Is locking stuff useful?


I'm playing a cleric of Abadar in a Return of the Runelords game right now and, while looking for cool items to purchase, I've come upon the Key of the Second Vault. Its super flavorful for an Abadaran to have and I'm excited by that.

One of it's abilities is that it can lock any nonmagical lock as though it were the proper key for it. Its an interesting ability, but I'm curious to know how useful it actually is. Has anyone ever bought this item or otherwise tried to lock stuff? What kinds of scenarios was it helpful in.


the only things my characters have ever "locked" were the rooms at the inn, which they would have a key for. And since it doesn't do anything like Wizard Lock, or unlock anything for that matter, etc, I see no real benefit to its "locking" rules.

Locks mainly are for honest people who don't want to destroy objects, use or have adamantine weapons or bolt cutters, or have ranks in disable device.
Key of the Second Vault[none/neck] $3000. As your PC is a priest of Abadar there are extras, read the description and Sum Mon 2:C2 and ask your GM which creature on the 2 list is it? Eagle with Advanced template? Multiple eagles option? 2HD? Yeah...

Read Items that can save you thread then buy effective stuff.

The Exchange

I have not bought one, but I did hear a story about people using one when I was going to conventions:

A group who played PFS together a lot came up with a strategy after playing a fair number of PFS scenarios and seeing what kind of situations recurred often. One party member (rogue, I think they said) bought the key. Their standard procedure for entering a room was to have the barbarian open the door while the rogue stood next to it. If things inside the room looked troublesome, the keybearer would close and lock the door. Giving the entire party time to buff up and plan their attack, as PFS NPCs rarely have a way to open locked doors. Once they were buffed up the rogue would pick the lock and they would go in blazing.

Also could potentially be used to run away from a really bad situation, slowing down any NPCs behind them.

Thank you for the input! I'm curious to see how useful it turns out to be.

Update: In our literal next session we were being chased through a dungeon by more goons than we could handle. Locking doors behind us gave us time to heal up, come up with a plan, amd get out of there alive. Hopefully situations like that don't come up often, but I'm at least glad I had it for that time. Haha.

A wand of Hold Portal sounds cheaper (provided you have spell list or UMD for it) and has the additional advantage of working at a range of 100+ feet. And anyone can use an oil of Hold Portal (by pouring it onto the hinges?).

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