Player Not Suited to Roleplay

Pathfinder Society


I'm new to organized play. I'm used to GM'ing home games, where a player who is causing irreconcilable issues can just politely be asked to leave.

Now I'm playing Pathfinder Society; I've been asked to GM and it's something I'd like to do. However. There is one regular player at the FLGS who I am just not comfortable GM'ing for. He comes in with his father, and has what I would guess is moderate-support-needs autism. Now, obviously none of this is his fault, but he is lacking most of the essential skills to participate in a collaborative role playing game: turn taking, waiting to speak, choosing and executing an action in combat, paying attention during scenes, following simple directions such as group saving throws, etc. It slows everything down to a crawl, derrails role play, and creates honestly uncomfortable moments when he says inappropriate things. He's mostly a gestalt speaker, using quotes from media and not really able to hold a conversation. I honestly think his father brings him in out of a selfish desire to play himself, not considering what this young man wants or is capable of.

As a player, I've decided I will be bowing out of any Pathfinder Society games this father/son sign up for -- they have as much a right as me to be there, and if this player's behaviors are intolerable for me it's ultimately my problem. But the FLGS really needs GMs, and I would love to do it... but I just cannot GM for this player. Do I have any options here? I hate letting one person have so much power over potential gaming events.

4/5 ****

May I suggest talking to your local organizer about your concerns.

They are likely much more familiar with the local situation as well as in a potential position to do something about your concern. Sometimes it takes one more complaint, especially from somebody with a new perspective to get changes rolling that make for a healthier local environment.

Or they may have a solution that works nicely for everybody.

2/5 5/5 **

Pirate Rob is correct: this is a discussion best held with your local organizer. You could also consider asking the father (or the VO) how you could adjust your GM techniques to help the son respond faster.

I would also give up on any illusions that you can maintain a certain tone or gravitas in your games. Plenty of players find roleplay difficult, and plenty of adults throw out movie or TV quotes and references that deviate from the setting and/or tone of a given scenario.

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