Usurp the lunar reins

Rules Discussion

Hello, I have a question about ursurp the lunar reins.


Choose an area 50 feet long by 50 feet wide within 500 feet, and choose two different effects from the options provided below.

Flood You create a pool of pure, clean water in the area, which coalesces from ambient moisture. This water must be created on a surface—not in air—and flows normally.
Control You tug on the moon to raise or lower the level of bodies of water in the area by 10 feet. If you control a portion of a larger body of water, the water then equalizes normally.

So with flood only an area 50 feet by 50 feet but not depth and with control, you can obtain a depth of 10 feet, is it right ?

And if you use the feat again at the other round, you can increase the depth again ?

Thanks for your future answer.

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