Eternal Composition

Rules Discussion

With this feat would I be able to enter combat and use Fortissimo Composition as a free action and still have three actions remaining?

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Yes. Not exactly when you enter in combat (that happens when you roll the initiative) but you can you can use it in your turn without problem. A free-action can be used any time during your turn and Fortissimo Composition is a free action so you can use it before you use your quickned action provided by Eternal Composition.

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That looks right to me.

Since Fortissimo costs a focus point to use, you wouldn't want (or really be able) to keep it going during exploration mode.

Before your first turn you would have the standard Courageous Anthem (or other composition cantrip) going.

Then for your first turn you could:
◇ Fortissimo
◆ (quickened) Courageous Anthem
◆ Do Stuff
◆ And Things
◆ Yeah

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