Magus Bladebound


As you probably figured from my recent return, and new Archetypes (Unchained), I'm starting up a campaign soon (after the holidays, so early Jan). So far we have a Storm Caller Summoner, and a Cipher Investigator. My son will be playing for the first time (just turned 16), and is excited about a Bladebound, and after watching too much "Guts the Berserker" wants the blade to be 2-handed. He doesn't want to deal with spells so much, and after some banter, where I tried to convince him to go Fighter or Barbarian if he wants a "Guts" character, he learned of fighter feats.

His request is to replace Spell Combat and Spellstrike with Weapon Focus/Specialization (and the Greater versions). He wants magic, but as a preparatory thing (Enlarge Person, Haste, Shield, Etc), and I'm inclined to agree, though we'll have to homebrew some parts of it for both the 2-handed aspect, as well as for the fact that he wants to go Eldritch Scion for the Fire Element (the dangers of letting him have access to my books :P).

Before I go creating this homebrew though, wanted to see if there wasn't something better to suggest. Unlike some here, I may have all the core books, but never got all the sub-books (Modules, Adventure Paths), so I don't know everything. And a lot of classes (such as pretty much anything Hybrid or in the Occult book, except for Kineticist), I've never even seen in a game, so don't have much experience with...

Otherwise I'll homebrew a 2-handed Bladebound Scion...

You son seems to want to focus more on melee combat but having some magic. I think a magus will be a poor choice for that type of character. My suggestion would be to look at Bloodrager instead. The lower BAB and requirement for a higher INT to cast spells is going to mean the character will not be doing the damage he envisions. Combat spells are a major part of what makes the magus work.

Even with a two handed blade the magus will be doing less damage than a dedicated martial. The lower BAB means power attack gives a lower bonus to damage and the penalty to hit is going to cripple his chance to hit. If he is not using power attack his damage is going to be even farther behind the curve.

I am not familiar with the character, but a magus does not seem to be a good fit for the concept. What in the blade bound archetype is he interested in?

I'll second the Bloodrager as Mysterious Stranger suggested.

Will fit good with the Guts Berserk theme and has the ability to cast spells like a sorcerer.
Limited choice of spells, but cast spontaneously, fits better to the theme as the prepared spellbook style of a magus.

He'll have a kind of rage similar to a barbarian, but still be able too cast spells while raging and depending on the bloodline gain various (magical) effects while bloodraging.

The two handed part might restrict his spell casting a bit (as to cast in one round wirh somatic component, and attack in the nwxt round, as he'll have no free hand with a two-handed weapon) but with eschew materials from the bloodrager he won't have to mind about manipulating material components.

Depending on the intended level one could homebrew a two-handed sword to have a still metamagic rod as handle, but that would be up to the gm.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, not really familiar with the inspiration, but this kinda sounds like a good place for my 'Taja the Bloodrager' build: 'Urban' Bloodrager (Arcane Bloodline) with a (optional, but nice) one level dip in 'Fractured Mind' Spiritualist (Dedication Focus) at level 2 to shore up her will saves and boost her social skills (focus in both Diplomacy and Sense Motive skills).

You don't get a lot of actual spell power, but the spells you do get are easily buffed with Rod of Metamagic, Extend (Lesser) and Runestones of Power due to their low levels and you get a free Haste every fight at Bloodrager level 8+...

I agree with the Bloodrager concept, it seems to be perfect for the concept. I recommend looking at the Bastard sword, as you can use it one or two-handed, this would free up a hand for the rounds he wants to cast spells.

If he picks his rage powers carefully, he'll get most of what he wants from the spells anyway (enlarge and haste)

Doesn't even have to be bloodrager, can go straight barbarian - Titan mauler plus some elemental blood or totem rage powers should cover it.

If the "black blade" is a key part of the concept: the phantom blade spiritualist allows for a two-handed weapon, gets more bonus combat feats than a magus, plus treats level as fighter level for feats (and class level as BAB) for prerequisites.
The fractured mind archetype stacks and provides some extra spell options as spell-like abilities. The switch to CHA-based casting is good for an intimidating build, too.

Yeah, while his inspiration for making the Black Blade a 2-handed weapon was based on Guts, the idea of "Rage" goes against his character concept he says (Mind you, I have no idea who Guts is...). We already looked at Bloodrager (And Barbarian), but his best friend will likely be playing a Dragon Disciple (getting there by way of Bloodrager), and he doesn't want to have a similar feel...

Thanks for the input though, I think I was hoping to hear another way to get a cool 'blade', which is why he loves about the Bladebound. I tried going through the Occultists to see if there was a fighter-type archetype somewhere where they could get such a weapon as an implement, but probably better if I don't have to learn a bunch of 'new' rules...

I'll definitely check out the Phanton Blade Spiritualist and Fractured Mind archetype with him (Thank you for those)!

Otherwise... Eldritch Bladebound Scion it is then.

Thanks for the input, regardless. :)

Well Guts would fit the theme barbarian/fighter pretty well...

If all he wants from the bladebound magus is "a cool blade" there might be a less raw but more fluff option as well.

While (as far as I know) the black blade is something reserved for a magus and phantom blade (and carries a lot of stuff with it like intelligent weapon, ego and everything else), one could consider the warpriest.

Take gorum (greatsword), ragathiel (bastard sword) iomedae, aroden or myr (longsword) as deity for the favored weapon.

Depending on the chosen deity and weapon, he wouldn't benefit from the scaling sacred weapon damage till late levels, but similar to a magus he can enhance his weapon up to +5 and with abilities like flaming, keen, brilliant energy, etc, which could be flavored as the weapon itself changing and evolving, without having to actually deal with an intelligent weapon.

He would be able to cast spells like bless, protection from evil, shield of faith and bulls strength on himself as a swift action using his fervor ability and thus won't have to deal with AoOs while casting in melee and still full-attack.

He'd also be able to enhance his armor as well and swift action self heal.

He almost seems to be building Asta instead of Guts. Or rather, it seems he wants a weapon like Guts, but otherwise a different character.

If the only reason he is going blade bound is for the cool weapon there are a lot better choices. A paladin or warpriest both get the ability to enhance a weapon. You might also want to look at the scaling magic item rules. Creating a custom magic item for him seems to be a much better solution than homebrewsing an unsuitable archetype.

If he is willing to play a paladin a Sacred Avenger combined with the paladins normal weapon bond would give him a very cool weapon. Change it to a bastard sword or a greatsword and you have everything he is asking for.

Well, I tried suggesting (per these suggestions) that we look at Paladin or Warpriest, but he's too sold on the Bladebound (or Phantomblade, he's reading the Spiritalist class now) as a 2-handed weapon idea. So, will see how it goes. Trying not to influence him too much, his character after all, just wanted to make sure we covered all the best possibilities.

Not worried about how good he'll be in combat really... based on the Storm Caller and Cipher, thinking damage output for the game might be a bit on the low side anyhows. 4th character is likely a Dragon Disciple, and the 5th is likely to do a shapeshifting Ranger. And if the last guy can, he's talking about an Archaelogist Bard.

We don't really see much in the way of optimized builds in these parts. :P

It sounds like the Eldritch Knight prestige class might be fun for him. Vivisectionist Alchemist and Skald are also options.

An Archeologist Bard can actually do decent damage. They don’t need a high CHA so can focus on DEX. Once they get DEX to damage their damage are pretty well set. They can stack bonus’s to hit high enough that they can match a dedicated martial. At mid to high level they also have access to some decent combat buff spell. Combine Archaeologist luck with Dance of a Hundred Cuts and they are fine.

I would take an Archaeologist Bard over a two-handed Magus that does not use damaging spells any day of the week.

Like I said, my players don't optibuild... I can guarantee that the Archaeologist in this game, if he can play, will be a skills monkey with high Int and Cha, and a mediocre Dex... just how he plays... but hey, I can show him Dance of a Hundred Cuts, and see if he wants to make that a goal... ;)

We are probably moving to homebrew at this point. So, it sounds like you want to trade spell combat and spellstrike out for weapon focus and specialization. That’s probably fine. Keep in mind that magus also has improved and greater spell combat. And the capstone also effects spell combat.

Gaining weapon specialization that early should not be overpowered, but it is earlier than the fighter can get it.

Yeah, I posted the homebrew, but I did make sure in my construction to keep fighter feats coming at a slower pace than a fighter could get them (though faster than he'd get them via the Fighter Training class ability), and covered everything except the capstone. I'll worry about that one if we reach that level. :P

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