Blistering feint build



I am dreaming about a build based on the Blistering feint feat combined with the Equipment Trick: Distracting Cloak feat in order to be able to deal damage to every opponents that can see the character using the feat.

The wording of Blistering feint is as follow:

Blistering Feint wrote:
You gain a +2 bonus on feint checks made while wielding a weapon that deals fire damage. Anytime you successfully feint a creature while using such a weapon, you may deal its fire damage to the enemy.

You need a weapon dealing fire damage. And you need to use it to feint in order for the feat to deal damage.

The wording of Distracting Cloak is as follow:

Distracting Cloak wrote:
When you attempt a Bluff check to feint, you can use your cape to create a diversion instead of denying your opponent his Dexterity bonus to AC. Compare the result of your Bluff check against the feint DC of each opponent that can see you (DC = 10 + the opponent’s base attack bonus + the opponent’s Wisdom modifier, or 10 + the opponent’s Sense Motive bonus if he is trained in Sense Motive and this bonus is higher). You can attempt a Stealth check to hide from any opponent that you successfully feint against in this manner, even if that opponent is observing you. If you do not have cover or concealment against any of these targets at the start of each of their turns, they automatically spot you at that time.

So you need to use your cape to create a diversion.

In short you need to treat your cloak as a weapon to make both these feats work together.

One possible solution I've found so far is the Shield Cloak. A wondrous cloak that can become a masterwork light wooden shield. Wondrous items scale with you when you change size and you can use a shield as a weapon via shield bash etc...

So you'd be able to use this item to proc both Blistering Feint AND Distracting cloak at the same time.

Only problem now is how are we going to convert the shield damage to fire? I have found one option so far that CONVERT ALL THE DAMAGE OF YOUR WEAPON TO ENERGY (Fire in our case)... But... It's called Dragon Shot, and is applicable to guns only.

Is there any other option that CONVERT (Not add) all you weapon's damage to some energy (Fire)?

Dark Archive

normally, i'd just suggest using a battle poi, maybe with the flaming ability.
personally i'd find a way to get the Animal focus class ability, then take planar focus feat to get even more fire damage on each feint

Name Violation wrote:

normally, i'd just suggest using a battle poi, maybe with the flaming ability.

personally i'd find a way to get the Animal focus class ability, then take planar focus feat to get even more fire damage on each feint

I've got that under my sleeve. Play a feral shifter or feral hunter, take Planar Focus as you said and add Weapon Shift. Wildshape into something with a big natural attack (Like a hippo or something like that) and cook your enemies just by showing them your teeth.

Sadly, in this case, a battle poi is not a cloak and so wouldn't work with Distracting Cloak.

Being able to turn a weapon into another item could work too (Battle Poi > Cloak) but it wouldn't be a weapon anymore and probably wouldn't work with Blistering Feint either.

There is a way ... though it all depends on whether or not your feint attempt is considered a "single attack". Scaled Sash (Red). I don't think you will find anything more close than that in 1st party PF1 material. I had to wrack my brain to remember if there was any class ability or the like that would be conducive to your intentions.

Dark Archive

Conde wrote:
Name Violation wrote:

normally, i'd just suggest using a battle poi, maybe with the flaming ability.

personally i'd find a way to get the Animal focus class ability, then take planar focus feat to get even more fire damage on each feint

I've got that under my sleeve. Play a feral shifter or feral hunter, take Planar Focus as you said and add Weapon Shift. Wildshape into something with a big natural attack (Like a hippo or something like that) and cook your enemies just by showing them your teeth.

Sadly, in this case, a battle poi is not a cloak and so wouldn't work with Distracting Cloak.

Being able to turn a weapon into another item could work too (Battle Poi > Cloak) but it wouldn't be a weapon anymore and probably wouldn't work with Blistering Feint either.

Sacred Huntsmaster inquisitor is my goto for that. possibly also with the urban infiltrator archetype

DeathlessOne wrote:
There is a way ... though it all depends on whether or not your feint attempt is considered a "single attack". Scaled Sash (Red). I don't think you will find anything more close than that in 1st party PF1 material. I had to wrack my brain to remember if there was any class ability or the like that would be conducive to your intentions.

A real shame it is that expensive... Nice find nontheless.

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