
Tamnir Allefort's page

124 posts. Alias of PitDigger.

Full Name

Tamnir Allefort




Cleric (Glory and Restoration Domains) 1








Neutral Good




Common, Elven & Celestial


Travelling Warrior-Priest

Strength 11
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 15

About Tamnir Allefort

Tamnir is a very protective individual, and has spent much of his time as a priest honing the awareness and foresight he requires to do so, often to the detriment of his other duties.

Due to his amiable nature, the half-elf found himself socialising with a broad range of citizens, strengthening his urge to protect these people he has grown so familiar with.

The occasions were often where Tamnir wondered if he would be of more help outside of the small area he used to tend to, but the urge to protect his home and its inhabitants often beat these moments of pondering into submission. Only recently has he managed convince himself that leaving is not the same as abandoning.

Tamnir has now forgone his priestly vestments for more practical travelling clothes, but they retain some of the stylings of the raiments, something Tamnir found familiar and comforting despite his new change of environment. Most prominent of the stylings is the sunburst emblazoned across the back of the travelling cloak and the small ankhs stitched on the inner part of the cuffs.

Much of this is obscured however when Tamnir dons his armour in service of Sarenrae. Tamnir's armour and shield are the physical representation the part of him that would not see harm come to his allies. Some links of the armour have inscriptions on their reverse side, they are choice verses from The Birth of Light and Truth that Tamnir had asked to be engraved there when the armour was first forged.

The scimitar Tamnir uses is not part of the set made for him, but is a much older weapon from the temple's armoury that was gifted to Tamnir upon his departure. It is merely a servicable sword, but Tamnir values it more than that, knowing that he is merely one of many hands that have wielded the weapon in honour of his goddess and intends to bring it further glory in Sarenrae's name.

Tamnir's childhood, like that of many half-elves was a turbulent affair. Raised by his human mother, the young half-elf was more posessive than protective, keeping anything he could obtain close to his chest, be it friends, money or even emotions. This began to change when he made friends with a travelling priest, who had been friends with his absent father, many years before.

As a result of that priest's influence, Tamnir took up the duties of an acolyte in the local temple. It was here that his thoughts changed from 'taking and keeping' to 'watching and protecting'.

The death of his mother when he was 25 was a shock, but his adamant faith in Sarenrae the Dawnflower bore him through, driving him to seek those worth protecting. Until now, his searching was almost purely a philosophical pursuit. Something else has changed in the cleric's mind, now he seeks more things worth protecting, things he cannot find wearing the clothes of a priest; and so, the restless priest dons armour and sets out to find, and above all, protect.


Male Half-Elf Cleric 1

NG Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)

Init +1; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +7


AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16. . (+4 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)

hp 9 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5

Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities


Spd 20 ft.

Melee Scimitar +0 (1d6/18-20/x2) and

. . Shield, Heavy Wooden -4 (1d4/20/x2) and

. . Unarmed Strike +0 (1d3/20/x2)

Spell-Like Abilities Touch of Glory (6/day)

Cleric Spells Known (CL 1, 0 melee touch, 1 ranged touch):

1 (2/day)
Shield of Faith
Obscuring Fog
Sanctuary (DC 14)

0 (at will)
Detect Magic


Str 11
Dex 12
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 15

Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11

Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Sharp Senses
Skill Focus: Heal (Adaptability)

Acrobatics -3
Climb -4
Diplomacy +6
Escape Artist -3
Fly -3
Heal +10
Knowledge: Religion +5
Perception +7
Ride -3
Sense Motive +7
Stealth -3
Swim -4


Aura (Ex)
Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su)
Cleric Domain: Glory
Cleric Domain: Restoration
Elf Blood
Restorative Touch (6/day) (Su)
Spontaneous Casting

Combat Gear
Chain Shirt
Shield, Heavy Wooden

Other Gear
Holy symbol silver: Sunburst Pendant
Boots (Explorer's)

Pouch, belt (3 @ 1 lbs)
Flint and steel
Vial, ink or potion (3)
Money 40gp, 3sp, 5cp
String (50')

Demlan's Saddlebags (6 @ 32lbs)
Rope, hemp (50ft)
Grappling hook
Pitcher, Clay (Vinegar)
Shield, Heavy Wooden
Backpack (13 @ 14 lbs)
Holy water (flask)
Ink (1 oz. vial, black)
Paper (sheet)
Trail Rations (6)
Soap (1lb)


Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su) - 0/5

Restorative Touch (6/day) (Su) - 0/6

Touch of Glory (6/day) (Sp) - 0/6


Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.

Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.

Cleric Domain: Glory Granted Powers: You are infused with the glory of the divine, and are a true foe of the undead. In addition, when you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is increased by 2.

Cleric Domain: Restoration Associated Domain: Restoration

Elf Blood You are counted as both elves and humans for any effect relating to race.

Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.

Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.

Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.

Restorative Touch (6/day) (Su) Remove the dazed, fatigued, shaken, sickened, or staggered conditions by touch.

Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.

Touch of Glory (6/day) (Sp) Grant +1 to a CHA-based skill or ability check.


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