Classes power still matters, Tiers do exist and they do matter

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Deriven Firelion wrote:
There is a tier list. It isn't near as wide between tiers as it used to be.

I am with you here.

It's the power of 2e, balance is tight, and good teamwork and strategy is more important than everybody bringing the "best" class.

Our gunslinger, for example, was awesome in Alkenstar, did increadible support with Fake Out and, thanks to elemental ammunition, triggered electricity vulerabilities left and right.
And its Outlaws, the rest of us was a bit annoyed how difficult it was to use guns efficiently and envied him for his style!

We have a construct inventor in Kingmaker, he provides a very fast melee bot that can take some hits and is easily repaired and, thanks to overdrive, can dish out some damage himself. Provides us with all the nice foods and i don't think any of our players would go and tell him to switch to a "better" class.

I was an eager member of the character optimization boards in 3.x times, and still love building characters, discoverying synergies and optimizing, but 2e is just a different game, you don't win it at character creation anymore.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As a GM, in my experience, there has never been an instance of a low skill, low power PC and a high skill, high power PC playing in the same group where one didn't meaningfully contribute. Certainly there hasn't been a case where a player felt they were overshadowed enough for them to stop having fun.

It has been my experience that you can bash a character together, keep in mind attack stat and AC, and have a great time.

Grand Lodge me out here people.

This thread starts out with Raven Black seemingly responding to another post, and Fabio being credited with creating the thread, but there is no OP for reference.
Then Cyouni commenting on a portion of a post that isn't in the thread, and Keftiu posting something that seems to be a non-sequitur.
Was this a continuation from another thread?

This is very confusing.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aristophanes wrote: me out here people.

This thread starts out with Raven Black seemingly responding to another post, and Fabio being credited with creating the thread, but there is no OP for reference.
Then Cyouni commenting on a portion of a post that isn't in the thread, and Keftiu posting something that seems to be a non-sequitur.
Was this a continuation from another thread?

This is very confusing.

I think there was a moderator action, the original post by Fabio was deleted (i guess). You did not miss much though ;)

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, it was a post asserting the inherent worth of considering the various classes in terms of tiers of power that threw in a few digs about gunslingers and made an unwise joke in poor taste about what Fabios would like to see done to the person responsible for gunslingers.

Grand Lodge


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