Need to 2 - 3 players for testing Harpy using PF 1e rules


I'm setting up a limited run campaign using the old D&D Module "Night of the Seven Swords." Estimated game run time is 6-9 months. The game will be run on the Harpy Play by Post platform (, which is free to join and play.

Characters start at level 4; there are two current players, one of whom is a Summoner. I have several recommended concepts pre-built on the site, but players are free to make their own thematically appropriate characters if none of the recommendations fit.

Anyone who is interested please register at Harpy and go to the "Find a Game" section; my ad should be pretty easy to find. I'll post back here if this closes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've run through several of rando1000's storylines... always a fun time!

Japanese-esque themed adventure. Who wants to be a Samurai?

I’m always up for making characters. I’m curious, why Harpy? Does it bring something unique to the gameplay?

I don’t see it, perhaps you closed already

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