TxSam88 |
If you use dimension door to bring your Allies with you do your Allies have to wait another turn for actions or just the one casting the spell ? It mentions After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn. ???
the more important question is: Can a Magus using spell combat make his attacks after using dimension door to get closer to the enemy?
Melkiador |
MR CRITICAL wrote:If you use dimension door to bring your Allies with you do your Allies have to wait another turn for actions or just the one casting the spell ? It mentions After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn. ???the more important question is: Can a Magus using spell combat make his attacks after using dimension door to get closer to the enemy?
After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until your next turn.
I guess you could question what qualifies as an action. And if completing an action already started qualifies as taking an action. But I feel pretty confident the intention is that once you cast dimension door, your turn is over.
Phoebus Alexandros |
the more important question is: Can a Magus using spell combat make his attacks after using dimension door to get closer to the enemy?
I love Magi, but this strikes me as an excellent example of specific trumping general. Generally, a Magus using spell combat can "make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action." Dimension Door specifically states that after using this spell, "[a magus] can't take any other actions until [his] next turn."
Unless the Magus invests in the appropriate feats, I think the best he can hope for is to make all of his attacks with his melee weapon and then cast Dimension Door (which can still be tactically useful, but doesn't provide the desired 800-foot pounce).
Diego Rossi |
MR CRITICAL wrote:If you use dimension door to bring your Allies with you do your Allies have to wait another turn for actions or just the one casting the spell ? It mentions After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn. ???the more important question is: Can a Magus using spell combat make his attacks after using dimension door to get closer to the enemy?
Normally he will be unable to act after using Dimension Door. But Dimensional Agility would resolve that problem.
[PFS Legal] Dimensional Agility
Source Ultimate Combat pg. 95
Teleportation does not faze you.Prerequisites: Ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door.
Benefit: After using abundant step or casting dimension door, you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn. You also gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks when casting teleportation spells.
It cost a feat but it's worth it for a magus.
There are cheaper solutions if you don't need to move other people:
Bladed Dash
Source Inner Sea Magic pg. 52
School transmutation; Level bard 2, magus 2, skald 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range personal
Target you
Duration instantaneous
Both Quantium and Jalmeray claim that this spell was born in their arcane universities. Regardless of the spell’s origin, it quickly spread throughout the Inner Sea and beyond as spellcasting sword-fighters learned of its existence.When you cast this spell, you immediately move up to 30 feet in a straight line any direction, momentarily leaving a multi-hued cascade of images behind you. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You may make a single melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against any one creature you are adjacent to at any point along this 30 feet. You gain a circumstance bonus on your attack roll equal to your Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. You must end the bonus movement granted by this spell in an unoccupied square. If no such space is available along the trajectory, the spell fails. Despite the name, the spell works with any melee weapon.
It has only a 30' range, but it gives an extra attack.
Force Hook Charge
Source Ultimate Magic pg. 220
School evocation [force]; Level bloodrager 3, magus 3, psychic 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or object within range and you
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
You create a hook of force that strikes the target and drags you to a space adjacent to it. Make a ranged touch attack against the target; if the touch attack succeeds, the target takes 1 point of force damage per caster level. Whether or not the touch attack hits, the force hook drags you in a straight line to a square adjacent to the target. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. The pulling hook keeps you from falling as part of this movement; therefore you can use it to cross a pit or chasm, or reach a higher or lower elevation. If the line of effect from you to the target passes through an area that is too small to fit your body (such as a portcullis or arrow slit), the hook pulls you to that location and you take damage as if you had fallen the distance from your starting point to that location. If you are restrained, such as being chained to a wall, the hook pulls you to the maximum extent of your restraints but does not break the restraints.If your travel to the destination is not blocked, you land on your feet, unharmed by the sudden motion. However, the spell does not guarantee you a safe landing space when you arrive. For example, if your target is flying or on a ledge with no room for you to stand, once the hook pulls you adjacent to the target, you begin to fall.
If you use this spell with your spell combat class ability, you can make your melee attack from your starting position or your ending position.
Close range, and you get a force attack with passable damage.
Diego Rossi |
I’m not asking about the magus I’m simply asking about the Allies taking there turns after the DD was cast
There is no doubt about that, the allies can act normally.
Only the caster is limited:
After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until your next turn.
Melkiador |
Btw, it's actually an FAQ, so it's not just our opinion
I just found it interesting that the text doesn't actually talk about completing an action that has already begun, in this case the full round action of spell combat.
Diego Rossi |
Btw, it's actually an FAQ, so it's not just our opinion
https://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9nv6I just found it interesting that the text doesn't actually talk about completing an action that has already begun, in this case the full round action of spell combat.
Dimension Door was written well before spell combat was added. When you use Spell Combat, every attack you make is a different action, even if it is part of a full action. Otherwise, every effect that incapacitates you as a consequence of your attacks would work only after all attacks are done.
bbangerter |
When you use Spell Combat, every attack you make is a different action, even if it is part of a full action. Otherwise, every effect that incapacitates you as a consequence of your attacks would work only after all attacks are done.
That's not really specific to spell combat. A fighter making a full attack against a creature with fire shield (or a similar type of effect when struck) who knocks himself below 0 HP cannot finish all of his attacks in the sequence.
Diego Rossi |
Diego Rossi wrote:That's not really specific to spell combat. A fighter making a full attack against a creature with fire shield (or a similar type of effect when struck) who knocks himself below 0 HP cannot finish all of his attacks in the sequence.When you use Spell Combat, every attack you make is a different action, even if it is part of a full action. Otherwise, every effect that incapacitates you as a consequence of your attacks would work only after all attacks are done.
Exactly. That is what I meant.
There is a general rule (or better, assumption, as I don't think there is an explicit rule saying it) that things that stop you, like going unconscious, becoming nauseated, and so on, will stop the completion of the action you are taking.I don't see anything that says that Spell Combat+Dimension Door is an exception.
Au contraire, I feel that Dimensional Agility was written to permit that exception (and other options, like casting after a quickened Dimension Door or a monk abundant step+full attack).