Azothath |
Req: PFS legal, 20 pt Abil buy, 5th Lvl $10500 gear then later 11th Lvl $82000 gear. For this initial detailed build I’m going human {rebuild of Thalevoh} for simplicity and the extra feat and skill ranks don’t hurt at all… There are several decent (non-Evil) deities out there (by weapon damage) keeping an eye on domains for VarPlgrm; Gorum(CN) greatsword, Smiad(LG) greatsword, Keltheald(CG) halberd, Groetus(CN) hvy flail, Feronia(NN) bastard sword, Sun Wukong(CN) quarterstaff, Elion(CG) longbow, Erastil(NN) bows(yes, RAW all bows!), Sinashakti(CG) shortbow, Chaldira(NG) shortsword, Ssila'meshnik(CN) lgt hammer, Calistria(CN) whip. For Dex types bastard sword, longbow/bows, shortsword are all good choices.
Hopefully this will prove instructive for people building wizards.
Thalevoh@5 male human Clr-VPlgrm(Chaldira NG Dom: Luck, Trickery; Wpn: sht sword) 1 Wiz-Divnr 4
NN med sz humnoid human
Init: +4, Prcptn: +5
AC: 20(13), tch 16(13), fftd 18(10) (+4[frc] armr, +4(+0) shld, +2 Dex)
HP: 27 (5d6 +5) {PFS=6 +4*(4) +5*(+1{FCB})}.
Saves: Fort +4, Rflx +5 , Will +9, +1(+2 but +1 cloak) secondary saves
DEF: -
Mov Spd:30
Mle: mwk cFe gladius +3 (1d6 c19+ *2)S|P, pfrm.
Mle: mwk cFe cestus +3 (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +2|thrwn +5 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P, Rng:10ft, {fragile} glassy.
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crossbow +6≤30ft else +5 (1d10+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: cFe & Ag[10].
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crsbw & GravBow +6≤30ft else +5 (2d8+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P. (F:Point-Blnk, Precise)
Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Arcane Spells Prpd (CL 4; Conc(Int) +9, K:CL5 DC+1)
2nd(3+1ᔥ/d): glttrdust:C2, scorch ray:K2, mirr img:I2(d4+1|d4+3), see invis:D2ᔥ.
1st(5+1ᔥ/d): cult adapt:D1ᔥ, ear-prc scrm:K1, mag armr:C1, mag mssl:K1, shield:A1, snoball:K1.
0th(4@will): det mag:D0, mend:T0, mssg:T0, ray frost:K0.
SchPwr: Forewrnd(Su):act in Supr rnd, +2 Init; DivnFort(Sp):std actn tch +2 insgt atk, skl, abil, sv 1r [8]/d. Activate all Wiz items. Sch Spl(ᔥ)
Divine Spells Prpd (CL 3; Conc(Wis) +5, K:CL4 DC+1)
1st(2+1ᴰ/d): divn fvr:K1, shld fth:A1, true strk:D1ᴰ, {CLW:C1}. notable:dthwtch:N1, knw enmy:D1, prot E:A1.
0th(3@will): crt wtr:C0, pur fd&drk:T0, stblz:C0.
DomPwr: CarvnBond(Su): up to 3 prep'd tgt within 30ft may gain Dom pwr. BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Copycat(Sp):mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Chnl(Su,+): 30ft rad 1d6 heal liv/dmg UnD DC12 [4]/d, spon cast any "cure" for Splᵎᴰ. Activate all Clr items. Domn Spl(ᴰ)
Abil: [10,14,10,20(18),14,12], 20pt & applied: +2 Int, 4th:+1 Wis, headband Int +2. mods [0,+2,0,+5,+2,+1].
BAB: +2, CMB:+2, CMD:14.
Prfc: smpl wpns, lgt armr, sht swd.
Domn: Luck: BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Domn Spls(ᴰ): true strk:D1, aid:2, prot Enrg:3, free mov:4, brk E:5, mislead:6, spl turn:7, momt presc:8, miracle:9. Trick: Bluffᶜ Disgsᶜ Stlthᶜ, Copycat(Sp): mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Domn Spls(ᴰ): dsgs self:I1, invis:I2, nondet:3, confsn:4, fls visn:5, mislead:6, screen:7, ms invis:8, time stop:9. With VPlgrm loan to two tgts.
Skills(rnk 35{Skilled}): Acro +5(3), Apprᶜ +9(1), Bluffᶜ +5(1), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +11(3)), Diploᶜ +5(1), Dsgsᶜ, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +6(1), Healᶜ +6(1), Intmd, Knowᶜ(arcn +9(1), dngn +9(1), engr +9(1), geog +9(1), hist +9(1), locl +13(HB), natr +9(1), nobl +9(1), plns +9(1), rlgn +9(1)), Lingᶜ +9(1), Prcp +5(3), Pfrm, Profᶜ(herbalist +6(1)), Ride +5(3), Sns Mtvᶜ +6(1), SoH, Splcrftᶜ +13(5), Stlthᶜ +6(1), Survl. Cls skl(ᶜ), Skl Fcs(ˢ)
Lang: common(taldan), varisian(regional), celestial, infernal, draconic, elven, thassalonian{ling}, napsu-sign language{HB}.
Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[30] $450, Obs Mist:C1@1[30] $450, and Bndlr: Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, alch fire [2] $40ᶿ(self crafted(ᶿ) - in PFS there is no crafting but wands are easier to get via Prestige so it balances in favor of PFS but I did it like self crafters here to illustrate costs), antiplague $25ᶿ, antitoxin $25ᶿ, twitch tonic $22.5ᶿ, smelling salts $12.5ᶿ = $1075
Scrolls: Comp Lang:D1@1 [2] $25ᶿ, Prot Evil:A1@1 [2] $25ᶿ, Rmv Sickness:C1@1{divn} [2] $25ᶿ, Sure Casting:D1@1 [2] $25ᶿ, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1{divn} [2] $25ᶿ = $150
mwk{mwk trans} cold iron(cFe) gladius lgt mrtl $30, mwk{mwk trans, only 1 in PFS} cFe cestus lgt smpl (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P Hrd:10 HP:2 1lb $10, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, Bolts: cFe & WpnBlch silver(Ag) [10] $2+2.5ᶿ, obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr)(8 slots) $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle {carries most stuff}, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Chaldira) $25. =$2798 (27% WBL)
Aegis of recovery [neck] BO:$750ᶿ, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $4000, spellbook $725 =$6475 (62% WBL)
CASH = $2 gp (=$10500-1075-150-2798-6475).
T1: Mag Knack(Mag) Clr.
T2: Deft Dodger(Cmbt) +1 Rflx.
1stLvlHumanBonusF: Point-blank Shot.
1stLvlF: Precise Shot.
1stLvl: Clr1: BAB +0 Svs 2,0,2 Spl: 0:3, 1:1(1)+1, DC+2(Wis) Chnl(+) spon "cure".
2ndLvl: Wiz1 BondObj(amulet) Divn(!E,!N). Spellbook 0:all, 1:7. Schl Spl(ᔥ).
2ndLvl: Scribe Scroll {in PFS this would be Spell Focus(K)}.
3rdLvlF: Wiz1F: Spl Fcs(evoKation) {in PFS this would be Heighten Spell MetaMag or Weapon Finesse for shtswrd}.
4thLvlAbil: Wis +1, so 13→ 14 to eliminate odd score.
5thLvlF: Var Tattoo(K) +1CL.
5thLvl: Wiz4 BAB +2 Svs 1,1,4 Spl: 0:4, 1:3(2)+1, 2:2(1)+1, DC+5, BondObj(Amulet), Diviner, opp Ench, Necro. Spellbook 0th:all but Opps’d, 1st:9+8=17, 2nd:4+8=12, 3rd:0+2=2. 50% found = cost $725. Human +1 HP & +1 SklRnk each Lvl.
by Azothath
- - - Advancing to 11th Level - - -
Thalevoh@11 male human Clr-VPlgrm(Chaldira NG Dom: Luck, Trickery; Wpn: sht sword) 1 Wiz-Divnr 10
NN med sz humnoid human
Init: +8, Prcptn: +15
AC: 21(14), tch 17(14), fftd 18(12) (+4[frc](+2) armr, +4(+0) shld, +3 Dex){generally mag armr, abltv barr, shld, often hgtn aware, blur, haramaki covers off-duty hours}
HP: 57 (11d6 +10) {PFS=6 +10*(4) +11*(+1{FCB})}.
Saves: Fort +8, Rflx +10 , Will +14, (+2 but +3 cloak) secondary saves
DEF: regenerate 1/hr, Imm:bleed. {you don't want to die and it's handy for shadow proj, mag jar}
Mov Spd:30
Mle: +1 mwk ElyBrnz gladius +6 (1d6+1 c19+ *2)S|P, +0(1) then +1(+1) vs mon hmnd & mag bst, pfrm. {weapons are for threatening and when you're in trouble}
Mle: mwk cFe gladius +6 (1d6 c19+ *2)S|P, pfrm. {target with grt mag wpn (+2)}.
Mle: mwk cFe cestus +6 (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +5|thrwn +8 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P, Rng:10ft, {fragile} glassy.
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crossbow +10≤30ft else +9 (1d10+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: cFe & Ag [10], {UnD/Incorp} dur blunt CryptSton +0(+1) UnD [6], {Cnstr} dur Ad [4]. (F:Point-Blnk, Precise)
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crsbw & GravBow +10≤30ft else +9 (2d8+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P.
Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Arcn Spells Prpd (CL 10; Conc(Int) +18, K:CL11 DC+2, Def Cast: roll two Conc chk take better 3/d)
5th(3+1ᔥ/d){BO:1}: acd spry:C5, icy prison:K5, prstnt lgtnbolt:K3(5), telepthc bond:D5ᔥ.
4th(4+1ᔥ/d): prstnt intsfy ear-prc scream:K1(4), prstnt grttrdust:C2(4), enervation:N4, drgn brth:K4, scry:D4ᔥ.
3rd(4+1+1ᔥ/d): abltv barr:C3, arcn sgt:D3ᔥ, intsfy reach shk grsp:K3, haste:T3, fireball:K3, lgtnbolt:K3.
2nd(6+1ᔥ [+2]/d): create pit:C2, glttrdust:C2, invis:I2, mirr img:I2(d4+3), rst enrg:A2, scorch ray:K2, see invis:D2ᔥ.
1st(6+1ᔥ [+4]/d): cult adapt:D1ᔥ, ear-prc scrm:K1, infrnl heal:C1, mag armr:C1, mag mssl:K1, shield:A1, snoball:K1.
0th(4@will): det mag:D0, mend:T0, mssg:T0, ray frost:K0.
SchPwr: Forewrnd(Su):act in Supr, +5 Init; DivnFort(Sp):std actn tch +5 insgt atk, skl, abil, sv 1r [9]/d; ScryAdpt@8:cont det scry, scry tgt 1 step famil. Activate all Wiz items. Sch Spl(ᔥ), Pearl of Power[+{#}], I just added +1 to 3rd for the BO
Divn Spells Prpd (CL 3; Conc(Wis) +4, K:CL4 DC+1)
1st(2+1ᴰ/d): divn fvr:K1, shld fth:A1, true strk:D1ᴰ, {CLW:C1}. notable:dthwtch:N1, knw enmy:D1, prot E:A1.
0th(3@will): crt wtr:C0, pur fd&drk:T0, stblz:C0.
DomPwr: CarvnBond(Su):up to 3 prep'd tgt within 30ft may gain Dom pwr. BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Copycat(Sp):mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Chnl(Su,+): 30ft rad 1d6 heal liv/dmg UnD DC12 [4]/d, spon cast any "cure" for Splᵎᴰ. Activate all Clr items. Domn Spl(ᴰ)
Abil: [10,16(14),10,23(19),14,12], 5th plus 8th:+1 Int, headband Int +4, belt Dex +2, mods[0,+3,0,+6,+2,+1].
BAB: +5, CMB:+5 CMD: 18.
Prfc: smpl wpns, lgt armr, sht swd.
Domn: Luck: BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Spls: true strk:D1, aid:2, prot Enrg:3, free mov:4, brk E:5, mislead:6, spl turn:7, momt presc:8, miracle:9. Trick: Bluffᶜ Disgsᶜ Stlthᶜ, Copycat(Sp): mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Spls: dsgs self:I1, invis:I2, nondet:3, confsn:4, fls visn:5, mislead:6, screen:7, ms invis:8, time stop:9.
Skills(rnk 77{skilled}): Acro +11(3){+5}, Apprᶜ +11(2), Bluffᶜ +9(5), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +16(7)), Diploᶜ +9(5), Dsgsᶜ, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +11(5), Healᶜ +6(1), Intmd, Knowᶜ(arcn +16(7), dngn +10(1), engr +10(1), geog +10(1), hist +10(1), locl +20(HB), natr +10(1), nobl +10(1), plns +20(1&HB), rlgn +16(7)), Lingᶜ +11(2), Prcp +15(8){+5}, Pfrm, Profᶜ(herbalist +6(1)), Ride +6(3), Sns Mtvᶜ +9(4), SoH, Splcrftᶜ +18(9), Stlthᶜ +7(1), Survl. Cls skl(ᶜ), Skl Fcs(ˢ)
Lang: common(taldan), varisian(regional), celestial, infernal, draconic, elven, thassalonian{ling}, napsu-sign language{HB}, sakvroth(undercommon){ling}, anc osiriani{HB}.
Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[30] $450, Obs Mist:C1@1[30] $450.
HndyHvrsck: (Lft) Wand{much easier in PFS via Prestige}: Hgtn Aware:D1@1[30] $450, Ill of Calm:I1@1[30] $450, Infrnl Heal:C1@1[30] $450, Gravity Bow:T1@1[30] $450, Long Arm:T1@1[30] $450, Vanish:I1@1[30] $450; Scr: Comp Lang:D1@1 [2] $25ᶿ, Prot Evil:A1@1 [2] $25ᶿ, Rmv Sickness:C1@1{divn} [2] $25ᶿ, Sure Casting:D1@1 [2] $25ᶿ, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1{divn} [2] $25ᶿ, Lsr Restor:C2@3{divn} $150, B Endur:T2@3 [2] $150ᶿ, Blood Sentnl:T3@5 (grt horned owl) [2] $376ᶿ, Mag Cir vs Evil:A3@5 [2] $375ᶿ, Rmv Blind/Deaf:C3@5{divn} $375, Rmv Curse:A3@5{divn} $375; (Rgt) Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, acid [2] $20ᶿ, alch fire [4] $80ᶿ, antiplague $25ᶿ, antitoxin $25ᶿ, twitch tonic $22.5ᶿ, smelling salts $12.5ᶿ; (Ctr) misc. Total Gear = $5761 (7% WBL)
+1 mwk haramaki (AC:+2, Dex:-, AChk:0, SplFail:0%) Hrd:12, HP:15, 1lb $1153, +1 mwk ElyBrz gladius lgt mrtl +0(1) then +1(+1) vs mon hmnd & mag bst $3315, mwk{mwk trans} cold iron(cFe) gladius lgt mrtl $30, mwk{mwk trans, only 1 in PFS} cFe cestus lgt smpl (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P Hrd:10 HP:2 1lb $10, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, cFe & WpnBlch silver(Ag) bolts [10] $2+2.5ᶿ, mwk durable cryptstone(+0(1) vs UnD, +$10 per) blunt bolts [6] $78.6, mwk durable adamantine(Ad) bolts [4] $244.4, obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr)(8 slots) $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle {carries most stuff}, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Chaldira) $25. Equip =$7589 (9% WBL 82000)
Amulet spell cunning + Aegis of recovery [neck] BO:$5937.5ᶿ, Cloak of resistance +3 [shldr] $9000, Headband of Int +4 [hdbnd] $16000, Belt Dex +2[belt] $4000, Spellguard Bracers[wrist] $5000, Boots of Elvenkind [feet] {avoid AoO from Mov} $2500, Eyes ot Eagle [eyes] $2500, Handy Haversack [none] $2000, Crk'd Pearly White Ioun Stone [none] $3400, Pearl of Power(1st:4, 2nd:2) $12000, Holy symbol tattoo (Chaldira){right thigh} $100, spellbooks +$6210, Magic items = $68647.5 (84% WBL)
CASH = $2.5gp (=82000-5761-7589-68647.5)
T1: Mag Knack(Mag) Clr.
T2: Deft Dodger(Cmbt) +1 Rflx.
1stLvlHumanBonusF: Point-blank Shot.
1stLvlF: Precise Shot.
1stLvl: Clr1: BAB +0 Svs 2,0,2 Spl: 0:3, 1:1(1)+1, DC+2(Wis) Chnl(+) spon "cure".
2ndLvl: Wiz1 BondObj(Amulet), Diviner, opp Ench, Necro. Spellbook 0th:all but Opps’d, 1st:7.
2ndLvl: Scribe Scroll {in PFS this would be Spell Focus(K)}.
3rdLvlF: Wiz1F: Spl Fcs(evoKation) {in PFS this would be Heighten Spell MetaMag or Weapon Finesse(shtswrd}}.
4thLvlAbil: Wis +1, so 13→ 14 to eliminate odd score.
5thLvlF: Var Tattoo(K) +1CL.
5thLvl: Wiz4, Spellbook 0th:all but Opps’d, 1st:9+8=17, 2nd:4+8=12, 3rd:0+2=2. 50% found = cost $725.
6thLvl: Wiz5F: MMag Reach Spl (+1 to +3).
7thLvl: Grt Spl Fcs(K) +2DC.
8thLvlAbil: Int +1.
9thLvlF: MMag Intensfy (+1).
10thLvl: --
11thLvlF: Persnt Spl MMag(+2).
11thLvl: W10F: Opp Rsrch (N).
C11: Wiz10 BAB +5 Svs 3,3,7 Spl:4,4(+2)+1,4(+2)+1,3(+1)+1,3(+1)+1,2(+1)+1 DC+6. Spellbook 0th:all, 1st:17+5=22, 2nd:12+4=16, 3rd:6+10=16, 4th:4+8=12 5th:4+8=12. 50% found = cost $6210 (=725+5485).
TBD: Brilliant Spl Prep feat (Wiz - leave 1 SplLvlMax-2 open slot and prepare spl as std actn), Dazing Spl(+3), Int to 20.
by Azothath

Azothath |
PFS legal build, at 5th I'll assume 18 out of 24 Prestige.
Thalevoh@5"PFS" male human Clr-VPlgrm(Chaldira NG Dom: Luck, Trickery; Wpn: sht sword) 1 Wiz-Divnr 4
NN med sz humnoid human
Init: +4, Prcptn: +5
AC: 20(13), tch 16(13), fftd 18(10) (+4[frc] armr, +4(+0) shld, +2 Dex)
HP: 27 (5d6 +5) {PFS=6 +4*(4) +5*(+1{FCB})}.
Saves: Fort +4, Rflx +5 , Will +9, +1(+2 but +1 cloak) secondary saves
DEF: -
Mov Spd:30
Mle: mwk cFe gladius +5 (1d6 c19+ *2)S|P, pfrm.
Mle: mwk cFe cestus +5 (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +4|thrwn +4 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P, Rng:10ft, {fragile} glassy.
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crossbow +6≤30ft else +5 (1d10+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: cFe & Ag[10].
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crsbw & GravBow +6≤30ft else +5 (2d8+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P. (F:Point-Blnk, Precise)
Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Arcane Spells Prpd (CL 4; Conc(Int) +9, K:CL5 DC+1)
2nd(3+1ᔥ/d): glttrdust:C2, scorch ray:K2, mirr img:I2(d4+1|d4+3), see invis:D2ᔥ.
1st(5+1ᔥ/d): cult adapt:D1ᔥ, ear-prc scrm:K1, mag armr:C1, mag mssl:K1, shield:A1, snoball:K1.
0th(4@will): det mag:D0, mend:T0, mssg:T0, ray frost:K0.
SchPwr: Forewrnd(Su):act in Supr rnd, +2 Init; DivnFort(Sp):std actn tch +2 insgt atk, skl, abil, sv 1r [8]/d. Activate all Wiz items. Sch Spl(ᔥ)
Divine Spells Prpd (CL 3; Conc(Wis) +5, K:CL4 DC+1)
1st(2+1ᴰ/d): divn fvr:K1, shld fth:A1, true strk:D1ᴰ, {CLW:C1}. notable:dthwtch:N1, knw enmy:D1, prot E:A1.
0th(3@will): crt wtr:C0, pur fd&drk:T0, stblz:C0.
DomPwr: CarvnBond(Su): up to 3 prep'd tgt within 30ft may gain Dom pwr. BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Copycat(Sp):mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Chnl(Su,+): 30ft rad 1d6 heal liv/dmg UnD DC12 [4]/d, spon cast any "cure" for Splᵎᴰ. Activate all Clr items. Domn Spl(ᴰ)
Abil: [10,14,10,20(18),14,12], 20pt & applied: +2 Int, 4th:+1 Wis, headband Int +2. mods [0,+2,0,+5,+2,+1].
BAB: +2, CMB:+2, CMD:14.
Prfc: smpl wpns, lgt armr, sht swd.
Domn: Luck: BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Domn Spls(ᴰ): true strk:D1, aid:2, prot Enrg:3, free mov:4, brk E:5, mislead:6, spl turn:7, momt presc:8, miracle:9. Trick: Bluffᶜ Disgsᶜ Stlthᶜ, Copycat(Sp): mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Domn Spls(ᴰ): dsgs self:I1, invis:I2, nondet:3, confsn:4, fls visn:5, mislead:6, screen:7, ms invis:8, time stop:9. With VPlgrm loan to three tgts.
Skills(rnk 35{Skilled}): Acro +5(3), Apprᶜ +9(1), Bluffᶜ +5(1), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +11(3)), Diploᶜ +5(1), Dsgsᶜ, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +6(1), Healᶜ +6(1), Intmd, Knowᶜ(arcn +9(1), dngn +9(1), engr +9(1), geog +9(1), hist +9(1), locl +13(HB), natr +9(1), nobl +9(1), plns +9(1), rlgn +9(1)), Lingᶜ +9(1), Prcp +5(3), Pfrm, Profᶜ(herbalist +6(1)), Ride +5(3), Sns Mtvᶜ +6(1), SoH, Splcrftᶜ +13(5), Stlthᶜ +6(1), Survl. Cls skl(ᶜ), Skl Fcs(ˢ)
Lang: common(taldan), varisian(regional), celestial, infernal, draconic, elven, thassalonian{ling}, napsu-sign language{HB}.
Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[50] 2PA, Obs Mist:C1@1[50] 2PA, and Bndlr: Wand: Vanish:I1@1 [50] 2PA, Infernl Heal:C1@1 [50] 2PA, Gravity Bow:T1@1 2PA, Prot Evil:A1@1 2PA, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1 [50] 2PA; Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, alch fire [2] $80;
Backpack: Pot: air bubble:C1@1(pot sponge) $52, antiplague $50, antitoxin $50, twitch tonic $45, smelling salts $25; Scrolls: Comp Lang:D1@1 [2] $50, Rmv Sickness:C1@1{divn} [2] $50, Sure Casting:D1@1 [2] $50, Lsr Restor:C2@3 [5] 2PA. = $502 & 16PA yes, 7 wands and a scroll
mwk cold iron(cFe) gladius lgt mrtl $330, mwk{mwk trans} cFe cestus lgt smpl (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P Hrd:10 HP:2 1lb $10, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, Bolts: cFe & WpnBlch silver(Ag) [10] $2+5, obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr)(8 slots) $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle {carries most stuff}, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Chaldira) $25. =$3100.5
Aegis of recovery [neck] BO:$750ᶿ, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $4000, spellbook $775 =$6525
CASH = $372.5 gp & 2//18PA (=$10500-502-16PA-3100.5-6525).
T1: Mag Knack(Mag) Clr.
T2: Deft Dodger(Cmbt) +1 Rflx.
1stLvlHumanBonusF: Point-blank Shot.
1stLvlF: Precise Shot.
1stLvl: Clr1: BAB +0 Svs 2,0,2 Spl: 0:3, 1:1(1)+1, DC+2(Wis) Chnl(+) spon "cure".
2ndLvl: Wiz1 BondObj(amulet) Divn(!E,!N). Spellbook 0:all, 1:7. Schl Spl(ᔥ).
2ndLvl: Spell Focus(K).
3rdLvlF: Wiz1F: Weapon Finesse.
4thLvlAbil: Wis +1, so 13→ 14 to eliminate odd score.
5thLvlF: Var Tattoo(K) +1CL.
5thLvl: Wiz4 BAB +2 Svs 1,1,4 Spl: 0:4, 1:3(2)+1, 2:2(1)+1, DC+5, BondObj(Amulet), Diviner, opp Ench, Necro. Spellbook 0th:all but Opps’d, 1st:9+8=17, 2nd:4+8=12, 3rd:0+2=2. 20% found/traded = cost $775. Human +1 HP & +1 SklRnk each Lvl.
by Azothath

Azothath |
PFS legal build, at 11th I'll assume 45 out of 60 Prestige.
Thalevoh@11"PFS" male human Clr-VPlgrm(Chaldira NG Dom: Luck, Trickery; Wpn: sht sword) 1 Wiz-Divnr 10
NN med sz humnoid human
Init: +8, Prcptn: +15
AC: 21(14), tch 17(14), fftd 18(12) (+4[frc](+2) armr, +4(+0) shld, +3 Dex) [generally mag armr, abltv barr, shld, hgtn aware, blur, often exp retreat, mir img, blink, haste; haramaki covers off-duty hours}
HP: 57 (11d6 +10) {PFS=6 +10*(4) +11*(+1{FCB})}.
Saves: Fort +8, Rflx +10 , Will +14, (+2 but +3 cloak) secondary saves, +2 luck [3]/d
DEF: regenerate 1/hr, Imm:bleed. {you don't want to die and it's handy for shadow proj, mag jar}
Mov Spd:30
Mle: +1 mwk ElyBrnz gladius +9 (1d6+1 c19+ *2)S|P, +0(1) then +1(+1) vs mon hmnd & mag bst, pfrm. {weapons are for threatening and when you're in trouble}
Mle: mwk cFe gladius +9(GMW +10) (1d6 c19+ *2)S|P, pfrm. {target with grt mag wpn (+2)}.
Mle: mwk cFe cestus +9 (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +8|thrwn +8 (1d4 c19+ *2)S|P, Rng:10ft, {fragile} glassy.
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crossbow +10≤30ft else +9 (1d10+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: cFe & Ag [10], {UnD/Incorp} dur blunt CryptSton +0(+1) UnD [6], {Cnstr} dur Ad [4]. (F:Point-Blnk, Precise)
Rng: +1 mwk hvy crsbw & GravBow +10≤30ft else +9 (2d8+2≤30ft else +1, c19+ *3)P.
Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Arcane Spells Prpd (CL 10; Conc(Int) +18, K:CL11 DC+2, Def Cast: roll two Conc chk take better 3/d)
5th(3+1ᔥ/d){BO:1}: acd spry:C5, icy prison:K5, prstnt lgtnbolt:K3(5), telepthc bond:D5ᔥ.
4th(4+1ᔥ/d): prstnt intsfy ear-prc scream:K1(4), prstnt grttrdust:C2(4), enervation:N4, drgn brth:K4, scry:D4ᔥ.
3rd(4+1+1ᔥ/d): abltv barr:C3, arcn sgt:D3ᔥ, intsfy reach shk grsp:K3, haste:T3, fireball:K3, lgtnbolt:K3.
2nd(6+1ᔥ [+2]/d): create pit:C2, glttrdust:C2, invis:I2, mirr img:I2(d4+3), rst enrg:A2, scorch ray:K2, see invis:D2ᔥ.
1st(6+1ᔥ [+4]/d): cult adapt:D1ᔥ, ear-prc scrm:K1, infrnl heal:C1, mag armr:C1, mag mssl:K1, shield:A1, snoball:K1.
0th(4@will): det mag:D0, mend:T0, mssg:T0, ray frost:K0.
SchPwr: Forewrnd(Su):act in Supr, +5 Init; DivnFort(Sp):std actn tch +5 insgt atk, skl, abil, sv 1r [9]/d; ScryAdpt@8:cont det scry, scry tgt 1 step famil. Activate all Wiz items. Sch Spl(ᔥ), Pearl of Power[+{#}], I just added +1 to 3rd for the BO
Divine Spells Prpd (CL 3; Conc(Wis) +5, K:CL4 DC+1)
1st(2+1ᴰ/d): divn fvr:K1, shld fth:A1, true strk:D1ᴰ, {CLW:C1}. notable: dthwtch:N1, knw enmy:D1, prot E:A1.
0th(3@will): crt wtr:C0, pur fd&drk:T0, stblz:C0.
DomPwr: CarvnBond(Su): up to 3 prep'd tgt within 30ft may gain Dom pwr. BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Copycat(Sp):mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Chnl(Su,+): 30ft rad 1d6 heal liv/dmg UnD DC12 [4]/d, spon cast any "cure" for Splᵎᴰ. Activate all Clr items. Domn Spl(ᴰ)
Abil: [10,16(14),10,23(19),14,12], 5th plus 8th:+1 Int, headband Int +4, belt Dex +2, mods[0,+3,0,+6,+2,+1].
BAB: +5, CMB:+5, CMD:18.
Prfc: smpl wpns, lgt armr, sht swd.
Domn: Luck: BitLuck(Sp):std actn tch tgt(willng) roll twice any d20roll their rnd [5]/d. Domn Spls(ᴰ): true strk:D1, aid:2, prot Enrg:3, free mov:4, brk E:5, mislead:6, spl turn:7, momt presc:8, miracle:9. Trick: Bluffᶜ Disgsᶜ Stlthᶜ, Copycat(Sp): mov actn up to 1 mirr img {!stack} up to 3 rnd [5]/d. Domn Spls(ᴰ): dsgs self:I1, invis:I2, nondet:3, confsn:4, fls visn:5, mislead:6, screen:7, ms invis:8, time stop:9. With VPlgrm loan to three tgts.
Skills(rnk 77{Skilled}): Acro +11(3){+5}, Apprᶜ +11(2), Bluffᶜ +9(5), Crftᶜ(Alchemy +16(7)), Diploᶜ +9(5), Dsgsᶜ, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +11(5), Healᶜ +6(1), Intmd, Knowᶜ(arcn +16(7), dngn +10(1), engr +10(1), geog +10(1), hist +10(1), locl +20(HB), natr +10(1), nobl +10(1), plns +20(1&HB), rlgn +16(7)), Lingᶜ +11(2), Prcp +15(8){+5}, Pfrm, Profᶜ(herbalist +6(1)), Ride +6(3), Sns Mtvᶜ +9(4), SoH, Splcrftᶜ +18(9), Stlthᶜ +7(1), Survl. +2 luck [3]/d. Cls skl(ᶜ), Skl Fcs(ˢ)
Lang: common(taldan), varisian(regional), celestial, infernal, draconic, elven, thassalonian{ling}, napsu-sign language{HB}, sakvroth(undercommon){ling}, anc osiriani{HB}.
Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[50] 2PA, Obs Mist:C1@1[50] 2PA;
Haversack:(Lft) Wand: Vanish:I1@1 [50] 2PA, Infernl Heal:C1@1 [50] 2PA, Gravity Bow:T1@1 2PA, Prot Evil:A1@1 2PA, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1 [50] 2PA, Long Arm:T1@1 [50] 2PA, Shield:A1@1 [50] 2PA; Scroll: Comp Lang:D1@1 [2] $50, Rmv Sickness:C1@1 [2] $50, Sure Casting:D1@1 [2] $50, AZ Focus:D2@3 [5] 2PA, B Endur:T2@3 [5] 2PA, Lsr Restor:C2@3 [5] 2PA, Blood Sentnl:T3@5 (cat or raven) [2] 2PA, Mag Cir vs Evil:A3@5 [2] 2PA, Rmv Blind/Deaf:C3@5 [2] 2PA, Rmv Curse:A3@5 [2] 2PA; (Rgt) Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50; air bubble:C1@1(pot sponge) $52, Alch: alch fire [4] $80, antiplague $50, antitoxin $50, twitch tonic $45, smelling salts $25. = $502 & 32PA
+1 mwk haramaki (AC:+2, Dex:-, AChk:0, SplFail:0%) Hrd:12, HP:15, 1lb $1153, +1 mwk ElyBrz gladius lgt mrtl +0(1) then +1(+1) vs mon hmnd & mag bst $3315, mwk cold iron(cFe) gladius lgt mrtl $330, mwk{mwk trans} cFe cestus lgt smpl (1d4 c19+ *2)B|P Hrd:10 HP:2 1lb $10, +1 mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:7 HP:15, 8lb $2350, Bolts: cFe & WpnBlch silver(Ag) bolts [10] $2+5, mwk durable cryptstone(+0(1) vs UnD, +$10 per) blunt bolts [6] $78.6, mwk durable adamantine(Ad) bolts [4] $244(yep, PFS saved you 0.4gp), obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr)(8 slots) $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle {carries most stuff}, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Chaldira) $25. =$7588.6
Amulet spell cunning BO:$5000ᶿ {faced with three choices; 1) upgrade amulet to spell cunning (5000-750), or 2) pay off amulet +750 to real item & put on horse & pay +$1400 ritual fee +$5000 spell cunning, 3) argue a lot. While adding the two together is perfectly legal (even in PFS) there is blowback as it is not explicitly RAW and thus not purchaseable, so rather than argue about it just skip it as you got a lot of cheap wands and take the one item at 50% cost. I'm going cheap with #1 but if you do #2, do #1 then just buy an Aegis to avoid the ritual cost}, Cloak of resistance +3 [shldr] $9000, Headband of Int +4 [hdbnd] $16000, Belt Dex +2[belt] $4000, Spellguard Bracers[wrist] $5000, Boots of Elvenkind [feet] {avoid AoO from Mov} $2500, Eyes ot Eagle [eyes] $2500, Handy Haversack [none] $2000, Crk'd Pearly White Ioun Stone [none] $3400, Pearl of Power(1st:4, 2nd:2) $12000, Holy symbol tattoo (Chaldira){right thigh} $100, bridle of 3 tricks $900 {for your horse}, Four-leaf Clover [none] $3750, spellbooks +$6875, Magic items = $71025
CASH = 2884.4gp & 13//45PA (=$82000-502-32PA-7588.6-71025). A couple of foci and spell components will take up 2800gp. You can get a place of business & senchal for 7PA.
T1: Mag Knack(Mag) Clr.
T2: Deft Dodger(Cmbt) +1 Rflx.
1stLvlHumanBonusF: Point-blank Shot.
1stLvlF: Precise Shot.
1stLvl: Clr1: BAB +0 Svs 2,0,2 Spl: 0:3, 1:1(1)+1, DC+2(Wis) Chnl(+) spon "cure".
2ndLvl: Wiz1 BondObj(amulet) Divn(!E,!N). Spellbook 0:all, 1:7. Schl Spl(ᔥ).
2ndLvl: Spell Focus(K).
3rdLvlF: Wiz1F: Weapon Finesse.
4thLvlAbil: Wis +1, so 13→ 14 to eliminate odd score.
5thLvlF: Var Tattoo(K) +1CL.
5thLvl: Wiz4, Spellbook 0th:all but Opps’d, 1st:9+8=17, 2nd:4+8=12, 3rd:0+2=2. 50% found = cost $725.
6thLvl: Wiz5F: MMag Reach Spl (+1 to +3).
7thLvl: Grt Spl Fcs(K) +2DC.
8thLvlAbil: Int +1.
9thLvlF: MMag Intensfy (+1).
10thLvl: --
11thLvlF: Persnt Spl MMag(+2).
11thLvl: W10F: Opp Rsrch (N).
C11: Wiz10 BAB +5 Svs 3,3,7 Spl:4,4(+2)+1,4(+2)+1,3(+1)+1,3(+1)+1,2(+1)+1 DC+6. Spellbook 0th:all, 1st:17+5=22, 2nd:12+4=16, 3rd:6+10=16, 4th:4+8=12 5th:4+8=12. 20% found = cost $6875 (=775+30{2 books}+6060).
TBD: Brilliant Spl Prep feat (Wiz - leave 1 SplLvlMax-2 open slot and prepare spl as std actn), Dazing Spl(+3), Int to 20.
by Azothath

Azothath |
Wizard multiclass with Cleric-Varisian Pilgrim 1 assume 18/24 Prestige
Rouillé Hasarderth@5”PFS” male aasimar Clr-VPlgrm 1 Wiz-Divnr 4
Home: Chesed Numeria Politic: n/a Worship: Feronia NN (destruction, fire, liberation, protection; bastard sword)
NN med sz aasimar-emberkin humnoid humn/ntv outsidr (m) age:24 ht:5’10” wt:170lb.
Init: +4 (act in Supr rnd), Sense: drkvis 60ft; Prcptn: +3
AC: 20(12), tch 16(12), fftd 18(10) (+4[frc] armr, +4(+0) shld, +2 Dex) {mag armr, shield}
HP: 27 (5d6 +5) {PFS=6 +4*(4) +5*(+1{FCB})}. Con 12 for dying.
Saves: Fort +4, Rflx +5 , Will +8, +1(+2 but +1 cloak) secondary saves
DEF: ER [acd, cld,elec]/5
Mov Spd:30
Mle: mwk ElyBrnz bastard sword 2hnd +4 (1d10+3 c19+ *2)S vs Mon Hmnd & Mag Bst +0(+1) then +1(+1)
Mle: mwk ElyBrnz bastard sword 1hnd +4 (1d10+2 c19+ *2)S
Mle: mwk cFe bastard sword 1hnd +4 (1d10+2 c19+ *2)S
Mle: mwk bastard swords TWF +0, +0 (1d10+2 c19+ *2)S with Shield spell no loss in AC
Mle: mwk cFe cestus +4 (1d4+2 c19+ *2)B|P.
Mle: obsdn dagger +4|thrwn +4 (1d4+2 c19+ *2)S|P, Rng:10ft, {fragile} glassy [2].
Rng: mwk hvy crossbow +5 (1d10, c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft bolt: cFe [10], cFe&Ag [10].
Rng: mwk hvy crsbw & GravBow +5 (2d8, c19+ *3)P.
Tattoo SLA danc lgts:K0@Lvl 3/d.
Arcane Spells Prpd (CL 4; Conc(Int) +9, K:CL5 DC+1)
2nd(3+1ᔥ/d): flrry snoball:K2, glttrdust:C2, mirr img:I2(d4+1|d4+3), see invis:D2ᔥ.
1st(5+1ᔥ/d): cult adapt:D1ᔥ, ear-prc scrm:K1, mag armr:C1, mag mssl:K1, shield:A1, snoball:K1.
0th(4@will): det mag:D0, mend:T0, mssg:T0, ray frost:K0.
SchPwr: Forewrnd(Su):act in Supr rnd, +2 Init; DivnFort(Sp):std actn tch +2 insgt atk, skl, abil, sv 1r [8]/d. Activate all Wiz items. Sch Spl(ᔥ), Pearl of Power [+{#}]
Divine Spells Prpd (CL 3; Conc(Wis) +4, K:CL4 DC+1)
1st(2+1ᴰ/d): divn fvr:K1, shld fth:A1, true strk:D1ᴰ, {CLW:C1}. notable:dthwtch:N1, knw enmy:D1, prot E:A1.
0th(3@will): crt wtr:C0, pur fd&drk:T0, stblz:C0.
DomPwr: CarvnBond(Su): up to 2 prep'd tgt within 30ft may gain Dom pwr. Librtn(Su): Freedm Mov 3 rnd/d. CloudSmk(Su) std actn 5ft rad within 30ft crtrs in cloud gain 20% concl vs crtrs more than 5ft away, take -2 atk, -2 Prcptn and for 1 rnd after exiting cloud, uses 4/d. Spon cast any "cure" for non-domn Spl. Activate all Clr items. Domn Spl(ᴰ)
Abil: [14,14,10,20(18),12,12] = 20pt[13,14,10,16,12,10] + racial[0,0,0,+2,0,+2], 4th:+1 Str, headband Int +2. mods [+2,+2,0,+5,+1,+1].
BAB: +2, CMB:+4, CMD:16.
Prfc: smpl wpns, lgt armr, bastard sword.
Domn: Librtn: Librtn(Su) free Mov [Clr Lvl]r/d; Fire-Smoke: CloudSmoke(Su): std actn 5ft rad within 30ft crtrs in cloud gain 20% concl vs crtrs more than 5ft away, take -2 atk, -2 Prcptn and for 1 rnd after exiting cloud, uses [3+WIS]/d.
Domn Spls: 1:Rmv Fear, 2:Rmv Parlyz, 3:Rmv Curse, 4:Free Mov, 5:Brk Enchnt, 6:Grtr Disp Mag, 7:Refug, 8:Mnd Blnk, 9:Freedm. 1:Brn Hnd, 2:Pyrotech, 3:Stnk Cld, 4:W Fire, 5:Fire Shld, 6:Fire Seed, 7:Elem Body 4(Fire ), 8:Incnd Cld, 9:Elem Swarm(Fire).
Skills(rnk 30): Acro +5(3), Apprᶜ +9(1), Bluff, Crftᶜ(Alchemy +9(1)), Diploᶜ +5(1), Dsgs, Esc Art, Flyᶜ +6(1), Healᶜ +5(1), Intmd, Knowᶜ(arcn +9(1), dngn +(1), engr +(1), geog +9(1), hist +9(1), locl +13(HB), natr +9(1), nobl +9(1), plns +11(1){+2}, rlgn +9(1)), Lingᶜ +9(1), Prcp +3(2), Pfrm, Profᶜ(herbalist +(1)), Ride +5(3), Sns Mtvᶜ +5(1), SoH, Splcrftᶜ +14(4){+2}, Stlth +3(1), Survl. ᶜCls skl, ˢSkl Fcs
Lang: common(taldan), hallit(regional), draconic, infernal, abyssal, dwarven, sakvroth(undercommon){ling}, napsu-sign language{HB}.
Cmbt Gear:
SLWS: Wand: Cure Lgt Wnd:C1@1[50] 2PA, Obs Mist:C1@1[50] 2PA, and Bndlr: Wand: Vanish:I1@1 [50] 2PA, Infernl Heal:C1@1 [50] 2PA, Gravity Bow:T1@1 2PA, Prot Evil:A1@1 2PA, Tap Innr Beauty:D1@1 [50] 2PA; Pot: Cure Lgt Wnd 1@1 $50, alch fire [2] $80;
Backpack: Pot: air bubble:C1@1(pot sponge) $52, antiplague $50, antitoxin $50, twitch tonic $45, smelling salts $25; Scrolls: Comp Lang:D1@1 [2] $50, Rmv Sickness:C1@1{divn} [2] $50, Sure Casting:D1@1 [2] $50, Lsr Restor:C2@3 [5] 2PA. = $502 & 16PA yes, 7 wands and a scroll
mwk ElyBrnz bastard sword 1hnd/2hnd extc/mrtl (1d10 c19+ *2)S Hrd:10 HP:10 6lb $1315, mwk{mwk trans} cFe bastard sword 1hnd/2hnd extc/mrtl $30, mwk hvy crossbow +1(1d10+1 c19+ *3)P Rng:120ft Hrd:5 HP:5, 8lb $350, Bolts: cFe [10] & WpnBlch silver(Ag) [10] $4+5, obsdn dagger (1d4 c19+ *2)P|S Rng:10ft {fragile} Hrd:5 HP:2, 0.75lb [2] $2, bandolier(Bndlr)(8 slots) $0.5, spring-loaded wrist sheath(SLWS) [2] $10, investigator's kit 37lb $40, heavy warhorse & mil saddle {carries most stuff}, bridle, saddlebags $326, silver holy symbol(Feronia) $25. =$2107.5
Aegis of recovery [neck] BO:$750ᶿ, Cloak of resistance +1 [shldr] $1000, Headband of Int +2 [hdbnd] $4000, Tour Nrml Sph Ioun Stone [none] $1000 +2 efctv Con for dying, spellbook $775 =$7525
CASH = $365.5 gp & 2//18PA (=$10500-502-16PA-2107.5-7525).
Race: aasimar(req boon) emberkin outsider(native), +2 Int, +2 Cha, Knw(Planes +2), Spellcraft +2.
AltRacial: Scion of Humanity: count as human and outsider for race effects, look human. Replaces native subtype and celestial lang.
T1: Mag Knack(Mag) Clr.
T2: Deft Dodger(Cmbt) +1 Rflx.
1stLvlF: Weapon Prfc Extc (Bastard Sword). So, is exotic or martial proficiency implied by the deity’s wpn? For 1hnd you need the exotic so I’m assuming the worst case.
1stLvl: Clr1: BAB +0 Svs 2,0,2 Spl: 0:3, 1:1(1)+1, DC+2(Wis) Chnl(+) spon "cure".
2ndLvl: Wiz1 BondObj(amulet) Divn(!E,!N). Spellbook 0:all, 1:7.
2ndLvl: Spell Focus(K).
3rdLvlF: what the heck – Two-Weapon Fighting. This is the last martial feat, Weapon Focus is probably better.
4thLvlAbil: Str +1, so 13→ 14 to eliminate odd score.
5thLvlF: Var Tattoo(K) +1CL.
5thLvl: Wiz4 BAB +2 Svs 1,1,4 Spl: 0:4, 1:3(2)+1, 2:2(1)+1, DC+5, BondObj(Amulet), Diviner, opp Ench, Necro. Spellbook 0th:all but Opps’d, 1st:9+8=17, 2nd:4+8=12, 3rd:0+2=2. 50% found = cost $725.
by Azothath

Azothath |
my little deity & weapon list for Varisian Pilgrim
>> Deities (in order of overall benefit):
domains VarPlgrm (ᕀ; then better: Commᕀ, Liberᕀ, Luckᕀ, Nobilᕀ, Travelᕀ, Trickᕀ), Powerful(ᵠ).
>8 Elion CG, Dom: chaos, commᐩ, good, travelᐩᵠ, weather; Wpn: longbowᵠ.
>8 Chaldira NG, Dom: good, luckᐩᵠ, trickeryᐩ, war; Wpn: sht sword.
>8 Sinashakti CG, Dom: chaos, good, luckᐩᵠ, travelᐩᵠ; Wpn: shortbow.
>8 Sun Wukong CN, Dom: animal, chaos, liberationᐩ, travelᐩᵠ, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: qtrstaff.
>7 Groteus CN, Dom: chaosᵠ, darkness, destruction, madnessᐩ, voidᐩ; Wpn: hvy flail.
>6 Smiad LG, Dom: good, law, nobilityᐩ, war; Wpn: greatswordᵠ.
>6 Keltheald CG, Dom: chaosᵠ, good, sun, travelᐩᵠ; Wpn: halberd.
>6 Ssila'meshnik CN, Dom: chaos, knowledge, liberationᐩ, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: lgt hmmr.
>6 Calistria CN, Dom: chaos, charm, knowledge, luckᐩ, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: whip.
>5 Gorum CN, Dom: chaosᵠ, destruction, glory, strength, war; Wpn: greatswordᵠ.
>5 Feronia NN, Dom:destrctn, fire, liberᐩ, prot; Wpn: bastard swordᵠ.
>5 Shivaska CE, Dom: chaosᵠ, darkness, evil, madnessᐩ; Wpn: hvy flail.
>5 Vale NN, Dom: communityᵠ, knowledge, nobilityᐩ, repose; Wpn: hvy flail.
>5 Shelyn NG, Dom: art, charm, good, luckᐩᵠ, protection; Wpn: glaive.
>5 Erastil LG, Dom: communityᵠ, good, law, plant; Wpn: longbow(all bows)ᵠ.
>5 Cernunnos CG, Dom: animal, chaosᵠ, good, plant; Wpn: longbowᵠ.
>4 Bastet CN, Dom: animal, chaos, charm, protection, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: tekko-kagi.
>4 Ulon NE, Dom: charm, community, evil, knowledge, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: hand crossbow.
>4 Rovagug CE, Dom: chaosᵠ, destruction, evil, war, weatherᵠ; Wpn: grt axeᵠ.

Azothath |
if you search the forums you can get my detailed expert advice rather than the more generic Build Guide advice (as PCs are more than a list of feats or build choices, so you get the meat and potatoes along with a salad and a beer). That's what the forums are for, right? One thread one idea, simple.
Cleric and the VP archetype are good choices, straight up or as a dip.

Northern Spotted Owl |
I do think that this thread could use a bit of orientation text, so it's of use without having read whichever thread motivated it.
E.g. The Varisian Pilgrim is a great one-level dip for any robe caster. The key utility is that you gain two cleric domains and can apply any of these domain powers to any member of the party (level+wis) within 30'.
Consider in particular the Luck domain:
Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Good Fortune (Ex): At 6th level, as an immediate action, you can reroll any one d20 roll you have just made before the results of the roll are revealed. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. You can use this ability once per day at 6th level, and one additional time per day for every six cleric levels beyond 6th.
Or its sub-domain Fate:
The following granted power replaces the good fortune power of the Luck domain.
Tugging Strands (Su): At 8th level, you can force a creature within line of sight to reroll any one roll that it has just made before the result of the roll is revealed. The result of the reroll must be taken, even if it is worse than the original roll. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional time per day for every 6 levels beyond 8th.