Level 20 Encounters


I am running a one off level 20 encounter. Are there any published modules or encounters you recommend for that level?

Any of the end encounters of any adventure paths you own would be good.

I like the end of Kingmaker 2nd edition is pretty tough.

You could try end encounter of Age of Ashes.

Sovereign Court

I felt the end of Age of Ashes was too much

frustrating L+4 solo boss
while Agents of Edgewatch
a boss and five mooks, so a bit too diluted (the mooks were not super dangerous, but were permanently Hidden so slow to kill)

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The last battle in Fists of the Ruby Phoenix is pretty interesting, though party composition can make it much harder.

But in general you can probably just browse the high level monsters in AoN until you find something that looks interesting.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I recall Agents of Edgewatch had an interesting encounter against a...

...that could easily be dropped just about anywhere.

I'd be wary of the AP final bosses as often the parties acquire specific tools and abilities vs. them to compensate, or simply have acquired more items while 20th vs. a fresh 20th level allotment. But there will still be lots of other encounters geared toward 20th, perhaps the boss(es) from the day or arc before that.

Yeah I remember the fight against the final boss of Agents of Edgewatch well.

My brief thoughts on that boss:
It wasn't actually that hard as long as you had the quest item you needed to confront her. It's just that her perpetually being hidden made the confrontation longer than it strictly needed to be. Like a long fight wouldn't have been too bad if it felt like it was an exchange of our power versus their power but this wasn't it.

Agents of Edgewatch:
At level 20 hidden is a minor problem for most classes with Blindfight. A caster with banishment or group slow can really mess up that final encounter making it even weaker. My group did not find that encounter difficult at all. You really have to work to challenge a level 20 group built with even moderate competence. Level 20 PF2 groups are absolutely brutal.

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