replaced class Abilities and magic items

Rules Questions

If the ability like bravery is replaced by something else, that like bravery advances every 4 level, do magic items like r%20Champion still advance that different ability?

No, new class feature does not have any association with the old one.

If the new class ability states it is treated as the original ability it would be advanced, but otherwise it would not be. For example, archeologist’s luck states it is treated as bardic performance.

How do i calculate the price of a magic item that does the the same for the new ability/abilities. if both abilities are buffed by the spell "cat's grace", when i look at other items that buff simular things, does than mean: 2xcat's grace for the price?

There is 2 ways to price magic items. One is to use Table 15–29 (Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Values). It is good for getting a close estimate for magic items that have one of the listed effects on the table. The other way is to compare magic items. Similar magic items should have similar prices, better magic items should cost more and weaker magic items should cost less.

There are more detailed rules in the books, but I don't have them indexed unfortunately. I'll go look for them.

I'm not seeing anything beyond the core rules on AoN.

Craft Magic Items

If you have the book, you could try looking on p. 73 of tome and blood (DND 3.0e).

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