Two-handed Fighter Seeking Advice


For a Two-handed Fighter using an Earth Breaker as their weapon who plans To focus on sundering and intimidation.

What should 15 levels worth of feats look for a decently built character

Also I am kinda thinking of going VMC Barbarian.

If it helps my Character will wear Full-plate

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This example is focused on tripping instead of sunder and intimidation, but can probably work as general framework. Replace Combat Expertise and Improved Trip at 1st with Power Attack and Improved Sunder, take Intimidating Prowess at 2nd level, switch out the rage power (Intimidating Glare instead of Knockback) and take the Extra Rage Power feat for Terrifying Howl at 13th level, etc.

Curnagon smash and hurtful are key feats for this as well.

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