Interest check - Dragonbane RPG


I am interested in taking Free League's Dragonbane RPG out for a spin and running a short adventure based one of the ones included in the intro box.

Basic game and character creation rules can be found in the Quickstart that is avialable for free here: DRIVETHRURPG.COM

Anyone else interested?

Mallards! It’s like original Runequest all over again!

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Mallards! It’s like original Runequest all over again!

Yup, ornery ducks.

Just had the chance to grab the boxed set about a month ago, so definitely interested ;)


Ok. Interested.

Consider me up for giving a new(ish) fantasy RPG a try!

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Excellent! I'm glad there's interest. I'll wait until we have a few more interested souls then open the official recruitment thread.

I'm up for it!

I'll withdraw my interest. I love the art, but the system doesn't grab me.

GM BrOP - are you thinking of having players use the pregens in the back of the quickstart, or making new characters? I don't see *any* rules for character generation in the quickstart and on page 5 it states "A range of professions are described in the full Dragonbane core game."

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
GM BrOP - are you thinking of having players use the pregens in the back of the quickstart, or making new characters? I don't see *any* rules for character generation in the quickstart and on page 5 it states "A range of professions are described in the full Dragonbane core game."

Ah, thanks for pointing that out.

I will guide interested players through character creation if they want, or they can pick one of the pregens. Character creation is pretty easy and will be familiar to anyone who knows d20-based systems.

I'm going to wait until we have at least one more interested person to start the formal recruitment thread. That way we can lose a few folks during character creation and still have three players. I don't like playing PbP games with less then three players, it's too easy to lose momentum, especially during the summer doldrums.

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I also want to state that for those of you not familiar with the rules (which I assume is most of you), is that this game was modeled on Runequest as it existed back in the 80s. This means that PCs are pretty squishy, and that players need to be cautious before throwing themselves into combat. This is pretty much the default design idea for OSR games, and Dragonbane generally falls into this group.

Probably not my cuppa after all then!

GM BrOp wrote:
I also want to state that for those of you not familiar with the rules (which I assume is most of you), is that this game was modeled on Runequest as it existed back in the 80s. This means that PCs are pretty squishy, and that players need to be cautious before throwing themselves into combat. This is pretty much the default design idea for OSR games, and Dragonbane generally falls into this group.

That’s what I love about OSR games!

For those of you interested in the game, I was thinking of running the first adventure in media res, meaning that you are already "in it". That way we can get right to the action.

Have you thought about what kinds of characters you would like to play?

Available kin include: human, halfling, dwarf, elf, mallard, and wolfkin.
Available profession include: artisan, bard, fighter, hunter, knight, mage, mariner, merchant, scholar, and thief.

I would recommend against mariner, as you won't be doing any sailing during the first adventure.

I’m thinking classic Halfling thief but I have a couple of other ideas if needed.

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Still reading through the rules. I may take a while, but I typically gravitate towards (arcane) magic casters.

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Hey GM BrOp, was planning on going with the Wolfkin Fighter pregen!

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So yeah, I skimmed through some parts of the rules. Hopefully I'll pick everything up on the go.

I'd go with Archmaster Aodhan, the pyromancer.

I could roll with the pregen Krisanna the bold. (if possible I’d tweak her a little bit).

These are the changes I would suggest but I could easily play her as is.
1. Make her an adult instead of young. This would give -1 to AGL & Con (17 AGL, 12 Con) this wouldn’t change any of her existing skill ranks but net 2 more trained skills. These skills would be bows 14 and healing 12.
2. Equipment; remove a melee weapon (or 2) and add a bow.

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