DM Vord's Zeitgeist Act I - Portents of a Starry Sky

Game Master Vorduvai

"Times are turning. The skyseers – Risur’s folk prophets since their homeland’s birth – witness omens in the starry wheels of heaven, and they warn that a new age is nigh. But what they cannot foresee, hidden beyond the steam and soot of the night sky, is the face of this coming era, the spirit of the age. The zeitgeist."

Current Date: 6 Summer, 500 A.O.V. (towards early Hunter's Moon on 10 Summer)
Current Location: Cloudwood District, Flint City, Risur
Prestige Favors Used: Risur 0 / Flint 0 / Unseen 0 / Family 0
Summary of Clues HERE

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Zeitgeist Act One: Portents of a Starry Sky
Discussion (OOC) Chat

Welcome to Zeitgeist!

Invited Players
* Isaac Duplechain
* Celeador
* Sigz
* Cromlich
* SpaceCat72

Player selection as you know was closed to recruitment, so this Discussion Tab (OOC) represents the first area to formally start up our new campaign. The purpose over the next week or so is to get all characters worked out and materialized into fully realized aliases for the players on the Paizo boards, including full stat blocks, backgrounds/history/personalities, starting gear, etc. Once all player characters are up and running (or mostly there), I’ll start up the Gameplay (IC) Tab with a prologue to set the tone, and then drop all of you in the R.H.C. where you’ll be able to pick one of three areas to interact with NPC’s and each other prior to the first mission.

Please use this tab to…uhhh….say hello to me and to each other…and work out anything you need to with your characters in an OOC context, as well as ask me or the group any questions you have on your mind. An upcoming post here will put out some Zeitgeist-specific details on character building, including some of the uniqueness of gear in a Zeitgeist setting, firearms, character wealth-by-level as a “salary” model and such. More on that soon. In the meantime, refer to my DM_Vord profile for general character creation rules I prefer to use.

Some Starting Material Links
Vord’s Zeitgeist Google Drive (for the sharing of documents needed in the campaign)
Vord’s Zeitgeist Picture Gallery (for pictures of notable persons as well as news articles you may see from time to time)
Zeitgeist Extended Player’s Guide to Download!

Chaotic Shiny Fantasy Language Converter Site (great site for quick blah blah language – several types so if you use one, perhaps OOC everyone what you’re using for a specific language for consistency).
Risus Monkey Fantasy Language Converter Site (my favorite for Elvish-looking text which I recommend highly – unlike Chaotic Shiny it only has the one language type).

As we have at least one of us new to PbP on the Paizo boards (and its never bad for all of us to have a refresher to refer to), here is a quick summary on the way to post in the game.

The Mechanics of Posting:

In-Character (IC) posting is largely preferred for third-person, present-tense narrative (to describe your character in the “now” of the scene), with third-person past-tense narrative the next widely used option (to describe character actions in the recent past or provide background context). This is done in normal text as seen here.

However, other narrative types are desired to add richness to the game and allow you to fully play your character off the page. Here are methods and examples of other posting elements:

* First-Person Dialogue – Use (“ “) quotes to indicate directly spoken speech as usual, but also bold the text between the quotes, so that it stands out from third-person narrative. Bolding text is performed by [ b ] without the spaces shown, and then a forward-slash [ / b ] at the end (again without spaces).
Dialogue doesn’t have to be grammar-perfect, but generally speaking if you’re going to run dialogue between a PC and NPC in your own post, you want to separate the dialogue in separate paragraphs or lines. Otherwise we don’t know who’s speaking. Other elements of dialogue etiquette are discussed later.
Ex: ”Hello, I’m Constable Devinn LeMont! Your names are…uhh well nevermind it isn’t really that important to me…now go be dear lads and lasses and fetch me some tea if you wouldn’t mind terribly much.”

* First-Person Inner Thoughts – Use italics to describe the inner thoughts of your character, so that we can see what’s going on in the mind of a character but can’t react to what they are thinking (unless Detect Thoughts is running on them, but that’s a different topic). Italicizing text is performed by [ i ] without the spaces shown, and then a forward-slash [ / i ] at the end (again without spaces…you get it right).
Ex: I really wish these newborn underlings would get out of the way and stop crowding the tea room…really Delft should raise his standards as to who he brings into the outfit…

* Flashback Narrative - Italics can also be used to describe an entire flashback memory scene of the character. In this case you want to italicize the entire paragraph(s) and separate that from any other text in the post – don’t mix flashback narrative in the same paragraphs as other narrative types, as it’s jarring and just confuses everyone on what you’re attempting to do.

* Messaged or Telepathic Conversation – This is a fun one! It’s performed usually by having two colons (::) at the beginning and end, with the text both bolded AND italicized between them.
Ex: ::I am whispering to you…can you hear this? You are a ponce you know that? Oh I guess you CAN hear me after all!::

What About Language?
* Dialogue involving different (non-common) languages is cool flavor but tricky, as you need to post the actual spoken language as standard dialogue, and then [ spoiler ] the translation text below it, so that those characters which can speak the language can see what the translation is. A spoiler is achieved by using [ spoiler = language type ] with no spaces…the language type after the equal sign is Elvish or Danoran or Drakyr or whatever. Put in the text after the bracket and then close the spoiler with [ / spoiler ] without the spaces.

For a good representation of fantasy language converters that are active, refer to the top where I have links to Chaotic Shiny and Risus Monkey sites (my two favorites after Tilansia went offline).

*Out-of-Character (OOC) Text – This is the text in blue that is used to convey player notes as opposed to in-game text. It is used for skill checks needed in-game (along with dice expressions discussed below). It is used most often in combat posts, but is a useful way to convey an OOC question/comment/request to the players. It is also used as a header in a post to denote “FlexTime” posts, which are highly useful to separate different conversation threads going on at the same time in the game. Similar to other bracketed methods above, you start with [ ooc ] followed by the OOC text in between, with a [ / ooc ] at the end of the text.
Ex: I really don’t know if my Disable Device is good enough to disarm this trap – can someone aid me in this?
Ex: Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 Woot?
Ex: Back At the Dreamy Deva Tavern (Bosum Strand District, previous night)

*Dice Expressions – This is the text in green that calculates your dice rolls for you – also called the random-number-generator (RNG). Use a [ dice ] followed by the type of die roll (d20, 2d6, 1d8, etc.) followed by a + or – for modifiers, then close the expression with [ / dice ].

What’s important to note here is that you can “roll” your dice for a skill check or save or combat by previewing your post before final posting, and the die roll will “hold” for you. That also prevents unscrupulous types from trying to roll repeatedly for different results prior to posting. Just don’t move around your dice expressions once you start previewing and you’ll be fine.

For examples of all of these posting types and what is expected, please browse DM Barcas’ most excellent Kingmaker PbP for reference and inspiration.

* Editing Posts - You’ll have sixty minutes once you post to edit it – including changing the avatar if you posted the wrong one, or correcting a spelling or grammar mistake, or correcting a text-type bracket problem, etc. Once the sixty minutes is up however, that post is locked for all-time and cannot be changed – the DM does not have the ability to edit or modify it either. So preview your posts and proof-read it once even after posting and make sure it’s good.

* Copying to Clipboard Before Previewing or Posting – This is one of the most frustrating things to occur on a posting site, and can really ruin your day if you’ve been working on a long post and lose it at the end because the site blips or resets. You have two ways to avoid this…and I highly recommend you do one of these for your own sanity!
1) Type your post in a word processing program, and then when (mostly) done you can copy-paste into the site’s section for posting.
2) Type in the post section as normal, but still copy (ctrl-a, ctrl-c) to clipboard prior to hitting any buttons for preview or submit. That way if the site blips you still have your text in your virtual clipboard and can quickly paste it to a word program or notepad editor, and then try again when the site cooperates.

* Posting Actions in Combat – This requires the greatest amount of planning and prep on your part…and it helps to have a few encounters under your belt to get right. In the documents section there is a notepad template example for you to download and adjust for your needs. It often helps to keep a running word document on combat posts for reference and ease-of-use – you don’t want to type the entire combat blocks out every round.

The best reference I can provide you is an excerpt from DM Barcas’ Skull & Shackles PbP where he discusses how to do it properly – he summarizes it better than I could. We’ll have an opportunity to go into the combat posting later on when it actually is about to happen in-game.

That’s it for now – once you get posting and see how it flows, you’ll find your stride.

I’ve put down some thoughts on the “spirit of posting” for the players to consider, which I believe good players follow (and which I’ve seen in other games). Sort of a posting etiquette set of pointers. Because of the nature of PbP and the fact that posts cannot be edited after the one-hour mark, it’s important to post in a way that doesn’t cut off other players’ actions or limit how they would respond, or otherwise confuse the way the story reads for everyone. PbP takes a little getting used to with a new group, but follow these guidelines and you’ll be fine.

Spirit of Posting in PbP:

* Try to Keep Narratives Present-Tense Unless You Are Intentionally Trying Not To: Huh? What this means is to keep your third-person narrative in the present tense as the normal narrative style, as your character is “in the scene” at that moment in time, and you’re not writing a historical narrative. Past-tense should be intentionally applied when you’re describing events that…well...happened in the past, such as when you’re calling up past events to provide background context. Which is fine, but if the current scene is in the council chamber for example, you want to post as if your character is there at that moment in the council chamber. Sometimes when you’re writing longer narratives you’ll unintentionally slip into a past-tense, but a proof-read of your text prior to posting will help.

* Try Not to Cut Off Characters’ Actions or Responses By Moving the Scene Prematurely: PbP threads are mostly linear (unless using FlexTime but that’s not ideal), with each post of a scene adding to what came previously. If your character gets too far ahead of the scene because you change the subject matter or snap the scene forward in time, you’re cutting off other characters who may have wanted to respond to a scene in that moment, forcing players to use FlexTime to post in the past to make their point. This can especially happen in dialogue – someone asks a question or raises a point to the group, and then the next poster answers the question AND then changes the subject, thereby cutting off anyone else who wanted to respond to the prior dialogue. Some of this is unavoidable, but be mindful of not closing off other players because you wanted to summarize or move on to something else.

* Don’t Rip Characters to Different Scenes or Speak for Them (unless you clearly discuss it first with the player): A main PbP faux-paus. Typically the DM sets the scenes and where the characters are, so that everyone knows who they can interact with. Unless you know a character is to be somewhere in a scene with you, don’t “rip” them from another scene to put them in your scene, because the player can be thrown off of what they were writing or going to do. Likewise, don’t speak for the character as if you controlled them – it’s not your character. Sometimes you have an idea in your head and you want to have a dialogue or reaction and that’s great BUT discuss it in OOC Discussion or PM the player privately to discuss first. Maybe they have something in mind you didn’t think about, or were spending a full day on a super post that would be voided if you rip them someplace else or speak for them prematurely. Not only can that mess with the character in question, but it can throw the rest of the players off as they don’t know if they need to “retcon” the action or assume the change needs to be played as-is.

*Use FlexTime Headers for Past Scenes or Multiple Scenes: This really helps the flow of the in-game posts – either in situations where you wanted to “wrap up” a scene in the past that you really wanted to participate in but couldn’t get to in time, or you are attempting a flashback narrative post for character development purposes. FlexTime means you put an Header at the top of your post with the place and time to distinguish it from any current scenes running. That really helps to prevent confusion from reading along in the story and jumping from scene to scene without context. It is also used in cases where the party may split up or be in several different places at once, allowing for multiple mini-scene threads to be going on without confusing the heck out of everyone.

*Interact with Player Characters (and not just NPC’s): It will be my job to provide lots of interesting non-player character personas to interact with, and I truly enjoy attempts to provide immersion of the characters into the world through interactions with other NPC’s. But if you only interact with NPC’s and not each other, you’re essentially asking the DM to sustain lots of mini-threads all the time in addition to setting scenes, planning encounters and moving the plotlines forward. So don’t just interact with NPC’s – take time to find ways to interact with the other PC’s and generate great moments that way. After all, you’re a team. And you keep me from having to reply to six posts with six different NPC’s every day. And your PC interactions will inevitably generate interesting elements in the story that I’ve never thought about, which then gives me new ideas and keeps up the creativity.

*If You Play Up Character and/or Party Conflict, Play Inclusively: What does this mean? Remember that your character is in this campaign as part of an overall team, and some fundamental loyalties have to be in place for the story to work. You don’t have to have a character that loves everyone and gets along with everyone they meet or work with, but fundamentally the player has to ENSURE the character is played with enough motivations and hooks to logically exist in the party/team structure. Otherwise, this would be a collection of player solo stories, which is not what this is about. So when thinking about your character motivations and what drives them, be sure to build in enough hooks and personality elements to stay with the group and participate.

Sometimes a player gets a “cool” concept for their character and has a strong identity with it, but then finds the concept puts them at odds with the rest of the group…to the point where the character would logically go off and do their own thing. Even Wolverine had reasons for staying with the X-Men. In other words, don’t be Batman.

*If You Play Up Inter-Character Conflict, Fully Discuss with Player(s) First: A corollary to the prior point. Inter-character conflict or an adversarial relationship can really make for great drama and interesting stories, but if not handled right the players can draw the wrong conclusions about the intentions of what each other is doing. Or get their feelings hurt. Or think the player is just being a jerk. Or all of the above. So if you’re wanting to develop or play out an adversarial relationship or conflict, make sure you discuss it fully ahead of time with the player(s) in question. You can PM another player on these boards and have a private conversation, if you want to keep the conflict private and exciting for the other players. Bottom line is to communicate, and not let player feelings get hurt by mistake or actions misinterpreted.

And Finally…:

A PbP game (well a good one anyway) requires for every player to check the campaign thread frequently, post fairly-frequently and find ways to be creative and add to the synergy and momentum of the game. Everyone here was selected because they could do that, and I have a trust factor that we ALL will keep our end of the social bargain. I was in a Zeitgeist game last year that was going to be positively brilliant, but early on some players just did not post with any degree of frequency or consistency. Once you don’t trust that a player is really “there” it becomes very hard for that character to live off the (virtual) page and not be flat or contrived. Too many players do that, and the game itself becomes flat and uninspired. Eventually the game dies off. I need for everyone to put their creative energies into this game and make it shine, and I promise to do the same.

Please Check the Campaign Boards Every Other (if not Every) Day. Checking the thread once or twice a week ain’t gonna cut it, because doing so will mean a loss of context to what’s going on, or create a wrinkle where you’re always one step behind the current scene discourse.

Please Post Frequently, Even If the Posts Are Short. Frequently is subjective, but ideally that’s 2-3 times a week. Sometimes more if we’re in combat or the party is in some solid back-and-forth dialogue. Sometimes less if a scene is wrapping up and transitioning. I’m looking for an average commitment here. You don’t have to knock it out of the park with your posts every time and have it perfect (sometimes that’s what holds players back), or have a long and complicated post all the time (sometimes wall o’ text is counterproductive for the scene anyway). Posting, however, shows interest – and the more players add to the story, the more exciting and creatively interesting the story is.

What If I Don’t Have Anything to Post? The answer is – try harder. I’ve heard this a lot over the years, and the problem is that if NO ONE POSTS, THERE’S NO GAME. Sometimes you’re not directly in a scene, or you’ve said what you wanted to say and you’re waiting for someone else. Well that’s fine, but you can still post an internal thought process, or a flashback that might be relevant, or start up a sideline dialogue with another character that may not be plot-moving but still entertaining to read. Not everything has to move the storylines and plots forward. Try to find an angle and put something out there, even if it’s small. You never know if something you post spawns a fresh idea from another player or the DM to take the scene in a new and interesting direction.

What if I’m Sick or on Vacation? Sure that happens, so just post what’s going on with you in the Discussion (OOC) Tab. That way we all know what’s going on, including if there’s a need to DMPC an action or tailor the scene to make the character more of a bystander. More communication is better, and lack of knowledge leads to speculation or misgivings.

What if I Have Writer’s Block? That happens too, oftentimes because of RL events. It’s fine, but communicate to me privately if you’re having an issue. That way I know what’s going on and can adjust the story a bit. Perhaps your block is because your character needs a tweak or new story development to give you renewed fun – I’ve seen players unintentionally put their characters into a corner interactions-wise, and then don’t know how to write themselves out of it. Talk with me and I’ll work with you to help as much as I possibly can.

Okay, enough talky-talk! Next post from me in OOC here will be on some Zeitgeist-specific character creation elements. Think about what you want to be and do in this intriguing campaign world!


Okay, on to the Zeitgeist specifics of character creation...

Each of you who have been invited to this game have already spoken with me in a general sense of what you want to play. So far so good, but now it's time to get the characters created and where we all can see them. Part of this will include a need for the players to understand what each character "brings to the table" in terms of a general role, their Zeitgeist-specific Theme Feat and their skills. Zeitgeist is as much of a skill-intensive game in terms of challenges as it is with combat challenges, so serious gaps in skills could be disastrous for the party as a whole. Once characters start getting developed, I encourage for the players to post here on any perceived skill gaps and just making sure all of the bases are covered.

Note: Not all the Zeitgeist-specific theme feats need to be covered. It's not a good idea for only two to be represented either, but more than one character can take the same feat if that truly represents their character concept.

Character Creation Parameters
This also shows up on the DM Vord profile tab, but I've included it here for easy reference:

Vord's Character Creation Specials:

Ability Scores: Ability Scores will be a 22 point buy. Go forth and be heroes of the story!

Races: Strong bias towards humans, with other main character races needing extra work by the player to make the backstory and cultural context of the character seem plausible.

Classes: All classes from Paizo main rulebooks (CRB, APG, UC, UM, ACG, etc.) allowed, though any choice needs to solidly fit into the theme and spirit of the campaign. In some cases a title or reference re-skin can be coordinated with me to make it fit better (eastern-themed classes such as ninja or samurai for example).

Skills:In order to allow for more character background development, +5 Skill Points are allowed at first level, in addition to the normal skill points granted for class/race/INT. As always, you cannot raise any ranks above your level, so this +5 bonus helps to broaden the character's experience. Final decision is left to the player, but please use some SP's to take skills that would help the character's backstory and hobbies, such as a Profession, off-class Knowledge, Craft or Perform skill.

Feats: An extra feat is granted to help provide flavor for the character's backstory and theme of the campaign. In the context of Zeitgeist, this translates to the campaign "Theme Feat" being free aside from other feats for class, level or race.

Traits (and Drawbacks):Two traits are allowed, with a third trait possible if the character has a suitable Drawback from Ultimate Campaign book. Please make sure chosen traits are from separate categories, and that they fit into the overall theme of the campaign as well as the character's background.

Hit Points Max at 1st level. Hit Points at subsequent levels are rolled - two rolls and take the higher of the two. On a truly horrible set of rolls, a Hero Point may be expended to make a single extra die roll, with average hit points counting as the "floor" of that roll.

Note: Bad guys get double dice on HP rolls as well, so don't get cocky kid!

Starting Wealth:Generally max starting wealth by class. In addition a starting "Cost of Living" (from CRB - Gamemastering section) will be determined by the DM to apply to each character in question. In the context of Zeitgeist, this will be part of the character's stipend, and will help to pay for minor items and consumables that do not need to be calculated as part of the WBL.

Zeitgeist & Firearms:
As noted in the Zeitgeist Player's Guide, firearms are "commonplace" in the world. This translates to the following assumptions if you're thinking about firearms with your character:

1) Early Firearms are 25% of price given in the Pathfinder Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Equipment books. So is ammunition for Early Firearms. Advanced Firearms are not cheaper and also not available for purchase.

2) Early Firearms are considered 'Martial Weapons' in terms of proficiency with them (not Exotic weapons). As part of this concept, IF a character class is proficient with a shortbow or longbow, a single early firearm (pistol or musket) can be substituted in place of them. So can a pistol be substituted for a hand crossbow if listed as a class-allowed weapon.

3) Prepared paper cartridge packets with Firedust and Bullets replaces Black Powder and standard bullet ammunition for the equivalent cost. This reduces the "reload" time for an early firearm by one step (full-round to standard, standard to move), but does not increase the "misfire" chance from the firearm's listed entry. In short, early firearms are slightly faster with the same reliability in the Zeitgeist world than in Golarion.

WBL and Cost of Living:
Characters will have maximum wealth for their respective character classes at 1st level. This reflects some impact of the salary they have received since joining the R.H.C. a few months' prior. In addition, they are considered to be at the "Average" Cost-of-Living as noted in the CRB under the 'Gamemastering' section - 10gp/monthly, but do not have to pay for this cost-of-living. This means that items less than 1gp do not have to be counted as part of WBL (do not exploit this by stating you have 10000 torches in a cloth sack or something ridiculous), and it assumes each character lives in a small apartment, boarding house room, flat, loft, etc. that they do not have to share (unless they want to as part of their background).

Characters will also have the following items free-of-charge for their inventory:
* 1 R.H.C. Dress Uniform (akin to a Gentleman's or Lady's Outfit in terms of cost and quality, but clearly marks you as an R.H.C. Constable)
* 1 R.H.C. Constable's Badge (+1 to Diplomacy/Intimidate/Bluff checks on Risuri citizens)
* 1 R.H.C. Pocket Watch (inscribed with R.H.C. motto and engraved with the emblem of Risur)

Note that with this cost-of-living, they live better than well more than half of the rest of the citizens in Flint, putting them roughly in the top 20% of income level!

I think everyone for the game are used to the concept of hero points, but here are the specifics if you're hazy on the particulars.

Hero Points:
All PCs start with 1 Hero point and gain 1 Hero Point each time they level up. The maximum number of Hero Points a PC can have at a time is 3. Hero Point feats and spells are allowed.

You can use 1 Hero Point to do any of the following actions. You can only use 1 Hero Point per turn for these actions.
1. Gain an extra standard action during your turn.
2. Gain a +8 bonus to a d20 roll if spent before or a +4 bonus if spent after. This can also be used to effectively increase the DC of a spell by lowering a single target's saving throw in the same manner.
3. Ready an action at any time. (Must be done before a post is made; no retcons.)
4. Regain a spell or use of a limited special ability.
5. Reroll a d20.
6. Reroll for HP at a new level (with avg HP's the minimum floor).
You can use 2 Hero Points to do the following, regardless of if you have used a Hero Point this turn.
7. Survive a fatal attack at -10, unconscious, and stable.(2 points)

In addition to the nuts-and-bolts character creation aspects, I want for each player to run their character through the "Ten-Minute Background" process and add this to their character profile. This is an excellent way to focus your mind on very solid background elements, as it gives you a good working framework to start from. Use your Zeitgeist Character Guide to come up with ideas -- anything you want to run by me here in OOC or via PM is welcomed, including any assistance in helping to fit a Zeitgeist element to a background element you have in mind.

The Original Ten-Minute Background Post:

Original Post from WotC boards by The Stray
"Here is something I use for my players that allows me to get a good background outline from my players to break the ice with. It gets people thinking, which is good, without overwhelming them with questions. It's based off of the Minimus RPG engine, copyright 2008 Ad Astra Games, used with permission. Minimus is donation-ware, so if you like the TMB, please consider donating for a copy of Minimus, as per the instructions in the file."

The Ten-Minute Background

In an attempt to get all the information I need to create stuff from character backgrounds without having to continually push for information, I am asking that you create backgrounds the following way:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

[Example: Martin Tenbones]
1) He is a former pirate and retired adventurer and now owns a tavern in the city of St. Clarice.

2) He is outgoing and charismatic, and attempts to keep abreast of all the local gossip and juicy secrets that pass his way, because he believes that knowledge is power.

3) He and his former adventuring band fought against the forces of the pirate captain Craven, who was a major lieutenant for the current Dread Pirate Hellbeard. He used the wealth that he acquired to build his tavern, but he sometimes worries that the pirates may one day decide to find him and extract revenge.

4) Though he is still friends with most of his former adventuring mates, some of them parted the group on bad terms. His girlfriend went back to the sea to fight pirates once more, but he received word that her vessel was taken by Hellbeard and believes she was killed. He mourns her death.

5) Although he is retired, he can be convinced to adventure again if he hears that Sasha (his lost love) may still be alive, or if he is contacted by the White Foxes during a crisis (see secrets).

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

1) I would like to see Martin reunited with his lost love and perhaps able to mend fences with some of his former adventuring buddies over the course of this campaign.

2) It would be cool to have Martin face and possibly defeat the Dread Pirate Hellbeard once and for all.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

1) Martin is a member of the White Fox Society, a secret society dedicated to keeping Coralton free of tyranny and evil, as well as keeping local governments honest. He provides information and rumors to them, but can be convinced to take a more active roll if pressed.

2) Sasha LeBell, Marin's lost love, is still alive. She was captured by the Dread Pirate Hellbeard and has been kept as his captive for all these years.

3) (Example of a secret I might make up about your character): Not only is Sasha alive, but also she has escaped captivity and killed Hellbeard. She has taken over his ship and crew, and has turned to piracy out of bitterness. She now IS the new Dread Pirate Hellbeard!

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

1) Martin's friend Audric Cwellen was one of his adventuring mate. Audric, a holy warrior in the service of the Goddess of Love, is the leader of the local cell of the White Fox society, and provides Martin with information and adventure hooks.

2) Another of Martin's old traveling companions, Aubrey LeVaine, is not as helpful as Audric, because they quarreled over the love of Sasha, and Aubrey is still bitter about losing her to Martin. Still, he can provide some magical support if Martin can convince him to let go of his hate.

3) Yebin Thistledown is a strange little creature from the Feywild called a gnome. Martin met the gnome in the Shroudmist Forest and saved him from a pack of Howlers. The Gnome makes all sorts of alchemical items and gadgets, and loves collecting odd souvenirs and items, as well as "recreational herbs." He operates a bizarre patchwork shop in the Rue Angélique district.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

1) Martin remembers growing up in a tavern as a young boy, helping his mother with the cooking. This started his own interest in the culinary arts.

2) Martin remembers the panic he felt when he discovered that the ship he signed on to was a pirate ship after a brutal attack on a merchantman. He vividly recalls the smell of blood and burning timbers.

3) Martin often recalls the goodbye kiss he gave Sasha when she left him. No kiss he's had since ever compares to that memory.

Celeador's Ten Minute Background Example:

Five background and concept elements important to John Rawkins.
1) John Rawkins is a sailor who was recently discharged from the Andoran Navy due to a terrible injury. Six months ago his ship the Righteous Eagle was led into a trap by the notorious Shackles vessel Carrion's Maw. During the ensuring battle, Petty Officer Rawkins was part of a boarding party, that along with First Lieutenant Steele was lured aboard the Carrion's Maw. Once on board, the trap was revealed and the boarders were surrounded by a full company of mercenaries. Outmatched and cut off from the Righteous Eagle Petty Officer Rawkins was left behind while the Righteous Eagle was forced to retreat, or risk being sunk. During the battle, John took a spear to the side, falling overboard. As he floated in the water, his blood slowly seeped out into the sea, and he was viciously attacked by a jigsaw shark. By the time he was recovered and his mates got him onto the surgeon’s table, there was nothing that could be done. In a haze of ether John felt the dull pain of the surgeon’s saw and the heat of the soldering iron. When he awoke two days later, his left leg was gone from just below the knee, and in its place was a crudely fitted cap. In remembrance of his lost friend's and ruined leg, John wears a Jigsaw Shark's tooth on a throng around his neck. It is the very same tooth that that the surgeon dug out of his leg following the battle. Trait: Peg Leg
2) John was outgoing and friendly, but since losing his leg and being discharged he has turned to heavy drinking. He rarely shaves and his once short hair has begun to grow out into a tangled mess. He is a man that is teetering on the edge of self-ruin. Hence the charisma of 8, and his store of grog and Alchemist's kindness
3) Prior discharged, John had acquitted himself in several boarding and begun to earn a reputation is a solid and reliable leader.
4) Although he would never admit it, ever since the shark attack John is secretly afraid of the ocean. He’s a fine swimmer, but there’s something about not being able to see what is under the water that scares him. Trait: Paranoid
5) Like most Andoran’s John hates slavery. He remembers how, as a private he took part in the boarding action of the Katapesh Slave Galley Taskmasters Pride. He will never forget seeing the whipped and chained slaves, emaciated and lashed to the oars and it sickened him beyond words. If given the opportunity to hurt a slaver he would likely do so. Trait: Freedom Fighter and Trait: Lover of the Law

Two goals that are important to John.
1) I would like to see John build upon his Andoran leanings. The navy may have forsaken John but he hasn’t forsaken the ideals they represented. I think that it would be cool to see John eventually become a "Steel Falcon" PrC. Long term I think it would be great to develop this “Arc” as John earns the attention of the Eagle Knight’s and then somehow is given a secret commission to continue to do the work of Andoran within the Shackles.
2) ”I’ll find the shark that took my leg!. Ok, so it’s extremely Moby Dick-ish but I can see that being a goal that John would pursue. On a slightly less ridiculous note, during the battle in which John lost his leg, Carrion's Maw managed to escape. Should he ever cross paths with the ship or its infamous captain, Typhus Scalp-Taker, only hell or high water could keep him from that prize. Of course he may not have to search too hard...

Two secrets about John, one that he knows, and one that he not yet aware of.
1) John is married and has a three year old daughter. In the weeks following the release of the slaves aboard Taskmasters Pride John fell in love with one of the released concubines. Though it is extremely frowned upon within Andoran for a liberator to become romantically involved with the liberated slave, he couldn’t help but love her. It was for this reason that he is currently traveling to Eledar. Though he hates Cheliax and their puppet states for their continuing support of slavery, he was recently offered a job to help build ships for the Sargava navy.It kills him inside to work against the ideals that he believes in, but he sees few options and he has a family to provide for.
2) Prior to his discharge John had done more than just earn a reputation is a solid and reliable leader. In fact his Captain was a member of the Eagle Knights and had taken notice of him for a possible candidacy into the order. However with the loss of his leg and subsequent drinking and discharge Captain Havershaw rescinded his decision. Yet despite his better judgment Lord Havershaw still keeps track of John from time to time.

Four people that are tied to John, three are friends and one is an enemy.

1) Alima Rawkins: Former pleasure slave aboard the Taskmasters Pride and wife of John Rawkins. Alima is Osirion in descent with dusky skin and black hair. She currently lives in the Andoran fishing village of Souston where she raises her and John’s daughter, Farah.
2) Lord Cornelius Havershaw: Ageing captain of the Righteous Eagle. Cornelius is also an Eagle Knight from the order of the Steel Falcon and has taken note of John. Cornelius is quickly approaching retirement and knows that the Claw will be his last command. He is fond of playing the violin and drinking good brandy. It was under his tutelage that Petty Officer Rawkins first learned the principles of leadership.
3) First Lieutenant Iakob Steele: Boarding Officer for the Righteous Eagle. Iakob grew up in the same town as John, Souston, and joined the Andoran Navy several years ahead of him. John later met, and came to work for First Lieutenant Steele upon his assignment to the Righteous Eagle, it was during that time that a friendship came to develop between the two. First Lieutenant Steele was presumably lost at sea following the ruinous battle between the Righteous Eagle and Carron's Maw.
4) Captain Typhus Scalp-Taker: Captain of the Carron's Maw, slaver, pirate and reputed member of the Pirate Council. It was Scalp-Taker who was responsible John going overboard during the battle with the Righteous Eagle. During the battle the pirate lord hurled the spear that drove John over a gunwale and into the sea, but not before John was able to land a lucky strike that sliced off the pirates left ear. Since that day Typhus has never forgotten the slight done to him by the Andorian sailor and would be quick to meet vengeance upon him should their paths meet again.

Three memories, mannerisms or quirks John possesses.
1)John keeps a moleskin journal within his Sea bag. During free time he writes letters home to his wife and daughter. He misses them terribly and will never forget the day that he set sail to Eledar, and the last kiss he gave Alima. He uses a lock of her hair as a bookmark for his journal.
2) As a remnant of his service in the Andoran Navy, John managed to keep his duty issue cutlass and he carries the cutlass with him at all times. When distracted he tends to keep one hand on the pommel of the blade and will mindlessly run his thumb over the end cap in a clockwise motion.
3) John has a hard time sleeping on land. From his years at sea, the sailor has grown more accustomed to the cradle of the sea, then the stone of the shore. Even on land John prefers to sleep in a hammock, much to the displeasure of Alima.



found ya :)

Human Alchemist (Grenadier / Saboteur) 1 AC 16/13/13 / HP 10/10 / F +3 R +5 W +1 / Init. +3 / Perc. +5 / Bombs 5/5)

Jolly good!




Human (Risuri) Oracle/Gunslinger/Investigator AC 16/12/14 / HP 30 / F+5, R+7, W+6 / Init. +6 / Perc. +4 / Sense Motive +4 / Max Grit/Luck Pts 8

Reporting for Duty


Great to see you all!

At this point I'd like for everyone to get going on your character creation (if you haven't already), with at least the avatar created with character name by this weekend -- by the end of the weekend I should be able to start up the Gameplay Tab with a proper intro and then a starting scene for you to interact and post in. We don't need for characters to be 100% complete with all crunch and fluff by this weekend - I will probably devote the first week to you interacting with NPC's (and potentially each other) in the RHC with no skill checks or combat going on.

Please review the 2nd post above for some Zeitgeist campaign specifics on character creation, starting wealth/gear and the 10-minute background requirements. Post here or PM me for any questions you need answered on character creation specifics.

Also, it would be a good idea to start talking about skill coverage between your characters, as a gap could pose a significant issue for you. I've heard at least 2-3 of you will have CHA-keystat characters, 1-2 of you will have INT-keystat characters, and then a primary martial type. In terms of Zeitgeist Theme Feats, I know at least 2 of you are going for "Man With Two Guns is God" theme and 1 for the "Martial Scientist" theme, but would like to see posted here what all five of you are choosing - again the Theme Feats do not all have to be unique to each character, but your group can gain advantages in the storyline if you have more of these represented. Your choice of course.

Francis is one of those int-keystat characters, an investigator with 18 int and 15 skill points.

I'm open to shifting around most any of the skill points but there are a few skills that he can't do with out, namely craft(alchemy), craft(weapons), profession(blacksmith), knowledge(engineering) and spellcraft, for his concept as a scientist/gunsmith/crafterish type to make sense.

He's got the man with two guns is god feat and aiming for mad shootist.

Human (Risuri) Oracle/Gunslinger/Investigator AC 16/12/14 / HP 30 / F+5, R+7, W+6 / Init. +6 / Perc. +4 / Sense Motive +4 / Max Grit/Luck Pts 8

Going to be primarily a Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) but due to story background will start off life as an Oracle (Life). High CHA will give me Bluff and Intimidate of +5 and Diplomacy of +8. Will also have a Survival of +4.

Also going with the man with two guns feat but not going to worry about the mad shootist.

I'll have my stat block up later this weekend.

Maybe I should have a gun as well. Everybody else is doing it!

DM Barcas wrote:
Maybe I should have a gun as well. Everybody else is doing it!

It's a bit of a bite of your starting wealth at first level, but with firearms 25% of cost it is possible. Pistol would probably be the most cost-effective choice (giving you the greatest "bang" for the buck...err gold piece...).

The way I see it in game so far is that firearms are common, but most typical actions would be a fire-and-toss or swap to melee, due to the action of reloading (and AoO taken if doing so in a threatened square).

Flavor-wise you'll probably see more firearms in Flint and Slate, and more "traditional" ranged weapons of crossbows and bows in the other towns of Bole, Shale and the villages/rural areas.

oh yeah! Guns galore!

Deva (Elven) Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 1 - AC 16/14T/12FF; hp 9/9; F+1/R+4/W+4; Init. +0; Perc. +2; Sense Motive +8

So perhaps I should dust off Rhegalion as my character.


A nice contrast to Francis build wise, the spiritualist vs. the materialist.


Certainly fine if you want to run Rhegalion for this alternate timeline of sorts. The extended players guide has it's own race reference for deva in place of aasimar that you'd need to convert over. Assuming that also means the theme feat is the spirit medium?

Knowing what Cromlich has in mind, if you do go with Rhegalion it will create a very interesting dynamic between the pair!

Female Human (Risuri) Fighter (tactician) 3rd AC 20/14/16 / HP 33 / F +5 R +5 W +2 / Init +6 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +5

So it appears I'm your martial girl! A Martial Scientist to be exact.
STR 16, INT 14 with 12 skill points
HP 12
And even though she can use a gun, her sabre is her preferred weapon.


Treatise on Select Races of Lanjyr, Part I: Beran Races
DM Note: Delving into some of the races not explicitly defined in the Zeitgeist Player's Guide, to better define what each race contributes to the Zeitgeist world.

Orcs: Orcs as a race are concentrated in Ber in the last two millenia, but some archeologists debate that orcs had a once larger range with tribes and clans, stretching into present-day Risur and even to Danor and beyond - though both Danorans and Crissillyiri historians hotly contest this (perhaps one of the few points of agreement between those nations). Whatever their origins, they are a proud and fierce race that prizes physical prowess mixed with traditions of honor and loyalty. Their detractors proclaim them barbaric, bloodthirsty and warlike, but reasonable historians note that their efforts in war were due to the Dragon Kings and not from any inherent desire for blood and destruction. Orcs are known to keep their oaths when given, though they are not given lightly. They respect strength and skills in battle, though orcs have a shamanistic tradition with wise ones and elders who practice traditional magics. As such on the whole they are not keen for technology, as they see it as detracting from the virtues of martial prowess. Orcs make capable and effective mercenaries, for their agreements are rarely broken unless duped or crossed. They get along with goblins quite well.

DM Note: Think of Orcs not like those of Golarion, Greyhawk or Middle-Earth, but more like Klingons or those of the Elder Scrolls universe.

Goblins: Goblins have been around as long as orcs, though evidence of their origins is unknown. While they can fight they prefer not to, engaged more in exercises of planning, trading and crafting than pursuits of war. Goblins get along well with orcs, their insight into more learned trades and arcane pursuits surprisingly pair well with them, shoring up what they traditionally lack. Economics and trade, arcane lore and alchemical study, law and contracts are their main pursuits. It should be noted in modern-day Ber that while legal systems were sought from the established empire of Crisillyir, it was goblins that successfully adapted the laws and processes to Beran society, forming much of its modern-day bureaucracy. Unlike their orcish allies they do not shun technology nearly as much, but prefer their own inventions and innovations of arcane and alchemical prowess over Danoran and Drakran imports.

DM Note: Think of Goblins like those of the world of Harry Potter but without Gringotts. They have no relationship to the Golarion version.

Minotaurs: It is said the origins of the minotaurs stem from the Dragon Kings in ancient times, the first such race magically created and bred to act as warriors of past dragon tyrants now lost to obscurity. Whatever their origins, minotaurs are the lore-keepers, bards and diplomats of the former realms of the Dragon Kings. While they have gone down in their histories as some of the most powerful warriors of renown, minotaurs are slow to anger and judgments, seen as wise and fair. It is not a coincidence that Le Roye Bruse, an orc and the first true king of Ber after the fall of the Dragon Kings, named a minotaur as his successor - indeed without the minotaur bards advising him in his rule Ber would never have been united. Minotaurs treasure academia and learning for all the Beran peoples, leading the Panoply movement there.

Gnolls: The second of the magically created and bred races of dragon tyrants, gnolls are the most primal and warlike of any that still exist today. They are aggressive, barbaric and xenophobic to all except those linked to draconic bloodlines - basically most unfounded rumors as to the disposition of orcs actually are true when it comes to the gnolls. Not many gnolls are seen outside of Ber...and even within Ber they are insular and stay largely confined to the southern coasts in their tribal structures. Some say they hold onto a zealot-like hope that the Dragon Kings will return to raise them above the lesser races that "abandoned" the cause of war and domination against enemies real or imagined. Some gnolls escape this tribal life and actually are "reformed" in the cities of Ber, welcomed (for the most part) by the more civilized races of Ber, but these gnolls are the exception to the norm.

Lizardfolk and Kobolds: The third and fourth of the magically created races of the dragon tyrants, the efforts of the Dragon Kings to breed races for servitude after their own desires became more refined and specialized. As such the lizardfolk and kobolds saw themselves as “superior” to orcs and goblins, having been bred to take their places in some dragon realms for their bred loyalty. Lizardfolk value martial prowess and the ways of war much as orcs do, though with a unique flair to fight in terrains that orcs were not as accustomed to doing – the waters, swamps and grasslands of their enemies (both in Ber and in neighboring Risur). Kobolds were created and bred to fight underground in areas the lizardfolk had trouble in, but also acted as scouts and skirmishers for tyrant armies, as well as effective miners of the vast mines plundered for dragon hordes. When the last Dragon Kings were slain two centuries ago, the lizardfolk and kobolds were “toppled” from their previously superior caste levels by the other races, giving them great bitterness and shame over their fall from grace in the old ways. As such, lizardfolk often seek ways to show their value and worth, aspiring to glory and victory over other races as validation of their “superior” heritage. Kobolds are less conspicuous about it – many were destroyed in the aftermath of the Dragon Kings’ fall, with many of the rest going into hiding deep underground or maintaining small enclaves in desolate lands few other Berans cared to occupy.

Giants and Half-Giants: Giants and half-giants are an old and original race lost to antiquity, though rare to find except in mountainous areas of Ber and Drakyr where they hold enclaves. Seen as potential rivals by the dragons, they were hunted and enslaved by the dragon tyrants, forced to labor and build mighty works for them, or power siege weapons of war in their armies. In the times since the fall of the Dragon Kings, most giants want little to do with the other races and lands, preferring to stay insular and adhere to their traditional ways of worship – with some exception to the lure of crafting metal and stone or building notable works that stand the test of time. They have little interest in the politics and “progress” of modern-day Ber, preferring to be left alone in peace.

DM Note: I see these giants of Lanjyr more as Ogiers from the Wheel of Time series.

"Dragonborn" The ultimate representation of the Dragon Kings’ breeding programs, dragonborn actually are infused with dragon blood and dragon ancestry, even if diluted. If the lizardfolk considered themselves superior to the orcs and other older races by virtue of their artificial heritage, the dragonborn were considered the pinnacle of the dragon’s caste system. They were often raised to prominent positions of power and authority in the Dragon King courts, leaders of the armies and direct diplomats allowed to pass between dragon domains. After the fall of the Dragon Kings two centuries ago, most dragonborn were wiped out in acts of vengeance by the other Beran races, while some attempted to carve out their own empires and realms as the dragons once did – typically ending in defeat and disaster for themselves and their families. Those few that remained openly renounced their draconic allegiances and actively worked to establish a new beginning for their race, in the interests of averting extinction of their bloodlines altogether – further hampered by relatively low birthrates amongst their kind. This and an above-average intelligence has made them quite pragmatic in their outlook of the modern-day society.

DM Note: Dragonborn would be similar to the draconians of the old Dragonlance sagas in appearance, though without the inherit “Tiamat evil” of their corrupted Dragonlance ilk.


Treatise on Select Races of Lanjyr, Part II: Risuri Races
DM Note: Delving into some of the races not explicitly defined in the Zeitgeist Player's Guide, to better define what each race contributes to the Zeitgeist world.

Halflings: The “race” of halflings are unheard of prior to two millennia ago, for they could truly be considered a cursed race. Legend has it that two hundred years before the rise of King Kelland, another great warrior-leader of humanity rose up to challenge the Fey Titans and the Unseen Court. Sadly that attempt to wrest freedom and destiny from the fey and their elven taskmasters failed – in retaliation the humans who fought against the might of the Unseen Court were altered to what a halfling resembles today, forced into the most humiliating and cruel aspects of servitude as a lesson to any other “upstart” humans who would dare try to challenge them. That challenge was successful in the form of King Kelland two hundred years later and the halflings were released from bondage, yet the tragic lesson of that curse remains with them.

Halflings can be generalized into two main philosophies. One group of “traditionalist” halflings are centered in the lands around the Risuri city of Bole, compliant and respectful of the Old Faith and all fey customs and traditions. They have “learned the lesson” of their disrespectful ancestors and do not desire any further retribution from the fey, living a traditional and pastoral life and adhering to the druidic ways of the skyseers and Old Faith wisdoms. The other group of halflings have broken from tradition and seek to overcome their “curse” of long ago, despising what the fey have done to them and always looking for ways to prove they have not been beaten or cowed into submission by the ages-old act. Enclaves of halflings have migrated to the other cities of Risur as a result, often embracing values of progress and tangible gain, with elements of anger and defiance inherit in their world-view. To say that the second group of halflings have something to prove (to themselves and over other people) is an understatement.

Gnomes: The race of gnomes was largely unheard of in Lanjyr prior to the time of King Kelland, circa 1700 B.O.V. Like the elves and their eladrin kin, the gnomes are clearly descended from the fey…and once lived beyond this world in the lands of the Dreaming where the Unseen Court resides. The exact reasons are lost to time, but the gnomes of the Dreaming actively aided King Kelland in his bid to wrest control of the land away from fey dominion, and for that they were exiled by the Unseen Court. Seen as traitors of their fey heritage, gnomes found they could not “fey step” as they once could and lost most other powers stemming from the magic of the Dreaming. This sacrifice was not lost upon King Kelland who granted them lands and openly supported their settlements as much as possible, yet this did not remove the great collective ache upon the gnomes who could never return home again. Over the millennia the gnomes have come to accept this fact, the fey of the Dreaming still treating them with contempt and ire (including the death of any gnome that would somehow try to reach the Dreaming), yet cases still arise where gnomes tire of this world and fall into despair, oftentimes committing suicide not long after or dying from a lack of will to live. As such, many gnomes strive to find something engaging and worthwhile to pursue in their lives, seeking adventure and experiences to lessen the ache of their misfortunes. This gives gnomes a somewhat manic and energetic demeanor in their pursuits, and also encourages them to eschew old traditions and values in an effort to find the new invention, philosophy or discovery.

Elves “Common” or “Wood”: Common elves are not of the stock of the eladrin, being much more folksy and rural than their eladrin kin of the once-mightly Elfaivar Empire. They were considered “lesser” to the eladrin if not by the fey themselves, and served mostly as scouts, skirmishers and servants to the eladrin – though never were they enslaved by them as had been done to humans and other humanoid races. Known as “wood elves” in areas around Bole and the wildlands, their reaction to the rise of King Kelland was mixed, with common elves mostly passively siding with the fey with some notable exceptions. It is said that the final truce and lasting peace between the Unseen Court and King Kelland would never have happened had it not been for the common elves bridging the gap of communication between them. Whatever the true history, the common elves of Risur were granted acceptance and peace by both fey and human after the founding, helping to communicate the requirements of ritual and offerings to the human communities by the fey. Yet the common elves had their own tragedies in the era of the Great Malice and the fall of the Empire of Elfaivar, losing a small number of their own elvish females from the sudden event. In the five centuries afterwards the common elves have become more and more reclusive in Risur, hiding from onslaughts by other races for elvish “breeding stock” and others leaving Risur to bolster surviving pockets of eladrin survivors in the old homelands of former Elfaivar. Some elves do break from their enclaves and come to see the changes of the world in the larger cities, but most find the urban setting discomforting to them – Flint particularly disrupts elvish sensibilities with the connection to the fey stamped out by so-called progress.


Various Types of Steel and Coinage

Steel: For the most part, steel and iron are of the common variety that is expected in nearly all the nations and city-states of Lanjyr. Yet there are some specialized differences which have earned popular reputations in the world – due to perceived superior quality or special aspects to the steel that mark it different from the norm. The majority of this is aesthetic in nature, though it may add a slight markup to prices – mostly it is used to denote popularity or describe a commonly held belief on its value.

* Risuri “sheensteel” Steel: Iron mined from the eastern Anthras Mountains south of Bole has an especially sparkling or glittering quality to it, as if flecked with brighter metallic ore. When smelted into steel it can be given a highly polished sheen, almost mirror-like in appearance. It is said this is a “gift” or blessing of the fey of the Unseen Court after the pact with King Kelland in the first days, and the ore is fey-touched there. Whatever the reason, weapons made with “sheensteel” can act as rudimentary mirrors, and have been popular with higher-end (masterwork) shields, plate armor, swords and other bladed weapons. Songs and tales speak of Risuri battles where the blades and shields of kings and great heroes reflected the fear of their foes back upon them to see…and in one case a terrible fey-inspired beast whose gaze could kill at a glance was rebounded back upon itself from the hero’s sheensteel greatsword.

Price for sheensteel weapons or armor are typically 10% above normal value.

* Crisillyiri “brightsteel” Steel: Iron mined in the Penance Peaks or mountains and deserts of Crisillyir bear no inherent special qualities, but the weaponsmiths of the Clergy developed a technique for steelmaking that was deemed proper and holy, claiming to catch and shine the light of purity in its enchanted weapons that help to ward off the darkness. The smelting process – blessed by the Clergy - gives these steel weapons a slightly metallic hue of gold to bronze, though it is clear to the observer that it is still a steel object and not of another type of metal. The metallic hue of brightsteel is fashionable (if gaudy) in Crissillyir and can be seen in soldiers’ spears and officers’ breastplates, but bears no true advantage except when a weapon is enchanted or a light spell is cast upon a brightsteel object; in that case the illumination radius is increased by an additional five-foot radius (25’ radius instead of 20’) over normal distances.

Price for brightsteel weapons or armor are typically 10% above normal value.

* Drakran Steel: Iron mined in the Shawl Mountains is said to be the finest in all of Lanjyr, and the Drakran dwarves have perfected the smelting process with a secret recipe of carbon, making Drakran Steel the “best” and strongest steel in existence. Drakran steel takes on a dull black hue like coal or obsidian, making it distinct and easy to recognize. Some say the dwarves infuse their steel with adamantine skymetal though this is denied by them…and the price of their steel does not reflect that as a reality. Weapons and armor made from Drakran steel add +10% to both hardness and object hit point values (min. 1 point).

Price for Drakan steel weapons are typically 20% above normal value.

Mithril or “feysteel”: Mithril is also known as “feysteel” in Lanjyr, and its appearance is only possible as a result of the fey and the realm of the Dreaming. Whatever its origins (some say it is originally just steel or silver ore transmuted by fey rituals), mithril is made by fey or eladrin rituals in the lands of the Dreaming which give it form, and is not found within the earth. As such it is very rare, though with the fall of Elfaivar the claiming of mithril weapons and armor was possible; also the fey themselves sometimes offer mithril to those they deem worthy or who please them in some way.

Adamantine or “skymetal”: Adamantine is known as “skymetal” in Lanjyr, and is said to truly be rocks and metals that fall from the heavens. Though it has a distinctive glossy black appearance with flecks of metallic color in the right light, the skymetal is given its final form by a secretive process known only to the Drakran dwarves in Mirsk and the Shawl Mountains. Without Drakran smelting rituals, adamantine cannot be realized. Therefore caches of skymetal found in Lanjyr are often sold to Drakran merchants…or brought to Drakr directly to engage in an arrangement to have it smelted and forged to a desired form – something the dwarves will often do for those that truly found the skymetal in the first place.

Other Special Materials: Available in select areas of Lanjyr which they are known for.

* Darkwood is found in secluded forest areas (typically fey-patrolled) of eastern Risur. Larger caches exist in the wild forestlands throughout Elfaivar. More recently a cache of some note was discovered in the forests bordering the Penance Peaks northeast of the city-state of Nalaam.

* Cold Iron is more of a process and not a distinctive ore, but it should be noted it has been formally banned in Risur since the pact with King Kelland. While it has been forged upon occasion in Risur, it is not officially sanctioned and would most certainly draw the wrath of the Unseen Court if discovered. Rumor has it that attempts to enchant cold iron are automatically known by the fey (inviting an immediate and lethal response) unless significant rituals are employed to obscure it. Most cold iron comes from Crisillyir, who employed it against the demonocracy from the first days of Triegenes and whose Clergy still use it openly to ward off fey and other enemies of the theocracy.

* Dragonhide is known in Risur by great armor-crafters of the kingdom, due to the chronic struggles against the Dragon Kings up until two centuries ago. Berans also learned to master the crafting of dragonhide into armor, though it is a skill that has diminished over the decades. It was said that Le Roye Bruse had the finest full plate made of dragonhide upon his coronation as the King of Ber, with knowledge gleaned from Risuri armorsmiths from the days of King Boyle.

Coinage Names of Risur:
Platinum Pacts (named from the pact of King Kelland with the Unseen Court)
Gold Crowns
Silver Shills
Copper Pence

Coinage Names of Danor:
Platinum Octians (octagon shaped coin)
Gold Hexigans or “hexes” (hexagon shaped coin)
Silver Quadrans or “quads” (square shaped coin)
Copper Trigans or “bits” (triangular shaped coin)

Coinage Names of Crissillyir:
Platinum Centios
Gold Decios or “decks”
Silver Primos or “primes”
Copper Hooks (named from the Hook of Triegenes)

Coinage Names of Drakr:
Platinum Keeps
Gold Towers
Silver Spires
Copper Picks


Next up -- NPC's of the R.H.C. - other constables you will know and have worked with in your time there. Some may be friends while others may be rivals, or both!

We will start the game in the beginning of the year 500 A.O.V. during Spring - it will be assumed that each of your characters were inducted into the R.H.C. in the late Fall of 499 A.O.V., and then had the equivalent of three month's time (or all of Winter 499 A.O.V.) to perform first assignments and duties...and undergo more training and instruction. Prior to that it probably took the equivalent of 2-3 months (near to all of Fall 499 A.O.V.) to train and be evaluated by the R.H.C. before passing your tests and being accepted. So up to half the prior year was devoted to R.H.C. efforts, but your characters have only been constables for a full season.

Outside of the R.H.C. you are known as "Constables" and fully respected as such, regardless of seniority (besides the top leadership tier of Inspectors, there are no publicly displayed ranks to outsiders). Inside the R.H.C. however you are considered "Associate Constables" as the junior-most informal rank - another word for rookies essentially. Including your characters, there are about twenty active constables (agents) in the Flint branch of the R.H.C., with a larger support staff of guards, researchers, scribes, legal scholars, etc. who support the R.H.C. and its grounds. Flint is not the only location of the R.H.C. - Slate is the largest and houses those constables of the highest prestige and most prominent accomplishments, including those that serve as the King's bodyguards. Bole and Shale also have R.H.C. presences but they are much smaller to the other two cities.

So the NPC's are coming next. Anything else that I can post here to clarify or expand on what you need as you work out your characters in the Zeitgeist world?


How about half-orcs and half-elves?

Sigz wrote:
How about half-orcs and half-elves?

I would say while half-orcs and half-elves are uncommon, they are not a rare or near-unique case in Risur. In fact, Risur would have more half-orcs and half-elves overall than any other nation in Lanjyr.

Half-Orcs have come to Risur largely by the mingling of orcs and humans in the centuries preceding the current unified Kingdom of Ber - raids and wars across the mountainous borders during the days of the Dragon Kings led to odd occurrences of prisoner-of-war orcs in Risur, or enslaved humans in Ber, with circumstances leading to odd pairings and children. Some orcs would have even sought status as refugees if their tribe or clans was wiped out from the factional wars between dragon tyrants or clan feuds. In the last forty years since the unification of Ber under Le Roye Bruse these conflicts largely ended, but by then the presence of orcs and half-orcs in Risur was grudgingly accepted (even if discrimination and negative sterotypes persisted). Interestingly, it is much more rare for half-orcs to find acceptance in Ber than it is in Risur these days - with slavery ended in the last forty years, many descendants of enslaved humans were repatriated into Risur, with few remaining in Ber.

Half-Elves are 99% the offspring between "common" or wood elves and humans, the largest concentration of which are in Bole and the eastern forested wildlands. Wood elves have never had the xenophobic characteristics of the eladrin, being more influenced by fey-like whimsy and curiosity. What is unusual is for half-elves to be raised in wood elf enclave - mostly the children would be "delivered" back to a human community if such a choice exists. In the last two millennia the traditions which govern the relationship between fey and human allowed for more acceptance of half-elves in Risur...provided half-elves adopt human practices and cultural norms. Some of this tolerance has been eroded in the Flint area in the last forty years, due to the conflict between technology and traditional values - Flinters often see half-elves as automatically sympathizing with terrorists of the Cloudwood and Gale Soliogn.


Working on NPC's and should have those done and posted tonight - this should help to give you a good sense of your bosses, fellow constables and support staff in the Flint R.H.C. branch - whether friends or rivals are up to you. I'm hoping to flesh out the R.H.C. as the center of your character's interactions, as you will start nearly every morning there while in Flint.

It's taken me longer to read and absorb a lot of the Zeitgeist material and construct those story elements which I think will make the game immersive for you, so my apologies for the extra week's delay. After the NPC's are posted, I will be writing the gameplay intro and then constructing the initial scene from which you will be able to choose and interact with various R.H.C. NPC's.

Deva (Elven) Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 1 - AC 16/14T/12FF; hp 9/9; F+1/R+4/W+4; Init. +0; Perc. +2; Sense Motive +8

Immersive games are worth it.


The Inspectors
* Lady (Chief) Inspectress Margaret Saxby, Human Female (Fighter-free hand fighter/Rogue-investigator/Duelist): A former superstar investigator who cracked many famous cases in her time, Saxby was promoted to the rank of Chief Inspector and transferred to take over Flint operations a decade ago as its Director. Lady Saxby was a darling of the public when she married a much younger veteran knighted during the Fourth Yerasol War. People say the marriage was meant simply to improve her standing, and Lady Saxby’s fierce emphasis that she be the face of the RHC is well known among constables. She often views associate constables with disdain until they have proven themselves after a few years.
* Assistant Chief Inspector Stover Delft, Human Male (Investigator): A local Flinter in his early 40s, Delft is your direct superior. Generally good-natured to his subordinates, he has a penchant for grousing about people behind their backs. A much better manager than investigator, Delft has advanced this far in the Constabulary by finding good agents, supporting them on difficult missions, and sharing the accolades from their successes. Delft chews tobacco, and thinks he looks charming if he grins while sucking on tobacco juices. He walks with a cane because a mimic tore a chunk out of his leg fifteen years ago. He has a habit of poking inanimate objects with the cane before he gets too close to them, and spitting on them when he wants to be extra sure.

The Constables
* Senior Constable Makala Fileccia, Human Female (Bard-daredevil/Master Spy): Rumored to be the most capable spy of the R.H.C. Flint branch, though Anderson Sperring would disagree with this assessment. A favorite of Delft who jokes that she is his “fourth” favorite constable that has come along under his so-called tutelage, Saxby publically hails her as a model constable (and privately rumored to see her as a rival, eager for her upcoming transfer). Makala’s accomplishments in the last five years have given her great prominence and prestige, which has recently earned her a “promotion” to Slate branch and a fifth spot with the famed ”Resilience” team out of Slate’s R.H.C. branch. Makala has been mocked by the other senior constables as being a “short-timer” but in truth she still takes on the most difficult missions to prove her superior talents up to the time of her transfer.
* Senior Constable Carlao Ven, Human Male (Cavalier): A noted Yerasol veteran of the Fourth Yerasol War who proudly displays his martial splendor, even going so far as to wear his elaborate enchanted full plate armor in the city. Carlao is charismatic, confident and unafraid to order the other constables around when he can, believing it to be a mark of leadership. Though Carlao is clearly not the brightest investigator or infiltrator of the branch (except perhaps to himself), he is Saxby’s trusted aide and something of a director’s pet, getting many of the choice assignments due to his political connections. It is not uncommon that Carlao Ven gives prepared statements to the press when Saxby cannot do so. It is also rumored he is in line for Assistant Chief at one of the R.H.C. branches in the next few years. Carlao often says everything in a profound way, as if being overheard for print or giving a speech.
* Senior Constable Serena Taflis, Human Female (Slayer): An accomplished agent and hunter of Risur’s enemies, one would not know Serena’s lethality by her demeanor. A technologist who often tinkers simulacrums and gadgets useful for spying and “wet works,” Serena is surprisingly cheery, seeing all female constables as her sisters-in-arms. She is especially fond of Kaea and draws her out to engage with others socially. It was rumored she and Carlao once had a dalliance while on mission, but if so neither one speaks about it.
* Senior Constable Dima Sorginson, Dwarven Male (Warpriest-disenchanter): A dwarven priest of the ancestral dwarven pantheon, Dima was raised in Risur and is as Risuri as any of his comrades, having served in the Fourth Yerasol War faithfully. He has a penchant for paperwork and finds its precise and proper completion strangely fulfilling to the cases he works – that includes badgering the newer constables to do the same. He is friends to Carlao (evidently having served with him in the war) but is closest to Gaethan. Unlike many of his race he does not adhere to philosophies of Heid Eschatol, and rails against any notion of dark magic being necessary to hold back abominations of the Malice Lands.
* Constable Kaea Than’dil, Wood Elven Female (Wizard-evoker): An elven (not eladrin) wizard originally from the Bole area, Kaea earned her reputation for excellence in an undercover operation to root out a Vekeshi murderer in the Cloudwood. Unfortunately this earned Kaea wide distrust from the fey and the Old Faith druids, as she posed as a skyseer to do so. Kaea does in fact have some skyseer talents, so the estrangement has affected her with melancholy – this makes her difficult to engage with in idle conversation. Fortunately Serena keeps her spirits up as best as she can, and Kaea enjoys speaking her native tongue in conversation with Jaevin and Gaethan. She is terrified of oceans and vast expanses of water.
* Constable Josiah Crux, Human Male (Gunslinger-musket master): A sniper by trade, Josiah is considered perhaps the finest marksman in the R.H.C. Flint branch – at least with a musket. Handsome and charming but arrogant, Josiah has been known to be promiscuous in his dealings abroad; rumor has it that he has a running bet with Carlao on the bedding of various women of choice, and has been reprimanded at least once for dalliances with other R.H.C. members by Saxby. Unlike Carlao, Josiah’s arrogance and lack of political or war connections makes him unlikely to advance under Saxby or Price-Hill’s directorship. One joke is that Josiah’s “true love” is his rifle – a Drakran steel enchanted rifle he acquired in Trekhom while on mission, which he refers to as “kissed by the maiden” when used in action. He enjoys marksmanship challenges with Drake and Gaethan.
* Constable Gaethan Blackwater, Half-Elven Male (Ranger-urban ranger): A true spirit medium after an encounter near Cauldron Hill three years’ prior, the impact of the spirit world has somewhat addled Gaethan’s mind and leaves him absent-minded – possibly a life of seclusion in the wilds would help him, but he does not want to leave the R.H.C. and continues to serve as best he can. When fully focused Gaethan is a relentless tracker in Flint, able to find most R.H.C. suspects that have gone to ground. He is one of the few that continues to favor a longbow over crossbow or musket. He is closest to Dima and talks with him about what he sees, and also enjoys practicing marksmanship with Josiah and Drake.
* Constable Anderson Sperring, Human Male (Investigator-infiltrator): Originally hailing from the R.H.C. Shale branch, Anderson Sperring is smooth, suave and confident – backed up by a high completion rate on his case missions. Ambition is evident in Anderson, and he has had a rivalry with Makala since he arrived to Flint, though she has bested him by most opinions. Anderson fancies himself having a keener mind than Makala, just not her luck at getting the “choice” assignments from the Inspectress. Anderson has an antipathy to tieflings and Danorans in general, and relishes assignments to mark their spies, himself being quite a master of disguise. To other constables that he does not consider worthy, he appears surprised and slightly offended when spoken to. Due to his skills and temperament, he works alone on assignments.
* Constable Renzo Moreschi, Human Male (cleric-merciful healer): A man of Crissilyiri heritage, Renzo was raised in Risur after his family became refugees from the Yerasol archipelago. A believer of Triegenes and the faith of the Clergy, Renzo nonetheless is a loyal Risuri, citing that without the acts of Risuri Kings the rise of humanity would never have been possible. A graduate of Pardwight University, he can be found taking offered courses of instruction in his free time, and is friends with the retained R.H.C. linguist Nya Lockley. He often runs support for teams of constables on missions abroad. Renzo is known to be overly wordy and long-winded in his briefings and written statements alike.
* Constable Jaevin Darjudin, Half-Elven Male (Bard-detective): Jaevin is the classic “street” information gatherer of mysteries, having come to the R.H.C. over from the Flint Police ranks. He is the workhorse of Flint R.H.C. in getting to know the happenings in city districts and separating useful intelligence from idle gossip. Jaevin is an admirer of Reginald Filby and enjoys his briefings at the R.H.C. – it is rumored Jaevin is writing a fictional account of mysteries and spy stories that he hopes to one day (with consent by R.H.C.) publish . Jaevin has a lucky coin (a gold crown he says came from King Aodhan himself) that he flourishes upon occasion and tosses to make a decision. He is unlikely friends with Wilhelm Coin and Devinn LeMont due to their sympathies with the Docker movement, and both often tout the over-the-top performances of Rock Rackus as worthy and entertaining.
* Constable Bridget Sharpton, Human Female (Alchemist-mindchemist): An intellectually gifted woman from Pardwight University, Bridget might have been relegated to Research-and-Development had it not been for an anti-terrorism case where she put herself on the line in the field with other agents, credited for saving Jaevin, Drake and Gaethan from an intentionally misdirected lead that was trapped with a bomb; Bridget deduced the irregularities as a trap and defused it in the nick of time. A tremendous linguist and scholar in her own right, her alchemy skills have come at the expense of physical competence – it is rumored one day Bridget may have to “demote” to R&D because she will not pass her annual exams. Most of her field work is local to Flint as a result – often she can be found in the alchemy labs with the researchers going through an advanced formula of hers. She has an irritating habit of always agreeing to others in conversation, but later changing her mind just as easily. She also constantly apologizes as a verbal habit – unless she’s under the influence of one of her cognatogens or mutagens, at which point she seems supremely confident. Serena will often stick up for her in meetings.
* Constable Drake Wellingham, Human Male (Gunslinger-bolt ace): Drake is as skilled of a marksman as Josiah is, but specializes in the crossbow over a more modern firearm. He is a fair constable in other areas, though not the sort to be given a difficult investigative assignment solo. Drake provides backup for constables like Jaevin and Makala when needed. He grumbles and complains about the difficulties involved in anything requested of him, which has earned him reprimands in the past. Drake has been known to make annoying impromptu rhymes on the situation, typically with expletives.
* Constable Wilhelm Coin, Halfling Male (Gunslinger-pistolero): Wilhelm is the sole halfling of the Flint R.H.C., making him something of an oddity in constabulary circles. His bravado is only matched by his temper, which holds him back in the eyes of Saxby. Being a crack shot with two pistols and proven in a firefight is his finest quality. Wilhelm has connections in the rough and seamy side of the Dockers in its illegal brawling and fighting matches, not to mention a source of information from fellow halflings throughout Flint. Wilhelm makes lots of idle threats but will back down if challenged (much of the time), and hates politeness as he views it to be disingenuous – he has been known to tell people the “real” reason they do things. He is friends with Jaevin and at least somewhat friendly with Devinn and Alastair, but fairly inhospitable to everyone else.

NOTE: Budgetary increases by King Aodhan himself led to larger pools of “interns” for induction in the past two years. These inductees are considered the “four-nine-eights” and “four-double-nines” with the latest group standing at “associate” status for the first year.
* Constable Talyssa Dane, Human Female (Wizard-metal): Talyssa is one of the “four-nine-eights” of R.H.C. Flint – one of three most recent constable inductees aside from the PC’s themselves. Similar to Bridget, Talyssa is intellectually gifted, meticulous and socially awkward – she has a habit of making strange observations and comments about things that are implied or that are better left unsaid. She often dresses in workman’s clothes and goggles and is generally unconcerned about her appearance. Unlike Bridget she is a technologist and often fidgets with gadgets and devices, even while others are talking. Talyssa is fond of coffee and a frequenter of the best coffee houses in Central or Bosum Strand. She has a “pet” clockwork Beran raptor named Skimmer. Serena keeps an eye on her and the pair often discuss aspects of clockwork constructs, and is friendly with Alastair and Devinn who look out for her. Known to be a family friend of Quartermaster Babcock.
* Constable Alastair Rayne, Human Male (Brawler): Another of the “four-nine-eights,” Alastair is a Yerasol War veteran from the army, but does not come across as military at all – he has the practiced discipline of a martial scientist and actually enjoys practicing maneuvers with Durbul or Johanna during downtime between assignments. A physical athletic man, Alastair is friendly, mild-mannered and easy-going – something not typical for a martial war veteran. Though still in his twenties he bears grey and white streaks in his hair, though he never truly answers how that happened. Alastair is perhaps the most balanced constable of the “four-nine-eights” in terms of investigative and martial skills, though he does not prefer to lead on mission. He is friends with Talyssa and Devinn, keeping the latter constable out of trouble as best he can. Alastair is also one of the few that is friendly with Wilhelm and can tolerate his behavior.
* Constable Devinn LeMont, Human Male (Bard-sandman): The third of the “four-nine-eights” active in R.H.C. Flint, Devinn is a Docker and performer, fancying himself as a “master” of information gathering and disguise (and is fairly good at it but not nearly as skilled as Anderson or Makala) with personas for every district. He is unorthodox, womanizing, charming when he wants to be but mostly sarcastic and mocking of others, and generally thinks the R.H.C. is there to satisfy his interests. He has a habit of giving unwanted nicknames to others and getting them to stick. It is said he is terrified of oceans, having that in common with Kaea. Having influence in the Dockers, Devinn is well-versed in many of the popular drinking establishments of the city, both formal and underground. He is a fan of Rock Rackus and his mockery of the government, something he and Jaevin (“Janks”) share and like to discuss. He is friends with Talyssa (“Jet”) and Alastair (“Easy”), whom he came into the R.H.C. with.

Noted Support Members
* Quartermaster Ethan Babcock, Human Male: The Quartermaster of R.H.C. in Flint, responsible for all provisioning and requisitions of the constables, having one Assistant and several clerks under his department. Retired from active constable status ten years ago, Ethan was one of the original constables in its founding thirty years ago. Stern but fair, little escapes his notice on what the constables have checked in and out of HQ. Is often seen with his notebook in hand jotting some figure or tally down.
* Assistant Quartermaster Nestor Zinjo, Goblin Male: The Quartermaster’s most trusted and capable assistant, and often takes the later shifts at HQ. Very stern and precise in his dealings with the constables – unlike the Quartermaster he seems to keep all tallies and requisitions in his near-perfect memory. Has a penchant to cause “paperwork” grief to those who dare mock him or try to circumvent protocols, and is rumored to be extremely stealthy in “following up” on those that have overdue equipment.
* Researcher Effram Mifrain, Human Male: One of the main researchers and dweomercraftsmen of R.H.C. assigned to the newer constables, helping to divine and identify recovered items by the constables. A wizard by trade, Effram is not a field operative but works closely with the constables when called upon – typically during daylight hours. Orderly with a dry humor and not very expressive verbally, his face reveals much about what he is thinking. An unlikely friend of Devinn, the pair having gone to school together.
* Researcher William Stock, Human Male: Another of the researchers assigned to the newer constables for support, William’s specialty as a dweomercrafter and researcher is clearly disappointing to him, as he failed to make the “cut” of the four-nine-eights and was relegated to R&D. He seems to be particularly critical of Talyssa Dane, whom it is rumored he disparages as cheating him of his rightful spot as constable. Given his abrasive personality he often pulls the night shift.
* Head Instructor Landon Howison (investigations), Human Male: The head instructor of Flint R.H.C., responsible for evaluation of “interns” and issuance of examinations that will determine if someone is eligible for constable status. Specializes in the protocols and rules regarding investigations and jurisdiction in his own courses. Rumored to be foolproof to any lies or misdirections told to him directly, and has a patient but unsettling gaze.
* Instructor Johanna Durrance (weapons), Human Female (Swashbuckler): One of two martial instructors retained by R.H.C., though Johanna has passed all examinations as a constable would have. Johanna is no-nonsense and intense, seeing her instruction as essential to keeping new constables alive in a dangerous world. She was a Yerasol Veteran, and like so many of her ilk she does not care to recount what she did during the last war. Rumor has it that Johanna killed a Slate nobleman in a duel shortly after the war. Her favored weapon is the rapier, though she is deadly with sabre and shortspear alike. She disdains firearms, though grudgingly includes that in her courses.
* Instructor Durbul Lescane (hand-to-hand), Orc Male (Brawler): A second-generation Risuri orc (his family opposing Le Roye Bruse in the unification of Ber) and the second of the martial instructors, the imposing and intimidating Durbul is unrelenting in his harassment of new arrivals until they prove themselves to him. He does not shout or lose his temper easily, using actions instead of words for the most part – he carries a shortstaff around to “correct” bad forms and improve posture in stances. For constables those that show aptitude and true desire, he gives them grudging respect and encourages them to undergo “advanced” training with him directly on select evenings.
* Instructor Indigo Daybee (calisthenics), Gnome Male (Wizard): The diminutive Daybee is an energetic and positively excitable fellow, encouraging with his “students” and always looking to praise their efforts. That being said, his inventive obstacle courses and unorthodox physical training regimens are some of the most difficult around – those with military backgrounds joke that Daybee’s courses are far worse than any Battalion camps. He delights in designing new challenges, working well into the night and interns finding the training grounds completely redesigned from one day to the next. Indigo has a wife that is a confectionary artist, and often “rewards” his students with special indigo-colored rock candies that are very tasty.
* Instructor Nya Lockley (linguistics), Human Female: Nya is the retained linguistics instructor for R.H.C., lured to full-time status from Pardwight University. Nya is said to be fluent in over a dozen languages and dialects of Lanjyr. While all interns are required to pass exams on a rudimentary knowledge of national dialects and basic languages phrases, the majority of her time is spent with established constables in preparation for missions abroad. Many constables may find her instruction distracting, as she is utterly gorgeous as well as intelligent, but seemingly without time for suitors or social dalliances – rumor has it that Carlao, Anderson and Josiah have all tried and failed to woo her.
* Meg Swinson, Human Female: Meg is one of the matronly cooks of the Flint R.H.C. dining hall, serving up meals to the one-hundred or so constables and support staff at the compound. She has a pronounced lower-class Flint accent. Meg is also the unofficial hub of rumor-mongering and gossip of R.H.C. Flint, getting the “inside news” on the goings-on between the constables and staff, including juicy tidbits of rivalries and dalliances that may occur. Meg would deny this of course if confronted directly, but is a useful source for this kind of information to those that want to know – her price of course is juicy information in return.
* Fin Wraggle, Human Male: Fin is a janitor of the R.H.C. HQ building, a big man but kindly and quiet. Fin does his job well and truly desires to help Risur as best as he knows how…which is to keep the place clean and well stocked for the constables and inspectors during daylight hours. It is said he supports several younger brothers and sisters in the Parity Lake district (both parents having died years prior), for he could not afford accommodations elsewhere. Fin has a slight stutter but his speech has improved due to charity from Nya Lockley, giving him speech lessons for free during his off-hours. Meg is known to keep extra food from the day’s meals aside for him to take home when his shift is done.

Other Notables Directly Associated With Flint R.H.C.
* Captain Brin Umurn, Half-Orc Female (Fighter): Brin is the Captain-of-the-Guard of Flint R.H.C., leading a half-company of the Risuri Army that are permanently detached to guard duty of its headquarters and compound grounds. While her commanding officer would be Colonel Greg Masterson of Flint’s land forces, she also reports to Lady Inspectress Saxby directly for all matters concerning R.H.C. security and force protection. Attractive and athletic, Brin is rumored to have an off-and-on relationship with Durbul Lescane, though she is aware of this rumor and discounts it hotly as discrimination (that she would or could only court with an orc because of her own heritage).
* Lieutenant Cason Dale, Human Male (Fighter): Cason is considered the “nightwatch” officer in charge of Flint R.H.C. security, as Captain Umurn handles the day shift. He is humorless and has little tolerance for disorder from his men on the nightwatch, seeing it as his duty to “shape them up and turn them into something” for few men willingly volunteer for duty at night. Cason has a severe scar on his face and rumor has it that he received it from Johanna Durrance for a slight one day, though Cason denies this and maintains he received it at Battalion Academy during training maneuvers.
* Sergeant Hunley Stiverson, Human Male (Warrior): The good sergeant often is the one constables see at the R.H.C. exterior gates in the mornings, overseeing the admittance of men and women into the compound. He has a rural accent but seemingly knows all constables by name and helps to usher them through so they do not have to wait.
* Captain Rutger Smith, Human Male (Warrior/Expert): Captain of the fast clipper R.N.S. Impossible, Rutger Smith is Risuri Navy but on permanent detachment to the R.H.S. private docks; formally he reports to Rear Admiral Morris Dawkins but has a direct report to Lady Inspectress Saxby for when and where he puts out to sea. He has been derided by other Risuri naval officers for his lack of combat experience in the Fourth Yerasol War as well as his politics – he is an avid proponent of the Philosophy of William Miller and unafraid to debate others on the topic. Morale amongst his own crew is high, but Risuri sailors see a transfer to his ship to be a demotion of sorts. In addition to captaining his own ship, Rutger Smith sets up sailor crew rosters and performs inspections for the other four R.H.C. vessels.
* Sub-Lieutenant Ian Smithe, Human Male (Swashbuckler-Picaroon): Sub-Lieutenant Ian Smite is one of the few Risuri officers who volunteered to server under Captain Rutger Smith, which most view as a career death sentence. Regardless, Ian is an able captain and engineer of the smaller R.H.C. vessels, helping to run inspections and able to take any of them out for a constable mission as required by the inspectors or constables. He favors the two steam-powered vessels that are available, due to his engineering expertise.
* Police Inspector Reginald Filby, Human Male (Investigator): Said to be one of the finest (if not the finest) inspector of Flint Police, due to his keen intellect and remarkable skills of investigative deduction. Inspector Filby has solved a tremendous number of cases during his tenure, to the point of having prestige with the local populace and press. He is often called upon by Stover Delft at R.H.C. to provide his constables briefings of current Flint P.D. cases and coordinate with the police wherever necessary. Filby is always well-dressed and carries a walking cane for stylish emphasis. He has a habit of speaking as if looking down his nose at everyone and implying his view is superior to others, though most perceive this as unintentional on Filby’s part. Rumored by some a few years ago to have taken the R.H.C. examinations and passed them all, but then turned down the offer to become a constable.

* Viscount (Director) Inspector Nigel Price-Hill, Human Male: A commander of the Fourth Yerasol War, Nigel Price-Hill has been Director of R.H.C. for many years now, having solidified his position for King Aodhan after uncovering and capturing a group of Drakran necromancers attempting to animate undead dragons in the Anthras Mountains. He has been known to openly favor constables in Slate that have military experience, particularly those who fought in the war and have prestige as a Yerasol veteran. Slate constables tend to be some of the highest decorated and prominent members of R.H.C., performing the highest-profile missions abroad and at home – including personal bodyguard detail for King Aodhan and Minister Lee. A scrupulous and methodical administrator who will not overlook even minor infractions by his agents, Nigel Price-Hill has been rumored to offer second chances to those that show repentance and remorse for their transgressions – something his war experience taught him.
* Constable Anya Landreth, Human Female: One of the “four-nine-eights” of Flint R.H.C., Anya is a highly regarded Yerasol Veteran of the army. Upon passing examinations and earning her place as an R.H.C. constable, she was transferred to Slate R.H.C. for bodyguard for the King’s Bodyguards unit. It is not uncommon for her name and likeness to be referenced in press reports of the King’s public visits in Risur, with her backstory and heroism in the war often touted.
* Constable Ifris Lanvaldan, Human Female: Another of the “four-nine-eights” of Flint R.H.C., Ifris is formerly a Yerasol Veteran of the navy’s marine brigades. Her story in the war is well-known and touted, as is her “uniqueness” to the martial scientist community in being able to manifest weapons with her mind. Rigid and dutiful, Ifris was transferred along with Anya to become a King’s Bodyguard. She is not nearly in the press as much as Anya, but instead is there to provide a unique type of protection for King Aodhan.
* The “Resilience” Team: A highly decorated team of constables, one of two teams allegedly performing the highest priority assignments to protect Risur from its enemies, both at home and abroad. Said to consist of four constables of profound skill, power and prestige: Tanya Sparhawk, Letmas Lewing, “Seven-Foot” Danan Jakes and Burton Glix. A fifth constable was lost the prior year on a difficult mission, but the team opening is soon to be filled by Flint R.H.C.’s Makala Fileccia.


Okay, NPC's of the R.H.C. are up! Hope you will enjoy them - they are also posted on the main campaign tab. This will form the basis of who your characters will be interacting with, whether as friendly allies or bitter rivals.

If you see a character hook here that you'd like to incorporate into your character's recent history, please feel free to do so. Please remember however in your interactions that your characters are the most recent constables inducted into R.H.C., with just a season of service under your belt. If you want an NPC from your background included in the R.H.C. list please let me know directly and we can see about fitting him/her in...but do so quickly as we're moving forward towards gameplay.

If not completely clear, your group is considered the "four-double-nines" group of inductees, as you passed your examinations and were inducted into the R.H.C. at the end of Fall 499 A.O.V. This makes you the rookies of the branch - inside term is "associate" or "associate constable" by those who have seniority to you. The "four-nine-eights" WERE the associates until your group came along, so with over a year of service now they are full constables. You all get to start at the bottom of the heap here.

Remember that part of your stipend puts you at an "Average" Cost of Living (per CRB rules). This includes a single-occupancy place, like a small loft, boarding house room or flat in the city which is paid for. HOWEVER, the prices in Central District are too high for you to afford - you'll have to do one of the following:
1) Have your place in Eastside (east of Central district beyond the walls but before the Nettles), Bosum Strand, The Stray Banks, etc. if you want a place to yourself - especially with more room. Refer to pgs. 45-50 of the Player's Extended Guide for Flint District details.
2) Share a room or loft with another if you want to stay in Central District, sharing the costs enough to afford the rent.
3) Opt for R.H.C. dormitory-style housing which is in-budget. Have a room on a shared floor with other R.H.C. staff and support personnel (sharing bathroom and kitchen facilities with a dozen others), but hey it's just across the street from R.H.C. HQ and the grounds are guarded.

Please pick a living arrangement - it will mostly be for flavor, but helps define your character and what kind of lifestyle you happen to live.

Note that for the most part, your character starts his or her day going to the R.H.C. HQ and reporting in, getting morning briefings and assignments, filing reports and requisitions before heading out for your day's activities. The exception to this would be if you are abroad or on an undercover assignment.

Any questions? Next up will be the gameplay post intro, so please start to finalize and put up your backgrounds!

Human Alchemist (Grenadier / Saboteur) 1 AC 16/13/13 / HP 10/10 / F +3 R +5 W +1 / Init. +3 / Perc. +5 / Bombs 5/5)

Great stuff Vord, I'll have my stuff done tonight.


Great! Just as a reminder to everyone, my intro and then first "scene" for you all to participate in will be RP-heavy and not require skill/combat checks, so you still have some time to get your gear and statblocks all straightened out on profiles. Obviously though you want to zero in on the RP-aspects of your character. Aside from participating in the first RP scenes once I get gameplay thread going, an "intro" of your own character would be encouraged to set your own character's tone and such.

Anyway, just give me a post of PM if you need any help.

Human Alchemist (Grenadier / Saboteur) 1 AC 16/13/13 / HP 10/10 / F +3 R +5 W +1 / Init. +3 / Perc. +5 / Bombs 5/5)

Vord, I want to take the (Saboteure) archetype in addition to Grenadier. I feel the synergy is really good and fits the campaign well. Let me know if I would need to burn a feat for the racial herritage option. Saboteur

Also, in place of the somewhat lackluster human favored class option, how do you feel about half-orc one that allows +1 additional bomb damage (not per dice, just flat), per 2 levels of the favored class bonus.

Arthur Wilde wrote:

Vord, I want to take the (Saboteure) archetype in addition to Grenadier. I feel the synergy is really good and fits the campaign well. Let me know if I would need to burn a feat for the racial herritage option. Saboteur

Also, in place of the somewhat lackluster human favored class option, how do you feel about half-orc one that allows +1 additional bomb damage (not per dice, just flat), per 2 levels of the favored class bonus.

I've looked over the PFS-based Grenadier archetype in relation to the ARG Saboteur archetype, and I'm fine with both -- to your point both are a great fit with each other. With respect to the Zeitgeist world, it doesn't make sense really that a "Saboteur" Alchemist is exclusively in the dominion of gnomes (we're not in Krynn after all). Actually, if I had to place it I'd put it in the Zeitgeist Goblin arena, but it could also be something feasible the Danorans know and possibly Drakyr dwarves.

So no need to burn a feat to do that, but it would be nifty if you put in Arthur's backstory where he learned those special skills - gobin or gnome war advisors to Risur, or captured Drakan or Danoran saboteur, etc.

The +.5 bomb damage per level for favored class option out of ARG half-orc arena is fine as well -- if you're willing to trade that out in place of a SP then I'm not going to stand in the way of it!


So here's a little something I came up with today. This is knowledge that Gemma would have gained through the academy. Some of you will have done the same. Some of you may know a bit of the histories, some may not know them at all, and some of you may have actually lived the latter part of them. But Gemma is big on knowing her battles and war stories...which all good cadets should.

Critical Battles of Lanjyr through the Ages

Battle of the Fey Titans
-1200 BOV
Considered a diplomatic perfection by King Kellan preventing the destruction of Risur as well as most of Lanjyr.

Battle of McQuaig’s Hill
-75 BOV
Battle between Risur and the Eladrin near what is now known as the Penance Peaks. Called McQuaig’s Hill due to Elan McQuaig’s (a human male) fierceness and tactical superiority. He spearheaded a resounding victory against the Eladrin. Considered, tactically, near perfect. His tactics spawned McQuaig’s Treatise.

Declaration of Tagus (a.k.a. The Declaration of Reo Pedresco)
295 AOV
A battle ultimately solved by tongue rather than swords. A pact of non-aggression signed by King Boyle to leave Reo Pedresco alone. Created and mediated by the brilliant Minotaur diplomat, Mirroth Roslarb. The interaction spawned The Annals of High Mark Diplomacy written by none other than Roslarb himself as he was considered not only an unsurpassed diplomat but quite a self-assured showman as well.

Boyle’s Last Battle
300 AOV
Not his actual last battle but the battle where he defeated the dragon tyrant, Inatch the Hex-eater. The battle occurred at the southern edge of the Anthras Mountains at a place called Lissolth Pass. It is now referred to as “The Killing Field”. Boyle’s tactics were flawless and said to be single-handedly developed by the king himself. He used a crack group of rangers led by Egnasseth Aeothire. Her bow work helped to suppress scouting from the opposition as well as any aerial assaults. Her deadly aim also managed to take down, Valstrath Tezolt, Inatch’s second in command.
Despite Inatch’s intimate knowledge of the mountains and terrain, King Boyle had surprise as well as height advantage. It didn’t hurt that he also brought along the gifted skyseer, Gyrythil Mandrake. Her natural abilities are spoken of even today in the skyseer community.

Battle of the Five Islands (Third Yerasol War)
455 AOV
A land and naval battle between Danor and Risur. Ended in a stalemate due to heavy losses on both sides. Considered by some to be a tactical victory because the sides were so well matched. Considered by others to be a complete tactical screw up. This battle is also of note because of who was killed. Somewhere near the end of the stalemate, the two main martial scientists/tacticians of the battle squared off against each other in single combat. Supposedly it occurred in the destroyed remains of the gardens of Plantation Hollister. The fight lasted for near an hour due to each man’s superior skill, but whether it was due to fatigue or both men were simply battle-weary and no one could gain the upper hand, they made the unorthodox decision to end each other’s life with a single blow. Macnamare Flavin of Risur with his sabre and Jean-Marc Bellaros of Danor with his rapier killed each other in the once-beautiful Hollister gardens with the legendary final words to each other “It has been an honor to fight you”. The Battle of the Five Islands ended soon after as a draw having both sides lost their master tacticians.

Battle of Capital Hill (Third Yerasol War)
462 AOV
A land battle between Danor and Risur. A skirmish over a coffee plantation on Capital Hill on Langavor Island. Ultimately considered a victory by Danor due to heavy losses on Risur’s side. Despite jungle-like conditions to get to the plantation, Danor used technology to defeat Risur. However, Risur, after accepting defeat, used alchemical fire to burn the coffee crop to the ground. A Risurian war hero, Tomos Ceftain, arose from this battle supposedly due to his quick thinking and ingenuity. However, the war hero Bronwyn Carrios, disputed this claim saying that she came up with the idea to burn the coffee fields. She claimed that she threw the first fire bomb while Tomos ran away, dropped the bag full of the remaining vials and set the field completely ablaze with one big (accidental) blast. Due to the ensuing fireball, Bronwyn narrowly escaped with her life (and a bad burn to her right leg). By the time she made it back, Tomos had been proclaimed hero, believing Bronwyn to be dead and unable to dispute the claim. Bronwyn then proceeded to try to set the record straight, much to the dismay of Tomos. The king finally had to step in to end the dispute, as it was causing very bad PR. Tomos ended up keeping his title of war hero and his stories of heroics in the face of certain death were re-circulated and once again believed by the general populace. The only exception to this were the dockers, who still believe him to be a liar. King Aodhan, in turn, gave Bronwyn her own small Risurian island complete with exiting sugar plantation and staff. Bronwyn was appeased but took to piracy after a few years of sheer boredom. She became (and still is) far more useful to the kingdom than Tomos ever was. Bronwyn is quite feared and is still called upon by the king on occasion to do raids and generally annoy the Danorian navy.

Battle of Beaumont (Fourth Yerasol War)
490 AOV
A battle where Risur manages to cripple the Danorian port of Beaumont with the skill of Captain Bronwyn Carrios and her crew of the ship The Siren’s Voice. Using completely unorthodox naval strategies, she used the Danorian’s own technologies against them and destroyed the port. The port is crippled for the better part of a year which forces Danor to open up a second port 200 miles to the south at Watchman's Wake. A much more difficult port to dock in due to strong currents, but a working port nonetheless. It, too, was then crippled by Bronwyn half way through completion using the same tactics that she did in Beaumont. Due to her skill, a treatise was written by the famous martial scientist, author and brilliant tactician, Malvin Richoux, a Danorian out of the Jierre Sciens d’Arms.
Danor has been unable to catch Bronwyn, despite their continued efforts. The Siren’s Voice is rumored to be the fastest ship on the seas and she never sets port in the same place twice. Bronwyn is even rumored to have a secret island somewhere that only she knows how to get to. The Danorians can only hope that their new defenses are strong enough and many a Danorian dock worker are thankful the war is over for now.


Gameplay tab and intro post is up!

An interactive post for R.H.C. is coming up next, but feel free to dot and run an intro post if you are so inclined.

Female Human (Risuri) Arcanist 3; AC 12/12T/10FF; hp 17/17; +2F/+3R/+3W; Init +3; Perc. +0; Sense Motive +7

Decided to go with a new character after all. She's a wizard, but she's mostly defined by her shotgun (blunderbuss) and her take-no-prisoners attitude towards criminals and her career. I'll get more of a background up quickly. None of the theme feats seem especially fitting yet, except maybe for the Technologist.

Anneca Sannens wrote:
Decided to go with a new character after all. She's a wizard, but she's mostly defined by her shotgun (blunderbuss) and her take-no-prisoners attitude towards criminals and her career. I'll get more of a background up quickly. None of the theme feats seem especially fitting yet, except maybe for the Technologist.

It's definitely a neat concept and the arcane + gun aspects sound right up your alley. Cromlich should be able to cover the divine needs early on with Emerson, so I'd say it's a good mix. I will say that having a technologist theme feat in the party is definitely not a bad way to go (not that spirit medium was either of course, just different).


Arthur is first in the gameplay post ... he wins a horde of copper pence (but has to throw them all in the Penny Pyre in the Stray awwwwwwww).

Looking good so far but looks like you still have to sub in the Saboteur archetype stuff. Also, what are you taking for theme feat again?

Human Alchemist (Grenadier / Saboteur) 1 AC 16/13/13 / HP 10/10 / F +3 R +5 W +1 / Init. +3 / Perc. +5 / Bombs 5/5)

Vord, character sheet has been updated to reflect the inclusion of the Saboteur Archetype. Working on more of my background now. I am going eschatologist, though I am taking a slightly different take on it.


Working on your first "interactive" post, which will take place starting at the gates of the R.H.C. Should have that up sometime this weekend - I'd like for that to last about a week and get you going with your interactions and feeling your characters. Then we move to your first mission day.

In the meantime, looks like we still have two characters to go with starting (intro) posts...


Sigz is in! I'm halfway done on the interactive RHC post with options for you, and working on that tonight.


First interactive post up for ya! Hope you enjoy it - I'm trying something a bit different here in the sense that you get to "place" your character in the location you want to be in with the NPC's you want to interact with. I'm looking for a nice flurry of back-and-forth dialogue posts to bring out PC-NPC or PC-PC discussions.

Some quick guidelines on how to engage in the post:
* There are four scenes spoilered - it's up to you if you want to pick your location and only read that particular spoiler, or if you want to read all of them and then decide - totally up to you.

* You can pick a location that someone has already posted in of course, but if you are second or third+ in on it, please play off of those characters who posted ahead of you - assume your character came in just a slight bit after the first character.

* Exposition is great but you can run shorter dialogue posts and I will keep up with you - just don't try to run three simultaneous conversations in one post, as it stifles the flow of dialogue.

* PLEASE put an OOC header at the top of your posts with the location selected, so that it flows better when reading the different characters in the different locations.

Go for it!


Oh and by the all can talk to each other in here! Don't have to but it's nice to say hello in OOC. Perhaps you want to establish your characters as being friends, rivals, strangers, etc. Which leads me to...

What About You Four-Double-Nines Anyway?
So all of you know each other from this year, because you all were tested, evaluated, trained, and in the end accepted at the same time. You represent the top 5 chosen for R.H.C. out of a starting group of eighty applicants. Certainly that means you got to know each other as training occurred and examinations/evaluations were taken, eventually whittling you down to the final group accepted. That wrapped up at the end of Fall 499 A.O.V., and for the last Winter Season you've been on preparation assignments for a big event on 1 Spring 500 A.O.V., as well as assisting the other Constables on various in-city assignments. You've become accustomed to doing a lot of grunt paperwork too by the way.

What About Those Four-Nine-Eights Anyway?
The prior year's selection of Constables, eventually six were chosen for the R.H.C. - Ifris, Anya, Rhegalion, Alastair, Devinn and Talyssa, selected out of a similarly massive group of initial applicants and prospects. They have one year on you in terms of experience and are accustomed to how things work in R.H.C., whereas you may still be sketchy. Of the six, Ifris and Anya were transferred to Slate Branch of the King's Bodyguard detail fairly early, whereas Rhegalion was just recently transferred there. Of the remaining three, they view you all as the "rookies" now (and you are), but they don't nearly hold you in biased contempt as many of the more senior Constables.

Why Are There No Four-Nine-Sevens, and What's the Deal With the Other Constables Anyway?
Of the year prior, only one was selected to be R.H.C. - Bridget Sharpton. There were none in the previous year, and before that those that became R.H.C. Constables averaged perhaps only one per R.H.C. location. Selections were largely based on personal references and single apprenticeships with senior Constables, or "promotions" from those that served the R.H.C. in some capacity already (R&D, Army compound guard, Navy crew of R.H.C. vessels, etc.). So what happened? Rumor has it that three years ago there were some heavy losses to the R.H.C. teams, with others retiring due to old age and other factors. Certainly the grind of the Fourth Yerasol War in recent years affected the attrition rates of the R.H.C., and matters came to a head around 496-7 A.O.V. As a result, King Aodhan essentially doubled the budget for the R.H.C. and mandated Nigel Price-Hill to bolster the ranks with qualified operatives and reinvigorate the core. Which he did...and the last two years reflect the changes that were made to achieve the King's orders. Yet the older Constables see the influx of new arrivals as a "watering down" or degradation of the Constable core, and treat the newer Constables as such. In truth this is not the case - scientific and logistical advances in applicant selections, training and evaluations were able to ramp up the numbers of qualified members obtained, but the bias from the longer-term Constables remain.


Okay players - time to get into this thing full-tilt.

For those that have already posted to their scene of choice - bravo. I've caught up on all scene responses as of tonight, and am ready to keep it moving for your characters to get acclimated before the first mission. Don't think you have to run mega-posts if you're reply-posting w/ dialogue - if you want more short-but-frequent posts, I can handle that on most evenings.

For those that haven't...time to get into it. Please get into the habit of checking the boards, thinking about your character and translating that to posting action.

If you need something from me on character development or background context I'm happy to help. Ten-minute backgrounds should start to be wrapped up and posted in profile before the first mission starts, as should all character statblocks and max starting wealth gear choices.


Just some quick info that Sigz is enmeshed pretty heavily in matters of school and exams, and is the reason why we have not seen Francis Kane since his intro post. It may be that he will not participate in our pre-mission day scenes, but hopefully will be back soon.

I expect these scenes on 91 Winter 499 will go through the end of the work week, and then I'll be setting the next scene on the weekend for early morning briefing on 1 Spring 500 (where you'll all be together), which will be shorter in duration and lead from there to your first encounter challenge.


It's early in the game still, but I think so far this is my favorite line...

Anneca Summers wrote:
"...and that's after I saved his bacon - with the threat of fiery death," she loudly calls out to the hallway to the absent Effram.

Yeah, pretty snarky!


Time to cap your respective threads if you're done, or get any last posts out there that you'd like a reply to - either is fine and I can get a turnaround post in quick, but just don't leave it open-ended. I'm working on the next scene now, which will put all of you together in an early morning briefing in two days' time.

Still looking to see when Francis Kane will be present, as I'd like to have all of you on board for mission day after the briefing.


Apologies on the lack of activity, but had the 18th anniversary to attend to this past weekend! In other news I am writing up the next scene, and feel I should be able to put it up on Wednesday night. So wrap up your threads with a final post or two if you haven't already, and we'll move on to the morning of 1st Spring 500 A.O.V.

Human (Risuri) Oracle/Gunslinger/Investigator AC 16/12/14 / HP 30 / F+5, R+7, W+6 / Init. +6 / Perc. +4 / Sense Motive +4 / Max Grit/Luck Pts 8

Hey Summers. Way to win friends and influence people! lol

Female Human (Risuri) Arcanist 3; AC 12/12T/10FF; hp 17/17; +2F/+3R/+3W; Init +3; Perc. +0; Sense Motive +7

She's a people-pleaser.

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