DMDM's Hells Rebels

Game Master Douglas Muir 406

Was not always DMDM's -- taken over in mid-campaign.

Kintargo Map

Wasp Nest


Dramatis Personae
Zeldana[dice]1d20 + 3[/dice]
Sholti [dice]1d20 + 5[/dice]
Stricia [dice]1d20+5[/dice]
Kadwyn [dice]1d20+1[/dice]
Sera [dice]1d20+3[/dice]


Dramatis Personae
Zeldana[dice]1d20 + 3[/dice]
Sholti [dice]1d20 + 6[/dice]
Stricia [dice]1d20+9[/dice]
Kadwyn [dice]1d20+5[/dice]
Sera [dice]1d20+5[/dice]

451 to 500 of 1,676 << first < prev | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | next > last >>

Female Human (Kellid) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 10 | HP 6/10 | F +1 R +2 W +2 | 1st level spells:1/5 | bolts:4 | Conditions: None

Irisa gets a serious, but determined look on her face. "There is little freedom left in the city, and I fear it'll only get worse as Thrune tighten his grasp. You saw or heard of what happened at the plaza today. He let his soldiers lose on the crowd. It's awful to live under such tyranny."

She pauses for a bit and then with sorrow on her face, eyes nearly in tears she continues at voice barely above a whisper. "Besides I can't let my mom and dad down, let their ideals die, let them have died for nothing."

Shadow's Status

The Long Roads Coffeehouse

"There, there dear. Don't fret, you being here shows that they did not die for nothing. They and their ideals are not defeated you have only begun to fight in their memory!" She places a comforting hand on your hands.

Female Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)/2 HP 14/14 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +1 | Per +4 | Init +3

Zeldana keeps herself to the back of the group. She had no answer to give their kind hostess, because she herself wasn't really sure. She had just been swept up by all this, by Rexus really. True she held no love for the Thrune family. Their laws put her parents behind bars after all, but she believed they still lived and if she was found among the Silver Ravens... oh gods she didn't even want to think what would happen.

A lump grew in her throat as she looked down to her feet. Feeling unworthy of even being present in this room.

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

Hiranno shrugged, a grin on her face. In her mind, she searched for an adequate reason for why she is even aiding this, what was worth doing such acts of rebellion. Chelish law and customs had always been rather strange; the main of which being the worship of the Devil himself right out in public. it had been her home for soo long this city, had she grown possibly attached to it?

She had drawn the blood of men of the law, an act of rebellion brought upon instinct to defend herself from harm. She had no ties whatsoever to this foreign home. To many, she was some Tien woman whom worked as a maid to some of the more wealthy. She could easily just leave, walk away from all this, take her new look and become someone else. With her ability, she could easily form whatever identity she liked. But yet, part of her didn't want to leave, to run away. Already she had to do such a long time ago. This was her putting her foot (paw) down, no running, stand and fight.

"Don't suppose I have reason to be doing this. I've lost none in this. This city has been home for many years, part of me just doesn't want to run away. I've already struck a blow, drew some of the first blood. Suppose I be in this for long haul."

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Only begun to fight?

Sholti doesn't respond. She's wondering if she's really willing to go as far as the others might. Things have already gotten deep and strange.

Half-elf Paladin (Chosen One) 2

Tiel takes a deep breath and looks around at her companions. "Too many people are feeling the crush of this tyranny. I'm all for being law-abiding citizens, as long as those laws are just and fair. But what Thrune is doing to this city is neither. Something must be done. A stand must be taken, and I can no longer sit idly by waiting for someone else to do it on my behalf."

She takes a breath and looks down at her feet. "I don't know what needs to be done," she says while reaching for her glaive, "nor how to go about doing it. I've never used this before tonight. But I did feel a sense of accomplishment when we dealt with those evil creatures. It's like busting evil suits me." She looks back up at her companions. "I'm going to continue doing it. And I hope you all join me."

Shadow's Status

The Long Roads Coffeehouse

"Evil creatures?" Laria asks.

Rexus shrugs, "Some evil pervaded the Silver Ravens old hideout. Not sure how or why but we dealt with it".

Laria smiles, "Alright, you are all more than just pretty faces then". Rexus blushes at Laria's flirting.

"I fight for my past as well. I was born into slavery. In my youth, I watched the illegitimate son of my master flog my only brother to death, and later my mother. When the bastard’s cruelty was directed at my father, I intervened. I beat my father’s tormentor to death with my fists, but was too late to save my father’s life. The other slaves ushered me into the city’s underworld, where she fell in with the Bellflower Network. Eventually, I settled in Kintargo with a new name and forged paperwork founding my unassuming little cafe.

Since my arrival I took it upon myself to know as much as I can about the city’s other similarly aligned secret and not-so-secret groups. However, under Barzillai’s scorched-earth policy most of my
information network has been killed, arrested, or run to ground, leaving me virtually blind as a fixer.

The network was active for a long time helping slaves escape Cheliax but it's become too risky for them and for me. If you are truly committed to the cause I will do what I can to restart the network. For now all I can offer you is my assistance through a place to lie low. But there is a complication.

My hideout, the Wasp Nest, I recently loaned to a friend, Nan Comerivos, to smuggle a load of Varisian textiles through the tunnels adjoining her basement. He arrived a few days ago to check on his goods but I have not seen him since!

With the city and my networks falling apart—and a nonchalant facade to maintain all the while, I just haven’t had the time to follow up on Nan's fate.

Someone has been eating the food and wine I leave by the entrance when I can sneak away for a second to leave it but by night I hear inhuman laughter echo from below. If you can head down there and investigate you can use it as your headquarters for the time being. Is that a deal?"

Female Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)/2 HP 14/14 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +1 | Per +4 | Init +3

"Varisian textiles? I did not know anyone else in the city sold them..." Zeldana muttered to herself as she crossed her arms, her fingers of the left hand resting on her chin.

"I would be willing to help you check up on a friend. With how things are going.... friends and family are precious blessings in this time..." Zeldana said softly as she gave a nod.

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

Knw. Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

"The Wasp Nest. Sounds very strange for a hideout."

Shadow's Status

You have never heard of the Wasp Nest but the Bellflower Network is exactly what she said it, an underground resistance program that is essentially an underground railroad for escaped slaves from Cheliax.

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Sholti is also willing to check out the the "Wasp Nest".

"But I think a little rest before we start would be a good idea. Today has been taxing and if it turns into a bigger job than we expect, I'm not sure I have the reserves to carry through right now."

Sholti has 1 first level casting and 2 rounds of performance left. If this ends up requiring very much of us, her resources are going to run out very fast. Maybe the next morning is better than right away?

Shadow's Status

The Long Roads Coffeehouse

Laria smiles, "Of course not my dears. Now is not the time, it has been a long day for you as it is. It is cramped upstairs but I have a place for you all to sleep until day break. Then you may slip away to your daily routines within curfew hours.

I hope that you are all able to return here tomorrow before sun down though to check on Nan, to say the least I am getting worried".

You may all rest for the night, recover 1 HP from sleeping and replenish spells abilities etc. Let me know what day time activities you wish to perform then we will move the scene back to the Wasp Nest for the evening action!

Female Human (Kellid) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 10 | HP 6/10 | F +1 R +2 W +2 | 1st level spells:1/5 | bolts:4 | Conditions: None

"Of course we'll help you out." Irisa says with a big smile. "Friends got each other's backs right? We might not know each other well yet, but I hope we'll one day become close ones as we fight to make this city a better place for everyone."

"Resting is a good idea. It's quite late. Do you think you could find accommodation for the mastiff that we found? I kinda want to keep him. A training harness would be nice to make the process easier though."

She turns to Zeldana. "If we help this smuggler out, maybe you can make some kind of deal with him? Not to encourage illicit activities, but if we are going against Thrune anyway, you might as well benefit, right?"

Then she turns towards Sholti with a grim look on her face. "Oh and Sholti, take this cloak. It might help you fight off whatever you got from those rats. You do look a bit worse for wear. Laria, I don't suppose you know, or have, a few vials of anti-plague, or other similar means to fight of disease? Wouldn't be good if they get sick from those pesky rodents."

Female Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)/2 HP 14/14 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +1 | Per +4 | Init +3

"I can try, but I cannot promise anything. I'll take a check of the stocks we have tomorrow before we meet up again and I'll know more then." She said with a nod and a shrug.

In the morning Zeldana leaves as soon as she can to get back to her shops. She opens up the goods shop first before going out back and get a few fresh flowers for her mother's shop, ending up two bouquets of lilacs, one of lilies, and a large one of red roses. Each got their own vase and set out for people to see. Once done opening both shops she gets their books and begins going over their inventory as she told Irsa she would.

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Sholti takes the cloak with a "Thank you." She doesn't really see what Irisa is so concerned about. The bites from the rat are healed, and she feels fine, if tired. But still, an extra blanket for the night would probably be nice.

The next morning Sholti goes back home. She spends her walk running through ideas about what to tell her parents. As far as they knew when she left yesterday, she was only going to be out for a short while. She decides the truth won't do, and that a lie would be more believable if it is a story they aren't completely pleased to hear.

Sholti settles on a basic framework: She is taking singing lessons. She is also romantically involved with her teacher. She spent spent last night at his house. No, it's nothing serious. She is old enough to make her own decisions about such things now.

It doesn't reveal anything they would find overly objectionable, leads them down a false trail, and should give her some flexibility with having to explain coming and going at odd times in the future if needed. It will suffice.

I don't know when the onset for the nasty rat's disease will kick in, just let me know when you need a FORT save.

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

Hiranno leaves for home quickly and quietly. She didnt like staying up too late, preferring to get home just before sundown to be ready for work early in the morning. However, now that she had gotten rid of her original appearance, her employer would never recognise her.

Once home, she unfastened her weapons from her belt, putting them off to the side, before she plopped on the sofa. With a snap of her fingers, kitsune magics reverted her to her true form. There was no reason to carry the charade on her own home. The clothes she wore loosely hung on her body, made obviously for her human form. In fact, most if her real clothes were made for children.

She eagerly awaited the next day.

Female Human (Kellid) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 10 | HP 6/10 | F +1 R +2 W +2 | 1st level spells:1/5 | bolts:4 | Conditions: None

I can't find it anywhere, but I thought I recalled there being a restriction on silver, is that not the case?
"Given what happened last night, I think getting silver weapons for everyne would be a good idea. Just as an emergency if nothing else. I don't know about you, but I don't have much cash. We did find the pearls though which we can sell. Hopefully I'll be able to get a good price for them, then we can distribute the money, to for silver weapons and other things. Should I buy weapons as well? I'm going out shopping anyway to get a training harness for the dog."

Irisa will look around for someone to sell the perals to for a good price. Did we have anything else we wanted to sell? If so she'll try to sell those things as well. Taking 10 on diplomacy to barter for 20 with guidance.

She'll also get a training harness for the dog after deducting the price of the weapons, if she can still afford it. The rest of the day will probably be spent trying to rear the dog.

@Zeldana: You can probably roll a profession check to earn money?

Silver weapons deals less damage unless they are bludgeoning. For Sholti a silver scimitar is still better, but for Hiranno a silver Battle Aspergillium or Light Mace is better. Not sure if carrying around a holy water dispenser is suspicious in it's own right, but that part of it would also be quite useful against devils. Tiel picked the silver weapon we found already right?

We didn't level up yet, right?

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

Had the same idea. Probe light mace, but the Asper looks good too. Will get back to you.

Shadow's Status

The Long Roads Coffeehouse

"Rat bites? I'll see what I am can drum up, certainly worth the cost of you aiding my friend".

Rexus shows the Pearls to Laria, "Do you think you can move these for us?"

"Indeed I can sweetie, for more than any of you I'll give you fair market value for 'em as I know I can sell 'em at a premium".

You all get 200 GP to spend the next day based on the value of the Pearls. The Morningstar was Silver not sure who if anyone claimed it.


Hells Angel ONLY:
Sholti 1d3 ⇒ 2 Hiranno 1d3 ⇒ 3


The next day you head out from the coffee shop looking to purchase goods for the burgeoning rebellion you will, hopefully, be starting!

Before you step into the general store, two Dottari stop you, "This your dog? Under the Third Proclamation..."

His partner corrects, "You mean Proclamation the Third right?"

The first Dottari turns to his partner and the back to you, "Right, Proclamation the Third, all feral dogs are to be brought to the Dottari for a 2 silver piece reward".

Silver is still legal today but with Barzillai's Proclamations it may be illegal tomorrow!


"Your teacher, is this a relationship that you should be involved in Sholti?"[/b[ asks your mother.

Your father has a dark look in his eyes, [b]"I will meet this teacher who believes that he can take advantage of young women!"


You sit in your home waiting for the day to pass when there is a knock on your door, ”Keta of Tien, are you home, the boss wants to know if you are coming to work today”.

I am just making up a fake name you gave for work.


By mid-day the shop is as busy as it ever is with people acting lie nothing happened the day before. You notice increased Dottari patrols but no other strange behavior.
However, a dark shadow passes over the shop when a HellKnight in full armor enters the establishment, the patrons turn and look at him clearly nervous.

He removes his helmet and stares at each in turn, ”You are here to buy, I suggest you buy, I don’t wish to see anyone leave this place with anything less than an armful of beautiful flowers”. Dalth’s words clearly have an impact as customers triple the amount of goods they were going to buy and head to the register. He gets in the back of the line a large bouquet in his hands.

The man at the front of the line looks back at him, ”You may take my place in line if you wish Sir Knight”.

”Remain where you are citizen, my position gives me no special privilege for cutting lines in commerce”.

What do you do?

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Sholti smirks inwardly, her stepfather is such a paper tiger.

"Tutor is probably the more accurate term. They are private lessons. And so you know, I initiated the relationship, not him. If you really wish it, I'll arrange for you to meet him. I think you'll see that he's sweet, but honestly rather hapless. Trust me when I say he's not capable of taking advantage of anyone, certainly not me."

I guess Rexus will have to do. I hope he's persuadable, and a decent actor.

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

Eyes widened, Hiranno darts around her home, looking for the pocket portrait that had been hidden away for safe keeping. As she rummaged she calls out, "Hold on, I be there in minute or two. Was very scared yesterday and stayed home."

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Finding her safe among the clothes in her dresser she looks upon the faded portrait with an analyzing eye. It was then she quickly summoned up the power to change form. Hopefully the guards would not be looking for her. Partly, it was possible there was no heat at all.

She opens the door, "Why hello, sorry for that."

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

She is back to her Tien woman form.

Female Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)/2 HP 14/14 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +1 | Per +4 | Init +3

With the rush of customers Zeldana had to put away her books aside and turned to taking care of the store's life blood. As always she was smiling and cheerful toward the customers, then the hellknight walked in and she went silent like the rest. That is till he removed his helmet she breathed a slight sigh of relief. After his speech she turned back to her customers and when one spoke up about switching in line Zeldana shook her head. She finished out each purchase calmly and quickly so to get the customers out of the shop and feeling a bit better.

When Dalth finally got to the front Zeldana just crossed her arms and offered a half smile. "You know Ser Cerrano, I never picked you as they type to purchase flowers. But they are good to help liven up any home." She commented as she looked down to see which type of flowers he had picked up, before returning her eyes to his.

@Irisa and GM: can you make a profession check untrained?

Female Human (Kellid) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 10 | HP 6/10 | F +1 R +2 W +2 | 1st level spells:1/5 | bolts:4 | Conditions: None

@Zeldana: It's normally trained only. I was sure you had it since it seemed like a big part of your background. Of course Hell's Angel might allow it anyway.
@Hell's Angels: I did suggest that Tiel take the morningstar, not sure if she did though.

Irisa smiles, as if she's happy to see the guards. "You are members of the Dottari? That's awesome. It's important work you do to keep everything in order in the city."

"About the dog.. This is my dog Silver." She turns towards the dog, "Silver, sit!" hoping that it has learned it from the little time she has been trying to teach him.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Half-elf Paladin (Chosen One) 2

Sorry for the lack of posts. There's not a whole lot for Tiel to do except go home and try to maintain an appearance of normality.

Anyone can use the morningstar, though Tiel would get the most use out of it. I don't mind keeping it, unless someone else wants it.

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Go ahead and keep the morningstar Tiel, it would be good for you to have a close weapon if you don't already as well as silver. I certainly can't put it to good use.

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Sholti spends most of the rest of the day at home. Then, in the late afternoon she tells her parents she is going out for coffee. They should not expect her for dinner because she will have a light meal out as well.

She had taken the precaution of putting her more noticeable gear, the chain shirt, scimitar, and such, in a bag hidden earlier in the bushes outside. She collects the bag as she leaves.

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Sholti makes her way to the coffee shop, and once inside dons her gear from the bag she brought. When she is ready she seeks out Rexus.

"There isn't time to go into it now, but when we're finished here and before we leave I have a problem that I would like to discuss with you please."

Shadow's Status

Sholti's Home

Mr. Amalasand nods, "Yes I would meet this man who would attempt to help himself to my young daughter without asking me first!"


The Long Roads Coffeehouse

Rexus is indeed already there. He sits in the back room, the box of paperwork spread out on the table before him. "Certainly my dear, the others are not here yet, what is it you need?"

Shadow's Status

Hiranno's Home

As you open the door the woman knocking is known to you, Serila, one of your co-workers.

"You are not alone Kata of Tien. Vespasio Vespam wanted to make sure you were safe is all. Sorry to bother you, will we see you tomorrow?"

So what do you do?:
You work at One of the larger and healthier
businesses to remain in Old Kintargo is Vespam Artisans. Operated by Vespasio Vespam a fifth-generation Kintargan, the employees of this
metalworking boutique operate similarly to a tinkers’ guild. All matter of strange devices, toys, and (rarely) magic items can be purchased here. Currently, the only two items of significance for sale here are a ring of force shield and a serpentine owl figurine of wondrous power.

Your role there is as a "muse" you play music to uplift the employees and entertain the patrons as well. Rarely do you need to work at night. He pays you a flat stipend and lets you keep any tips you make.

Shadow's Status

The Blooming Butterfly

Your customers smile at you and rush out leaving you alone with Dalth as closing time rapidly approaches.

He smiles at you, "I do not care for them, I picked them for you". He hands you the flowers along with about three times the amount they are worth in coin.

"The city is on edge and foolish people are doing dangerous things in the streets. I thought I would come here and escort you home before curfew".

Take a Rank in Profession, see the Discussion thread for more info. These flowers in Dalth's hands are roses, a flower type even I know! :-)

Shadow's Status

Kelimber’s Dry Goods and Supplies - Just Outside - Irisa

The first one retorts, "Alright but if you ever want to sell it the Dottari are buying", He begins to turn away.

The second one grins at you moon pie faced, "Say, what's your name?"

Shadow's Status

Tiel's Home

As you get ready to head out for the night there is a man, actually a Tiefling! Hie red eyes give him away though he wears hat to cover what are likely horns on his hesad. Standing at your door whose fist just missed rapping on your door.

He smiles, "A good evening to you Ms. Orlanin. I am Hetamon Haace, the proprietor of The Devil’s Threads. Perhaps you have heard of me?"

Knowledge Local DC14:
Conveniently located on Redroof Market, where much of the city’s textile trade occurs, the quaint tailor’s shop known as the Devil’s Threads is owned and operated by Hetamon Haace. Hetamon’s infernal heritage would have given him trouble elsewhere in
Cheliax, but here in Kintargo, his skill at tailoring has allowed him to prosper despite his ancestry.

Female Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)/2 HP 14/14 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +1 | Per +4 | Init +3

The Blooming Butterfly

Zeldana blushed darkly as she takes the flower from him. "You know that is far too much... But I thank you." She smiles as she sets the flowers aside. When he speaks about escorting her home she couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Dalth, I'm already home." She told him as she walked to the front door and turned the sign over so it said they where closed. "We... well just me now, live above the shops. But since you came all this way, maybe I can interest you in a drink? Is it too late for tea?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow, still giving him a soft smile. She had to admit, she felt some attraction to him and even found him an oddity. Being a chelaxian that was trying to court a half-breed.

@Irisa: See Discussion tab please! ^_^

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

Hiranno smiles, "Don't worry, I'll be in today and hopefully tomorrow. Though I woody for the state of the city."

She says as she walks out the door, producing a key to lock it. Producing an air of normalcy was needed. Go to work in the day, do the deeds at night.

Hmm, thought we'd go the maid route with her day job but alright. Maybe the maid thing is a side job. Later down the line we could use it to spy.

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

"Well, if the others aren't here and there's time..." Sholti pauses awkwardly.

"I need a favor from you if you could possibly do it. I live at home with my parents you see, and the arrangement makes coming and going difficult. The curfew makes late activities worrisome for my parents of course. I think it is best not to tell them anything about,.. this." Sholti gestures at the box of papers and around at the place in general.

"I wouldn't count them among supporters of the government by any means. But I dount very much they would be willing to see me involved in activities to oppose it. This means I must somehow account for my time away."

"I thought they would be less suspicious of my excuses, and watch less closely if I told them something that might not altogether please them. So, when the question of my whereabouts overnight came up this morning, I told them I was taking private singing lessons. I also told them I was romantically involved with my teacher and spent the night at his house."

"I was not entirely correct in my prediction of their reaction. My father, actually step-father, who is as placid a man as I have ever met, was not,.. entirely happy. Strictly speaking, it is not his place to intervene. My mother is head of household, and what I told them is within my prerogative. But,.. he still wants to meet the man in question."

"Foolishly I agreed to arrange a meeting if he really wished it, and he said that he certainly did. The sticking point of course is there is no such person. So..."

Sholti takes a deep breath, then spits it out very quickly. "I need you to please meet my parents, probably a meal at my house, posing as my boyfriend. I'm sorry, but I don't know anyone else to ask, and if I don't have someone for them to meet I will eventually have to tell them the truth!"

Half-elf Paladin (Chosen One) 2

Tiel's Home
No Know: Local
Tiel readies herself to go to the meeting, thinking about what may happen and her role in it. She is startled to find someone outside her door just as she opens it to leave.
"Oh! Hello," she says to the man standing there. "I'm sorry, but I have not heard of you" she says, after listening to his introduction. "I don't get around too much. But evidently, you've heard of me. That is somewhat flattering. Is there something I can do for you?"

She immediately begins to worry that this has something to do with last night's activities. Or maybe about the riot in the park.

Shadow's Status

The Blooming Butterfly

Dalth grins, "Nah, I'm on duty gotta get back. Is it bad that this was a ploy to find out where you lived?" He places his helmet back on and heads out the door saying not another word.

End Scene.

Shadow's Status

The Long Roads Coffeehouse

"Absolutely scandalous! I'll do it. Should we practice kissing before hand so it seems more natural at your house?"

Before you can answer, the other ladies stroll in.

End Sholti scene.

Shadow's Status

Tiel's Home

"I hear you're a phenomenal dress maker. I could use somebody like you. Think about the offer and get back to me in the next few days!"

He tips his cap revealing a short horns underneath and strolls away whistling.

End Scene!

Shadow's Status

Hiranno's - Vespam Artisans

You work until the sun starts to go down and then head out to the Long Roads Coffeehouse for the night's event, you practically shiver with excitement to be part of something bigger!

End Scene.

Female Human (Kellid) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 10 | HP 6/10 | F +1 R +2 W +2 | 1st level spells:1/5 | bolts:4 | Conditions: None

"Name's Arrika Telleryn." She says with a straight face, not wanting to have her name recognized by anyone more than necessary, in case someone were to spot her doing illicit activities and wanted to link it to a name and the guard somehow remembered her.

Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

I don't even remember what I was getting anymore... Training Harness for sure. Antiplague? Healer's kit? Anyway, let's proceed.

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Is he serious or joking?

Sholti opens her mouth as if to say something, but doesn't know quite what to say. The sounds of someone else coming are a relief. She closes her mouth and diverts her attention there instead.

"Looks like the others are arriving."

Shadow's Status

Kelimber’s Dry Goods and Supplies - Just Outside - Irisa

"Arrika eh? I'm Owen, remember my name, I'll sure remember yours", he grins at you lewdly as he walks away.

Training Harness - yes. Healer's Kit sure if you want one. AntiPlague no, Laria's got that covered unless you think you need more. Remember, you have 200 GP. Lets assume you get what you want for the prices listed in the Pathfinder book and then head to the Cafe. You can shave off 10% with a successful Diplomacy check DC 15 if you wish.

Shadow's Status

The Long Roads Coffeehouse

Indeed the others do arrive, all within 15 minutes of one another and Irisa with her Mastiff, Silver. This leaves Sholti unable to ascertain whether Rexus was kidding or serious in their conversation...

The sound of your voices brings Laria into the room.

"Good evening Ladies. Here, I was able to procure an AntiPlague vial for each of you. Well worth the cost if you can find out what is taking place with Nan in the Wasp Nest. Are you all ready to go?"

Half-elf Paladin (Chosen One) 2

Tiel arrives promptly at the appointed meeting time. "Hello, Everyone. She looks at the others and says, "I had an odd experience as I was leaving home earlier. A man, a tiefling named Hete...Hetamon Haace(?), stopped me just as I was leaving. I think he said he runs the Devil's Tailor, or something like that. I think he offered me a job, but I'm not sure. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about him."

Female Kitsune Lvl 1 Ninja Lvl 1 Kitsune// HP:9/9 // AC:17 // Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +1 // Touch:14 //FF:12 //CMD:14 //BAB:+1 //CMB:+1/ +4(FEAT) //Init: +4 //Perc: +4 //
She is actualy a Kitsune in disguise

Knw.Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Show me the money

Female Half-Elf Witch (Cartomancer)/2 HP 14/14 | AC 12 T 12 FF 10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +1 | Per +4 | Init +3

While walking down to the Coffeehouse Zeldana's mind still lingered upon her Hellknight.

Did he really not guess where I lived... I guess it is a little odd... Oh Desna, what do I do?

She broke from her thoughts however when she walked in and was greeted by her new friends. Her expression turned from one of thought to happiness. "Good evening." She said. When Tiel spoke of the shop Zeldana tried to think back to shops they had sold to but she couldn't be sure. "It isn't ringing a bell but I will check the books again and see if we sold there in mass." She told her.

Zeldana took the vial and looked it over. "I sure hope we won't have to use it..." She muttered to herself but nodded to the woman when asked if she was ready.

Female Human (Kellid) Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1 | Init +2 | Perc +0 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 10 | HP 6/10 | F +1 R +2 W +2 | 1st level spells:1/5 | bolts:4 | Conditions: None

"My thought was they could help against the rat bites. Better to drink them and have a bit more insurance against being infected, right?" She looks over to Sholti and Hiranno. Though I'm not sure when to drink it to have any effect. Disease kinda takes a long time to work though, so it would make sense to me that it would get a bonus on the next saving throw regardless of when you drink it, as long as it is before as it'll help your immune system fight it off.

"We are ready, but it would be nice to know more about the place before we go, do you know anything more?"

Female Half-Elf Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 | HP: 19/30 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14 | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +6, W: +5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8, SM: +10 | Speed 30' | Perform 9/11

Sholti takes the vial of antiplague from Laria with a "Thank you" and stows it in her pouch.

"Yes, I'm ready when everyone else is."

Sholti feels fine and is unaware that she's infected at this point. No ranks in healing or anything that would allow her an insight into the condition. She'll take the antiplague when she feels bad.

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