clothes will be laundered and the armour cleaned and shined by dinner tonight." She gave an efficient nod and set to her work again.

At this, Rhialtyra grinned broadly. "That's perfect!" she enthused. "I've no notion of how to clean this shield, though," she said, gesturing towards the bit on her back. "It's borrowed, so I want to be sure I do it properly. I... don't know if I need some special oil for it, like with some armors, or if a cloth and water will do." she admitted. She looked down, feeling sheepish, bringing the bottom of her skirt into view.

"Also, can you introduce to me a good tailor or seamstress? I, uh, made a mess of my skirt," she asked, this time embarrassed.


Once they were all clean, they gathered in her room to discuss the loot and what to do with it. She helped herself to some pie as they assembled, greeting each of them with a nod as they filed in.

Connor son of Coerl wrote:

”Well, we have accomplished much. Now it is time to decide what we shall do next, it seems, and if we are to continue together?” he says, glancing around the room.

”On that course I cannot speak for anyone, but it seems reasonable to say that surely we may at least stay together until the baroness has paid us for our services. But until that time, what shall we do with the plunder that we have already found?”

He glances at the fire in the room for a moment and pauses to take a swig of his drink.

”I think the first, best thing we can do is to convert the coin we have into something easier to cart around.”

He turns to Rhia.

"You mentioned you wished to go to a temple."

"Perhaps we could journey to those places together, as long as they are not too far from each other - and assuming there is a moneychanger in the town other than the baroness herself..."

"Once we convert the coins we can divide them with greater ease and then decide what to do with what we have found next," he adds, looking around.

"The coin, I imagine, we can divide among ourselves to start. That would be 3,700 copper pieces, 800 silver pieces, and 23 gold pieces per person. Of the platinum pieces, I can take two and everyone else would have four," Rhialtyra said, considering what the man was saying. "But as for as the daggers, the crest, the moonstones, and the wizard's ring and keys... I think we should first determine that no one has a prior claim to them before we go about selling them."

Thinking aloud, she said, "The crest, certainly, we should check on. The wizard's things, however..." she frowned in thought. "I do not know what happens to such things. The keys, I imagine, are to his abode and may be required by the Baroness unless we go to investigate that as well. As for the ring... It is a very valuable ring and one that may be of use to us, if we continue on together."

She recalled discussing them in the cell - Felix had explained that someone he knew thought of them as good luck charms. She thought for a moment, eyeing the teak case, attempting to recall any other uses they might have.

Knowledge(Religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 regarding mystical/religious uses for the moonstones

"The daggers, I imagine, have no further use for us - we've already claimed the treasure they hid, so they seem, to me, to be particularly expensive and well-decorated weapons."

When Connor spoke of changing money, Rhialtyra shook her head. "I think that might be a bad idea," she said. "We do not know these people and they do not know us. If they see that we came to this place with nothing and suddenly have a great sum of coin, there may be questions and violence. If we must exchange coins, I would suggest we limit ourselves or do so discreetly."

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) sorcerer 2 NG Medium outsider (native, azata-blooded) Init +2, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +0 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, ) hp 12 ((2d6)+2) Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3 Resistances acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Anila joined the group refreshed and interested in hearing the opinions of the others. She listened carefully and thoughtfully while the others spoke. She nodded her head in agreement with much of what Rhia said.

For now she only added a brief thought, "I think we should take some time at some point to investigate the wizard's residence. Perhaps we can discern the reason for his wanting the tower brought down."

She had little else to add at this point and wanted to see what the others felt like doing from here. She sat quietly listening for the thoughts of the rest of the group.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25

Slight Ret-con

Rhialtyra Sunaki wrote:
She grinned at this, seeing the sense in it, but also well aware that the many women of Oppara would shriek rather than stab. "Be that as it may, the women here are not always fighters and may do more shrieking and crying than stabbing or slicing."

Connor gives a harsh bark of laughter.

"In my lands shrieking does not save someone."

"A woman - or a man - will die quickly if they do not learn to fight when they are young," he says with a wave of his hand.

"But that is the way of the world. Those who do not learn to stand on their feet must often live on their knees, eh?" he says with a grin under an observant gaze as he watches her at his words, as if studying her.

Brief Fast-Forward...

Rhialtyra Sunaki wrote:
"The coin, I imagine, we can divide among ourselves to start. That would be 3,700 copper pieces, 800 silver pieces, and 23 gold pieces per person. Of the platinum pieces, I can take two and everyone else would have four," Rhialtyra said, considering what the man was saying. "But as for as the daggers, the crest, the moonstones, and the wizard's ring and keys... I think we should first determine that no one has a prior claim to them before we go about selling them."

Connor puts his mug aside and grins at Rhia.

"What does it matter who held them before? We hold them now."

"If someone wished to claim those things then they should have dared the ruins."

"We did, we claimed them and they are ours."

"If anyone wishes to claim them perhaps we may sell those things to them. But their claim ended when ours began," he says with a casual tone to his voice, as if there could be no other logical conclusion to this situation.

Rhialtyra Sunaki wrote:
When Connor spoke of changing money, Rhialtyra shook her head. "I think that might be a bad idea," she said. "We do not know these people and they do not know us. If they see that we came to this place with nothing and suddenly have a great sum of coin, there may be questions and violence. If we must exchange coins, I would suggest we limit ourselves or do so discreetly."

He nods slowly.

"That may be a good plan," he says slowly.

"But it will not be easy to haul such wealth with us for long. I think we have been lucky so far that we were able to cart this wealth so easily, especially given its weight."

50 Coins are worth 1 Lbs. The coins we have weigh roughly 95 lbs a piece if we assume each of us has roughly 4,500 coins (including other stuff) - and that doesn't count the chests or the other stuff.

"For now, let us consider finding folk we can trust and make small exchanges. Perhaps Talia Orem will exchange some of the coin we have with gold instead? And if not - perhaps one of her people may make the exchange secretly."

"Does that sound reasonable?" he adds, asking the others.

"At the worst we can leave the wealth here, explore the village, find what - if anything - we wish to buy, then pay that person in copper and silver first; once we know what it is that we desire to buy..."

As he waits for other ideas, he hears Anila offer her thoughts.

Anila Vayu wrote:
For now she only added a brief thought, "I think we should take some time at some point to investigate the wizard's residence. Perhaps we can discern the reason for his wanting the tower brought down."

He glances at her and nods.

"I am not yet ready to enter the house of a magic user so soon, at least, perhaps, until we know more about what he may have in his home, for it may have troubles in that we can not fight with mere muscle and steel."

"After all, do not the Elves say of Wizards that they are subtle and quick to anger?" he says, then glances to Rhia, curious to know what the other magic user may think of this observation...

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]
Connor wrote:
"If someone wished to claim those things then they should have dared the ruins."

"I am in agreement with Connor. The loot is ours. I plan to keep my portion and I would like to exchange it. Maybe we can find a place to make some purchases as well."

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8
Connor son of Coerl wrote:

"In my lands shrieking does not save someone."

"A woman - or a man - will die quickly if they do not learn to fight when they are young," he says with a wave of his hand.

"But that is the way of the world. Those who do not learn to stand on their feet must often live on their knees, eh?" he says with a grin under an observant gaze as he watches her at his words, as if studying her.

"Aye, but I grew up in Oppara where there are a great many gentlewomen who were not taught any styles of fighting," Rhialtyra said with a shrug. Then, dryly, she added: "As you saw for yourself, I have no knowledge of combat. I would, undoubtedly, shriek and possibly cry."

Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
"I am in agreement with Connor. The loot is ours. I plan to keep my portion and I would like to exchange it. Maybe we can find a place to make some purchases as well."

Rhialtyra considered this for a moment, before sighing. "If Felix and Anila agree with you, then I will consent to do as the group does. I am no adventurer, so I have little knowledge in what happens with the treasures that are found."

Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7

Felix nods at Riley and Connor's statement and says We performed a service for the town where none other would or could. Unless someone comes forth with a claim to any part of it, it is ours. I don't believe we are beholden to anyone. Also, moneychangers by the very nature of their business need to be discreet in their dealings. Unless you have some reason to fear reprisal I see no need to limit ourselves.

Posting Anila's opinion per her player's request/wife command ;-)

Anila nods her head in agreement and says I agree. There is no need to limit how much we exchange. We have done nothing wrong and in fact have done well for the town at the Baroness's request.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
Felix Bramblethorn wrote:

Felix nods at Riley and Connor's statement and says We performed a service for the town where none other would or could. Unless someone comes forth with a claim to any part of it, it is ours. I don't believe we are beholden to anyone. Also, moneychangers by the very nature of their business need to be discreet in their dealings. Unless you have some reason to fear reprisal I see no need to limit ourselves.

Posting Anila's opinion per her player's request/wife command ;-)

Anila nods her head in agreement and says I agree. There is no need to limit how much we exchange. We have done nothing wrong and in fact have done well for the town at the Baroness's request.

Connor turns to Felix and strokes his beard absently.

"I am content to keep all the items we have found."

"As for being cautious with the money we exchange? I do not disagree that a dishonest moneychanger is very quickly out of business."

"But it cannot hurt to be somewhat discreet when we bring the coin."

"In any case, it seems that it is decided."

"All of us shall claim the coin in equal measure and decide what they shall do with their portion."

"As for the mithril daggers, the gems, the box and the plaque - those we should sell, unless one of you wishes to keep the value of the daggers?"

"But once they are sold, the total sum should be divided equally as we all risked our lives equally."

He lifts the drink and finishes it and lets out a deep sigh.

"That said; let us keep what we wish to keep safe hidden here - such as the plaque at least, for it is unwieldy and we shall likely not get a better buyer than the baroness this evening - then let us go explore this town," he says as he pulls himself to his feet.

"Now all we must do is to decide where to go next. To be fair, I would like to take what coin that should be exchanged to the money lender. Let us ask Delfi to guide us, and anywhere else the rest of you wish to travel next."

Current Map
Rhialtyra wrote:

"I've no notion of how to clean this shield, though," she said, gesturing towards the bit on her back. "It's borrowed, so I want to be sure I do it properly. I... don't know if I need some special oil for it, like with some armors, or if a cloth and water will do." she admitted. She looked down, feeling sheepish, bringing the bottom of her skirt into view.

"Also, can you introduce to me a good tailor or seamstress? I, uh, made a mess of my skirt," she asked, this time embarrassed.

"I saw Master Connor walk in with a shield just like the one upon your back, last eve. Perhaps he may show you how to properly care for it? A warrior knows of such things better than an innkeeper," Talia smiled. "I would not use water for fear of rust settling into the metal. I would use dry river sand in a burlap sack and then with a soft, woollen cloth I would oil the shield. I am certain the northern men know of better ways and I would follow his instruction, Mistress Rhialtyra."

"As to a tailor, there is Soorey's Garments run by Mistress Dorcas Soorey. Her shop is down the road and then left on Tula's Walk." (320ft from inn, Shop 11 on Map. Building 4 is The Wise Piper inn.)

Rhia wrote:

Knowledge(Religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 regarding mystical/religious uses for the moonstones

Rhia's Know. Religion re Moonstones:

The gemstones are not in themselves magical. The ancient mariners of Oppara and other sea ports believed moonstones would protect them when travelling over water. A superstition to be sure for people believed white moonstones carried the energy of the new moon at the height of its power. It became known as the "Traveller's Stone" and worn as a protection amulet around the neck of those who travelled at night, when the moon was shining.

Moonstones, for their quality, could be used in the dark arts. Evil clerics and wizards could use them to create soul gems - drawing forth the ebbing life force of a dying creature and forcing it inside the gem receptacle. Powdered Moonstone could be used in an Enchantment (Compulsion) spell, invoking the mystical power of the moon to drive a target into a mad, bestial frenzy. There was also a magical item called a Moonstone Cat, a cat statue crafted from gleaming moonstone, which when placed on a helpless creature's chest, animates and curling up, lulls the helpless creature into a deep sleep and cannot wake until the cat is removed from their chest. Since Rhia has spellcraft, she would have heard of such spells and be warned of them in the course of her travels.

You are not certain if they were meant for any darker purpose or to be simply used in jewellery or as talisman. But knowing now the local wizard may have been up to something, you cannot be certain he was not going to use them for his own dark purposes.

But the stones are mundane and pretty and are easily carried in lieu of coin (each stone is small and worth 25 gold pieces, split 5 ways means each person gets 6 gems.) Your group can decide if they want to sell them.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25

Connor glances at his friends as the coin is being divided.

”It is no secret that a Money Lender makes their living by giving money to folk and charging high interest for the return,” he says as he moves to count the coin.

”However, it is also true that those who cannot pay the rates of interest are often forced to deal with folk that are there to “collect” the fee, and if no fee is forthcoming, then those agents often resort to violence.”

He glances up at the others.

”In short, we must assume that this place will likely be well-guarded and the owner is not someone to trifle with.”

A sudden thought occurs to him.

”This town is not overly large, but if it has the means to collect and exchange money it likely gets the coin from caravans that pass through. It is possible that this owner may know the leader of the caravan that betrayed us. Perhaps he may aid us in finding the villain – perhaps – or he may be friendly with that person.”

He shrugs.

”In any case, the less we say about what we find with this person then the better it will be, I think.”

Connor swings himself to his feet and heads downstairs to greet Talia and Delfi.

He has with him his short sword and his axe tucked in his belt, but for now he’s left his armor and traveling gear in the room upstairs.

Connor’s plan is to take 400 copper pieces and 400 silver pieces for now. He intends to do his shopping for gear, but he hopes to pay for most of his mundane purchases with small coins.

In this way he hopes to be able to offload a bulk of the “loose change” less conspicuously with the locals as well as not show off the massive wealth they’re carrying to the Moneylender quite yet.

Connor looks to Delfi.

”Greetings, Delfi Orem,” he says to her with a smile.

”My comrades and I wish to explore your town today and I know you said you would help us,” he says to her.

”Come, then, for the day is half-gone and there is so much to see,” he adds with a bright smile at the young red-head who at least knew enough to be armed when rushing to the tower last night.

”For myself, I think that I should like to buy a new weapon. My old one is so dull,” he says with a sigh as he pats the hilt of his sword.

”And – maybe – a new shield. I think I shall buy something that is a bit less pretty then the one I had,” he says to her with a grin.

He glances at his companions.

”My friends wish to buy things as well, I think, but – also – I think they wish to see the sites.”

”If no one else has any ideas on where to journey, perhaps they will not mind if we travel to a place that sells weapons and armor. At least for now, eh?” he says with a smile at the others.

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8

At Talia's advice, Rhialtyra smiled and nodded. "Thank you!" she said, pleased to a place to take her ruined dress. She did have other clothes, but her preference was to correct any ills in her clothing as soon as she could. It was not appropriate, she felt, for her to leave her clothing in such a state.


Hearing that the others were in agreement, Rhialtyra nodded. "Very well then."

"The moonstones have no magic cast upon them or in them, but they do can be used to evoke a man to madness or in the creation of a Moonstone Cat, a small enchanted statue that put a man to sleep. There is no telling what the wizard intended for them."

After a moment's thought, she added, "I have no attachment to the daggers but that they were my discovery, but I would like to take some of the moonstones. There are thirty, so I should like to take six."

She watched as Connor withdrew a huge sum of coins from his share and watched as he, understandably leaving his heavier gear here, left the room. I hope this does not go badly, she thought to herself, doing her best to keep a straight face.

Her father's business had been successful enough, but most of his tutelage had gone to her cousin instead of her. She knew only enough to understand that merchants differed in many places and she shouldn't expect any one group to be similar to another.

Rhialtyra sighed and got to her feet, her piece of pie finished. She took a cut from the cheese to eat and carefully packaged up her own share of the money as well as tucking the moonstones into her pack.

She would leave the pack and such here, she decided, if only because it was unwieldy for a town exploration. Rather, she eyed the dress that had been torn at the bottom and considered that she was wearing one of only a few remaining pieces of clothing.

She weighed her options and then decided to take it with her. If the seamstress could not repair it, perhaps she could make pouches and bandages of it.

"I think I'll take a pouch of mixed silver and copper," she said thoughtfully. "There's no telling what we'll find so it may be best to be more careful with our hard won money on our first bit of shopping." Rhialtyra shrugged and waited until the others had vacated to shut the door behind her on the way to meet Delfi.

Connor son of Ceorl wrote:

Connor looks to Delfi.

”Greetings, Delfi Orem,” he says to her with a smile.

”My comrades and I wish to explore your town today and I know you said you would help us,” he says to her.

”Come, then, for the day is half-gone and there is so much to see...

Delfi is waiting in the dining hall. She has changed her clothing: into a crisp white blouse and a pretty tan skirt (to her ankles) with soft brown kid boots. Her wavy, tousled hair is brushed neatly; a bow in her hair. There is a satchel strapped across her torso and hanging on her left hip.

She smiles, dimples prettily showing, at Connor and the others as they descend the stairs from the upper chambers. "I am ready, Master Connor. Where would you like to go first?"

For convenience sake, you can just list the places in the order you'd like to visit, or, if you're splitting up to save time and cover more ground and shops/places, then let me know who are walking together and where to. Thanks.

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]

Riley whistles when he sees Delfi. "You look lovely Delfi." He walks over and stands near her. "I'd like to stop by the General Store. How about you all, mates?"

The girl blushed and smiled; the dimples deeper than before. "Thanks, Riley!", Delfi turned to Talia and almost giggled in delight at the man's praise.

"So to the General Store first?", she asked the group.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
Riley whistles when he sees Delfi. "You look lovely Delfi." He walks over and stands near her. "I'd like to stop by the General Store. How about you all, mates?"

Connor shrugs.

"It matters little to me either way, I suppose."

"I wish to buy a new shield and a quality weapon."

"But I may find other things of note in the general store as well. If we go both places, I will not protest," he says to the others.

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]

"Connor, I was noticing how hard you hit the enemies in the tower. Would you show me your technique when you want to increase the damage a little later? I've always attacked with precision, but I can see where power can be useful as well."

I am adding power attack.

He turns to Delfi, "Yes. The general store first...then to the weapon smith"

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
"Connor, I was noticing how hard you hit the enemies in the tower. Would you show me your technique when you want to increase the damage a little later? I've always attacked with precision, but I can see where power can be useful as well."

He nods.

"Aye, indeed," he adds with a grim smile. Then he studies Riley thoughtfully, noting the lean lines of his muscles.

"Though - maybe - you may consider using two weapons at once at some point, too? If you moved to flank an enemy and - during that flank - you slashed their vitals with both your sword and your dirk then the blades may not cut very deep, but surely they'd have two brutal attacks to their vitals," he says with a studied gaze.

"In either case, I am eager to try some practice with you. Perhaps we shall do so after our purchases?"

"Sparring would be enjoyable - but not for too long. I have a woman I am seeing tonight and do not want to keep her waiting," he says with a crooked smile.

Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
I am adding power attack.

Cool! If you're able to do Sneak Attack having a second attack might be handy, especially if you have Weapon Finesse, though that's just Connor's suggestion ;)

Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
He turns to Delfi, "Yes. The general store first...then to the weapon smith"

Connor nods at this, his teeth gleaming in the midday sun.

"Yes! I have some incidentals to buy as well..." he says and turns to Delfi.

"Delfi Orem, does this General Store sell jewelry as well?" he asks her.

"Let's go", and with a smile and wave to Talia, Jax and Jorje, Delfi led the group out of the inn and on the road toward Tymek's General Store and then to Chance Smithy first and onto Bacchus Smithy. She didn't really like Marcus Chance very much, no one much did except for his own people, but he was a fine blacksmith when he wasn't acting like a brute.

Connor wrote:

"Delfi Orem, does this General Store sell jewelry as well?" he asks her.

Connor's question brought her out of her reverie, "Aye, it does. Master Tymek has some lovely, delicate pieces, and they're not very fancy or expensive."

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
Delfi the Serving Girl NPC wrote:
"Let's go", and with a smile and wave to Talia, Jax and Jorje, Delfi led the group out of the inn and on the road toward Tymek's General Store...

"Delfi Orem, does this General Store sell jewelry as well?" he asks her.

Delfi the Serving Girl NPC wrote:
Connor's question brought her out of her reverie, "Aye, it does. Master Tymek has some lovely, delicate pieces, and they're not very fancy or expensive."

Connor nods his head slowly.

"That is good."

"We shall see what this Tymek has to offer; if I find something of note, I shall buy it," he says.

Delfi the Serving Girl NPC wrote:
She didn't really like Marcus Chance very much, no one much did except for his own people...

Connor's eyes suddenly narrow as he walks at Delfi's side.

"What can you tell us about these merchants in this town; especially the ones you will introduce us to? Are they goodly folk, or dangerous sorts? I am not worried, of course, but some of my companions are not as trusting as I am," he adds with a modest aside.

Shopping List for General Store:

1. MW Gardening Tools (cost is 50 GP) for Talia's people (all MW tools other than Thieves tools are apparently 50 GP but they give a related skill check a +2 bonus).
2. A quality piece of jewelry - roughly 50 GP - but we shall see what they have...
3. A sunrod found Here. Should be only 2 GP - if they have them, I may buy multiple ones.

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]

Riley puts his elbow out for Delfi to hook her arm into if she is so inclined. "May I have the honor, sweet?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Current Map

That's very gentlemanly of you, Riley, thank you", and Delfi hooked her arm with Riley's.

The General Store was not very far from the inn and the group came upon a single-storey structure with well-kept grounds. The signage in front proclaimed 'Tymek's General Store', and Delfi with Riley led the others inside.

The building was modicum in size. It appeared the shop was in front and the proprietor's living quarters in the far back. Goods were displayed neatly on wooden shelves with the more costly items behind cases secured with locks.

A man in his early 40's, with slightly greying dark hair and warm brown eyes greets you from behind the front counter. "Good day to you all! Come in and take a look at the wares within. Oh, Delfi, it is good to see you, sweet child, very good indeed." The proprietor comes out from behind the counter and introduces himself, "I am Caspar Tymek and the lovely woman there by the ribbons is my wife, Katarin. (You see a willowly lady, in her 30's, with fair skin, deep blue eyes and light brown hair). Is there anything in particular you seek?"

Okay, I have Connor's list and I know what Riley wants. If the others don't get a chance to post before you move onto the next store, I'll let them retcon their purchase/s over on the discussion board.

Connor, you can see a display case with about ten pieces of jewellery. You can see earrings in silver and gold: the silver have opal and moonstones, or onyx, and the gold are set with rich ruby or emerald stones. The rings are pretty too, with their matching stones. There is one silver bracelet and one pair of simple silver earrings.

Silver, Opal and Moonstone earrings
Silver & Onyx earrings
Gold and Ruby earrings
Gold and Emerald earrings
Plain patterned silver earrings
Silver and Opal ring
Silver & Onyx ring
Gold & Ruby ring
Gold & Emerald ring
Silver bracelet

If you guys want to toss up a diplomacy check, that would be great.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
GM Ariarh wrote:
Connor, you can see a display case with about ten pieces of jewellery. You can see earrings in silver and gold: the silver have opal and moonstones, or onyx, and the gold are set with rich ruby or emerald stones. The rings are pretty too, with their matching stones. There is one silver bracelet and one pair of simple silver earrings.

Connor smiles broadly at the man.

"You have fine wares, Caspar Tymek," he says sincerely.

"I am impressed with their quality and your selection," he adds.

"What is the value of the bracelet there?" he asks.

As he waits for an answer, his eyes flick back to the Moonstone Earrings.

"Those are very unique earrings, where did you find the stones for them?" he asks with a curious voice.

Diplomacy Check
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Here's hoping someone else can handle this check - my roll sucked!

Current Map

Delfi's Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

"Hello, Master Tymek! Has your day gone well so far?" she smiled her pretty, dimpled smile.

"I told my friends here that you had the best wares and they should come and see for themselves. They have been stranded in town, you see, so I am certain you will happily serve them!"


"Day's been well enough, sweet child. And I would be happy to help your friends, where I can."

Connor wrote:

"You have fine wares, Caspar Tymek," he says sincerely.

"I am impressed with their quality and your selection," he adds.

"What is the value of the bracelet there?" he asks.

"Sir, you are kind to say. I pride myself on my wares, indeed I do. Now, the silver bracelet you say? Well, that fine piece is normally priced at 15 gold pieces. But I can sell it to you for 10 gold pieces." The middle-aged man looks at the warrior with a pleasant smile on his face.

Connor wrote:

"Those are very unique earrings, where did you find the stones for them?" he asks with a curious voice.

The storekeeper looked to the silver, opal and moonstone earrings and then happily replied, "There is a jeweller in Cassomir that supplies all my fine pieces. I do not know where he sources his stones, but they are very pretty, are they not?"

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
GM Ariarh wrote:
"Sir, you are kind to say. I pride myself on my wares, indeed I do. Now, the silver bracelet you say? Well, that fine piece is normally priced at 15 gold pieces. But I can sell it to you for 10 gold pieces." The middle-aged man looks at the warrior with a pleasant smile on his face.

Connor nods.

"Very good! I shall take it," he says.

"In addition to that, do you have any masterwork gardening tools; and possibly a sunrod or two?" he asks him.

It is clear Connor is ready to purchase the items, but wishes to do so all at once, if possible.

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]

As Connor works out his deals, Riley lays his lock picking tools on the counter. "I would like a set of nicer tools like these if you have any. I am willing to trade these in or sell them."

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:
As Connor works out his deals, Riley lays his lock picking tools on the counter. "I would like a set of nicer tools like these if you have any. I am willing to trade these in or sell them."

Connor glances at Riley, and then the tools, then the man behind the counter.

"A man must have many talents in the service of the baroness - sometimes they must even be required to disarm the traps of the enemy," he says with a nod at the proprietor, hoping that the man does not take issue with the gear.

However, if the shopkeeper does take issue with buying or selling lockpicks, Connor hopes that reminding the man that they serve the baroness will excuse the selling and purchasing of unusual items.

Diplomacy Check again -
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

GM Ariarh wrote:
"There is a jeweller in Cassomir that supplies all my fine pieces. I do not know where he sources his stones, but they are very pretty, are they not?"

Knowledge: Geography to gauge any information about "Cassomir"

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Current Map

Sorry got caught up at work and couldn't respond until now.

Caspar Tymek takes note of the other items desired by the party.

To the tall warrior, requesting masterwork gardening tools and sunrods, he nods and gestures for his wife to bring the items to the front counter.

"I can sell you the fine quality gardening tools for 40 gold pieces and my remaining two sunrods for 3 gold pieces for the pair, totalling 43 gold pieces. Add the silver bracelet for 10 gold pieces, that brings your total to 53 gold coins this day, sir." As soon as Connor hands over his coin, the items are wrapped and handed to him by Katarin Tymek.

Riley wrote:

Riley lays his lock picking tools on the counter. "I would like a set of nicer tools like these if you have any. I am willing to trade these in or sell them."

"Ah, good sir, in a small town there is little need for such tools for our lawkeepers are vigilant. However, a moment please," and with that Caspar Tymek makes his way to a tall cupboard toward the back of the room and retrieves something from one of the lower drawers. He returns and places the package down on the counter, careful for it not to be seen through the open door of the store. In a lower voice, he continues, "This was a special, custom order, but the patron never did come back to take possession of it and I was never paid. I believe it is what you are looking for", the proprietor pulls away the felt cloth covering to reveal a set of brand new Masterwork Thieves' Tools. "I would be willing to part with them for 90 gold pieces and you may keep your old tools and sell them elsewhere, good sir." Caspar Tymek smiles at the bearded Half Elf and awaits his word on the deal.


Connor's Know. Geography re Cassomir:

Cassomir acts as a major trade city and through its ports enter goods from the Inner Sea, as well as from nations to the north (Five King Mountains, Razmiran, Kyonin, the River Kingdoms and Galt) that utilise the Sellen as a trade route.

The Verduran Fork which flows alongside Belhaim flows into the Sellan River. Cassomir is the closest port and being the second largest settlement in Taldor, gives the townsfolk of Belhaim access to a greater variety of goods.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
GM Ariarh wrote:
"I can sell you the fine quality gardening tools for 40 gold pieces and my remaining two sunrods for 3 gold pieces for the pair, totalling 43 gold pieces. Add the silver bracelet for 10 gold pieces, that brings your total to 53 gold coins this day, sir." As soon as Connor hands over his coin, the items are wrapped and handed to him by Katarin Tymek.

Connor nods his head.

"Many thanks, good sir," he says politely, then hands over the funds for these things.

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]


Delfi wrote:

"Hello, Master Tymek! Has your day gone well so far?" she smiled her pretty, dimpled smile.

"I told my friends here that you had the best wares and they should come and see for themselves. They have been stranded in town, you see, so I am certain you will happily serve them!"

Riley smiled to himself as Delfi turned on her charm. That sly little thing.

Sorry. I couldn't think well before bed. I wanted to add Riley's reaction to Delfi's diplomacy.

Casprr Tymek wrote:
"I would be willing to part with them for 90 gold pieces and you may keep your old tools and sell them elsewhere, good sir."

Riley looks the new ones over. He turns them around in his hands to get a feel for them. "These are very nice indeed. Worth every bit of 90 gold. I'll take them. Thank you. Do you think anyone else in town might be interested in these...even for scrap metal?" He holds up his old set. "They sure would be helpful to someone should they be locked out."

"Oh...and do you have any perfume or know where I could buy some?"

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8

Rhialtyra walked along with the others, looking around to take in the stores and trying to mark the path to the seamstress. She didn't know if she needed anything from Tymek's General Store, but she looked around, clearly curious to see the wares here.

Her interest had been piqued by the potential of jewelry. Although perhaps a bit silly, her interest in things that were pretty had not waned since she was a child. In this case, she guessed it might even be to her benefit. Jewelry was usually expensive and weighed very little compared to the coins. She'd brought 800 copper pieces and 200 silver pieces in addition to her usual purse, so she doubted she'd have enough to do what she wanted, but Rhialtyra hoped to come back before the man closed.

She looked to the jewelry once Connor had taken his choice, eyeing the pieces curiously.

Appraise: Silver, Opal and Moonstone earrings: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Appraise: Silver & Onyx earrings: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Appraise: Gold and Ruby earrings: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Appraise: Gold and Emerald earrings: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Appraise: Plain patterned silver earrings: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Appraise: Silver and Opal ring: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Appraise: Silver & Onyx ring: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Appraise: Gold & Ruby ring: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Appraise: Gold & Emerald ring: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

"These are very pretty," she said quietly, not speaking to anyone in particular. The red glint of the rubies caught her attention and she asked Tymek, "Good sir, how much are the gold and ruby pieces?"

Seeing that the man was still doing business, she looked at some of the other cases to see what else the store held until he was ready to answer her question.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25

As Connor looks at the others making their purchases, he moves the gear into his pouch that he had acquired.


Sunrod: 2

Silver Bracelet: 10 GP

MW Gardening Tools: 40 GP

Cost for Sunrods: 3 GP

Total Cost: 53 GP

When they are ready, he wants to go to visit the smithy next and try to purchase some new weapons and other gear.

Current Map
Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:

Riley smiled to himself as Delfi turned on her charm. That sly little thing.

Sorry. I couldn't think well before bed. I wanted to add Riley's reaction to Delfi's diplomacy.

Delfi turned to see Riley smiling and her dimpled smile grew brighter before she almost skipped to the rack displaying the pretty ribbons and happily looked them over.

Riley wrote:

Riley looks the new ones over. He turns them around in his hands to get a feel for them. "These are very nice indeed. Worth every bit of 90 gold. I'll take them. Thank you. Do you think anyone else in town might be interested in these...even for scrap metal?" He holds up his old set. "They sure would be helpful to someone should they be locked out."

"I believe that Marcus Chance over at Chance Smithy might be interested in those tools."

Riley wrote:

"Oh...and do you have any perfume or know where I could buy some?"

This time the proprietor's wife stepped forward and answered, "Anagrit, the town's herbalist, stocks some unusual scents. But we do sell our own line. We have scents of rose, lavender, jasmine, which we sell for one gold piece for a single vial and citrus blossom and lemon myrtle, which we sell for two gold pieces for a single vial. Is there a particular fragrance you are after?"

From her place by the ribbons, Delfi mouths a word silently - and Riley watching her efforts finally makes out the word; 'Rose'.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25
GM Ariarh wrote:
"I believe that Marcus Chance over at Chance Smithy might be interested in those tools."

"My thanks," he says, then readies himself to leave.

Seeing that the others are still making purchases does not stop him from lingering by the doorway for only a moment, then he steps outside into the sunlight and continues to wait for them in the fresh air, watching the skies and hoping that they will be finished soon.

Current Map

Rhia's Appraise Check on the plain, patterned silver earrings:

You succeeded on this check.
Rhia has seen a similar design in Oppara - the pattern being a favourite among the women, there. These earrings are valued at five gold pieces.

Rhia's Appraise Check on Gold and Ruby Ring:

You failed this check by 3.
The design and setting is one you haven't entirely seen before. It is uncommon but the quality and depiction of the gold and the size and clarity of the ruby lead you to believe it is probably valued around 800 gold pieces.

Rhia's Appraise Check on all other pieces:

You failed these checks by more than 5.
The other pieces, although beautiful, prove harder to value and your mind goes from one extreme (a few gold pieces for the earrings) to another (a few thousand pieces for the rings).

Rhialtyra wrote:

"These are very pretty," she said quietly, not speaking to anyone in particular. The red glint of the rubies caught her attention and she asked Tymek, "Good sir, how much are the gold and ruby pieces?"

"Ah, yes, you have exquisite taste, Mistress. The gold and ruby ring is 1,000 gold pieces and the gold and ruby earrings are 500 gold pieces."

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8

Rhialtyra sighed, perhaps a bit mournfully. "I'll have to save up, then, for that's far more than I have in my pockets." She smiled at the shopkeeper. Though she was disappointed, there was no reason not to be polite.

The golden ruby pieces were the ones that had truly caught her eye and the others paled to her in comparison. She turned her attention to other things and asked, "Have you a sturdy knapsack? I've got one at home, but I'm looking to replace it with something a bit stronger."

Masterwork Backpack?

Current Map

"Very well, Mistress," the General Store owner replied amiably before locking the jewellery case and stowing it under the counter.

"Yes, I have just the thing! A moment, please," and going to the back shelf pulls down the masterwork knapsack to show to the lady.

"Is this what you require? As you can see it is very well crafted; the stitching is impeccable. Since your fine group has already purchased a number of items, I can sell the bag for 45 gold pieces. A fair deal, indeed, Mistress."

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8

Rhialtyra considered the number and found it to be generous. "Good sir, I would like to purchase the bag," she said. Her own numbers, however, did not add up. "Unfortunately, I have only around 38 gold pieces' worth in coin at the moment. Would it be acceptable if I were to give you 30 gold pieces right now and return before you close with the remaining 15? I've enough to cover the remainder in my rooms at the Wise Piper Inn."

She would completely understand if he told her no - he was running a business after all - but there was no lie in her words.

Current Map

Caspar Tymek considered the woman's proposition to pay part now and the remainder before they closed the store this day.

"Mistress, I will have one of my boys bring the bag to The Wise Piper this evening. He will then exchange it for the full sum of 45 gold pieces. I believe this is the best settlement of the quandary at hand. Are you agreeable with this arrangement?"

Okay, headed to bed. I'll check the board in my morning. :) Have a good day, folks!

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8

"That would be perfect," Rhialtyra said, pleased by his suggestion. "Please have him ask for Rhialtyra Sunaki," she included, not wanting there to be any confusion over which aasimar desired to purchase the bag.

"Thank you," she said, satisfied that she would at least be able to carry her lot if not make use of it, she smiled pleasantly at him and stepped back so they might move on if the others had also concluded their business here.

Sorry it's a bit unwieldy/awkward - I'm about to head out the door. c:

Current Map

"Thank you for shopping at Tymek's, Mistress Sunaki. The boy shall ask for you by name this evening. Good day to you," and with a genuine smile, the owner of the General Store took the fine bag, wrapped it up in linen and wrote the lady's name on top of the package before going to to finish up the remaining sales.

Male Catfolk bard 1 / swashbuckler 2 Archetypes Archaeologist, Inspired Blade, NG (catfolk) Init +4, Senses low-light vision; Perception +3 AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, ) hp 23 ((1d8)+(2d10)+4 Fort +1, Ref +9, Will +1
Acro +9, Bluff +7, Climb +4, Diplo +7, Disable Dev +5, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Ling. +5, Percept +3, Perf (Dance,Sing) +7, Sense Mot. +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +9, Surv +5, UMD +7

Felix is cleaning himself

Current Map
Felix Bramblethorn wrote:
Felix is cleaning himself

Haha. Just like that? I think Mister Tymek would be rather disturbed by it. ;)

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]
Caspar wrote:

I believe that Marcus Chance over at Chance Smithy might be interested in those tools."

"Thank you, Mate. You have a very nice shop here."

GM Ariarh wrote:

Delfi turned to see Riley smiling and her dimpled smile grew brighter before she almost skipped to the rack displaying the pretty ribbons and happily looked them over.

Riley laughs to himself as Delfi skips away. He allows himself to fall into the young girl's web. He walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Those are some nice ribbons, aren't they?" He reaches out with his other hand and slides a yellow ribbon with white lace through his hands. "This is an exceptionality beautiful one. What do you think, sweet? Or is there one you like better?"

I will respond to the wife after the scene with Delfi if that is OK? That way I can purchase a ribbon and talk fragrances them.

Male Human Barbarian: Savage Bar.; Monk: Fort: 6 Ref: 2 Will 4 – Perc: 7 AC: 17 HP: 25

Connor swings himself from the wall by the front door when the others get out.

Recalling that Rhia had money troubles there it occurs to him that this may be a problem as things continue.

He turns to his companions -

"Perhaps we should return to the tavern and get the rest of our coin then exchange it before we continue to shop? That way we do not have to trouble over things such as borrowing or lending at the shops," he asks the others.

Connor plans on going back to the inn and just getting the coin and making the swap now. He does not know what the others will do, but hopes they will come with him. In case they do not, he will ask Delfi to point out the Smithy and tell him that he will be there soon.

F Aasimar Life Oracle 2 [hp:16/16 | AC: 16 T: 11 FF: 13 | F: +1, R: +1, W: +4 | Init +1, Perc: +8

"It might be for the best," Rhialtyra said with a soft sigh. "There's just so many!" She'd attempted to remove the larger portion of her coin first, but that in and of itself had caused complications.

"Will you point us toward the first Smithy, Delfi?" she asked the young girl, a smile in place. "We can meet you there."

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]

I am fine with exchanging our coin first to stay with Connor. I'll wait to finish the RP with Delfi and the wife 1st though.

Current Map
Riley wrote:

"Thank you, Mate. You have a very nice shop here."

"Thank you good sir. A family enterprise going on four generations."

If's definitely okay.

Riley "Lucky" Rylin'dar wrote:

"Those are some nice ribbons, aren't they?" He reaches out with his other hand and slides a yellow ribbon with white lace through his hands. "This is an exceptionally beautiful one. What do you think, sweet? Or is there one you like better?"

The yellow of the ribbon reminded her of the small, yellow wildflowers growing in pockets around the town, and, Riley thought the colour beautiful.

"Tis very lovely, Riley. Talia gave me some coin to buy myself something pretty. I can buy it," and turning to the shopkeep's wife, Delfi's asked sweetly, "Mistress Tymek, how much for this yellow and lace ribbon, please?"

The woman smiled at Delfi. "Just a copper piece, sweet girl."

Delfi pulled a small leather pouch from the pocket of her skirt and drew out one copper piece.

Rhialtyra Sunaki wrote:
"Will you point us toward the first Smithy, Delfi?" she asked the young girl, a smile in place. "We can meet you there."

"I will wait for you at the corner of the road. Our inn is only a few minutes walk from there and then we can walk together to the moneychangers (Building 34 on map) and Chance Smithy (Building 36 on map) as the shops are side by side. Bacchus Smithy (Building 16 on map) is not far from our inn and we could stop there on our way back, yes?"

Delfi will wait for you to go back to inn, collect the rest of your coin, and rejoin her so together you can walk up Tula's Walk toward Grellen & Sons and Chance Smithy.

Male HE Unchained Rogue/Scout 3 [HP: 27/27 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 13 | F: +3 R: +7 W: +2 (+2 vs enchantment) Init: +4, Perc: +8]

Riley puts his hand over Delfi's. "This is on me." He turns to the wife, "We will take one for each day of the week. Delfi, choose six more." He smiles at the young girl and hands the proprietor's wife a gold piece. "After we visit the smithy, let's find you and your sister some fine perfume as well."

Current Map

Delfi's hazel-green eyes light up as Riley generously offers to buy her ribbons and fine perfume. He would also buy Talia fine perfume and that made her smile grow brighter.

"Oh, Riley! Thank you!," she hugs the Half Elf and then delicately perusing the selection, chooses three satin ribbons in different shades of green, two in blue and one in a scarlet red, and hands them to the shop keep's wife. 'They're all so lovely. I cannot wait to wear them!"

Katarin Tymek smiles at the girl's enthusiasm, momentarily recollecting her own happiness with ribbons at that age, and, taking the man's gold coin, she notes the transaction in the thick ledger on the front counter and returns 9 silver and 3 copper pieces in change to the man named Riley.

Riley's purchases in the General Store:
M/W Thieves Tools: 90 gold pieces
7 ribbons for Delfi: 7 copper pieces.

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