Fly Spell

Rules Questions

Using the fly spell, Do you need to make a hover check DC 15 if your taking a full attack action?

Yes. Though between the +4 for good maneuverability and the half caster level bonus, it doesn’t take a lot of investment to get to the +14 needed for your hover checks. Level 5 wizard=+2dex+3class skill+2 fly spell+5 skill ranks+4 maneuverability=+16 bonus. So you really only need to use 3 skill ranks to auto hover, and that’s just if you are impatient.

But that’s just the official answer. I see a lot of tables ignore those rules for fly most of the time. Possibly because these rules weren’t used in 3.5 D&D, which Pathfinder was based on.

Firehand wrote:
Using the fly spell, Do you need to make a hover check DC 15 if your taking a full attack action?

technically yes, see Fly skill & Fly:T3 spell ...The subject gains a bonus on Fly skill checks equal to 1/2 your caster level.

as mentioned if you invest 5 ranks in Fly (class) skill and have a decent Dex it's not difficult.

Instead of hovering you could take the equivalent to a 5 foot step and only need to make a DC 10 check. You can simply move one 5 feet to one side or the other.

Where is that +4 maneuverability coming from?

Liberty's Edge

Firehand wrote:
Where is that +4 maneuverability coming from?
Fly spell wrote:
maneuverability is good.
Fly skill wrote:
A creature with a natural fly speed receives a bonus (or penalty) on Fly skill checks depending on its maneuverability: Clumsy –8, Poor –4, Average +0, Good +4, Perfect +8.

The Devs confirmed a lot of time ago that, while the Fly spell doesn't give a natural fly speed, it has a maneuverability qualifier, so the +4 applies.

FAQ wrote:
Despite the fact that the Fly skill mentions that bonuses and penalties from maneuverability apply to creatures with natural fly speeds, they apply for any fly speed. If they didn’t apply to creatures that gained flight artificially or through magic, then those maneuverabilities (like the listed good maneuverability for the fly spell) would have no game effect.

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