
Falling Rock's page

87 posts. Organized Play character for Tim Emrick.

Full Name

Falling Rock


HP 264/246 | AC 39, T 20, FF 35 (+2 vs. giants) | F +26, R +23, W +17| Init +11 (+2/+4) | DV 60', Perc +27 (+2/+4)


CG male Shoanti human ranger 14 (guide, skirmisher)/fighter 5 |

About Falling Rock

CG male Shoanti human ranger 14 (guide, skirmisher)/fighter 5 |
HP 246/246 | AC 39, touch 20, FF 35 (+2 vs. giants) | Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +17; +2 vs. death; +3 vs. fear; +4 Endurance; +4 gloves of dueling| Init +11 (+2/+4) | Speed 30 ft, swim 30 ft | darkvision 60 ft., Perception +27 (+2/+4), Sense Motive +4 |
hunter's tricks 7/9; inspired moment 0/1; ranger's focus 3/5; winged boots 2/3; Active Conditions: none

Active effects
* Tea Ceremony (Gabrielle): greater heroism (+4 morale to attacks, saves, skills; immune fear; +(CL) temp hp); 12 hours.
* Communal Table (Cazic) heroes' feast w/double bonuses (+2 sacred bonus to attacks and Will; +8 sacred bonus vs. poison & fear; 1d8+9 temp hp) and teamwork feat (Lookout); 12 hours.
* Life Link (Cazic).
* Winged Boots: fly 60 ft. (good maneuverability); 5 minutes.
* Blessing of Fervor (Cazic): +2 attacks; +2 dodge to AC & Reflex.
* Good Hope (Arnault): +2 morale to saves, attacks, ability checks, skills, weapon damage; 17 minutes.
* Inspire Courage (Arnault): +4 morale vs. charm & fear; +4 competence attack & weapon damage.
* Haste (Arnault): +1 attack, +1 dodge to AC and saves; +30 ft speed; bonus atk w/full atk; 17 rounds.
* Power of the Giants (Hill Giant): enlarge person (Large, +2 size Str, -2 size Dex, -1 size AC & attacks), 18 temporary hp; 6 minutes.
[* Ranger's Focus: +6 attack & damage vs. selected foe; until target reduced to 0 HP or surrender, or focus on another target.]
* TOTAL BUFF BONUSES: +18 hp; AC +1, FF -1, CMD +2; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6 (added +4 vs. charm, +8 vs. poison), immune fear; attack +10 (+16 w/R.F.) [CMB add +1], damage +6 (+12 w/R.F.); skills +4 (or Str +5, Dex +3); ability checks +2 (or Str +3, Dex +1, Init +5 in urban).


Male Shoanti human ranger (guide, skirmisher) 14/fighter 5
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., helm of underwater action; Perception +27; [+2 Init & Perception in mountains, +4 in urban or underground]

AC 39, touch 20, flat-footed 35 (+14 armor, +5 deflection, +4 Dex, +1 insight, +5 natural); +2 AC vs. giants
hp 246 (19d10+128)
Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +17; +2 vs. death effects; +3 vs. fear; +4 vs. effects that cause loss of grip on weapons; +4 vs. cold or hot environments and suffocation
Defensive Abilities evasion, fortification (50%); DR 2/– vs. giants

Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

Melee (Power Attack, Vital Strike) +5 impact impervious merciful adamantine earth breaker +36 (3d6+35/19-20, x3 [+4 to confirm] plus 9d6 plus 1d6 nonlethal)
Melee (Power Attack, iteratives) +5 impact impervious merciful adamantine earth breaker +36/+26/+21/+16 (3d6+35/19-20, x3 [+4 to confirm] plus 1d6 nonlethal)
Melee (Power Attack, bonus attack) +5 impact impervious merciful adamantine earth breaker +31 (3d6+35/19-20, x3 [+4 to confirm] plus 1d6 nonlethal)

Melee (Power Attack, Vital Strike) +1 adamantine longsword +24 (1d8+19/19-20 [+4 to confirm] plus 3d8)
Melee (Power Attack, iteratives) +1 adamantine longsword +24/+14/+9/+4 (1d8+19/19-20 [+4 to confirm])
Melee (Power Attack, bonus attack) +1 adamantine longsword +19 (1d8+19/19-20 [+4 to confirm])

Melee (Power Attack, Vital Strike) dagger +23 (1d4+18/19-20 [+4 to confirm] plus 3d4)
Melee (Power Attack, iteratives) dagger +23/+13/+8/+3 (1d4+18/19-20 [+4 to confirm])
Melee (Power Attack, bonus attack) dagger +18 (1d4+18/19-20 [+4 to confirm])

Ranged (Vital Strike) +1 adaptive composite longbow +26 (1d8+9/×3 [+4 to confirm], plus 3d8)
Ranged (iteratives) +1 adaptive composite longbow +26/+21/+16/+11 (1d8+9/×3 [+4 to confirm])

Special Attacks hunter's tricks (9/day; deft stand, second chance strike, surprise shift, upending strike, vengeance strike), inspired moment (1/day), ranger's focus +6 (5/day)

Str 24, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +19; CMB +29 (+31 sunder, +3 additional with hammers); CMD 47 (51 vs. disarm, 53 vs. sunder, +3 additional with hammers)
Feats Cleave, Cleaving Finish, Combat Reflexes [6 AoO/round], Critical Focus, Endurance, Furious Focus, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (earth breaker), Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Lunge, Power Attack [-5/+10(15)], Shield of Swings, Step Up, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (earth breaker)
Skills Acrobatics +23, Climb +21, Diplomacy -1 (+7 vs. Liberty’s Edge members), Fly +23 (+27 with winged boots), Handle Animal +3, Heal +8, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (arcana) +4 (+6 to identify constructs), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (geography) +7 (+9 in mountains, +11 in underground and urban), Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nature) +25, Linguistics +7, Perception +27 (+29 in mountains, +31 in underground and urban), Profession (sailor) +8, Profession (trapper) +12, Ride +8, Stealth +25 (+27 in mountains, +29 in underground and urban), Survival +27 (+29 in mountains, +31 in underground and urban), Swim +19 (+23 to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion)
Languages Common, Giant, Orc, Shoanti, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Undercommon
Traits Reactionary, Reincarnated
SQ armor training 1, camouflage, favored terrain (mountain +2, underground +4, urban +4), swift tracker, terrain bond, track +7, weapon training (hammers +3), wild empathy +11, woodland stride
Combat Gear blood reservoir of physical prowess (4 charges), potion of invisibility, snapleaf, wand of cure light wounds (41 charges), acid (3), alchemist’s fire (4 [2 used]), armor ointment (1), liquid ice (2); Other Gear +5 giant-defiant moderate fortification impervious mithral full plate [hardness 35, hp 145], +5 impact impervious merciful adamantine earth breaker (“Skyfall”) [hardness 29, hp 110], +1 adamantine longsword [hardness 12, hp 20], +1 adaptive composite longbow [hardness 7, hp 15], cold iron arrows (42), dagger [hardness 10, hp 2], javelin (2) [hardness 5, hp 5], amulet of natural armor +5, bag of holding I, belt of physical perfection +6, cloak of resistance +5, efficient quiver, gloves of dueling, goggles of night, handy haversack, hat of disguise, headband of mental prowess +4 (Int, Wis, Acrobatics, Fly), helm of underwater action [stowed], ioun stone (dusty rose prism), ioun stones (5 cracked: dusty rose prism, incandescent blue sphere [2: Perception, Survival], pale green prism [2: attacks, saves]), ioun torch, ring of evasion, ring of protection +5, stone of good luck, unfettered shirt [1/day, used], wayfinder, winged boots, bandoliers (2), bedroll, belt pouch, crowbar, flint and steel, grappling hook, mess kit, pot, potion sponge (2), rope, silk rope, trail rations (5), torch (9), waterskin, explorer’s outfit, diamond dust (4,000 gp), diamonds (5,000 gp; 10,000 gp), 17,070 gp
Vanities Hunting Lodge [use Survival for Day Job], River Kingdom Land Rush

Ally of Order [USED].
Bane of Urgathoa (2 used [1 used]): Give weapon undead bane, ghost touch, and increase crit multiplier by 1 for 1 attack vs. undead creature.
Boon of Abraxus (Wish for Rescue) (1 use): As immediate action when drop below 0 hp, heal 3d8+10 hp; can prevent unconsciousness or dying.
Clockwork Engineer: +2 K/A to ID constructs; cross off to take 20 on such a check.
Commander of Zephyr Hall: May travel via cloud castle; may access its library.
Dragon Tyrant (1 use): As full-round action, call dominated adult red dragon, which serves for 3 rounds, then attacks you and allies 1 round (may spend PP to increase duration or avoid retaliation).
Eylysia’s Insight (3 uses [1 used]): Roll Knowledge check as if had level in ranks (and +3 for class skill) [= +25], or roll twice and take higher.
Legacy of Toric (1 use): As full-round action, summon a frost giant (as S.M. VIII, CL 20).
Power of the Giants (Hill, Stone, Fire, Frost, Cloud, Storm) (2/day [2 used]): Enlarge person on self (CL 6th), plus additional abilities by giant type chosen.
Sting of Serpent Magic (1 use): Immediate action before save vs. spell/SLA; if succeed and spell has reduced effect on success, avoid entirely.
Strength of the Gigas: One additional use of Power of the Giants per day (included); may spend both to gain two special powers at once.
Temporal Acceleration (1 use): As standard action (or swift on self), reduce duration of spell/SLA on 1 creature, or single spell effect, by 3 rounds.
Torch’s Bag of Contingencies [USED to acquire hat of disguise.]
Trap Intuition (1 use): Reroll Ref save vs. trap at +(level/2).

Falling Rock is a male Shoanti warrior whose mithral full plate is engraved with the Shoanti runes for "avalanche" upon his helmet and breastplate. (These match his tribal tattoos, which are completely covered unless he raises his visor.) He wields a powerful magical adamantine earth breaker that he's named "Skyfall," for its devastating impact.


[dice=Perception (mountains)]1d20+27+2[/dice]
[dice=Perception (underground)]1d20+27+4[/dice]
[dice=Perception (urban)]1d20+27+4[/dice]

Falling Rock typically uses Greater Vital Strike to deal massive damage to one opponent each round; he always uses Power Attack with Furious Focus on these attacks. If he fells a creature, Cleaving Finish allows him an extra attack vs. a foe within reach (this uses the “bonus attack” entry instead).

[Dice=+5 impact impervious merciful adamantine earth breaker]1d20+36[/dice]
[Dice=Damage (B)]3d6+35[/dice] plus [Dice=Greater Vital Strike]9d6[/dice] plus [Dice=Merciful]1d6[/dice]
[Dice=Threatens on 19-20, crit confirm roll]1d20+36+4[/dice], [Dice=additional damage]6d6+70[/dice]

He typically only uses iterative attacks when fighting multiple weak foes, or when he needs to subdue someone without killing them outright. He uses Power Attack and Furious Focus for these as well (so his accuracy drops dramatically after the first attack).

[Dice=+5 impact impervious merciful adamantine earth breaker (attack 1)]1d20+36[/dice]
[Dice=Damage (B)]3d6+35[/dice] plus [Dice=Merciful]1d6[/dice]
[Dice=Threatens on 19-20, crit confirm roll]1d20+36+4[/dice], [Dice=additional damage]6d6+70[/dice]

[Dice=Attack 2]1d20+26[/dice], [Dice=Damage (B)]3d6+35[/dice] plus [Dice=Merciful]1d6[/dice]
[Dice=Threatens on 19-20, crit confirm roll]1d20+26+4[/dice], [Dice=additional damage]6d6+70[/dice]

[Dice=Attack 3]1d20+21[/dice], [Dice=Damage (B)]3d6+35[/dice] plus [Dice=Merciful]1d6[/dice]
[Dice=Threatens on 19-20, crit confirm roll]1d20+21+4[/dice], [Dice=additional damage]6d6+70[/dice]

[Dice=Attack 4]1d20+16[/dice], [Dice=Damage (B)]3d6+35[/dice] plus [Dice=Merciful]1d6[/dice]
[Dice=Threatens on 19-20, crit confirm roll]1d20+16+4[/dice], [Dice=additional damage]6d6+70[/dice]

Bonus attacks from attacks of opportunity, Cleaving Finish, or haste do not benefit from Furious Focus or Greater Vital Strike.

[Dice=+5 impact impervious merciful adamantine earth breaker]1d20+31[/dice]
[Dice=Damage (B)]3d6+35[/dice] plus [Dice=Merciful]1d6[/dice]
[Dice=Threatens on 19-20, crit confirm roll]1d20+31+4[/dice], [Dice=additional damage]6d6+70[/dice]

(And naturally, he'll turn merciful off when fighting constructs or undead.)

Personal records:
Highest damage inflicted in a single attack: 208 (crit with Skyfall while enlarged; advanced wendigo, Race for the Runecarved Key).
Highest damage inflicted in 1 round: 580 (full attack with Skyfall while enlarged, including crit above; advanced wendigo, Race for the Runecarved Key).