Putting the Sorcerer back in Bloodrager

Homebrew and House Rules

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Forgive me if you haven't gotten access to the book yourself yet, but I was extremely disappointed to see the Bloodrager get turned into a blood-gorger/vampire/bloat-mage style class archetype. I've always loved martial versions of the sorcerer, people using the magic in their blood in different ways, and Bloodrager was one of my favorite flavored classes in 1e.

I was hoping the PF2 incarnation of Bloodrager would be able to take advantage of the new Sorcerer theme with its access to various spell lists for a wide variety of gishy-flavor. Unfortunately, the flavor of the Bloodrager was locked down into its current ultra-specific, blood-obsessed form.

I threw together what I think is the minimal set of changes to bring it back in line with the Sorcerer aligned version from PF1. Can you tell me what you think?

Sorcerer-ified Bloodrager


* Took out Bleed damage as default, looked for a simple way to lock in a damage type that feels important to your character, wondering if this solution makes sense at all.

* Reworded text to indicate power is in your bloodline

* Latched into Sorcerer Multiclass Dedication, which gives access to a bunch more feats there, including Bloodline Breadth. The original version of the Bloodrager doesn't have a breadth feat, which I think it could really use, since the Rage trait thing is locking you out of a lot of options to go elsewhere for more lower level slots. This Sorcerer dedication access is the biggest buff I gave, and I'm wondering if it's to much.

* Turned Spelldrinker into a way to get your Bloodline granted spells in a limited form

* Largely removed reliance on enemies that can bleed, but introduced susceptibility to other immunities. I think it's a wash?

It's gonna be a bit before I can look up the bloodrager proper, but I'll definitely revisit this when I do.

I personally like the direction they took it in, giving the bloodrager more of its own identity, but I loved PF1E bloodragers and would love to help with this one, too; then we have both!

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