N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God -- Interest?


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I'm wondering if anyone is interested in playing Against the Cult of the Reptile God. This will be a one shot, so the game ends when you reach 3rd level and defeated the cult. At least I think it will end . . . Depends on the group, doesn't it?

I'm planning on getting a copy of N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God, just so I can see how it plays out. The Game will be based in the World of Greyhawk. We will use Pathfinder 1e.

It's a classic AD&D module, so I'm just gauging interest. I'll be your storyteller for the game.

I'm looking for 4-7 brave and skillful adventurers to solve the riddle of the town of Orlane.

Interested! :D

Death and Glory!

Dark Archive

Definitely interested!

Grand Lodge


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I am not interested, but I did do a massive conversion of Against the Cult to PF1 for fun in my spare time. (Which I may run someday, but not now.)

I found it took a lot of adjustment and a lot of generation of NPC stats (if you need them) to make it work for PF mechanics. Even stuff like how the "Reptile God" works needs finessing in PF. If you're interested in any of the statblocks I generated for characters let me know (though in many cases I just grabbed appropriately leveled NPC stats for things like "guards" and "constables" from the GMG and NPC Codex).

It's a potentially quite long module to play out, and what the PCs do can dramatically affect how things pan out. I hope your time with it is fun and fruitful!

Grand Lodge

DeathQuaker wrote:
If you're interested in any of the statblocks I generated for characters let me know.


I am ecstatically interested. You can send me a PM.

(I can't play in it because I practically know it by heart; the most recent time that I DMed it I placed it in Varisia, on the east shore of Ember Lake, not too far from Viperwall.) But I'm thinking about running it again, in time, back in Greyhawk where it belongs (though I'm thinking of putting it closer to the eastern edge of The Gnarley Forest on The Wild Coast, somewhat closer to Safeton).

DeathQuaker wrote:

I am not interested, but I did do a massive conversion of Against the Cult to PF1 for fun in my spare time. (Which I may run someday, but not now.)

I found it took a lot of adjustment and a lot of generation of NPC stats (if you need them) to make it work for PF mechanics. Even stuff like how the "Reptile God" works needs finessing in PF. If you're interested in any of the statblocks I generated for characters let me know (though in many cases I just grabbed appropriately leveled NPC stats for things like "guards" and "constables" from the GMG and NPC Codex).

It's a potentially quite long module to play out, and what the PCs do can dramatically affect how things pan out. I hope your time with it is fun and fruitful!

I bet it is, even though it's 32 pages. Yep. A person I know of is running it with Rolemaster Classic. I figured I can do the same with PF1. Anyway, you may PM me.

Ah, Snigrot Dogroot. How I have missed you…

Sovereign Court

Not sure if there is room for one more but I would be interested. PM me when ready to start creating them. Any classes that will not be allowed?

I would be interested in doing anything with the original DnD modules. Playing the classics sounds delightful, if you have space.

dotting with interest

Liberty's Edge

Sounds like a great, simple game!! Count me in, if you have room!

Looks like I'll be ordering a copy from Drivethru this Tuesday. That is when I get paid, folks. I'll be ordering a print copy along with a .pdf.

Sweet, any idea of the CC rules or book restrictions?

Kegdrainer wrote:
Not sure if there is room for one more but I would be interested. PM me when ready to start creating them. Any classes that will not be allowed?

Since I'm looking for four to seven adventurers, I can allow for some variety. You may use classes from:

* Pathfinder CRB.
* Advanced Class Guide
* Advanced Player's Guide

Liberty's Edge

are we rolling stats, or points??

EltonJ wrote:
Kegdrainer wrote:
Not sure if there is room for one more but I would be interested. PM me when ready to start creating them. Any classes that will not be allowed?

Since I'm looking for four to seven adventurers, I can allow for some variety. You may use classes from:

* Pathfinder CRB.
* Advanced Class Guide
* Advanced Player's Guide

So uber broken Summoners are open?

Any Archetype restrictions (or source restrictions for archetypes)?

And now would only Core Races be allowed, or with it be core with a few extra options open?

Daniel Stewart wrote:

are we rolling stats, or points??

Please say 20 or 25 Point Buy, as me and dice rolled stats tend to make heart attack victims (bad stat line ups)

Daniel Stewart wrote:

are we rolling stats, or points??

A1. 25 point buy, yep!


So uber broken Summoners are open?

Any Archetype restrictions (or source restrictions for archetypes)?

And now would only Core Races be allowed, or with it be core with a few extra options open?

A2. Not really. I'm aware of the synthesist summoner, and that could cause problems.

A3. There are some restrictions, yes.

A4. Since we are playing in Greyhawk (the Flanness), Core Races are the only ones allowed. Sorry about that.

No kobolds?! NOoooo!

Boring old normies only. Hmm. What to do.

I'm new to this board, how are the accepted PC's decided upon? Do we create our characters first then a party is chosen?

Does anyone have a list of Greyhawk Gods and their matching PF domains? I know all their 3.5 domains

Dark Archive

I also have a few character creation questions,

1. Are we using traits?

2. Are we using background skills?

3. Are we using elephant in the room?

Brosh Grey wrote:

I'm new to this board, how are the accepted PC's decided upon? Do we create our characters first then a party is chosen?

Does anyone have a list of Greyhawk Gods and their matching PF domains? I know all their 3.5 domains

A1. Characters are usually created first, then a party is chosen.

A2. I used to have something like that. Then I realized that Wizards might get nervous.

Degnax wrote:

I also have a few character creation questions,

1. Are we using traits?

2. Are we using background skills?

3. Are we using elephant in the room?

Degnax A1. Yes. You may choose two traits.

A2. Yes, we are using background skills.

A3. No.

Grand Lodge

Neat ill hame something

Dark Archive

Probably gonna whip something up tonight,

One more question do we have access to alternate racial traits for the core races? Or just straight core races as is?

Degnax wrote:

Probably gonna whip something up tonight,

One more question do we have access to alternate racial traits for the core races? Or just straight core races as is?

Given how big the Flanaess is, you can use alternate racial traits from the ARG to represent different cultures. Take for instance you want to create a Grey Elf (see the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, page 8).

A Grey Elf would have the Arcane Focus trait and the Envoy trait (see the Advanced Race Guide, page 22).

Perhaps you want to make a Wood Elf character (LGG, page 8). A Wood Elf would have the Silent Hunter and Woodcraft alternate racial traits.

I could go on. But I present these two as examples. However, if you want to play something truly exotic (like a Dragonborn from the Draconic Imperium of Lynn in the Far West of Oerth), you have to run it by me first and I'll help you create the race. Although you will have to have an unusual background to go with it.

Although you will have to explain how your dragonborn left the Imperium for the Flanaess. And why he or she is still level 1.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
EltonJ wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

I am not interested, but I did do a massive conversion of Against the Cult to PF1 for fun in my spare time. (Which I may run someday, but not now.)

I found it took a lot of adjustment and a lot of generation of NPC stats (if you need them) to make it work for PF mechanics. Even stuff like how the "Reptile God" works needs finessing in PF. If you're interested in any of the statblocks I generated for characters let me know (though in many cases I just grabbed appropriately leveled NPC stats for things like "guards" and "constables" from the GMG and NPC Codex).

It's a potentially quite long module to play out, and what the PCs do can dramatically affect how things pan out. I hope your time with it is fun and fruitful!

I bet it is, even though it's 32 pages. Yep. A person I know of is running it with Rolemaster Classic. I figured I can do the same with PF1. Anyway, you may PM me.

Cleaning up my notes and will send them along to you and WE Ray in a few days

DeathQuaker wrote:

Cleaning up my notes and will send them along to you and WE Ray in a few days

That will give me enough time to purchase the module and read it. Thanks, DQ.

Again, new to the board, is there a template CS for PF1 that I can C/P and fill in?

Brosh Grey wrote:
Again, new to the board, is there a template CS for PF1 that I can C/P and fill in?

I’ve got a couple.

That would be very helpful, where do I find one?

You can check my profile (click my name) and tell me if you like the layout. If so I’ll dig up my blank, but that’ll have to wait till tomorrow.

Looks good to me, I need a place to start. Thank you very much

Here's another you can use or combine with Luile's profile

Interested. My first ideas are for a human ranger or sorcerer.

EDIT: Or bard. Yeah--maybe a bard.

Grand Lodge

I might try my hand at a gnome

Liberty's Edge

OK...I think I might go for a human paladin!! Will get on to it today

Half-elf Cleric and healer is almost complete

I'm thinking hard on what kind of character I'd run, as I'm trying to factor in a few variables that we'd likely be dealing with......

Liberty's Edge

OK...here is the crunch for my human paladin.

Ritter Gothia Von Salais:

Female human paladin 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init 0; Senses Perception +3
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+6 armor, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort 4, Ref 0, Will 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee bastard sword +6 (1d10+4 S/19+)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1)
. . At will—detect evil
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB 5; CMD 15
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Weapon Focus (bastard sword)
Traits child of the temple, rich parents
Skills Acrobatics -7 (-11 to jump), Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Survival +4
Languages Common
Other Gear lamellar (steel) armor[UC], heavy wooden shield, bastard sword, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol, 8 gp
Special Abilities
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +0 to hit, +1 to damage, +0 deflection bonus to AC when used.

Whoa, guys, I'll open an official recruitment thread after I read the module. :)

Looks like you have the interest!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I figure we gotta wait until say about Wednesday or Thursday before we see the recruitment thread going up.

Also been looking at a
New Virtual Table top that could be used for Map making, (video review link)
the Kickstarter currently running to upgrade it.

Sovereign Court

Put me down for a Dwarven Warpriest of Moradin when you are ready.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Alchemist

What’s with all the race class combos? Doesn’t a character need more than that before even picking race and class?

I find it interesting how race/class combos is what most people call out for a character. I need a concept first, so I can pick a race and class that fit.

MysteriousMaker wrote:


I find it interesting how race/class combos is what most people call out for a character. I need a concept first, so I can pick a race and class that fit.

He's right on this, a concept should not be bound to a race class combinations. A concept is an Idea that does not rely on any one specific race or class and definitely not a specific race class combination, but an idea that does not rely on being defined by a single class or race.

Interested! +1 Human Monk!

MysteriousMaker wrote:

What’s with all the race class combos? Doesn’t a character need more than that before even picking race and class?

I find it interesting how race/class combos is what most people call out for a character. I need a concept first, so I can pick a race and class that fit.

I personally have all that information but in a PbP recruitment scenario classes make a party, personality comes later as the party plays out their ability to work together or not.

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