GM Banesama |

It is a little bit weird and yes but I decided to do it this way, because this is a small fight for this module. There will be potential encounters where you will be facing 30+ enemies.
As for the groups, I'm going to do one attack roll for each group but not all of their attacks will focus on one opponent (most of the time). Depending on the placement and conditions of each of you will determine who is susceptible to attack. So if there are 8 in group 1, 2 might attack J' Victus, 3 might attack Fuego, and 3 might attack Mihail. The one attack roll will determine if they get pass your defenses based on your individual characters.
Frankly, I don't want to roll dice for every enemy for every save, attack, etc...

Fuego Firestorm |

I can't log on roll 20. Phone, remember?
Problem is it greatly reduces the effect area of effect damaging spells. So a single wall of fire does only 2d6+10 to however many enemies going through it. I don't mind a single save for all, but if I target 5 creatures in the area I'd expect 5 creatures to get hit.
You see, Amelia's confusion spell hit the bottom batch, its also an area of effect, but affects all. Fireball as it looks now only does one instance's of damage instead of 5.

Mihail |

Thundercall is also AOE like fireball (supernatural scaling soundburst with a 10 ft radius). If the damage is spread out like two separate instantaneous single target spells, then we will have another fireball issue. I am expecting both to take full AOE damage and make two saves (one if one of them is already stunned) due to them being struck by two aoe effects twice. I'm going to roll for you for the first bandit's second save to save you time.
1st bandit's save by thundercall 2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
As for the fog, keep in mind that the fog cloud spell is intended to make:
-everyone in the fog untargetable to ranged attacks due to total concealment (Mihail did not step out of the fog)
-only targetable within 5 ft although with a 20% miss chance
If arrows can target people inside the fog, Mihail wouldn't ask for the spell to be casted in the first place.

Fuego Firestorm |

You can blind fire, assuming you know where the person is in the fog for 50% concealment.
To prevent that kind of thing, I suggest you keep using the 5 ft step while you're in fog - so they can't track you by the sound of your previous actions.
I've spent some time thinking about all that foggy business.
Also, don't stand at the edge of the fog and come to the middle? Less ambiguity. If you need MOAR fog, I can get you MOAR fog.

Amelia Patterson |

Yeah, you did sort of give away your position with the impromptu musical number.

J`Victus |

According to the last dm post..we were waiting on four to act. Two of those four have acted. We are waiting on Ahadiel and Akarus. In some of my other pbp game, we have a rule that if you do not post in three days, you get botted and we move on. If you do not post every day during combat you get botted and we move forward. It helps to keep the game moving and not getting bogged down waiting for those that can only post every so often.

Mihail |

Still waiting for the response for why Mihail's thundercall is treated as separate attacks when both are AOE like fireball.

Mihail |

*separate single target attacks* instead of separate attacks because you know, my character did execute his AOE attack twice. Once that is resolved, expect my post.

Mihail |

Thundercall is the small grey circular patch beside Amelia. I added a note for clarification.

Etna Venus Van Ash |

Thundercall is the small grey circular patch beside Amelia. I added a note for clarification.
I am referring to when I posted that I cast the fireball, about 4 days a ago.
Now The GM might of removed your thundercall after the bandits action, and when I went, the conditions matched what I saw which out bring about my previous thought on the AOE area missing when I posted.We'll find out when the GM posts his answer to your question.

Mihail |

Changed his actions for the archers since they are still asleep. Will save his bardic music for something and moving to archer.
EDIT: Moving and using inspire courage.

Fuego Firestorm |

Delay me till end of fight - I don't wish to burn resources on this, to nuke all the way down.
Melee DPS>any evocation attempts.

Mihail |

Good thing our melees are hasted. They can close the gap without spending a round or two.

Amelia Patterson |

Yeah, I figured that might be the most efficient way to help out the rest of the party. Between you, me, and Clara, we should be able to get haste up on everyone before most major combats.

Fuego Firestorm |

In accordance to the pally code - I think we need Adhadiel and Akarus to decide what to do with them.
I had initially thought of bringing them for trial, but it looks like the judge(the mayor) will be biased in their favour. I recommend battlefield executions.
Say you have been tried, found guilty of attempted murder, and the sentence is death. Then execute them.
But Paladins and lawful good - it's an issue.
If I were a good character I might just give them a stern warning, but backstory wise - Fuego hates brigands. And since he suspects they won't be punished - the only alternative is to kill them. Here and now.
But IMO - we should pause to let the paladins in party consider what they want to do with him. Pally codes are sensitive things.
"Nemo iudex in causa sua" - No man shall be a judge of his own cause.

Fuego Firestorm |

They would have murdered us instead. They are brigands who would have killed those defenseless like Fuego's family. If the law is corrupt and won't punish them, then we will need to take matters into our own hands.
Do we have time, where we are going, to reform them? Otherwise releasing them, they go back to banditry. If innocents die, their blood is on our hands. I say we play judge, jury and executioner and do some battlefield executions. We could always RP it out if you wish.

Amelia Patterson |

Don't forget, Fuego, that Clara has her own paladin code to follow as well.
I accept surrender if my opponent can be redeemed—and I never assume that they cannot be. All things that live love beauty, and I will show beauty’s answer to them.
Yeah, maybe we ought to think about the problem for five minutes before resorting to execution.

Fuego Firestorm |

Sorry. My bad. I thought Clara was an oracle, full. Then yes, you have the right to lecture on what you want to do about it, and the whispered stuff goes to Clara as well.
Being N, I go for expediency.

Fuego Firestorm |

And..there are many ways to RP the pally code.
Though I have NEVER played a paladin. I think at this juncture, you guys can figure why ^^

Fuego Firestorm |

Honestly - I'd like some time to be given for Akarus and Clara in game to chime in on their interpretation of the paladin code. At the end of the day, what we do with the bandits, I don't really care(N can swing that way), but we need to sort out what we do with captured prisoners.
I can play LG. I just start hauling people in for trials. Failing that, battlefield executions.
If NG or CG - probably a stern warning, and the.."if I ever see you do this again.... - execution"
If you REALLY want to reform people, on screen, well RP wise, you'll need to work for it.
My version of doing so is I start up a bread factory, and every wrongdoer I catch, I start fitting him somewhere in the production line(anywhere from planting wheat to selling bread). All bread produced goes to charity, of course.
I figure that an idle mind is the devil's workshop, and if wrongdoers have something to do, it'll keep their hands away from crime.
But that's another incarnation in another time. Worshipper of Sarenrae =)

"Clara" |

I can effort post on behalf of paladins taking prisoners to justice if you like, but honestly we've been derailed from the 'run a dungeon' part of the recruitment so far and I don't really want to derail everyone into 'reform the local banditry' if they aren't feeling it.
I think clara's opinion is pretty clear - don't murder innocent men in cold blood, but depending on how we want to view "The Judge" part of Ahadiel (and pending his and GM approval) we could probably throw together a quick judgement + sentencing if the other players who didn't sign up to be paladins don't want to do the paladin thing with every prisoner we come up against.
Shelyn is big on redemption, and in an Open World style campaign I'd probably err on the side of 'redeem the bandits' but that's not what the other players signed up for, they signed up to go see dragon mountain.
Anyways, I think this is better to talk about OOC than IC because it's not really about IC decisions - it's a question of how the players want to handle having a few paladins in the group - would you rather we did battlefield judgements or prisoner drop offs?
The third option requires GM approval, but if they're willing to allow it, we can take Leadership and just recruit followers.

Fuego Firestorm |

Executions of course. But what were you expecting from a neutral character? I can of course swing either way without codes or morality getting in the way.

J`Victus |

I will be away for the next week and will be limited in my postings. I can still post everyday but my post will be limited in content as I will have a limited data plan until I return home.

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Ahadiel would do it the Stark way. Pass judgement according to laws of men and gods, and be the executioner.
He did offer them mercy in the beginning, but every man will pledge to change his ways if facing the gallows.
Also if we are lenient, every action they do will be on our conscience.

Amelia Patterson |

Amelia's fine with releasing them, so long as we take steps to ensure they don't kill people - she liked Mihail's suggestion of wiping their memory, but intimidation could work too. Anyway, it's getting dark out, so we could probably just skip to the morning and continue on our journey.

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If you get it, it´s quite nice. And it´s even nicer because you do not feal the pain. My wive´s a pain nurse, she knows every page on that book.

Fuego Firestorm |

Can we jump in today? Or have to wait till tomorrow then we jump in?

Amelia Patterson |

We could go today - it would only take me 15 minutes of preparation, since I left a 5th level spell slot open for just that purpose. Although we'd have to wait until tomorrow if we want to teleport back.