Revive, Raise Dead, Resurrect... For free.


I really dislike the idea to have to pay for spells. I know, I know, it is for a reason and it will (or can) unbalance the game and all that.
Let's not talk about it.

I am looking for ways to cast pricey spells (Notably the ones who can bring your comrads back to life).

You could use the spell Blood Money as a Witch while taking Heal as a Patron Theme as a Witch.
Or be a Cleric with Dreamed Secrets to get Blood Money and cast these spells for free. (If you find a way to cast most of them as a standard action or less... If we agree you cannot use Blood Money for spells that are slower to cast)
BUT. This spell is normally unaccessible to most people I believe and the trick is really not that fun to be honest. (Or too well-known for my taste)
And as a cleric you have to worhsip a Great Old One or an Outer God and most are not really fleshed out.

You could be a False Priest Sorcerer. Sure it would not be free but you'd only need a singular scroll of the spell you want to cast and not worry about further investment.

You also have some boons that gives you the capability of resurection people as a spell-like ability like Haagenti's Evangelist tier 3 Obdience or Lorcan's tier 3 boon which give you True Resurrection.

(I have no clue how to get Lorcan's boons since there is no mention of Deific/Fiendish/Demonic Obedience or anything so it's a mystery)

You'd have to be Evil yourself and they come online pretty late (level 16 for both if you take 10 levels of Evil PrC like Diabolist etc, unless you can get Lorcan's Boons earlier via Divine Paragon maybe?)

3/4 casters or 1/2 have some capabilities but I do not know if there is ways to achieve it for free and/or not at later levels.

I might be asking for too much, but is there other ways to get the power to resurrect your fellow party members without giving up your precious coins?

(Just fyi I just lost a character and we do not have a full caster in the party. I played a Oracle of Life because we were 5 players and I thought it would be interesting but I did not like it for very long. Since we do not have abilities to resurrect people for now and we do not have much money, it would be wise to play as a cleric. I would not play my cleric as the Oracle and would not heal in combat situation but could in between combats and provide resurrection spells if needed... But how boring is that? We are in 2024, Paizo released stuff for the game until 2019 and the most recent stuff has not been greatly covered so... Maybe there is something, somewhere for me to be able to achieve what I am looking for)

Monk of the Healing Hand at level 11 can perform 1 hour ritual to raise dead (which will spend all of his ki point)

Although it is generally not a good choice

An 18th level Witch can use the Life Giver grand hex to cast resurrection without needing a material component. The description of the hex does not place any limits on how often it can be used. So, other than the limitation of resurrection a witch can have no limits on how often or who they can use this on.

I would say a magic staff could pull it off. Somewhat. You only pay the material component costs during construction (50 times divided by charges used). There after, every use of a spell is free. The downside is staves can only hold up to 10 charges and can not be recharged faster than 1 charge a day (and you can't recharge multiple staves for some reason). So there is a cap to how much you can abuse this.

You could alternatively make it a command word with unlimited uses magic item. The base price will start at 1800 gp instead of 400 gp for single spell staff. A magic item that could cast True Resurrection at CL 20 unlimited times a day would be 324,000 gp. As a GM, I'd probably block my players from making such a magic item unless it was a high power game.

Edit: The sorcerer with the arcane bloodline capstone could get around the number of charges per day a staff could make. The capstone allows the sorcerer to duplicate the effects of 1 charge per every 3 levels of spells they sacrifice to use the capstone. So the sorcerer could keep using the staff until they run out of spell slots. A small downside is that the sorcerer can't store excess spell slots, so if they use a 4th level spell slot when only a 3rd was needed, then 1 level worth of spells is wasted.

There is also an Arcane Battery which improves staves, allowing them to hold more charges and get recharged quicker.

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Ultimate mercy feat for a paladin will get you a no material raise dead for 10 uses of lay on hands. You still need to contend with the negative levels suffered by the target though.

A 13th level Restorer Druid can cast reincarnate once per day without a material component.

A Songhealer Bard can use 20 rounds of bardic performance to create an effect equivalent to a resurrection. It does not specifically state no material component, but bardic performances usually do not require them.

Breath of Life does not have a material component and can bring back a creature from the dead. It only works if you can bring the creature within 1 round of death and only if you heal enough HP to put it above death. Inspiring Recovery can do this but can be done at range.

The Exchange

The paladin Ultimate Mercy is the earliest “free” way of raising the dead. A character built solely to get UM as fast as possible can do it by level 6. 5 if retraining is allowed, 4 if human and retraining is allowed.

level 6:
Starting Charisma 20 = 5 uses
Warrior of the Holy Light archetype = 1 use (at 4th level)
Level 6 = 3 uses
+2 Charisma headband = 1 use

Level 5:
1 use less of LoH for levels and can drop the headband if not enough money. Retrain 1st level feat to Extra Lay on Hands at 2nd level to get back up to 10 uses.

Level 4:
Same as level 5 but need to be human to get all 3 necessary feats with retraining. (Extra LoH, Greater Mercy, Ultimate Mercy.)

A Staff of Life is “only” 109,400 if you want something generic. Downside is that you have to be at least level 11 to recharge it.

Invigorating Repose:C5{magrim} is used to extend the useful time on Breath of Life:C5
False Focus feat while handy has a cash limit of 100gp.
PFS banned Blood Money spell for that very reason.

searches - raise dead, reincarnate, resurrection

That's plenty. So much interesting ones too.

Thank you everyone.

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