Scare to Death

Rules Discussion

Can a Polymath muse use Performance with Scare to Death instead of Intimidate?

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No. Polymath Muse performance works with Demoralize. Scare to Death is a specific action.

You can use Performance to qualify for Scare to Death, but you'll still have to use the Intimidate skill to roll for the skill action.

Thanks for this, I always enjoy reading your posts. You have great insight into the game. In particular your post about how control casting/debuffing is far more impactful than blasting, and I must say after playing a controller/debuffer I very strongly agree!

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Deriven Firelion wrote:
No. Polymath Muse performance works with Demoralize. Scare to Death is a specific action.


I don't like that they don't interact. I would houserule it so that it does work if I was running a game and had a player ask for that.

But I fully agree that the non-interaction is what is written in the rules.

Finoan wrote:
Deriven Firelion wrote:
No. Polymath Muse performance works with Demoralize. Scare to Death is a specific action.


I don't like that they don't interact. I would houserule it so that it does work if I was running a game and had a player ask for that.

But I fully agree that the non-interaction is what is written in the rules.

Would have been nice. Would have allowed the polymath bard to use social skills better without stepping on the rogue's toes with more skill increases.

I imagine at this point the bard is so good, it's hard to give them too much more.

The Total Package wrote:
Thanks for this, I always enjoy reading your posts. You have great insight into the game. In particular your post about how control casting/debuffing is far more impactful than blasting, and I must say after playing a controller/debuffer I very strongly agree!

Thank you. Glad someone finds my information helpful.

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