Necromancy vs void

Rules Discussion

Are they the same thing was there just a name change we are using a item that says to have the necromancy tag but I'm unable to find any even spells like harm are void not necromancy

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Necromancy was a school of magic. You aren't seeing necromancy in remastered spell entries for the same reason you aren't seeing evocation, aberration, transmutation, etc. Schools of magic aren't used anymore.

You will still see Illusion, since the trait has a purpose outside of designating schools.

Negative was a damage type, and Void is the remastered equivalent.

For an item referring to schools of magic, you need to either go off of the old spell writeups or make case by case rulings.

With the remaster Spell Schools are cut.

There are still some spell tags like Polymorph and illusion that serve mechanical reasons, but there are no longer things like Evocation, Necromancy, Conjuration, and the likes.

Void is the new name for Negative Damage.

Man, that would be a cool school. What spells should we give it? Gouging claw for starters, I think

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Baarogue wrote:


Man, that would be a cool school. What spells should we give it? Gouging claw for starters, I think

It would likely be similar to the School of Protean Form.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Was supposed to be aberration (for clarity), but if you actually wanted to make an aberration themed caster, there is also a sorcerer bloodline for that which you could look at.

Hammer your device just does not want to let you type "abjuration", does it

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