Trying to understand Bane

Rules Discussion

Trying to wrap my head around how bane works. This is my current understanding.

If I cast the spell, all enemies in the area when I cast it need to pass a Will save or take the penalty until they're not in the area anymore.

If an enemy that isn't in the area ends up in the area, they need to pass the Will save or take the penalty until they're not in the area anymore.

If I Sustain the spell, the area gets bigger, and any enemy in the area that isn't already taking the penalty needs to pass the Will save or take the penalty until they're not in the area anymore.

If a bane area starts overlapping with a bless area, both spells try to kill each other. The bane caster rolls a counteract check against the bless effect and the bless caster rolls a counteract check against the bane effect. The success of each check depends on the rank of the opposing effect and the opponent's spell DC, so both spells might end early or both could stay up.

Is my understanding mistaken?

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