Wgskeletor |
So Pulonis has won their independence. Good for them. It's about time, but it seems like something that would've been a result of diplomatic, cultural, and economic efforts by the Pact Worlds and other interstellar powers as part of the Veskarium "maturing" into a more enlightened culture... And less of a massive regime based on conquest and slave labor... As opposed to independence won in a successful martial planet wide revolt followed by immediate recognition by the Pact Worlds government, all off camera.
I'm glad that the usually slow Pact Worlds petition system made the ethically responsible choice, but it was an astonishingly risky decision. Officially recognizing not just a Veskarium world, but one smack dab in the middle of the Vesk home system, as a pact world could very easily end the PW/Vesk alliance for good and resulted in full scale Veskarium retaliatory invasion.
But fortunately that didn't happen. Also, I'm hoping that eventual "Long and Noodle-y Pathra" Ancestry trait will be available at some point, representing the weird low gravity world proportions of the SF1 Pathra illustrations. Especially the one with the microphone in Interstellar Species. Lol

Master Han Del of the Web |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Nah man, the 'foreign saviors' trope kind of sucks and, frankly, the Veskarium does not deserve that kind of grace. I get that it's a 'devil we know' situation with their sort of imperialist evil but they still conquer planets and then have the utmost gall to rename them 'Vesk-n'. I get that they haven't been as overtly genocidal as real world imperialists (at least on screen as far as I know) but they still deserve to have their noses bloodied by rebellion and lose the majority of their holdings. Return all their stolen land and then we can talk about diplomatically pressured reforms.

Justnobodyfqwl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yeah, I don't really follow the logic of this post.
It may seem like it happened "off-screen", but a lot of 1e adventures and lore about Pahtras were very focused on this ongoing conflict. (Now granted, a lot of these adventures are about STOPPING Pahtra Liberation for some reason..)
And as for "gaining independence by the colonial power becoming more cultured and enlightened"....huh? That feels way more like the hand-wavey answer, honestly. The brutal colonial power that is only able to sustain its empire through constant expansion just ...decides to give up a colony?
It makes a lot more sense to me to say "after centuries of attrition and warfare on a hostile and technologically isolated planet, holding onto Pulonis becomes unpopular and unsustainable for the Vesk".
Honestly, I think the Vesk/Skittermander/Pahtra dynamic is my favorite part of Starfinder lore. I'm new to the system with 2e, so I was surprised to read about them and fall in love so instantly. However, the more I read 1e content, the more I can tell the lore has been suffering because Vesk were a core ancestry and the Skittermander and Pahtra werent.
I DO agree that the Vesk wouldn't give up Pulonis so quickly. I've been playing the dynamic as less "Pulonis is now in the Pact Worlds!", and more as "Pulonis has declared independence, but has to deal with the blowback while it tries the unprecedented move of trying to join the Pact Worlds from another system".
This has had a variety of blowback effects throughout the Veskarium. It's emboldened the Skittermanders that are secretly guerilla resistance. Veskarium ego has been hurt by losing control of a planet, so there's a big backlash against Pahtra art in Vesk pop culture- especially because Vesk pop culture is basically just entirely worse version of Pahtra art. Pahtra pop stars like Miiyu have exploded in popularity, as their previous subtle anti-Veskarium messaging makes for angry and righteous dance beats.

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The way I see it is the original Pact Worlds Veskarium alliance was to fight the swarm. Now with the drift lanes connecting the Veskarium with the Azlanti Star Empire. Veskarium didn't want to give up Pulonis, but Pulonis joining the Pact Worlds, makes sure the Pact Worlds have a more direct reason to help defend the Veskarium. I'm sure not all in the Veskarium agree with this, but for now, it's the justification for Veskarium not having to fight 2 wars at the same time.

Justnobodyfqwl |
The way I see it is the original Pact Worlds Veskarium alliance was to fight the swarm. Now with the drift lanes connecting the Veskarium with the Azlanti Star Empire. Veskarium didn't want to give up Pulonis, but Pulonis joining the Pact Worlds, makes sure the Pact Worlds have a more direct reason to help defend the Veskarium. I'm sure not all in the Veskarium agree with this, but for now, it's the justification for Veskarium not having to fight 2 wars at the same time.
I think that's a really interesting and sensible explanation! The Azlanti and Swarm make for convenient "perpetually off-screen" antagonists, who are taking up the attention and firepower of the Vesk. They're a good thing to point fingers at for why they'd let Pulonis slip through their grasp.
I didn't think of the idea that Pulonis kind of becomes a child of divorce for the Veskarium and Pact Worlds, a connective tissue that keeps two people who otherwise hate each other acting civil with each other. That's a really interesting dynamic!

Xenocrat |

This was a really dark direction to go with the setting, showing that the Pact World citizens are ruled by people who can commit them to defense pacts that serve zero purpose and risk them being invaded for no benefit. Imagine reading your morning e-paper about accepting Pularis and wondering if your kids and everyone you know are going to be vaporized from orbit over this.
Presumably the next metaplot will be people's rebellion in the Pact Worlds justly executing everyone involved in this.

Master Han Del of the Web |

It's almost like there are other motives than just appeasing a handful of libertarian isolationists.
-A) This is not a hard sci-fi setting so a governing body making an ethical decision for the sake of those ethics may very well be one of the driving factors.
-B) Degrading the industrial and population base of a rival polity while they are too busy dealing with another peer-level polity to respond is a very sound gamble.

Xenocrat |

Only a handful of Pact Worlds citizens don't want to make total, open ended defense committments to a planet 3d6 days away inhabited by rando aliens that the overwhelming majority of them have never met, and that is hours away from the highly militarized forces of 7 planets? This seems unlikely.
This is like the the USA deciding to annex Czechoslovakia in 1968 because the USSR had a simultaneous border dispute with China. Madness. Only an insane expansionary dictatorship desperate for blood or frighteningly indifferent to the desires of its citizens would pursue such a policy. Apparently the Pact Worlds is such a government now, and I'm interested to learn what new secret conspiracy is driving such bizarre behavior and letting them get away with. The Threefold Conspiracy already used up some obvious suspects, so they'll need new ones.
(The Czech Spring was 1968 and the Sino-Soviet border war 1969, but close enough.)

Master Han Del of the Web |

Yes because, once again, this is not a hard sci-fi or grimdark setting. It's allowed to be hopeful and heroic every now and then.
And your example is hyperbolic and not fit for purpose. This is a lot more like NATO supporting Ukraine in the current conflict with Russia. They're all but guaranteed membership or at least something approaching client status once (or if) the conflict draws to a close. NATO and the EU pump weapons and other materials into Ukraine to degrade Russia's military capacity without actually going to war. Russia's nose gets bloodied, Ukraine remains independent for another day, and Ukraine's backers don't end up committing troops.
I'd ask if you think pretty much all of Europe are 'insane expansionary dictatorships desperate for blood or frighteningly indifferent to the desires of their citizens' but I've seen some of your other takes.

Master Han Del of the Web |

I'd like to see some serious development of how this affects the Vesk's other colonial holdings, particularly with the skittermanders. What with how they are the mascots for Starfinder and how, in setting, they've got a bit of the 'model colonial subject' thing going on at first glance, I think they're due for a bit of character development.

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I'd like to see some serious development of how this affects the Vesk's other colonial holdings, particularly with the skittermanders. What with how they are the mascots for Starfinder and how, in setting, they've got a bit of the 'model colonial subject' thing going on at first glance, I think they're due for a bit of character development.
I don't think of skittermanders as the 'model colonial subject' when the Vesk reaction to them is "Since vesk’s code of honor forbade them from shooting the cheerfully acquiescent skittermanders in the back, the invaders were confused and infuriated by the situation." To me, the skittermanders are a model of how effective disruptive compliance.

Justnobodyfqwl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'd like to see some serious development of how this affects the Vesk's other colonial holdings, particularly with the skittermanders. What with how they are the mascots for Starfinder and how, in setting, they've got a bit of the 'model colonial subject' thing going on at first glance, I think they're due for a bit of character development.
I'm really interested in seeing the Skittermanders get fleshed out.
While I get the fear of the idea of the "model colonial subject", I think Starfinder has pretty unanimously avoided that. While they ask the question of "who's really in charge, the Vesk that took over or the Skittermanders that let them?", I feel as if the books usually are in agreement that the Skittermanders secretly won. The Skittermanders are portrayed as having been able to stick to their cultural values and norms in a way that allows them autonomy and power over the Vesk, and it always is portrayed as them basically getting one over on the Veskarium. (It doesn't hurt that it's really, really funny to imagine an entire planet hearing that it's going to be invaded and deciding to just not show up.)
However, this also raises a lot of interesting questions about how the non-monolith of Skittermanders might view their occupation! Many Skittermanders are now deeply integrated into the bureaucracy of the Veskarium, and I imagine a lot of change happens through that. But what about the more outspoken Skittermanders, who might rightfully resent colonial occupation? Would they be shamed for not being "as helpful as possible" by starting a fuss? Would they see it as being unhelpful to Skittermanders to let the Vesk continue to claim them as their own?
Of course, any Skittermander rebellion would be controversial, and under a lot of scrutiny. That's why my fiance has made their Skittermander Operative a "Girl Scute", the ever-helpful happy campers of Vesk-3 that deny ALL claims of being a paramilitary resistance front that funds itself through cookie sales. Honest! I got this merit badge for Viscera Cleanup from arts and crafts, I swear!

Master Han Del of the Web |

That's the reason I said 'at first glance'. An even slightly closer reading definitely puts the lie to the idea of vesk actually being in control of the skittermanders but, as we've well and truly seen, media literacy is a dying art. However, their malicious compliance with their occupiers does not really stop their planet from being exploited by a hostile colonial power.
All that said, given how quickly they integrate into systems and societies, I think they are pretty hilariously well positioned for something like a wide-spread work stoppage to exert political power they otherwise lack. What happens when the imperative to help suddenly switches from the immediate to the overarching?

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It's worth keeping in mind we don't know how pahtra independence comes about. It will presumably have happened in universe by the time 2e launches formally at GenCon, but we haven't seen the specifics, on or offscreen, yet, right? The closest we've seen is a coded message in It Came From the Vast!
We know what the end point will be, but not how we get there, similar to how we knew Aucturn was asploding and Zon-Shelyn a-mergin' but didn't know the full story until 7-03. There's still unannounced Season 7 scenarios, and presumably more Playtest material in 2025, to go with the Technomancer and Mechanic playtest. I'm guessing we'll learn more before GenCon. Were I a betting sapient, I'd put money on seeing something Pulonis (..and possibly Miiyu?) related for 7-99.

Justnobodyfqwl |
It's worth keeping in mind we don't know how pahtra independence comes about. ......I'd put money on seeing something Pulonis (..and possibly Miiyu?) related for 7-99.
I think that's a really good point. In my home game, I've been running it as more "Pulonis has announced that it had reached an agreement with the Pact Worlds", but the actual process of leaving the Veskarium is hanging over everyone like a collective held breath.
I really like the idea that it's a slow and difficult process that leaves Pulonis both vulnerable to the Vesk, but not yet fully protected by the Pact Worlds. I think this adds a lot of narrative tension - it's not "hurray, we're free!", it's declaring "we're free" and hoping that the other guy doesn't chase you as you move out.
I think we'll see Miiyu again, because she has had two call outs in the playtest ALONE- she's both a recommended default Pahtra name, and the iconic Dae was one of her backup dancers. I hope to see her again, and it seems like she's on the minds of the Starfriends.
I think Miiyu is such a great character archetype to have in the setting! I really like the way she represents big themes of Starfinder, like "colonialism discussions", "scifi fantasy pop culture", and "awesome furry women"

Master Han Del of the Web |

Kishmo wrote:It's worth keeping in mind we don't know how pahtra independence comes about. ......I'd put money on seeing something Pulonis (..and possibly Miiyu?) related for 7-99.
I think that's a really good point. In my home game, I've been running it as more "Pulonis has announced that it had reached an agreement with the Pact Worlds", but the actual process of leaving the Veskarium is hanging over everyone like a collective held breath.
I really like the idea that it's a slow and difficult process that leaves Pulonis both vulnerable to the Vesk, but not yet fully protected by the Pact Worlds. I think this adds a lot of narrative tension - it's not "hurray, we're free!", it's declaring "we're free" and hoping that the other guy doesn't chase you as you move out.
I think we'll see Miiyu again, because she has had two call outs in the playtest ALONE- she's both a recommended default Pahtra name, and the iconic Dae was one of her backup dancers. I hope to see her again, and it seems like she's on the minds of the Starfriends.
I think Miiyu is such a great character archetype to have in the setting! I really like the way she represents big themes of Starfinder, like "colonialism discussions", "scifi fantasy pop culture", and "awesome furry women"
I'm betting we'll definitely get some more answers in the Starfinder Galaxy Guide that was announced for April 2025. It's going to include 'Exciting new lore introducing new gods, current events, and important hotspots in the Starfinder setting!'
Also, I know we got Band on the Run but at this point with this many pop stars and musicians kicking about, we really need a bigger band-based adventure.

Justnobodyfqwl |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I'm betting we'll definitely get some more answers in the Starfinder Galaxy Guide that was announced for April 2025. It's going to include 'Exciting new lore introducing new gods, current events, and important hotspots in the Starfinder setting!'Also, I know we got Band on the Run but at this point with this many pop stars and musicians kicking about, we really need a bigger band-based adventure.
COMING IN 2026.....
The Great Pahtra Coming Of Age Games are coming around again, and the competition for the Battle Of The Bands is fiercer than ever! While your local gang of STARFINDERS™ are happy to work security due to political tension on Pulonis, an attack from STRAWBERRY MACHINE CAKE turns an easy job into monumental musical madcap mayhem!
Why have the Pact World's biggest sensation turned into cybernetic crime lords of crescendo? Who will emerge victorious from the Battle of the Bands? And HOW scandalous was that live Miiyu performance? Find out all this and more in
•New feats for classes, such as Solid Zone of Sound for Witchwarpers, Cranked To 11 for Mechanics, and March To The Drum for Soldiers
•New archetypes, including Solar Raver, Obsessive Stan, and Microcelebrity
•Detailed writeups about a small sampling of the several hundred increasingly niche Pahtra genres of music, from QuestMix to Whisker-Whisper