Raging Flier Vs fly

Rules Questions

The barbarian rage power (Raging Flier (Su) says you can fly up to her base speed as a move action. It doesn’t state for a period of time or doesn’t it end if your rage ends ? Also once u move into the air to fly u can’t take a full attack since it’s a move action to fly right but u can stay in the air for the duration of the rage ???

Barbarian Rage Powers wrote:
... A barbarian gains the benefits of rage powers only while raging, and some of these powers require the barbarian to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once.
Raging Flier wrote:
Once per rage, the character can fly up to her base speed as a move action. If she uses the charge action, she can use this flight as part of her movement during the charge. A character must be at least 6th level and have the raging leaper rage power to select this rage power.

The rules clearly state you only gain the effects during the rage. And you cannot take a full attack action after you've moved anyway. Once per rage means once per rage. Once you'd used the move action to fly, you cannot do so again until your next rage.

There are a few rage powers that grant true flight during a rage (Dragon Totem wings and Elemental Blood, Greater [electricity]) around 10th level, if you are so inclined to get a flight speed.

Once u use the fly can u stay in the air???

You'd fall at the end of your turn unless you have means of remaining in the air.

This rage power has more application in use to help avoid difficult terrain or short gaps that have to be crossed where it would otherwise be difficult to do. It is not really intended for you to fly up and go toe-to-toe with a flying creature for any length of time.

The Exchange

Advice: Raging flier is one of those character options that almost never gets chosen by players precisely because it is so limited. Any other rage power which is far more likely to see repeated usefulness is a much more attractive choice.

It's limited to keep it from being an overpowered, "automatic," choice but the net result is that it is very situational.

Belafon wrote:
Advice: Raging flier is one of those character options that almost never gets chosen by players precisely because it is so limited.

Correct. It is not what I would call a 'good' choice.

Raging Flier isn't so much flight, as much as it is flinging yourself harder than a normal jump can do.

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