Skull & Shackles (Pathfinder Society Core Characters) Campaign


Silver Crusade

I am looking for seven players to run a first edition Pathfinder Society Core online campaign that will include the sanctioned content from the Skull & Shackles adventure path, the Plunder & Peril adventure module, the three PFS Seeker arcs and some PFS scenarios that fit the theme of the campaign. The first adventure played will be the sanctioned content from the first book of the Strange Aeons adventure path (which is an evergreen adventure for 1st level characters).

This will be a private (not public) campaign.

Players who are interested should be okay with me deciding on which XP track (normal or slow) is used for each chronicle sheet. This will make the PCs remain the same level and will not be too low or too high of a level to continue playing in the campaign. Players should also not have an issue playing one of the core iconic PFS pregenerated characters for the first adventure, and using the credit from that adventure's chronicle sheet to make a brand new PFS Core PC - which will be the PC they play for the rest of the campaign (and only plays their character in this campaign so their character remains the same level and receives the same chronicle sheets as the rest of the players' characters), and that any specific iconic pre-gen is played by no more than 1 character.

I have the order of adventures planned, that will make it so the PCs are at the highest valid character level for the subtier of each adventure with only 2 adventures before level 12 not being at the highest valid subtier (one of which is the evergreen adventure using core iconics to gain credit to create the campaign PCs) and four adventures after level 12 not being at the highest valid subtier. Most adventures will be played at normal experience progress with some using slow experience progress so that the characters remain within the valid level ranges for each adventure.

After the initial Strange Aeons adventure, there will be seven PFS scenarios before the characters will play the first book of the Skulls and Shackles adventure path.

The campaign will be on Mondays (either weekly or bi-weekly) with a session duration between 3 to 5 hours, with session start time being as early as 6 p.m. UTC or as late as 9 p.m. UTC.

If you are interested, send me a private message and include the following:

Your time zone

Your preferred session start time (6:00 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 8:30 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. UTC)

Your preferred session time (3 hours, 3 1/2 hours, 4 hours, 4 1/2 hours or 5 hours)

A list of 7 core iconic pre-gens you would enjoy playing, in descending order.

The race and class of the PFS character you would make to play through the campaign.

Whether or not you have played first edition Pathfinder Society organized play characters before, including whether you played core, standard or both.

Which PF1E scenarios, adventure modules and adventure paths you have received PFS chronicle sheets for.

I will check my messages at least once a week, so should reply back to you within two weeks.

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