Ioun Wyrd Familiar Combat Upgrade Rules Questions

Rules Questions

I posted this on reddit but wanted to also post it here for any additional advice, apologies if I'm not supposed to do that I'm new to all of this.

*edit: changed title*

I am planning on making an eldritch guardian character and have been doing a lot of theorizing on ways to get the most milage out of my familiar. The idea I came up with is the Ioun Wyrd as it is a construct and so it would seem it could be upgraded through craft construct. Besides the basic upgrades listed under the feat Craft Construct or those modifications found under the Building and Modifying Constructs rules there are also the Construct templates, all of which are acquired templates:


Acquired Templates

This kind of template is added to a creature well after its birth or creation.

Some templates, like the lich, are the results of a creature’s choice and desire to transform. Others, like the ghost template, are the result of an external force acting upon a creature (for example, when a tormented person dies and becomes a ghost). Yet in both cases, the template changed a creature well after its birth or creation—these types are called “acquired templates,” and can be added to a creature at any time during its existence.

So for my purposes it would seem that it is entirely possible to upgrade my ioun wyrd with the "Commando Construct" template, however I would have to hire someone to do (or have a party member with Craft Construct assist) this as I don't believe there is any for a non-caster to get Craft Construct.

If this assumption is correct and this is possible this brings up a few questions:

1. The Commando gains additional special attacks according to its HD(1 at 1HD, 2 at 9HD and 3 at 13HD) would the Familiar Hit Dice rule apply here in a similar way that it does for familiar's whose DC for poison depends on their masters hit dice?

"Hit Dice: For the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, use the master’s character level or the familiar’s normal HD total, whichever is higher."

2. The commando construct gains bonus feats, 1 at base and 1 more for every 4HD (to a max of 10), is the familiar even capable of receiving the first feat? what about the feat per 4HD?

3. This is not directly related to the commando template, however I plan on giving my familiar the Mauler archetype, when in the battle form the size increase to medium, as per the rules for constructs they gain addition HP depending on their size (20 for medium) would my Ioun Wyrd gain this bonus HP when in battle form? I know that the familiar gets its HP based but the Battle form is listed as a polymorph effect and so it seems to me this bonus HP would be similar to the Strength bonus you gain from going from tiny to medium and is an effect of the polymorph ability and thus applicable.

4. This is not a question on the mechanics of this familiar but a question on how to play it, any ideas how on earth I would be able to heal it? Cause if the rest of this works as I intend then this is the only part holding it back from being the best combat familiar imo. The only idea I had was to use the spell like ability modification to allow it to cast make whole on itself, but probably couldn't do that for several level (maybe I'll just keep it out of combat for the first few levels, although that seems boring)

If all of this is possible then I think this would be one of the strongest combat familiars:
it would get:
+10(+4 commando, +4 tiny to medium, +2 mauler size bonus) to str (plus the addition str for leveling) when in battle form @ level 10 this is 17 strength

2 dex (+4 commando, -2 tiny to medium) when in battle form for a total dex of 17

Ac of 20 (15 base, +1 for dex increase, +4 natural armor from commando) +any additional armor you give it

+30 Hp when in battle form (Commando give 1.5x the size bonus)

@ level 10, assuming the fighters Hp is 90 ( slightly above average rolls with +2 con and favored class bonus), the maulers health in battle for would be 75 (which is d8 HD for that level with the same +2con and favored class)

As a commando the Ioun wyrd would also be able to gain sneak attack again assuming level 10 master that would be 5d6 sneak attack from flanking which wouldn't be too hard to do. And could do an extra attack every turn at full BAB (again a commando ability) or you could give it the ability to deal damage and cause the enemy to make a DC 18 (10+half HD + str Mod) or be knocked unconscious

This doesn't even consider its own combat feats, which would be in addition to the combat feats shared with the fighter as an eldritch guardian. (Maybe the familiar can attack with a weapon now as I could pick up proficiency, Although I would have to find a work around for the fact that in the chart Magic Item Slots for Animals the Ioun Wyrd can not grasp/carry items, maybe another modification could add limbs/hands)

Finally a number of other basic or complex modifications could be added including, better ability scores, better AC, better resistances, and even fast healing.

Overall I think this package would make for a really impressive combat familiar and I'm looking forward to hear what you all think about it and whether or not it works and any ways I could improve the build.

...this as I don't believe there is any for a non-caster to get Craft Construct.

Master Craftsman will qualify you for Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Magic Arms and Armor. Then you can select Craft Construct.

1) It is an odd interaction but as far as I can see, yes.

2) You are forking out a lot of gp for these abilities, since you need: bull’s strength, greater heroism, and limited wish spells during creation (or eating a huge +5 crafting DC for each missing component). Yes, they will get the feats.

3) No, your familiar would not gain the bonus HP from a size change. This is because it's HP is based on YOUR hp because it is a familiar. Side note: You can't have things two different ways. If the total HD works based on the familiar abilities and so does the HP, or they use the base form of the creature.

4) Constructs do not react to positive or negative energy, so you wouldn't be able to heal them in the normal fashion. And if that construct familiar is destroyed, you are going be out a LOT of money and time, since the ritual to get a new familiar does not return the same one you lost. Also, the share spells class feature only lets you target the familiar even if its type isn't normally an option, but that won't change the interaction of positive or negative energy.

Your options are spells like mending, make whole, or spells that grants fast healing to creatures (since constructs CAN benefit per their type description), so celestial healing or infernal healing.

DeathlessOne wrote:
...this as I don't believe there is any for a non-caster to get Craft Construct.

Master Craftsman will qualify you for Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Magic Arms and Armor. Then you can select Craft Construct.

1) It is an odd interaction but as far as I can see, yes.

2) You are forking out a lot of gp for these abilities, since you need: bull’s strength, greater heroism, and limited wish spells during creation (or eating a huge +5 crafting DC for each missing component). Yes, they will get the feats.

3) No, your familiar would not gain the bonus HP from a size change. This is because it's HP is based on YOUR hp because it is a familiar. Side note: You can't have things two different ways. If the total HD works based on the familiar abilities and so does the HP, or they use the base form of the creature.

4) Constructs do not react to positive or negative energy, so you wouldn't be able to heal them in the normal fashion. And if that construct familiar is destroyed, you are going be out a LOT of money and time, since the ritual to get a new familiar does not return the same one you lost. Also, the share spells class feature only lets you target the familiar even if its type isn't normally an option, but that won't change the interaction of positive or negative energy.

Your options are spells like mending, make whole, or spells that grants fast healing to creatures (since constructs CAN benefit per their type description), so celestial healing or infernal healing.

Are you sure about Craft Construct because one of the pre requirements is Caster Level 5, and Master Craftsman says it only qualifies you for Crft magic arms and Armor and Craft Wonderous Items

Will_ells wrote:
Are you sure about Craft Construct because one of the pre requirements is Caster Level 5, and Master Craftsman says it only qualifies you for Crft magic arms and Armor and Craft Wonderous Items

From the strictest RAW interpretations of the wording, no, you wouldn't qualify HOWEVER, if a GM is going to be permissive enough to let you expend all those resources in creating a highly customizable construct familiar, allowing you to take four feats towards crafting it yourself (and curtailing at least a little bit of personal power for the character), they might as well go with the intent of the Master Craftsman feat.

As far as I am concerned as a GM, your caster level for Magic Arms and Armor, and Craft Wondrous Item, might as well carry over to feats that have those specific feats as requirements. There is already precedent for someone to have the Craft Construct feat without actually having a caster level or the level necessary to take it normally, specifically the Promethean Alchemist, and that is at level 1.

It is simpler to have an NPC upgrade your familiar and pay full price avoiding having to invest feat(s) & spells, but it does depend on how much it costs in total (less than 10% WBL or 1000gp at 5th Lvl).
It is usually more cost effective to buy magic items for a familiar's Magic Item Body Slots.
In the forum threads the same effort was made to upgrade a homunculus, so I'd search & read that.

to make it easy, don't put a lot of cash into upgrading a familiar unless your PC is high level. Collateral AoE spell damage is likely to kill familiars in the midst of mid to higher level combat (as Wiz/2 HPs are very low).
It is better for a wizard to have a bonded object amulet for an item at half price (amulet spell mastery) and one *free* spell cast per day. Use blood sentinel if you need a familiar.

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