Witch Class

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So I noticed in the description of the Witches Hex cantrips it states that on page 182: "Hex cantrips are special hexes that don’t cost Focus Points, so you can cast them as often as you like, though you can still use only one hex each round."

It states each round where in Key term bar and in the description for hexes on the same page it says per turn.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Zstroy wrote:

So I noticed in the description of the Witches Hex cantrips it states that on page 182: "Hex cantrips are special hexes that don’t cost Focus Points, so you can cast them as often as you like, though you can still use only one hex each round."

It states each round where in Key term bar and in the description for hexes on the same page it says per turn.

The "round" verbage on 182 is going to be a simple flavor oopsie. Like you said, in the sidebar/definition of key terms it uses "turn". Mechanical verbage uses turn in other places the restrictions on hexes are mentioned, such as earlier on page 182 as well as in the 20th level Witch feat "Hex Master" on page 191.

Definitely should be errata’d though. Once per round means you can’t Hex and Phase Familiar outside your turn. Which I know is absolutely not intended.

As a side note, I still think Phase Familiar should be a reaction hex cantrip and Cackle/Patron’s Puppet should be the two focus spell options. Then replace the Cackle feat with a feat to grab the one you didn’t initially choose.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Tunu40 wrote:

Definitely should be errata’d though. Once per round means you can’t Hex and Phase Familiar outside your turn. Which I know is absolutely not intended.

As a side note, I still think Phase Familiar should be a reaction hex cantrip and Cackle/Patron’s Puppet should be the two focus spell options. Then replace the Cackle feat with a feat to grab the one you didn’t initially choose.

Oh, absolutely it will be. There's no way it's intended, not by design or precedent.

I would have agreed with you prior to the focus point and familiar reworks. Now that you can get them all back without feats, it doesn't feel bad to cast Phase Familiar like it did before. It's a matter of balance now. Giving your familiar 5+ resistance every turn (as a reaction no less) would be quite strong, especially since they are actually going to be viable targets now. It is much more impactful and balanced as a reaction and a resource to have the FP limit attached.

I would have loved to see a repeatable feat ala Witch's Armaments that would allow you to choose between Cackle and whichever one you didn't choose at level 1 though.

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