Azure_Zero's Hollow's Last Hope Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Azure_Zero

Pathfinder game

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Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small
town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to
rely on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile,
the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common
folk for every last copper, deaf to their
pleas. Now the hacking coughs of the sick are
heard throughout town. The plague has come
to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t
be bothered to stop it.

Falcon’s Hollow Map.

Land around Falcon’s Hollow.

Pick where you start and what your doing

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Shield) 1

Demlan sighed as he left the Goose 'n' Gander. He had arrived on the ferry along the River Foam several days ago and had booked himself a room to begin his reconnaissance. What he had discovered disheartened him. A significant proportion of the population appeared to be ill and the cruel taskmasters of the Lumber Consortium did not appear to care. However, they were well-armed and had plenty of thugs to do their bidding. Demlan's initial idea of overthrowing them himself would need to wait, and for now he had decided to try and aid the local populace so he could make some contacts and perhaps find like-minded souls amongst the people.

As you leave the Goose 'n' Gander a beautiful buxom red head with a waist length braid passes you talking to herself
"I am glad for my hearty constitution that lets me drink like a fish, but the bar tab is always killer," Sighs "time to work it off. Atleast I may not have to worry about getting the blackscour taint.

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

For the first day, Tamnir had thought little of the town he found himself in; just another place to stop and rest on his search. That was before he engaged with any of the people.

To Tamnir, the disease felt like something assailing the populace, like an army at the gate: it was something they needed protection from. Given his divine skills in healing, the cleric felt obliged to help as best he could and began seeking out those who suffered most. It would not be long before he realised that all of the town was suffering.

"Sarenrae's blessing on this place..." He muttered under his breath, passing the church as he wandered east through the cough punctuated street. "It's going to need it."

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)

Sven eyed the wooden ferry closely, looking for any signs of damage. The man had said is daily prayer to good Lady Luck, but what did it hurt to be a little cautious?

is the ferry hand-operated?

@Tamnir Allefort

As your walking through the streets you pass by a group of women gossiping

Woman 1 "This taint may kill us all, it already killed off old man Jamason."
Woman 2 "Lady Cirthana says she is praying for a end to the taint, but I still do not see the results."
Woman 3 "Well, is it not better to trust Laurel with this problem, I mean she has sold some rather good balms and oils."
Woman 4 "Well, she is lined up right now, but it seems that even her cure all's are being put to the test."

@Sig Svensen
The ferry has a sign posted "Closed, due to blackscour taint. Signed Ferryman Bill."

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Shield) 1

Demlan listened to the woman as she passed. He had heard mention of this 'blacksour taint' in the few days he had been in the town but few had been willing to speak to him about it.

"Excuse me, miss, but what do you know of this 'blacksour taint'?" he asked the woman, hoping for slightly more information than he had been given previously.

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)

Is this the only way to cross the river? Is Bill's house close to hand?

@Ser Demlan Hemlyth
"Oh a customer. You want to know about the taint. Well I know that it started a few days ago, and old man Jamason died from it, some have flocked to Lady Cirthana for a cure, but most of the townfolk are putting their trust in Laurel at the Roots and Remedies."
she pauses leans forward abit and says
"And you look kind of cute."
you can smell the alcohol, and not the watered down stuff, the high end stuff, from her drinking last night.

@Sig Svensen
You know Ferryman Bill, well and that he would usually weather a cold, and his place near the Roots and Remedies.

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

Tamnir was idly looking at the church, trying to work out the deity it is dedicated to, if any specific one.

Take 10 on Know: Religion: 10 + 5 = 15

The remarks catch Tamnir off guard a little. There are people already trying to heal the sickness? Perhaps I should...

The half-elf adopts his politest tone and addresses the group, but chiefly directs his question at the second to speak.

Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

"My apologies, I overheard your conversation, is Lady Cirthana your cleric here? I would like to offer my services as a healing priest myself."

Maybe wearing the armour in public while claiming to be a healing priest was a bad idea. At least it's the truth.

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)

Sig sighed, this plague must be serious indeed. He didn't like the idea of "borrowing" another mans possession, but he climbed on the ferry and looked it over.

"Let's just see how this thing works..."

@Tamnir Allefort
one of the women speaks up "Yes. Lady Cirthana is the local priestess of Iomedae, The Kirk is near the Papermill."
another woman interrupts and says "Speaking of which, a traveling priestess came a few days ago, and is currently helping her."
another woman speaks up "and I hear that Ms Barns husband has been peeping on her"
the forth woman replies "No way, I though Mr Barn would know better than that after the fight with that buxom red head house breaker."
The first woman replies "But she did deal with that out of control, perverted half-orc, and humiliated him to boot, and I think she flirts when she has alcohol in her."

@Sig Svensen
You know Ferryman Bill was the cautious type, and that he always takes the rudder and the oars home with him every day to make sure no one stole or borrowed his ferry without permission, unless they just want to go down river, with no control.

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)

are there any other options for crossing the river?

edit: I am confused; I had assumed that Sig was starting on south bank of the Foam. Is that not the case? If I'm on the north bank, then there is no need to cross the river.

Sig Svensen wrote:
are there any other options for crossing the river?

OOC - none til the taint is gone and Ferryman Bill lives, their is a timer counting down.

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)

assuming that I am in Falcon's Hollow...

Sig made his way to the Goose. He needed a drink and a little time to regain his bearings.

When you arrive at the Goose 'n' Gander, you are greeted by a beautiful buxom red head with waist length braided her, named Alkaid. She arrived one week ago in Falcons Hollow with a few others, to stock up on things to adventure, but spent a little to much on drinks and is working to pay off the tab and make some money.

She asks "What can I get for you, Sig, the Beef Stew Special, or the Soup?"

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

Tamnir quickly files away the first three facts, but attempts to keep his distance from the gossip laden remnants.

"My thanks for your time ladies, good day."

Guess I better go see these priestesses. Now, I know the sawmill is back that way so... The 'Kirk' is the local name for the church?

He heads back the way he just came, aiming for the religious building he was pondering the ownership of earlier.

Did I actually identify what the church was?

OOC -Kirk = Church (it's dutch or german)

You find the paper mill and a minute later find the Kirk.

Tamnir Allefort only

Perception DC: 14:
You also see a man peeping through a window that has cover from two nearby trees. Whispering to himself.

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)
DM Azure_Zero wrote:

When you arrive at the Goose 'n' Gander, you are greeted by a beautiful buxom red head with waist length braided her, named Alkaid. She arrived one week ago in Falcons Hollow with a few others, to stock up on things to adventure, but spent a little to much on drinks and is working to pay off the tab and make some money.

She asks "What can I get for you, Sig, the Beef Stew Special, or the Soup?"

"Alkaid, that's a pretty name. Special sounds nice and a good ale as well."

Sig looked around the tavern, people-watching. This plague was real, how could you tell if someone was sick?

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Alkaid replies "That is sweet, someone's getting an extra spoon full of stew, and for the ale do you want Darkmoon Ale, Mountain Ale, or Dragon's Ale."

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

What is he up to, I wonder?
Then a gear in the priest's head clicks into place.
Mr Barn, I presume... Should I stop him? I mean, I'm not local but...

Tamnir makes a heavy sigh as he comes to a decision.

He calls out to the man "Excuse me sir, is this the Kirk of Iomedae?"

Not like I don't already know the answer, but it's the easiest way to put him at ease... I hope.

Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Sense Motive check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)
DM Azure_Zero wrote:
Alkaid replies "That is sweet, someone's getting an extra spoon full of stew, and for the ale do you want Darkmoon Ale, Mountain Ale, or Dragon's Ale."

"Darkmoon... no, no, the mountain ale is Dwarven, yeah? I'll have that."

@Tamnir Allefort
He quickly turns to you and in a low voice says "Keep it down or she'll hear you, Oh Sh**."

--Diplomacy check: failed
--Sense Motive check: Passed
He was thinking pervy of the new priestess.

Perception DC: 14:

You hear running from within the Kirk.

Alkaid replies "Ah the regular stuff."

--perception check: pass
as for sick people in view, none

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

So, there's a pretty good chance that this is Mr Barn. Good grief, I can't believe I'm using gossip as evidence.

"If anything she only heard me, so I suggest you either answer my question, or run." He flashes the flustered man a wry smile.

@ Tamnir
You hear a door literally kicked open, and you see two women running to the scene, One in a in brown skirt, a white short sleeved shirt and a brown bodice, the other is wearing clothing you have not seen before.

The one in peasant clothing in a angry voice yells out "Honey when I catch up we are SO going to have A TALK."

The other adds to that saying angrily "We caught you red handed this time, you perv, now own up to your punishment."

And the perv starts running as if it were "LIFE OR DEATH!"

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

If the man is close enough to me, I move and attempt to grapple him. If not, I give chase.

Grapple combat manuver: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16

You grapple him

He cries "Let me go, Let me go, Let me go."

the women slow their pace, but still more than a walk.

When the woman in peasants clothes gets to you, she grabs her husband by the ear. and shouts "You have been missing work for this, we need the money to feed ourselves, and Am I not good enough for you."

He replies "No, Dear."

She give you a signal to let go

--OOC -I'll assume you let go

She continues "Do you want me to keep checking on you at work?"

He replies "No, Dear."

She continues "Are you even listening to me?"

He replies "No, Dear, I mean yes, Dear."

She gives him a quick slap.

he yelps"Oouucchh."

the Other woman adds in "I may not need to punish him, if his wife is doing this good of a job and I think he is in the dog house for a good month, but If I find him doing it again, I'll give him a new Point of view for a few days, Like I did to Gin “The Ghost Demon” Snow Tomb."

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

The half-elf gently releases his grip on the man, he almost laughs as an idle thought hits him.
He probably has less chance getting away from her with just that grip on his ear than anything I could hold him with.
He stands back as the tonge-lashing ensues. Once the woman is finished, he decides to speak up.

"Well, this is an odd situation, but let me introduce myself: My name is Tamnir Allefort, travelling warrior-priest of Sarenrae."
Tamnir bows respectfully.

This must be the travelling priestess, judging by that clothing anyway.

She places both hands over her groin and bows at 45* and replies "Thank you Tamnir, both making enough noise to hear and for holding him."
The priestess stands straight and arms relaxed. You now notice that she's Ulfen and stands at 6 feet, has Long Golden Platinum Hair, Blue Eyes, pale skin and a curvy build.
She adds "I have only just arrived a week ago, with some companions, but one of them hit the drinks a little to hard and is working off a tab."

The priestess continues on "Right now, I am helping to deal with the taint, but neither I or Lady Cirthana can call forth the miracle of "Remove Disease" right now, Oh that's right, I have not introduced my self, I am Yuuki Frostfell, pleasure to meet you."

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

"May our gods smile on our meeting, Ms Frostfell. Restorative magic is one of my specialties, but I confess I cannot remove a disease either, only alleviate the symptoms and help someone recover.

In fact, it was because of the disease that I came to this building, I was hoping somebody could tell me more about this plague, so far all I know is that it causes coughing and there has been at least one death as a result."

Yuuki raises her right hand to her chin and replies
"Unfortunately, Lady Cirthana knows very little about this taint. But their is another, a woman named Laurel. She runs the Roots and Remedies shop, and she may know more about this taint. Any help in stopping or curing this outbreak would be a big help to this town and would have my thanks."

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

"Laurel, huh? Could you give me directions to this shop?
Assuming she does so: Well, I wish you the best of luck, light and truth go with you."

I definitely need to know more, and if the clerics can't help... Well, time to turn to the healers.

Yuuki replies "I wish the same to you as well, Tamnir."

You get your beef stew and your Mountain ale.
Cost: 2sp, 4cp.

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

Think I'll leave it at that for now, we're in Beckett's sleep time right now, so I'll give everyone else a chance to catch up.

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Shield) 1

Demlan thanked the woman, and decided to look for this Roots and Remedies. He stopped off by the local stable to check his mount was being well cared for first though.

Diplomacy (for location of Roots and Remedies) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

--Diplomacy check: Passed
She gives you detailed directions, to the Roots and Remedies
you pass by a local man before you get there, and when you do you see a very long lineup.

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Shield) 1

Demlan thanked the woman again and made for Roots and Remedies. When he got there, he was astounded to see the length of the queue for the shop. He was in two minds whether to push to the front of the queue to see if he could help the woman, or stand in line and wait his turn.

"Good people of Falcon's Hollow, I seek an audience with the herbalist Laurel, who owns this shop. Do you mind if I speak with her immediately?" Demlan attempted to appeal to the good nature of the people in the town.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

--Diplomacy check: Fail
You hear a hacking fit from about 55% of those in line, and one comment "Your healthy, wait like the rest of us, you jerk."

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Shield) 1

Last one from me tonight.

Demlan held up his hands, open-palmed.

"Apologies, good people. I had thought that I might be of assistance to the good herbalist, but I see your needs are more important than mine." Demlan joined the back of the queue and kept an eye out for anyone else who might be looking to assist the herbalist.

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

While at he back of the line, a Half-elf cleric in armour joins you in the back.

Male Human Cavalier (Order of the Shield) 1

"Greetings, ser Cleric," Demlan said, "Are you also here to assist with this 'blackscour taint'?"

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

"Is that what they call it? My name is Tamnir Alleforte, I am a cleric of Sarenrae and I too seek to aid the victims of this plague."
Tamnir thinks to himself for a moment.
If our paths are the same, it would be wise to walk them together. I'm not usually one to try and skip a queue, but time is of the essence now.

Sarenrae's truth, cling to my words.
*Touch of Glory: Self (+1 to next CHA based check)*

Take 10 on Diplomacy: 10 + 7 + 1 = 18

He addresses the queue:
I understand your concerns, but we seek only to help. I am a healer in service of Sarenrae, will you not let us aid you?

--Diplomacy check: Pass
(Very nicely worded)
Everyone (a except a few) in line are quiet, One pipes up saying
"Then get to it, Lad, and if ye be slacken, we'll keel hool ye."

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

A small smile flickered across Tamnir's face at the threat of being keelhauled.

You're going to need a bigger boat.

He moves away from the queue, gesturing Demlan to follow.

"Come, Ser... Oh. How thoughtless of me, may I ask your name?"

As you both walk to the front of the shop it appears as

"Creeping ivy and full window boxes cover the
façade of the rugged-looking, two-story shop
bearing the faded sign “Roots and Remedies.”

when you get in

"The smell of burnt earth and spicy incense
chokes the air of the cramped, mud-tracked
shop. Bunches of dried herbs hang from the
ceiling, along with dangling pots, presses,
alchemical apparatuses, and glassware
of more arcane purposes. Pouches of rare
plants, jars of colored glass, and all manner
of dried, preserved, and jellied animal parts
fill high shelves and tables doing double duty
as displays and workspaces. In the shop’s
rear, a rail-thin woman with severe-looking
spectacles and hair pulled back tightly busies
herself between an overpacked rack of
herbs, a table covered in stray powders and
measuring equipment, and a pot loudly
over with thick gray froth. Over
the din of her work and without looking up,
the woman impatiently shouts, “And what’s
your problem?”"


male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)
DM Azure_Zero wrote:


Yuuki replies "I wish the same to you as well, Tamnir."

You get your beef stew and your Mountain ale.
Cost: 2sp, 4cp.

Sig eats his meal and enjoys his ale, after paying the good woman of course. Once finished, he heads to Roots and Remedies.

When you get there at the back of the line you hear a half-elf cleric
say "I understand your concerns, but we seek only to help. I am a healer in service of Sarenrae, will you not let us aid you?"

and the crowd lets him proceed to the shop.

male Human Fighter 1 (Archetype: Shielded Fighter)

Sig moves as close to the half-elf as he can get and listens to what the man has to say. He's keen to help with this plague issue, it is the right thing to do.

Male Half-Elf Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1

Waiting on Demlan's post, this is gonna get confusing otherwise.

Male Human Ranger/2

Since I somehow missed the start and since Bertrand is local I'm going to assume he already knows the basics and that at least one in his family is sick.

Bertrand has returned home from a stint in the logging camp to find his little sister has come down with the mysterious blackscour. After failing to comfort his mother, he heads down to Roots and Remedies to see if Laurel has found anything.

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