Ki Strike / Inner Upheaval when you can't normally flurry of blows

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

How does this work? You can obtain ki strike through a couple archetypes, and the spell says you can perform an action you normally might not have access to.

BTW, the monk archetype still gets flurry at level 10 but it has a 1d4 round cool down.

I'm guessing this is for the PC2 Monk.

CRB Ki Strike could still end up in this type of state when dealing with Monk Archetype. But Ki Strike only said 'Make an unarmed Strike or Flurry of Blows'. It doesn't give you Flurry if you don't already have it, you can only Ki Strike with unarmed Strike at that point.

Does the new Ki Strike only work with Flurry or other specific actions that you have to somehow gain access to?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Finoan wrote:

I'm guessing this is for the PC2 Monk.

CRB Ki Strike could still end up in this type of state when dealing with Monk Archetype. But Ki Strike only said 'Make an unarmed Strike or Flurry of Blows'. It doesn't give you Flurry if you don't already have it, you can only Ki Strike with unarmed Strike at that point.

Does the new Ki Strike only work with Flurry or other specific actions that you have to somehow gain access to?

The new ki strike is functionally identical.

I'm not sure why a magical spell wouldn't allow you to perform an otherwise impossible action, TBH. That's kind of the basis of spells. And plenty of other feats and actions, for that matter. I'm not seeing anything under the subordinate action rules which require you to be capable of a base action, either.

But on the other hand this feels a little too good to be true for any non-monk unarmed build. Dip heavy into the qi spells to get 3 focus points (rush and the healing spell will do) and you've got a huge damage and action economy enhancer for 3 rounds. Feels a bit absurd on the new bestial mutagen alchemist, for example.

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In-game, yes - magic can definitely let characters do things that would otherwise be impossible.

Game mechanics only allow what they say that the allow. If Ki Strike doesn't say that it gives the character the Flurry of Blows action, then it doesn't give that action. Ki Strike being compatible with the action if you have it is a bonus for those that have it - not a way to gain an action that you otherwise couldn't use.

My read is that having inner upheaval without flurry of blows (say from archetyping) does not allow you to make a flurry of blows, you would have to strike instead.

Similarly Stumbling Feint is available to characters who do not have access to flurry of blows (say you take it via the Martial Artist archetype) but literally does nothing without flurry of blows. The solution to this problem is "do not take stumbling feint without access to FoB."

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I agree spells do what they say, but this spell says:

You focus your qi into devastating magical attacks. Make an unarmed Strike or Flurry of Blows (this doesn’t change the limit on using only one flourish per turn).

It doesn't say "if you have the action, you may use it instead of a single strike." It just says do the action.

Liberty's Edge

Captain Morgan wrote:

I agree spells do what they say, but this spell says:

You focus your qi into devastating magical attacks. Make an unarmed Strike or Flurry of Blows (this doesn’t change the limit on using only one flourish per turn).

It doesn't say "if you have the action, you may use it instead of a single strike." It just says do the action.

Way I read it, the default attack is a Strike. But if you have FoB, you can use it instead.

Nothing says it grants FoB.

And TBH if it was a standard spell, we would not be having this debate IMO.

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I think it's similar to being subject to the Haste spell if you have the immobilized condition. Yes, you can use the extra action to strike or stride but the immobilized condition prevents you from making movement actions, so stride is unavailable to you so you can only use the extra action to strike.

If something gives you a "do A or B" choice, but one of them isn't available to you (say, you don't have the relevant class feature) then you don't have a choice- you can only do the remaining option.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:

I think it's similar to being subject to the Haste spell if you have the immobilized condition. Yes, you can use the extra action to strike or stride but the immobilized condition prevents you from making movement actions, so stride is unavailable to you so you can only use the extra action to strike.

If something gives you a "do A or B" choice, but one of them isn't available to you (say, you don't have the relevant class feature) then you don't have a choice- you can only do the remaining option.

That's more persuasive to me than simply saying "it doesn't say it grants the action."

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