Gods of Learning


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Are there any chaotic or neutral gods (inc. empyreal lords, eldest or anything else), of learning and knowledge? I'm creating a Gnomish Summoner for an upcoming "Shattered Star" campaign. He's a scholar and explorer who has fixated on unraveling the mysteries of Thassilon and the monuments around Magnimar, but I can't decide who he would worship. The nearest I can find is Irori, but he seems too humorless for the concept I have in mind.

There are a LOT chaotic or neutral Deities with the knowledge domain. so i'll focus on both => chaotic neutral!

Calistria is CN and has the knowledge domain.

Tawil at'Umr
is CN and has the knowledge domain (he's a great old one. the archive doesn't have much to say, this link has more)

Yog-Sothoth is a CN outer god with the knowledge domain. (more in this link)

3 out of the 4 Protean Lord are CN with the knowledge domain:
Narriseminek - extra link.
Ssila'meshnik - extra link.
Ydajisk - extra link.

Learning is a bit different than knowledge, but probably the closest domain(general) match then there's the Education subdomain. Magrim(LN), Gruhastha(LG) are word matches (obediences) for learning.
Education subdomain deities on PFwiki, sadly just names for links.

Deities on AoN, you can click on the column headings to sort on that column. No subdomains column {time to shrink pantheon and alignment column width}. Using Ctrl-F then lets you search the page for text, choose highlight and scroll down.
usually it is a sort by weapons or by domains{varisian pilgrim} and then alignment check. ô¿ô

Magnimar, PFWiki lists common deities at the end. It's not super important(as you're not a divine caster) but archaeology or lost lore might be a good theme. There's that LG god of ignorance with burying books... The eldest are also good choices... otherwise check the expanded summoning lists.

I see Zza-ni has be in the banned book section of the library again...

Dark Archive

rojomoke wrote:
Are there any chaotic or neutral gods (inc. empyreal lords, eldest or anything else), of learning and knowledge? I'm creating a Gnomish Summoner for an upcoming "Shattered Star" campaign. He's a scholar and explorer who has fixated on unraveling the mysteries of Thassilon and the monuments around Magnimar, but I can't decide who he would worship. The nearest I can find is Irori, but he seems too humorless for the concept I have in mind.

Calistria seems the best fit, conceptually. Knowledge as a domain, but more importantly, IMO, Trickery is her bag, and knowledge of ancient Thassilon and its sin magic and 'virtues of rule' sounds... unwise to dredge up and romanticize and 'put back out there in the universe.'

It's the kind of rock you turn over to discover a scorpion, and that's the kind of 'knowledge' that probably makes Calistria smile.

Pain can be instructive.

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Netys is N and would be the most obvious. He does have the Education subdomain and lists scribes, summonerss and teachers under followers.

Elionis a CG god of colonization discover and exploration, that also has education as a subdomain.

Thoth is LN so may not fit the character but is god of knowledge.

Silver Crusade

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Who was the peacock god associated with the Runelords? (Not sure about any spoilers, just a vague recollection along those lines.)

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The Peacock Spirit is a massive mystery and unknown factor in Thassalonian lore and history. Unless the GM is really invested in interpreting the lore and adding modern followers it's best left alone.

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rojomoke wrote:
Are there any chaotic or neutral gods (inc. empyreal lords, eldest or anything else), of learning and knowledge? I'm creating a Gnomish Summoner for an upcoming "Shattered Star" campaign. He's a scholar and explorer who has fixated on unraveling the mysteries of Thassilon and the monuments around Magnimar, but I can't decide who he would worship. The nearest I can find is Irori, but he seems too humorless for the concept I have in mind.

Thanks all. I think I'll have him worship Calistria but revere Sinashakti and Soralyon too.

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