Monk - Gorilla Stance - Shield?

Rules Discussion

Hey All!

I have a monk that recently picked up a shield at level 3 to help with the low AC. However, when I enter Gorilla Stance there was some discussion at my table as the stance specifically states that I'm walking on knuckles and hands so I wouldn't be able to use my shield. I understand not being able to shield bash since I can only use unarmed strikes in the stance RAW, but I would like to think I would still be able to use a reaction with my shield when hit and use the action Raise Shield while in the stance as well.

Thank you all in advance!

I don't think there is specific rules support for this. IIRC the current rule is that shields are strapped to your arm, and they can be "dropped" from that hand so it counts as free.

IMO that points to being able to hold, but not raise, a shield in gorilla stance.

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Actual requirements are listed under each feat/stance [for instance, Crane Stance has "Requirements You are unarmored."]. Gorilla Stance doesn't require that you have free hands or aren't wearing a shield, so it doesn't require that: there aren't any 'stealth' requirements. If you're not allowed to wear a shield, it's a houserule your group/DM made, not one in the current rules.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

graystone has the right of it.

graystone wrote:
If you're not allowed to wear a shield, it's a houserule your group/DM made, not one in the current rules.

While I have nothing against houserules, there should be a reason for them and there should be some balance considerations taken into account.

Why does Monk need to not be allowed to use a shield?
Is it only for this one stance? Or all of them?

From just what was posted in the OP, I am suspecting that there are some ulterior motives that aren't being addressed. The narrative description of Gorilla Stance is just the excuse being used to mask those actual motivations.


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Thank you all for the advice!

It wasn't specifically a houserule, just something that wasn't clear to my table which lead to some discussion about it. And my Monk will be able to Raise Shield with no worry!

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