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Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.



From what I understand of the feat, the spellcaster casts the spell. (Which is what a spellcaster does)
Then when it is the "toucher" turn, they can deliver the spell as a standard action.

Or does the "toucher" gets to use it as a free action? (As long as it is done in the same turn)

Deliver Touch Spells (Su): wrote:
If the master is 3rd level or higher, a familiar can deliver touch spells for him. If the master and the familiar are in contact at the time the master casts a touch spell, he can designate his familiar as the “toucher.” The familiar can then deliver the touch spell [b]just as the master would[b/]. As usual, if the master casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.

zza ni wrote:

nop, because he didn't gain them when the ability was up.

it say any neg level he 'gain' (as in actively while this work). not 'gained'. he would not suffer the penalty of having a negative level when he is under the feat's effect but the roll to lose or gain the permanent level is once and only once. if he missed that and gained a permanent neg level it is permanent (until restoration kick in etc).

shabti themselves can gain negative levels. they just don't take the penalties for them (and die when they hit the limit). the ability to not roll and auto save to not make a temp neg level into a permanent one does not prevent them from gaining permanent neg levels from other sources (like being raised for example)

the words:
"After 24 hours, any negative levels a shabti takes are automatically removed without the need for additional saving throws"

are somewhat misleading, but they talk only about temp nag levels. (as the proof is in the part about 'without the need for additional saving throws' which is the rule for temp nag levels turning into permanent ones. permanent nag levels don't offer saves to remove)

Thank you for the clarifications. My understanding of the feat was indeed too good to be true.

zza ni wrote:

I'd say yes to both, but he must stay within range for the whole time. As this ability doesn't remove the negative levels before 24 hours he would still gain them and the suppression effect only work while he is close by.

He can chose to leave your side, suffer the entire penalties and come back where you can use a swift action to again suppress the penalties. and if you are close to him when the 24 hours pass and use the feat before hand (And he stay close until after the save roll time) he would automatically negate the negative levels then and won't need to roll against making them permanent.

Do note that going back and forth will not heal the damage he take to his current and maximum hp from negative levels. So if he was protected and moved away he lose 5 hp from his current and maximum hp per negative level, and coming back (and re-using the feat as swift action) won't automatically heal that damage. (his maximum hp will rise back up but not his current)

What if they were already permanent. Let's say you just raised a character from the dead. Then target him with the feat, stay adjacent for 24 hours.

Would the Permanent Negative Levels be removed as well?

Do a character designed by the feat Fan-Bearer at the King's Hand benefits from the second part of the Shabti Resist Level Drain racial trait?

Resist Level Drain (Ex) wrote:
Resist Level Drain (Ex): A shabti takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though it can still be killed if it accrues more negative levels than it has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a shabti takes are automatically removed without the need for additional saving throws.

Put in bold for convenience.

And does it remove permanent negative levels after 24 hours too? (For a Shabti, and for the designed character if he benefits from the second part.)

DeathlessOne wrote:
There is a way ... though it all depends on whether or not your feint attempt is considered a "single attack". Scaled Sash (Red). I don't think you will find anything more close than that in 1st party PF1 material. I had to wrack my brain to remember if there was any class ability or the like that would be conducive to your intentions.

A real shame it is that expensive... Nice find nontheless.

Name Violation wrote:

normally, i'd just suggest using a battle poi, maybe with the flaming ability.

personally i'd find a way to get the Animal focus class ability, then take planar focus feat to get even more fire damage on each feint

I've got that under my sleeve. Play a feral shifter or feral hunter, take Planar Focus as you said and add Weapon Shift. Wildshape into something with a big natural attack (Like a hippo or something like that) and cook your enemies just by showing them your teeth.

Sadly, in this case, a battle poi is not a cloak and so wouldn't work with Distracting Cloak.

Being able to turn a weapon into another item could work too (Battle Poi > Cloak) but it wouldn't be a weapon anymore and probably wouldn't work with Blistering Feint either.


I am dreaming about a build based on the Blistering feint feat combined with the Equipment Trick: Distracting Cloak feat in order to be able to deal damage to every opponents that can see the character using the feat.

The wording of Blistering feint is as follow:

Blistering Feint wrote:
You gain a +2 bonus on feint checks made while wielding a weapon that deals fire damage. Anytime you successfully feint a creature while using such a weapon, you may deal its fire damage to the enemy.

You need a weapon dealing fire damage. And you need to use it to feint in order for the feat to deal damage.

The wording of Distracting Cloak is as follow:

Distracting Cloak wrote:
When you attempt a Bluff check to feint, you can use your cape to create a diversion instead of denying your opponent his Dexterity bonus to AC. Compare the result of your Bluff check against the feint DC of each opponent that can see you (DC = 10 + the opponent’s base attack bonus + the opponent’s Wisdom modifier, or 10 + the opponent’s Sense Motive bonus if he is trained in Sense Motive and this bonus is higher). You can attempt a Stealth check to hide from any opponent that you successfully feint against in this manner, even if that opponent is observing you. If you do not have cover or concealment against any of these targets at the start of each of their turns, they automatically spot you at that time.

So you need to use your cape to create a diversion.

In short you need to treat your cloak as a weapon to make both these feats work together.

One possible solution I've found so far is the Shield Cloak. A wondrous cloak that can become a masterwork light wooden shield. Wondrous items scale with you when you change size and you can use a shield as a weapon via shield bash etc...

So you'd be able to use this item to proc both Blistering Feint AND Distracting cloak at the same time.

Only problem now is how are we going to convert the shield damage to fire? I have found one option so far that CONVERT ALL THE DAMAGE OF YOUR WEAPON TO ENERGY (Fire in our case)... But... It's called Dragon Shot, and is applicable to guns only.

Is there any other option that CONVERT (Not add) all you weapon's damage to some energy (Fire)?

Is Student of Perfection available to UMonk only? It is implied that is works with Umonk but there is technically nothing preventing you from taking it as a chained monk, right?

I am not playing in PFS, but maybe I am misunderstanding your post and Student of Perfection is not allowed for a monk even outside of PFS.

Here is the text from the prestige class from Archives of Nethys:

Ki Powers (Su): At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a student of perfection can select one ki power chosen from the unchained monk (Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained 16) options listed directly below or from the new ki powers detailed afterward. This ki power must be open to all students of perfection or appropriate to his chosen school. If a ki power from Pathfinder Unchained is followed by a level in parentheses, use that as the minimum character level (instead of the level given in Pathfinder Unchained). All other prerequisites must be met. Unless otherwise noted, a student of perfection cannot select an individual ki power more than once.

As you can see, it says nothing about Student of Perfection and monk level stacking for the purpose of qualifying for the Ki powers.

AND, "if a ki power from Pathfinder(?) Unchained is followed by a level in parentheses, use that as the minimum character level"

So it seems to not stack with monk for qualification, meaning that potentially that at level 2 you might have to take a level 2 ki power from the unmonk list but you could take elemental burst (10th) at level 10 assuming you took your first level of student of perfection at the earliest possible level, being 6th.

Meaning you could do 20d6 of damage at level 10...

Is there an errata? A FAQ somwhere I am not able to find? Do I read the feature wrong?
I am kind of confused by this to be honest. I think I see how it is supposed to work but by reading this paragraph again and again I am not sure and I cannot find much online.

That's plenty. So much interesting ones too.

Thank you everyone.

I really dislike the idea to have to pay for spells. I know, I know, it is for a reason and it will (or can) unbalance the game and all that.
Let's not talk about it.

I am looking for ways to cast pricey spells (Notably the ones who can bring your comrads back to life).

You could use the spell Blood Money as a Witch while taking Heal as a Patron Theme as a Witch.
Or be a Cleric with Dreamed Secrets to get Blood Money and cast these spells for free. (If you find a way to cast most of them as a standard action or less... If we agree you cannot use Blood Money for spells that are slower to cast)
BUT. This spell is normally unaccessible to most people I believe and the trick is really not that fun to be honest. (Or too well-known for my taste)
And as a cleric you have to worhsip a Great Old One or an Outer God and most are not really fleshed out.

You could be a False Priest Sorcerer. Sure it would not be free but you'd only need a singular scroll of the spell you want to cast and not worry about further investment.

You also have some boons that gives you the capability of resurection people as a spell-like ability like Haagenti's Evangelist tier 3 Obdience or Lorcan's tier 3 boon which give you True Resurrection.

(I have no clue how to get Lorcan's boons since there is no mention of Deific/Fiendish/Demonic Obedience or anything so it's a mystery)

You'd have to be Evil yourself and they come online pretty late (level 16 for both if you take 10 levels of Evil PrC like Diabolist etc, unless you can get Lorcan's Boons earlier via Divine Paragon maybe?)

3/4 casters or 1/2 have some capabilities but I do not know if there is ways to achieve it for free and/or not at later levels.

I might be asking for too much, but is there other ways to get the power to resurrect your fellow party members without giving up your precious coins?

(Just fyi I just lost a character and we do not have a full caster in the party. I played a Oracle of Life because we were 5 players and I thought it would be interesting but I did not like it for very long. Since we do not have abilities to resurrect people for now and we do not have much money, it would be wise to play as a cleric. I would not play my cleric as the Oracle and would not heal in combat situation but could in between combats and provide resurrection spells if needed... But how boring is that? We are in 2024, Paizo released stuff for the game until 2019 and the most recent stuff has not been greatly covered so... Maybe there is something, somewhere for me to be able to achieve what I am looking for)

Hello everyone,

I might have not look at the right place but I did not find the information... I am interested by these books with the sketch cover by Wayne Reynolds but I do not know if they are going to be available outside of the USA.

I am sorry in advance if this is also the wrong place to ask.

Sorry for the delay everyone.

Thank you so much for your answers.

I do not own the book and I didn't know you could have access to these informations on nethys... But yes, you are right Moosher12, there is rules for taking an undead dedication at level 1... Which is perfect. In a way.
I mean, it might be way easier to justify being killed by a ghoul out of screen than anything else.
Good luck finding a ghoul just before leveling up if you are in a dungeon or something like that.

Once again, that is what I was looking for. So, thank you all.

Hello everyone,

I really love the Undead dedications. Ghoul, Zombie and Mummy seem like great fun to play.
One thing tho... When people talk about them, it's often like most of the other stuff... They assume you can just put it in your build and TADA! It's done.

Let's say you DM allow players to take Uncommon or even Rare feats/dedications etc...

You are playing any campaign, module... Anything. And you just gain a level and you are going to take this filthy but really flavorful Ghoul Dedication but... Oh wait. You never have met any Ghoul... And even worst, no Ghoul killed you... Because you are alive. And well.

Can you buy Ghoul Fever? I don't think so. I mean they produce this disease but I don't think you can put it in a potion or anything.
You could consume Ghoul meat, if I remember correctly it is said in the wiki that you can contract Ghoul Fever from doing that... But I don't think there is any rules for that.

So you are probably screwed.

Is this kind of dedication campaign specific and do you have to ask your DM nicely for it to happen?
Or do you have to know there is Ghouls somewhere in your campaign, go where they are, pray to be butchered by them and fail all your saves and die from the disease before they tear you apart?

It reminds me of these very specific Prestige Classes from 3.5, like the Thrall of Juiblex who asked the player who wanted to enter the PrC to "sacrifice an intelligent being." And you had to bring three oozes, slimes or puddings too for the tirual. And the victim of the ritual had to be dissolved in acid.
But actually it could happen... Somehow.

It is the same vibe of unpracticality.

Am I missing somethign here? I am really interested by these dedications but a lot of stuff seem gatekeeped behind lore or very specific stuff happening in some campaign and if you do not play the campaign the stuff you are interested by is in, you are basically out of luck.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

Shaped and carved from quartz or stranger subterranean crystals, these circular throwing discs have jagged razor-sharp edges. When a crystal chakram strikes a foe, the weapon shatters into tiny sharp fragments; if it misses, there is a 50% chance the chakram shatters when it hits the ground or another solid object; otherwise it can be retrieved and used again. A crystal chakram is treated as ammunition for the purpose of creating magic weapons.

Crystal Chakrams are not made of glass they are made out of quartz or other crystals. They are also not shuriken.

I figured they are not shuriken. But they are treated as aumminition for the purpose of creating magic item. So the enchantment is cheaper.

But yeah that would be a bit of a stretch to be able to make them out of liquid glass.

But could you make shuriken out of Liquid Glass? That is the question. And would that work by RAW? You throw a shuriken, it breaks, you put the pieces together and the shuriken kept its enchantment and ready to use again?


Can't find anything on that and no source that says otherwise.

Technically, the Crystal Chakram is already made of glass. But since it is an item by itself and not a modified item, could it be possible to make it from Liquid Glass?

What for shurikens? Can they be made of Liquid Glass? I don't see why not.

Sure they are going to be broken and you won't be able to throw them immediatly after. BUT 50 would be probably enough for the day. And you wouldn't have to enchant more. You would have 50 shurikens enchanted, throw them, collect the pieces and wait 24 hours and bim. You have your shurikens back.

Is that right?

Interesting. I don't know if an item with a spell casted on it/ with a magical aura is considered a magical item per say... And so would be a valid target for the feat.

I'm really surprised there isn't something even cheaper. I mean, you could craft these items to get them for a bit less... But that still isn't much and not really good by any mean.

Hello, I happened to find out about, maybe, one of the worst feat ever made by humand standards. (Maybe it is a bit exaggerated but it is really not good)... CONSUME POWER.

It is only available to Wyrwood. They are a race of construct, and I really think they look good. But this feat. oh boy.
Basically you can eat (destroy) a magical item in order to regain 1d6 hit points + 1 additional hit point per caster level of the item.
And a little bonus on attack and damage rolls but who cares.

Yes this is terrible. BUT. Maybe... MAYBE. If there is a really, dirt cheap magical item (<1 gold for example) it could make for an interesting out of combat healing option for a race that cannot be healed otherwise. (Since it is a construct) [I know about the racial trait that makes the race a living construct but this is not the point of the topic]



We are 5 players in a Kingmaker campaign. We do not have any CHA-based character, except myself... The thing is, I play an Oracle with the "Wasting" curse.

So here's my question. Does the ruler need Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidation in order to be efficient as a ruler or do you only need your ability score to be good in the management of your kingdom ?