Pocket Editions - Just rules? Excludes Lost Omens setting books?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

To restate the question in the subject, do Lost Omens settings books get printed as Pocket Editions? From looking through the products, it looks like they don't. (Which is fine for me ... I like my rules in Pocket Editions, and lore in hardcovers. I'm just trying to make sure I'm drawing the right conclusions.)

Also, as an aside, most lore books have at least a few rules. Is it likely that reprints of lore books will have any rules updated and Remastered?

Archives of nethys has pure rules no lore and is kept up to date with errata.

Liberty's Edge

kaid wrote:
Archives of nethys has pure rules no lore and is kept up to date with errata.

Which I appreciate a lot (and use). But I like physical books, I like lore, and I like supporting Paizo.

To me it looks like books will be remastered once they run out of copies, use WotC material or other OGL content.

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