Questions about CR, monster creation

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Allright, i know that creatures with 1 CR will add their CR, plus one to an encounter difficulty. (So, 1 CR creature and 1CR creature will be CR 3)

However, what about something with 1/8th CR, or 1/4th CR? what happens then?

And even then, what happens when a 1 CR creature gets a character level?

What about what happens when 1/4 CR or 1/8 CR creature gets a character level?

If it is an npc class it should be a CR 1/2. If it is a pc class then it is a CR 1.

If the creature is a CR 1 then it goes to a CR 2 if given class levels.

two CR 1/8 should be a 1/4. two 1/4 should be a 1/2.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
wraithstrike wrote:

If it is an npc class it should be a CR 1/2. If it is a pc class then it is a CR 1.

If the creature is a CR 1 then it goes to a CR 2 if given class levels.

two CR 1/8 should be a 1/4. two 1/4 should be a 1/2.

and what if i added three 1/4 creatures? or four?

OH, and our class hit dice added to racial hit dice?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

it wont' let me edit, but, okay, whatever.

and xp points are divided equally among party members, right?

and are traps the same way?

I thought that, in Pathfinder, you found the CR of an encounter by adding all the XP values, and seeing what CR that ended up as. Was I mistaken?

Class hit dice are added to racial hit dice, except for the twenty or so 0 HD creatures that only get class levels.

The CR and experience points from traps are handled the same way as the CR and experience points from monsters.

Experience points are typically divided equally among all party members, although some GMs make exceptions sometimes.

If the creature is below 1 CR you add them. If the creatures are of the same CR then you add 2 to get the total CR.

As an example 2 CR 5's are a CR 7 encounter.

The XP value thing is done in 4E, not Pathfinder.

When you add classes to a monster it depends on the monster's role.
As an example if you give a giant a level of cleric the CR would not change because the abilities don't synergize well, but if you give it a level of fighter then the CR would go up.

As far as XP they are divided between the entire party whether it is a monster or a trap as a general rule.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
wraithstrike wrote:

If the creature is below 1 CR you add them. If the creatures are of the same CR then you add 2 to get the total CR.

As an example 2 CR 5's are a CR 7 encounter.

The XP value thing is done in 4E, not Pathfinder.

When you add classes to a monster it depends on the monster's role.
As an example if you give a giant a level of cleric the CR would not change because the abilities don't synergize well, but if you give it a level of fighter then the CR would go up.

As far as XP they are divided between the entire party whether it is a monster or a trap as a general rule.

allright, but how do you deal with monsters that have multiple CR's? As an example, 8 1/4 CR creatures, and one 1/2 CR creature, led by a CR 2.

SImRobert2001 wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

If the creature is below 1 CR you add them. If the creatures are of the same CR then you add 2 to get the total CR.

As an example 2 CR 5's are a CR 7 encounter.

The XP value thing is done in 4E, not Pathfinder.

When you add classes to a monster it depends on the monster's role.
As an example if you give a giant a level of cleric the CR would not change because the abilities don't synergize well, but if you give it a level of fighter then the CR would go up.

As far as XP they are divided between the entire party whether it is a monster or a trap as a general rule.

allright, but how do you deal with monsters that have multiple CR's? As an example, 8 1/4 CR creatures, and one 1/2 CR creature, led by a CR 2.

I handle them all separately, but you should remember that not all final CR's are equal.

The 8 1/4's= a CR 2
so what you have is 2+2+1/2
There is no such thing as a 4.5 CR enounter so you have to judge it as a CR 4 or 5 for purposes of difficulty.

This won't affect XP because you do the XP for each creature individually. Normally it would add up to the total XP of the encounter(2 CR 2's are the same XP as a CR 4*), but if you have to fraction of an encounter left over the XP will be off if you just looked at a monster that was a CR of 4 or 5.

example wrote:

*Cave Fisher CR 2

XP 600
Dark Stalker CR 4

XP 1,200

As you can see 2 CR 2's is the same XP as a CR 4.

wraithstrike wrote:

The XP value thing is done in 4E, not Pathfinder.

Yes it is.

CRB pg. 397 wrote:

Step 3—Build the Encounter: Determine the total XP award for the encounter by looking it up by its CR on Table 12–2. This gives you an “XP budget” for the encounter. Every creature, trap, and hazard is worth an amount of XP determined by its CR, as noted on Table

12–2. To build your encounter, simply add creatures, traps, and hazards whose combined XP does not exceed the total XP budget for your encounter. It’s easiest to add the highest CR challenges to the encounter first, filling out the remaining total with lesser challenges.

Core Rule Book wrote:
A creature that possesses class levels, but does not have any racial Hit Dice, is factored in as a creature with a CR equal to its class levels –1. A creature that only possesses non-player class levels (such as a warrior or adept—see page 448) is factored in as a creature with a CR equal to its class levels –2. If this reduction would reduce a creature’s CR to below 1, its CR drops one step on the following progression for each step below 1 this reduction would make: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8.

This is only for creatures without racial hit dice. Located on page 400 or thereabouts.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
example wrote:

*Cave Fisher CR 2

XP 600
Dark Stalker CR 4

XP 1,200

As you can see 2 CR 2's is the same XP as a CR 4.

well, thank you, but i was referring to creatures that have different CR's, to get the total CR. As a better example. Two CR 2 Mobs, with two CR 3 mobs, with a CR 10 mob.

wraithstrike wrote:
SImRobert2001 wrote:

example wrote:

*Cave Fisher CR 2

XP 600
Dark Stalker CR 4

XP 1,200

As you can see 2 CR 2's is the same XP as a CR 4.
well, thank you, but i was referring to creatures that have different CR's, to get the total CR. As a better example. Two CR 2 Mobs, with two CR 3 mobs, with a CR 10 mob.

Use the table on page 398 (or here).

Sizik wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

The XP value thing is done in 4E, not Pathfinder.

Yes it is.

CRB pg. 397 wrote:

Step 3—Build the Encounter: Determine the total XP award for the encounter by looking it up by its CR on Table 12–2. This gives you an “XP budget” for the encounter. Every creature, trap, and hazard is worth an amount of XP determined by its CR, as noted on Table

12–2. To build your encounter, simply add creatures, traps, and hazards whose combined XP does not exceed the total XP budget for your encounter. It’s easiest to add the highest CR challenges to the encounter first, filling out the remaining total with lesser challenges.

Determine the total XP award for the encounter by looking it up by its CR

That means you look at CR first, unlike 4E which is XP based.

SImRobert2001 wrote:

example wrote:

*Cave Fisher CR 2

XP 600
Dark Stalker CR 4

XP 1,200

As you can see 2 CR 2's is the same XP as a CR 4.
well, thank you, but i was referring to creatures that have different CR's, to get the total CR. As a better example. Two CR 2 Mobs, with two CR 3 mobs, with a CR 10 mob.

Two CR 2 creatres are worth 600 XP each. Two CR 3s are worth 800 XP each. A CR 10 is worth 9,600 XP.

Add those up, you get 12,400 XP. Not quite enough for an EL 11 encounter so, add another CR 1 to get an even EL 11. Realistically, though, a CR 1 has no business hanging out with a CR 10 and a party that could overcome an EL 11 encounter would not be threatened at all by a CR 1.

Edit: Thinking about it, since XP is awarded per creature, not per encounter, I wouldn't even include the CR 1. Just call it about an EL 11.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Quantum Steve wrote:
SImRobert2001 wrote:

example wrote:

*Cave Fisher CR 2

XP 600
Dark Stalker CR 4

XP 1,200

As you can see 2 CR 2's is the same XP as a CR 4.
well, thank you, but i was referring to creatures that have different CR's, to get the total CR. As a better example. Two CR 2 Mobs, with two CR 3 mobs, with a CR 10 mob.

Two CR 2 creatres are worth 600 XP each. Two CR 3s are worth 800 XP each. A CR 10 is worth 9,600 XP.

Add those up, you get 12,400 XP. Not quite enough for an EL 11 encounter so, add another CR 1 to get an even EL 11. Realistically, though, a CR 1 has no business hanging out with a CR 10 and a party that could overcome an EL 11 encounter would not be threatened at all by a CR 1.

Edit: Thinking about it, since XP is awarded per creature, not per encounter, I wouldn't even include the CR 1. Just call it about an EL 11.

That was just an example.

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