Interactions between Fire Junction, Living Bonfire and Two-Element Infusion?

Rules Discussion

Kineticist can be a complex class, hahaha.

Living Bonfire allows the Kineticist to "summon" a proxy bonfire that from which it can use their Elemental Blast from. Whenever they do, their wood (vitality/bludgeoning) Elemental Blast deal an additional d6 fire damage. Okay!

Now, if I were to use Two-Element Infusion with an Elemental Blast coming from a Living Bonfire, I'd be using the highest damage die between fire and wood. Fire does d6, wood does d8, so it's wood's.

First question: What exactly are we rolling? Either a d8 bludgeoning damage die that deals half of its damage as fire, or an untyped d8 damage die that deals half bludgeoning and half fire damage. Correct? Since neither of these two possibilities aren't a fire damage die, it can't trigger the fire impulse juction, I think. Okay. Even if that isn't the case, infusion is defined as such:

Actions with the infusion trait tweak your kineticist impulses. You must use an infusion action directly before the impulse action you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than an impulse action directly after, you waste the benefits of the infusion action. Any additional effects added by an infusion action are part of the impulse's effect, not of the infusion action itself.

And it says as such when you gain your junctions:

"In addition, you gain an impulse junction, a benefit that occurs when you use an impulse of the chosen element that takes 2 actions or more. This happens before the other effects of the impulse, unless noted otherwise. You can gain only one impulse junction per round; they are described in full below."

Fire junction doesn't detail when its effects happens, so the junction happens before any of the impulse's effects. As such, really, fire junction can't work in any infusion. Right?

But what about the additional d6 from Living Bonfire? Would its die be increased by the fire junction impulse? Is its additional die considered "other effects of the impulse"? Is the intention of the fire junction to only work with the base fire Elemental Blast, then?


If your conclusion to the logic is "Fire Kineticists can't use their junctions if they use Infusion" then there is probably something wrong with the logic.

Living Bonfire is extra damage added to ranged Elemental Blast with Wood element. It doesn't change any existing damage die sizes.

Fire Impulse junction could be argued to affect the Living Bonfire Impulse directly when you cast the Bonfire Impulse, increasing its extra damage die size for the duration of that Bonfire.

Two-Element Infusion for Elemental Blast (fire, wood) coming from the bonfire would do d8s of damage (because that is the larger die size of the two). Once rolled, half the damage would be wood element type, the other half would be fire element type.

Doing a 2-action Two-Element Infusion Elemental Blast (fire, wood) could still trigger the fire Impulse Junction. It would increase the die size of the fire damage to d8. So then it ties the d8 of the wood damage, so there isn't much benefit since the Elemental Blast is already doing d8s for damage. But the junction triggers just fine.

The timing of using the Infusion before using the Impulse shouldn't prevent junctions from working. The Infusion affects the Impulse as it is cast. The junctions also trigger and have their effect as the Impulse is cast. Characters don't generally need nerf'ed in PF2. The rules - especially for abilities coming from the same class - are written to let things work.

Finoan wrote:

Ahahaha to be clear, I'm not saying that the usage of a fire junction disallows for the usage of an infusion, it's just that the infusion effects are applied after the fire junction's. Some people think that Two-Element Infusion transforms the die of the Elemental Blast to a fire die, and so it should upgrade the d8 to d10. That's why I included the bit about "fire junctions shouldn't work on infusions". Not with, explicitly on.

As for Living Bonfire, I don't know... I can see what you're saying, but one could also argue that the Living Bonfire impulse isn't dealing any damage by itself, it simply enhances the damage dealt by Elemental Blasts coming from there with an extra d6 of fire damage. If we were to consider your version, then what happens if a player says "okay, it's my next turn, I use an Elemental Blast and it comes from the Living Bonfire. It deals an extra d8 by itself but since this is a new impulse, I'll upgrade it again fire the fire junction to a d10".

That feels a little... Unintended, no?

IMO it also doesn't seem to consider if the effects that Living Bonfire have on further Elemental Blasts coming from there are considered "impulse effects", because if yes, then they shouldn't be upgraded by the fire junction.

I was thinking about the unintended consequence of the living bonfire getting to apply two uses of the fire junction until I realized that living bonfire only works on a basic wood blast impulse, and so could never benefit from the fire junction, leaving the living bonfire as the only thing that can be affected by the junction.

Still a little hazy whether the bonfires bonus effect should benefit from the fire junction tho'

Travelling Sasha wrote:

Kineticist can be a complex class, hahaha.

Living Bonfire allows the Kineticist to "summon" a proxy bonfire that from which it can use their Elemental Blast from. Whenever they do, their wood (vitality/bludgeoning) Elemental Blast deal an additional d6 fire damage. Okay!

Now, if I were to use Two-Element Infusion with an Elemental Blast coming from a Living Bonfire, I'd be using the highest damage die between fire and wood. Fire does d6, wood does d8, so it's wood's.

First question: What exactly are we rolling? Either a d8 bludgeoning damage die that deals half of its damage as fire, or an untyped d8 damage die that deals half bludgeoning and half fire damage. Correct? Since neither of these two possibilities aren't a fire damage die, it can't trigger the fire impulse juction, I think. Okay. Even if that isn't the case, infusion is defined as such:

** spoiler omitted **

And it says as such when you gain your junctions:

"In addition, you gain an impulse junction, a benefit that occurs when you use an impulse of the chosen element that takes 2 actions or more. This happens before the other effects of the impulse, unless noted otherwise. You can gain only one impulse junction per round; they are described in full below."

Fire junction doesn't detail when its effects happens, so the junction happens before any of the impulse's effects. As such, really, fire junction can't work in any infusion. Right?

But what about the additional d6 from Living...

Two element infusion:

"The blast gains the traits of both elements"

The blast is simultaneously BOTH a wood impulse AND a fire impulse.

So, as an example, if you have both fire and wood impulses you could choose eithre (but still only one) of them.

Fire Junction:
"it happens *then*...unless noted otherwise"

So in the case of Fire junction, there isn't an effect that happens before, but something that happens during, since that's what the specific junction says it does ("increase damage die DEALT").

Here's how I'd do it, though I make no claims that this is the only way to think about it:

Two element makes the impulse count as wood+fire, and yes it allows you to select the best range and damage dice from both, but it divides the damage dice into separate pools: a fire pool, and a wood pool. From the book: "Half the blast’s damage is the damage type of one element, and the other half is the damage type of the other element."

The fire impulse junction only gives a dice bump to the fire damage done by the impulse. From the book: "Increase the damage die size of fire damage dealt by the impulse by one step."

So a level 8 Fire/Wood kineticist with Fire aura junction and Bonfire and two element infusion, using a two action blast, would do:

1. WoodFire impulse has 60' range, 2d8+CON (for this example, we'll use 4) damage, because it uses the best of both.
2. That's divided into 1d8+2 wood, 1d8+2 fire.
3. Since it's a wood impulse, Bonfire can add +1d6 Fire damage.
4. Since it's a fire impulse, fire impulse junction increases the dice size of the fire damage caused by the impulse. So now it's 1d8+2 Wood + 1d10+2 Fire from the basic blast, +1d8 Fire from the Bonfire add.


Or, y'know, the same level 8 wood fire kineticist could just Blazing Wave for 6d8 for the same 2 actions. That averages 27 vs. this blast's 18.5. It's really difficult for any kineticist 'trick build' to beat a plain old Fire build.

shroudb wrote:

So in the case of Fire junction, there isn't an effect that happens before, but something that happens during, since that's what the specific junction says it does ("increase damage die DEALT").

Hi! Junctions will let us know when they take effect in a very explicit way. For example:

Air: "Before or after the other effects of the impulse, you can either Stride up to half your Speed or Step. If you have a fly Speed, you can Fly up to half your fly Speed instead."

Water:After the impulse's other effects, you can move one creature targeted by the impulse or in its area 5 feet in any direction, or 10 feet if it's in a body of water. This can't move the creature into the air. You can choose only a creature that's willing to be moved, that failed its save against the impulse, or that you succeeded at an impulse attack roll against."

Fire junction doesn't note when it happens in the same way, so it should default to happening before the impulses' other effects.

Travelling Sasha wrote:
shroudb wrote:

So in the case of Fire junction, there isn't an effect that happens before, but something that happens during, since that's what the specific junction says it does ("increase damage die DEALT").

Hi! Junctions will let us know when they take effect in a very explicit way. For example:

Air: "Before or after the other effects of the impulse, you can either Stride up to half your Speed or Step. If you have a fly Speed, you can Fly up to half your fly Speed instead."

Water:After the impulse's other effects, you can move one creature targeted by the impulse or in its area 5 feet in any direction, or 10 feet if it's in a body of water. This can't move the creature into the air. You can choose only a creature that's willing to be moved, that failed its save against the impulse, or that you succeeded at an impulse attack roll against."

Fire junction doesn't note when it happens in the same way, so it should default to happening before the impulses' other effects.

But it does tell us. It tell us that it happens when the damage is dealt. That's neither before, nor after, and it's clearly defined (since damage is dealt at a specific point during the sequence)

Easl wrote:

it divides the damage dice into separate pools: a fire pool, and a wood pool. From the book: "Half the blast’s damage is the damage type of one element, and the other half is the damage type of the other element."

So now it's 1d8+2 Wood + 1d10+2 Fire from the basic blast,

I don't interpret that sentence to say that it splits the damage dice into two pools.

So how are you interpreting that next sentence from Two-Element Infusion?

If the total damage is an odd number, you choose which element deals the higher damage.

What is this odd number that they speak of? And how do you handle an odd number of damage dice from the impulse?

Finoan wrote:
I don't interpret that sentence to say that it splits the damage dice into two pools.

I'm guessing you do 'Roll it all, divide in two, add the odd point wherever you want', right? I think that's RAI...but I also think the devs probably didn't think through how that combines with the dice upgrade for fire only which is what the junction gives. So we have to figure out a way to combine these two rules which are a bit incongruent. This is the way I'd choose to do it, because the gate junction upgrade requires us to know which dice are "fire damage" dice and which aren't.

What is this odd number that they speak of? And how do you handle an odd number of damage dice from the impulse?

See above. For this particular case, if there's an odd number of damage dice, I'd let the PC select what type of damage the odd dice does. 3d8 fire/wood becomes 1d8 fire, 1d8 wood, 1d8 pick one.

But, I honestly don't think its ever going to come up in a game I play. It's an odd combo that seems like even if you gave OP d10s across the board, it still tactically underperforms a more straightforward build.

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Living Bonfire is the most straightforward answer. It is a fire impulse that takes 2 actions, so qualifies for the fire impulse junction. When you use Living Bonfire, you increase the damage die size of fire damage dealt by the impulse by one step. "This blast deals an additional 1d6 fire damage." So increase that die to 1d8

If you use two-element infusion on a wood elemental blast to combine it with fire and activate your fire impulse junction, "The blast gains the traits of both elements and uses the highest range and damage die among the two elements." The highest range among the two elements is 60' from fire, and the dice are tied between 1d8 bludgeoning or vitality and 1d8 fire due to fire junction raising the damage die size of fire damage by one step. Regardless of which die you choose, you roll the dice, add modifiers, AND THEN split the total equally between bludgeoning or vitality damage and fire damage with any remainder from an odd total going to the type of your choice. You do not split the DICE before rolling, you split the DAMAGE after rolling and totalling. "Half the blast's damage is the damage type of one element, and the other half is the damage type of the other element. If the total damage is an odd number, you choose which element deals the higher damage."

If you emit that blast through the Living Bonfire from my first paragraph, it would do an additional 1d8 fire damage, which is not increased again by your fire impulse junction because you're not "using" the Living Bonfire impulse again, you're just benefiting from its existing effect

So, as a practical example, if your kineticist was level 5 and used a 2-action ranged elemental blast through a Living Bonfire which they used on the previous turn, the blast would have a range of 60' and it would do 2d8+status_bonus_equal_to_your_Con_bonus damage split between bludgeoning or vitality and fire, and an additional 1d8 fire damage because of the Living Bonfire

>Is the intention of the fire junction to only work with the base fire Elemental Blast, then?

No? Every 2-or-more-action fire impulse that does damage qualifies to have its fire damage dice increased by your fire impulse junction

shroudb wrote:
But it does tell us. It tell us that it happens when the damage is dealt. That's neither before, nor after, and it's clearly defined (since damage is dealt at a specific point during the sequence)

"Increase the damage die size of fire damage dealt by the impulse by one step" is the effect of the junction. It is not specifying when it happens in the same way that it does with Air or Water. If that was the case, it would say something like "during the other effects of the impulse, increase the damage die size(...)" (which I don't think makes tons of sense rules-wise, since we have to know if the junction may affect the other effects of the impulse or not, so it should happen before or after).

Baarogue wrote:
Living Bonfire is the most straightforward answer. It is a fire impulse that takes 2 actions, so qualifies for the fire impulse junction. When you use Living Bonfire, you increase the damage die size of fire damage dealt by the impulse by one step. "This blast deals an additional 1d6 fire damage." So increase that die to 1d8

So the additional damage of Living Bonfire wouldn't count as an "impulse effect", then?

Baarogue wrote:
If you use two-element infusion on a wood elemental blast to combine it with fire and activate your fire impulse junction, "The blast gains the traits of both elements and uses the highest range and damage die among the two elements." The highest range among the two elements is 60' from fire, and the dice are tied between 1d8 bludgeoning or vitality and 1d8 fire due to fire junction raising the damage die size of fire damage by one step. Regardless of which die you choose, you roll the dice, add modifiers, AND THEN split the total equally between bludgeoning or vitality damage and fire damage with any remainder from an odd total going to the type of your choice. You do not split the DICE before rolling, you split the DAMAGE after rolling and totalling. "Half the blast's damage is the damage type of one element, and the other half is the damage type of the other element. If the total damage is an odd number, you choose which element deals the higher damage."

Hmmm, agreed!

Baarogue wrote:
If you emit that blast through the Living Bonfire from my first paragraph, it would do an additional 1d8 fire damage, which is not increased again by your fire impulse junction because you're not "using" the Living Bonfire impulse again, you're just benefiting from its existing effect

So, this is why I don't think the fire junction can interact by itself with Living Bonfire: Say that in my first round, I use Living Bonfire, and so the fire damage die from any elemental blast that comes from it goes from d6 to d8 for the duration of Living Bonfire, okay. Next round! I'm using Elemental Blast, and it is coming from the Living Bonfire. Why couldn't activate the fire junction again, to upgrade it to a d10? I don't think there's any rule that prohibts the benefits of an existing effect, though I could be wrong.

IMO, Living Bonfire doesn't deal any damage. It enhances elemental blasts that come from it with an additional d6 fire damage. If the effects of Living Bonfire aren't considered as an "impulse effect", then absolutely, whenever the Kineticist uses an Elemental Blast that comes off the Living Bonfire, then the fire die is upgraded.

Is it practically kinda the same thing, though. :B

I'm inclined to think that, technically no elemental blast cast from the bonfire can trigger the fire junction since that attack is just a ranged wood blast that happens to be on fire, and happens to originate from a different location than usual. While the bonfire itself definitely is a fire impulse, it doesn't seem like anything says that the wood blast launched from the bonfire gains the trait--albeit it probably should considering it will deal fire damage on arrival.

Of course, I have a feeling the discussion of what is or isn't technically correct may be about to get quite contentious and I'm not about to defend this reading considering that I would probably allow the bonfire bonus to go up to d8 for the fire junction, albeit at the stated maximum of one impulse junction per round.

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@Sasha If your point is that Living Bonfire doesn't do any damage on its own, and that's why it doesn't qualify for the fire impulse junction, then I accept that interpretation. That just means you need to fire infuse to use the fire impulse junction each time you use a wood blast with Living Bonfire to upgrade the additional damage die from d6 to d8

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Baarogue wrote:
@Sasha If your point is that Living Bonfire doesn't do any damage on its own, and that's why it doesn't qualify for the fire impulse junction, then I accept that interpretation. That just means you need to fire infuse to use the fire impulse junction each time you use a wood blast with Living Bonfire to upgrade the additional damage die from d6 to d8

Hahaha, yep! That's pretty much how I, personally of course, interpret it.

Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:

I'm inclined to think that, technically no elemental blast cast from the bonfire can trigger the fire junction since that attack is just a ranged wood blast that happens to be on fire, and happens to originate from a different location than usual. While the bonfire itself definitely is a fire impulse, it doesn't seem like anything says that the wood blast launched from the bonfire gains the trait--albeit it probably should considering it will deal fire damage on arrival.

Of course, I have a feeling the discussion of what is or isn't technically correct may be about to get quite contentious and I'm not about to defend this reading considering that I would probably allow the bonfire bonus to go up to d8 for the fire junction, albeit at the stated maximum of one impulse junction per round.


Some of your thoughts makes me believe that you're of the opinion that a junction can only affect an impulse of their own element. Am I understanding you wrong?

As far as I can see (and I may be missing something, feel free to point it out to me!), fire junction may affect any fire damage die of any impulse. My only question is if we have any way to define "other impulse effects" to conclude if the additional damage die from Living Bonfire should be able to be upgraded by the fire junction, or if the fire junction is attempted to be applied before the fire die is added.

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Baarogue wrote:
@Sasha If your point is that Living Bonfire doesn't do any damage on its own, and that's why it doesn't qualify for the fire impulse junction, then I accept that interpretation. That just means you need to fire infuse to use the fire impulse junction each time you use a wood blast with Living Bonfire to upgrade the additional damage die from d6 to d8

Also it seems you would need to use 2-action form of Elemental blast to turn on junction.

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Travelling Sasha wrote:
Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:

I'm inclined to think that, technically no elemental blast cast from the bonfire can trigger the fire junction since that attack is just a ranged wood blast that happens to be on fire, and happens to originate from a different location than usual. While the bonfire itself definitely is a fire impulse, it doesn't seem like anything says that the wood blast launched from the bonfire gains the trait--albeit it probably should considering it will deal fire damage on arrival.

Of course, I have a feeling the discussion of what is or isn't technically correct may be about to get quite contentious and I'm not about to defend this reading considering that I would probably allow the bonfire bonus to go up to d8 for the fire junction, albeit at the stated maximum of one impulse junction per round.


Some of your thoughts makes me believe that you're of the opinion that a junction can only affect an impulse of their own element. Am I understanding you wrong?

As far as I can see (and I may be missing something, feel free to point it out to me!), fire junction may affect any fire damage die of any impulse. My only question is if we have any way to define "other impulse effects" to conclude if the additional damage die from Living Bonfire should be able to be upgraded by the fire junction, or if the fire junction is attempted to be applied before the fire die is added.

I read it the way Sibelius does too because of the lines, "In addition, you gain an impulse junction, a benefit that occurs when you use an impulse of the chosen element that takes 2 actions or more."

So if you want to benefit from the fire impulse junction, you need to be using a fire impulse. That's why I said in my last post that you would need to fire infuse the wood blast to increase the Living Bonfire's damage die size. You pointed out, correctly, that Living Bonfire doesn't do the damage, but says the wood blast does the additional damage with the lines, "When you make a wood ranged Elemental Blast, you can have it come from the bonfire instead of you, flinging burning logs. This blast deals an additional 1d6 fire damage."

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Oh wow, you guys are right! I completely skipped over that, huh.

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The blast is still though both a Fire Impulse and a Wood impulse.

So, a 2 action, dual element, Blast would qualify for both the Wood requirement of Living bonfire and the Fire requirement of the Fire Impulse Junction.

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