Samsarans Magus Advice


I'm thinking of playing a Samsarans Magus and would like Advice on spells from my past life as I'm going with the Mystic Past Life feature .

I'm starting at level 5 and not sure what would be a fun but useful class to have been my past life

The Exchange

Depends on the rest of your party.

Wizard is a fine choice, in which case Mystic Past Life is essentially getting several Spell Blending arcana for free.

Bard is a good choice for buffing (spell combat good hope!) and for out of combat diplomatic/trickery spells.

I've always wanted to make a Hexcrafter Magus with a focus on poisons and poison boosting spells, from the Witch spell list. Bonus points if you can find a source of potable, scaling DC poisons (like maybe a party member with the Poison Minion alternate racial trait). There is always the Cauldron hex and crafting the poisons yourself.

Pernicious Poison combined with the Greater Gift of Consumption hex will almost certainly result in a failed saving throw, assuming level appropriate poisons and that the enemy isnt immune to them.

It's a ridiculously good benefit. If you max out your Intelligence as 1st level, it's worth 5-6 Magus Arcana--each of which is equivalent in value to a feat.

Both the Bard and Wizard lists have spells that should have been on the Magus's as well, supposed game balance concerns be damned.

From either of the two lists, I would recommend Dazzling Blade, Sense Vitals, and See Invisibility. The Bard's list gives you access to Freedom of Movement (which will be invaluable when the time eventually comes) and Dance of a Thousand Cuts (which more than restores parity with the Fighter). BY contrast, Wizard gives you access to Cold Ice Strike (a swift action spell!).

The Exchange

Phoebus Alexandros wrote:
From either of the two lists, I would recommend Dazzling Blade, Sense Vitals, and See Invisibility. The Bard's list gives you access to Freedom of Movement (which will be invaluable when the time eventually comes) and Dance of a Thousand Cuts (which more than restores parity with the Fighter). BY contrast, Wizard gives you access to Cold Ice Strike (a swift action spell!).

The problem with both dance of a thousand cuts and cold ice strike is that they are 6th level spells. Which means the magus can't cast them until magus level 16. Which, even if the campaign does go that far, is a loooong way away. And of course you couldn't get both with MPL anyway.

I guess that's the other piece of information we need, satio (besides your party members). How long do you expect this campaign to go on? Obviously we won't suggest any 4th-level spells if you expect the campaign to end around character level 9. Dance of a hundred cuts and freedom of movement would be good choices if you expect to go to 13-15 or so (around when most Adventure Paths ended).

Samsaran Mythic Past Life - spell lists, 11/2017

Learning spells from another class, 1/2023

Mythic past life samsaran magus advice, 7/2021

Belafon wrote:
The problem with both dance of a thousand cuts and cold ice strike is that they are 6th level spells. Which means the magus can't cast them until magus level 16. Which, even if the campaign does go that far, is a loooong way away. And of course you couldn't get both with MPL anyway.

Correct. I'm comparing the spells you said Samsaran character could get if he picked from the bard spell list OR from the wizard spell list.

That said, there's a lot of table variance where campaign longevity and character advancement are concerned. These characters are starting at 5th level, which indicated to me (perhaps wrongly so) that hitting 16th + level wasn't beyond the campaign's scope.

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